Okay guys. Pikachic13 is back and ready to get her write on. I still haven't found a good
title yet. If u have any write to me at barkingpup12@netscape.net. If I choose your title
I'll mention u in the next fic. Someone pointed this out to me. If u see ANY mistakes in
the fic its my fast typing and just try to figure out the words. Ill read it over and over but
im only human. Ok here it goes.
Recap: Professor Oak asked ash to be in a top-secret assignment. Misty is in it too. Hey is
sooo happy to see her again after their long departure but nervous cause he has to think of
a way to confess his love to her.
And the story continues in Ash's bedroom while talking to Pikachu.
Poke language translator on
"Ash, it will be ok," said Pikachu as he tried to calm down his love struck master.
"But Pikachu, how could she possible like me? I yelled at her and got sooo mad just
because she wanted to go away from us and fulfill her dreams. I was so selfish."
Ash said as he talked to his best pokemon friend. He could always rely on Pikachu to
never ever tell his secrets. "Was is the key word ash," Pikachu said, "you used to be very
selfish but you were also young and immature then. All people and pokemon thought
only about themselves at least once in their lives. You just show a perfect example of
that. "Well thanks a lot Pikachu!" Ash said sarcastically.
"Hey, im just telling it like it is. Besides you have really changed over the years. I
sometimes wonder were the REAL Ash Ketchum went!!" Pikachu said. The two looked
at each other for a while and started to crack up.
"See Ash," Pikachu began " you can laugh it off. Now im about to get some food. All
this drama is making me hungry. Man if I wanted to see a soap opera id just look at your
life!" Pikachu said as he mad his way to the door.
"Always hungry when something important is happening. You are still the fightsty and
immature Pikachu I got from Professor Oak." Ash said to his Pikachu. "Whatevers"
Pikachu yelled up the stairs.
"Boss we have found some information on the ancient pokemon Mew" There was an
eerie pause. "Well," the man said very frightened "we found from our sources that the
pokemon was spotted with the current Water pokemon mistress. She was seen catching it
in a Poke' ball."
"Are your sources accurate?" Said a cold voice in the dark shadows, "because if they
aren't and your sources are wrong, it will be your head that is laying in a basket for rats to
"Gulp" the young man said. "Well I guess they are".
"All right, then, find more information about this Water pokemon Mistress. What is her
name, where she currently lives, what are her travel plans for the 4th of July anything you
can get your grubby little hands on." Said the dark shadow as he walked up to a dimmed
"Yes, sir" said the young man as he made no hesitation to get out of the door.
"Persian, soon we will have the worlds strongest pokemon and the world will soon
belong to me. MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!"
A week later...
"Well, Pikachu today is the big day. I finally get to see misty again." Ash said as he
nervously walked around his room.
"Kachu" Pikachu said as he watch his trainer walk around the room in a very worried
way. Pikachu loved his trainer, no doubt about it, but just this one time he wanted to
shock Ash and get him back to his senses.
Ash finally looked in the mirror at himself. He had grown a lot over the years. Although
his hair was still in the messy shape as it was when he was a boy, he really has grown out
of some of his childish features. He no longer wore the dirty old cap but he still had pride
in his medium sized Official Pokemon League shirt. He had about 17 pairs of it and today
he was wearing his favorite red one. He had on Fubu shorts with a chain hanging from
the side pocket. When he took one last look in the mirror he ran outside as fast as he
could. As usual, Ash was really late.
When ash finally arrived at the lab, he stood there and stared at it for a while. "Well,
better get this over with. Whatever she says ill have to deal with. We are gonna be
working together on this project anyway. Why is life sooo hard?" Ash said to himself. He
took a deep breath and opened the door. He didn't see anyone but he could hear some
conversation in the back room. Ash approached the room and knocked first. The door
opened to reveal...
O man I love doing cliffhangers!!! Well if u want to know what Ash saw u gotta write
back and say that u like the fic (even if it is a lie). I like to here what to add. Oh yeah I
want to make a shout out to Tifa Lockheart Nibelheim for encouraging me to start my
own fanfic and Violet for writing to me about my fanfic. Thanx a lot u guys!!! U should
also check out their fics. Violets name is Magic Dream. Tifa's is...her name!! Well I
have to go to the beach now to get my tan on now and get new ideas for the next part of
my story. Hope I don't get writers block!!!