Where's Our Baby?
Part 3
Wednesday June 11,2003
Okay. I have another e-mail you guys can answer to. Iit's classof2006rocks1987@yahoo.com, or
you guys can still send a review to mcgovern_bobby@yahoo.com. Thanks Togepretty for the
story sending!
Ash-"I'm coming with Misty!"
Bobby-"Me to."
Misty-"Okay. I'll be right out."
***She went storming into her bedroom. Bobby and Aash could here
slamming coming from inside***
Bobby-"Daddy, what's mommy doing?"
Ash-"I don't know."
***Misty came out suddenly***
Ash-"What were you doing?"
Misty-"Looking for something. Don't ask what because Ii won't tell you."
***Bobby and Ash looked at each other***
Misty-"Come on! We're wasting time!"
***They ran out into the bright, early morning sunshine. The grass was
cool and wet***
Ash-"Look in the distance! There's the Abandoned building!"
Misty-"Come on! Let's go!"
***They ran with a lot of speed, and stopped shortly before geting to the sidewalk***
Misty-"If you guys want, you can stay here and wait for me."
Ash-"Are you nuts?"
Bobby-"Of course we're coming!"
Misty-"Then let's go. We don't have much time."
***As they stormed up the steps, a ray of sun reflected off a shiny pistol
that was slightly sticking out of Misty's pocket...****
To be continued...