Here is my first one shot fic. I hope you like it. Notes 1. It is written in third person, but changes to first person near the end. 2. * * Represent the characters thoughts. 3. [ ] Represent the Pokemon translation. 4. I don’t own Pokemon, and I never will. Enjoy the story. True Confessions on the Moonlight Riverside You know that feeling. The feeling you get when you are around somebody you’ve been traveling a long time with. When you’re around the girl who, makes you laugh. Comforts you when you cry. You can easily talk to, and get along great, even though sometimes you fight. The feeling you get when you’re around girl who is happy when you’re around her. Yes, that’s the feeling I’m talking about, the feeling of love. It can pop up on you in an instant. You can’t control it. That’s what I’m talking about. It struck me one day. It happened when I saved Misty’s life. Brock, Misty, and I were walking down a route, and heading toward a gym. We were unaware of any dangers. All of a sudden, we dropped in a deep hole. We knew who most likely dug it. Team Rocket. We got up, with dust in our eyes. We were unaware that the ground, below us, was cracking. Once we got our eyes clear, we suddenly fell below the weak crust, into a raging river!! We were going down the river at a tremendous rate of speed!! I was, abnormally, going down the river at a faster rate, and soon I was way ahead of Brock and Misty! I thought I was going to perish, but I saw ahead, a rock! When I got to it, I immediately grabbed for it! It was big enough for me to climb up on it!! “Ash! Help us!!” Both Brock and Misty screamed out. I immediately got on my stomach and stretched out my arm! They were coming at a fast rate and would be hard to save! They were coming closer and closer! Faster and faster! I grabbed Brock, but missed Misty! She was too far away from the rock! “Ash!” Misty screamed! I thought as quickly as I could! I saw that Brock and I were close to the land! “Come on! Brock!” I, said quickly! I jumped to the land, and Brock did the same. I was running as fast as I could! I caught up with Misty, but she was too far away for me to reach out to her! But, all of a sudden Misty saw another rock and grabbed on to it! It was big enough to get up on! I was relieved, but another problem came upon us! She was still stuck in the middle of the river! I was struck with worry again! I immediately took off my backpack, took out a rope, and tied it too a rock. I tied the other end to my waist. I turned towards Brock. “Brock, I need you to hold on to this rope, while I swim out towards Misty! When I grab her pull us to the shore!” “It’s too risky of a chance! You can’t go out there! You’ll get killed!” “I have to Brock!! Misty, is too important to me!! She means everything, more than the world, to me!! I…I love her.” Brock stared at me, knowing his distraught feelings, and all the other mixed emotions, running through out me. “Right! Go!” Brock said. I jumped almost immediately in to the water! The current hurt me, when I jumped in. It felt like a hammer being slammed right into your stomach! I swam as fast, and as hard as I could! Ignoring the pain that was portraying it self to me! I tried and tried! But it seemed like I could fight the current! After, a while my arms seemed to tire, and I couldn’t go on any longer. I passed out, for a minute…but just for a minute. It seemed like I was in a dream world…a world of memories…emotions…thoughts…. every bit of information, that has passed through my mind, through out my life. Entire scenes of good…and bad life experiences flashed right before my eyes. It didn’t matter how long, those scenes were. In one moment my entire life was commemorated. The good days were memorialized, and the bad days were thought less of. Throughout that moment, many scenes were special to me. I remembered the good old days with Misty. Those days when we were care free. I remembered the first time I met Misty. How I accidentally destroyed her bike, and she vowed to follow me around, until I paid her back…except I think it was more. It just took me till now to realize it. Realizing it right when I knew…I was in love with Misty. All those memories, in one moment, gave me back the strength to break back to conciseness, and gave me back the diligence to save Misty…the one I loved. I started swimming again! I felt much stronger, and I was swimming at a much faster rate now. I was at and on top of the rock before I knew it. “Ash, are you Ok! You fainted just for a second, but then you came