A New Friend Pikachu Part 15 classof2006rocks1987@yahoo.com OT
Saturday August 9, 2003
Told you I’d be on a role. I wonder if I can manage to get to Part 20 by today. I’m going to try. Once again, enjoy!
Misty-"Ash! SLOW DOWN!"
Brock-"Slow down for the girls Ash! They can’t run as fast!"
***Maggie and Misty glared at him***
Maggie-"Can’t run fast? When I went to school, I set the record for the fastest time to run
a mile!"
Brock-"Oh. Sorry."
***They finally managed to make it to the bottom of the hill where Ash was already waiting for them, grinning***
Misty-"Wipe that stupid smirk off your face."
Maggie-"Just ignore it. He’s trying to tick you off."
Misty-"You think?"
Brock-"Don’t start fighting you guys."
Ash-"Okay. Now where’s this Gym?"
Brock-"By the look of the map, it seems to be in the center of town."
Misty-"That’s helpful."
Maggie-"It shouldn’t be that hard to find."
Brock-"She’s right. Just look for a huge dome-shaped building and you’ll find it with ease."
Ash-"Okay. Let’s see. Dome, dome, dome. Where’s a dome. AHA! Right there!"
***They looked where he was pointing. Just visible above the buildings was a curved roof***
Maggie-"Let’s go! What are you waiting for?"
***They began to make there way through the town. They kept running into stoplights which bugged them a bit***
Brock-"Shouldn’t be far now. Oh great! Another one??!!"
***They just ran into another stoplight and this one was red like the other ones. Misty jabbed the button on the side***
Misty-"If we don’t stop running into these lights soon, I’m going to flip."
Maggie-"Look at all this traffic!"
Brock-"Must be rush hour."
Misty-"Great! The light will stay red for at least another 3 minutes!"
***Right when she finished her sentence, it turned green***
Ash-"You were saying?"
Misty-"Oh shut up."
***They made there way across the street***
Brock-"Let’s see. The Gym should be-"
Maggie-"Right in front of our eyes. Look back. We just passed the entrance."
***Sure enough, she was right. They backtracked and stepped inside. They were greeted by carpet and walls that were shaded a color that looked remarkably like Fire. The area had a faint burnt smell. In front of them was a huge battling arena***
Misty-"Where’s the Gym Leader?"
Voice-"Right behind you."
***They turned around. A girl with reddish hair was standing behind them. She didn’t look older than 11***
Ash-"How old are you?"
Girl-"I’m 11. My name is Jenn. I’m the leader of the Flaw Town Gym. Which one of you is here to battle?"
Ash-"I am."
Jenn-"Do you have your Nide City Badge?"
Ash-"Right here."
***He showed it to her***
Jenn-"Step over to your place and let’s begin."
To be continued...
Okay. That's enough for me today. Thanks for being patient for the next Gym Battle. Hope you like Part 16!