A New Friend Pikachu Part 17 classof2006rocks1987@yahoo.com OT
Thursday August 14, 2003
Okay. I didn’t feel like writing too much yesterday so I didn’t do this part. I might finish up the Gym Battle on this part depending how long it is. Enjoy and review and remember to check out my webpage at www.angelfire.com/pokemon2/towerreview/index.html
Ash-“I can take whatever you throw at me Jenn.”
Jenn-“We’ll soon find out. Go Torchick!”
Ash-“Okay. I choose you! Todidile!!”
***Once again, both Pokemon came out of their Pokeballs***
Jenn-“So predictable. Torchick! Start off with Sunny Day!!!”
Ash-“Dodge it Todidile!”
***Todidile leapt out of the way and started dancing***
Jenn-“Looks like your Pokemon needs a little training.”
Ash-“It’s just happy. Todidile! Jump up and spin a waterspout around Torcick!”
Jenn-“Dodge it Torchick!”
***Torchick didn’t move fast enough. The waterspout engulfed Torcick. They weren’t
able to see what happened until the water cleared. Torchick was still standing! ***
Ash-“Wha-? I don’t understand!”
Jenn-“Don’t you see? My Torchick is so strong that it would take a lot more than that to
defeat my Torchick. Let’s get on with this, shall we?”
Ash-“Todidile! Use Hydro Pump!”
Jenn-“Torchick! Use Flamethrower to block the water!”
***That didn’t exactly work. Half of the Flamethrower went through the water and hit Todidile while half of Todidile’s Hydro Pump hit Torchick. Both Pokemon were stunned***
Ash-“Todidile! Can you still battle?”
Jenn-“Torchick! Finish this off with another Flamethrower!”
***Todidile wasn’t paying attention so the attack hit it full force. It collapsed***
Official-“Todidile is unable to battle! Torchick wins the match!”
Ash-“You put up a great fight Todidile. You deserve a good rest.”
***Ash called Todidile back and took out a Pokeball. It was his only hope***
Maggie-“Choose carefully Ash! This is your last Pokemon and Jenn still has one left!”
Ash-“I choose you! Alakazam!”
Brock-“Good choice! If Alakazam starts to get weak, it can just use recover!”
Jenn-“You think I’ll give up? Think again. Torchick! Use Flamethrower!”
Ash-“Alakazam! Use Confusion!”
***It worked. Torchick got confused and attacked the wall instead***
Ash-“Now use Phybeam!”
***This time Torchick got the full blast and collapsed***
Official-“Torchick is unable to battle! Alakazam wins the round!”
To be continued…
Looks like it’s going into one more part. Review!