A New Friend
Part 4

Thursday March 13,2003

I am so hoping I win 1 RCA award. 3 of the people that deserve it more than me are Enja,
Togepretty, and Amethyst Suicune(it's hard to spell her name, isn't it?). All 3 of them are the
reason why I am still writing apart from my reviewers. I'm going to be starting a sequel to Team
Rocket's Sinister Plan because one of my reviewers(still don't know who it is)requested if I
would be able to. If ANYone wants me to write a specific story, let me know, and I'll be more
than happy to. I'll shut up now and get onto the story.

Misty-***Eyes narrowed and talking in a sarcastic voice*** "Oh, the DREADFUL Team
Rocket. How weill we EVER escape?"

***All of them broke out laughing***

Jessie-"Shut up! We're here to take your Pikachu!"

Maggie-"Try it you old rag!"

Jessie-"Why you little brat!!!!!!!!! I'm going to teach you a lesson! Go Arbok!"

Maggie-"Go, Moltres!"

Ash-"Wha-? How-? I don't understand?! HOW did you catch a Moltres??!!"

Jessie-"Arbok, poison that stupid bird! Use Poison Sting attack!"

Maggie-"Moltres, use fly!"

James-"Arbok sort of missed Jessie."


***Maggie let out a giggle***

Misty-"What's so funny?"

Maggie-"Arbok gonna get burned!"

***Arbok wrapped around Moltres, but almost immediatly let go***

Jessie-"I forgot. Fire doesn't exactly help Arbok. Oh well. Arbok, use the move I taught you. Use

Brock-"Uh oh. Jessie just did a winning move!"


Brock-"Since she used Mimic, she can pick an attack of Moltres and use it on Moltres!"

Jessie-"Arbok, copy Fire Spin!"

***Arbok glowed red, then subsided***

Maggie-"Oh no! Fire hurts Fire!"

Jessie-"Arbok, use Fire Spin!"

***Flames erupted from Arbok's mouth and headed directly toward Moltres***

To be continued...

Yes, I threw in a few fake moves. Arbok CAN'T use Mimic. Anyway, review!