Ash And Misty's Love
Part 7
Sunday February 16,2003
Yes. The last story I wrote for this one helped me spark an idea. Throughout this story, it's going
to shift categories back and forth but it'll mostly be AAMRN. That's all for now!
Lily-"Like, what do you want now?"
Jesse-"All your Pokemon! What else?"
Ash-"That'll be the day."
James-"Give us your Pokemon or we will be forced to use force!"
Daisy-"Catch us if you can!"
***They all go running out of the room***
Meowth-"Get back here!"
***Misty stops for a second***
Misty-"Have fun trying to locate us in this HUGE mansion."
***She runs out and hides underneath the stairway with all the others***
Misty-"They're coming."
Brock-"This'll be funny."
Daisy-"You guys! Shut up! Ash! Get to position."
Ash-"I know."
***He peeped out a peephole in the door and waited. Team Rrocket came running in a stopped
on a rug***
Jesse-"There nowhere in sight."
James-"They have to be!"
Brock-"Now Ash!"
***Team Rocket, who didn't even notice the bucket above there head were suddenly covered in
cow manure***
Jesse-"When I find them, I'm going to wring their sorry little necks!"
Meowth-"Do you hear that noise?"
James-"What noise?"
Jesse-"It's coming from underneath the stairs."
***Violet,Lily,Ash,Misty, and Bbrock look at each other nervously***
Daisy-"Don't worry. There's a way out of here besides the door."
To be continued...
Finally! It took me 7 Parts to finally get some action as well as comedy in this story! What will
happen to Team Rocket in the next couple of chapters? Stay tuned and you'll find out!