back and now you’re here!” “I’m Ok, Mist. Are you alright?” “Yes. Thanks for coming to save me. I thought I was going to be stuck out here forever. You risked your life to help me…” Misty suddenly threw here arms around me. She started crying… I never saw Misty this emotional before… I put my arms around her, to try to comfort her. “Ash.” She said in a teary voice. “I really thought I was going to die out here…” And that’s all she said. We didn’t have to say any more. We knew what each other felt, inside and out, just from that one sentence. It was like we had a psychic connection. We looked into each other’s eyes. I felt like I was in a trance. I was lost in here eyes. It was like every bit of emotion she was sending off, was putting me in this trance. We started closer to each other. Closer…closer… “Hey guy’s!! Are you all right!! Please say something!!” Brock’s voluminous tone of voice called out to the both of us. We were broken from the trance. We both, immediately, looked towards Brock, and we both yelled out, “Were Fine!” “I’m going to pull you both back! The current’s still rough, but if you hold on to each other really tight, you’ll be fine!” And, Brock was right. It was a swift, but still kind of painful, ride back towards the shore. But, we were on land before we knew it. “Oh my gosh! I’m glad to be back on dry land!” Misty said like she hadn’t been on land for years. “It turns out we were going up a hill, not noticing, and the hill didn’t have any support on the other end. That is why when we went through hole, we fell into this river below.” Brock, said. “I think we should make camp, considering we are all exhausted. I know I am!” Brock, said like he hadn’t rested in years. So all of us set up camp. I got stuck looking for firewood…again! There was a small forest nearby. I asked Pikachu if he wanted to come. He said yes. We were walking along when I asked Pikachu a question. “Pikachu…I need to tell you something personal. Can you keep it a secret?” “Pi, Pi Pikachu Pika Pi [Yes, you can tell me anything.]” Well…when I was out on that rock with Misty…something happened. It just dawned on me…It isn’t bad…it’s quite good actually…. no, it’s very good…I think I’m falling in love with Misty, Pikachu…” “Pika…Pika Pikachu. Pikachu Pika Pi. Pi, Pikachu. Pikachu Pika Pikachu. [Ash…I don’t know what to say. I’m not good in these types of situations. But, I know who is. Why don’t you go talk to Brock about this.]” “Thanks for listening to me buddy. I’ll talk to Brock about it tonight.” (Back at camp, around sunset) “Guys, supper is ready!” Brock called out to Misty, Pikachu, and me. Everybody ran over to supper as quickly as they could, because everybody was exhausted from today’s trauma. “Boy, and I hungry! I could eat a Wailord!” I said crazed. “There’s plenty to go around. Eat up.” Brock, said. Everybody ate a voluminous amount of food. Everybody looked like a glutton, because they were so hungry! After supper, Misty said she was going to find a calm spot of the river, and try to get some stress out of her. Little did Ash know, the stress had to do with him, and it wasn’t bad. She also was in love with him. She wanted to tell him, but was too nervous. Afraid of the reaction, Ash might portray to her. She had to sort this out by herself. When she left, I asked Brock to sit down, so we could talk. We sat down by the fire. “What is it Ash? Are you feeling all right? You look stressed.” Brock, said in a concerned tone. “Well…you know when Misty and I were out on that rock, in the middle of the raging river?” “Yes.” “Well…I realized something really important out there.” I told him exactly what I told Pikachu. When I finished it seemed like, he immediately came up with an answer. “Well, you should just tell her.” “But…I don’t know how she’ll react. What if we are never friends again?” “Ash, tell me something. How well do you know Misty?” Brock, said. “I’ve only known her for a couple of years. But, it’s seems like I’ve been with her my whole life. I know her very well.” “Ok tell me another thing. Do you really think she would get mad, and never want to be friends again, just by you saying you love her? Is she really that kind of person?” “………No…No, she isn’t. I can tell her!” I said as I became resilient. “But, I’m still a little nervous.” “Don’t worry about it,” Brock said encouragingly, “Everybody is scared in situations like this. You just have to be brave.” “Thanks Brock. I’ll go find Misty immediately.” I said confidently. (Note from author: From this point on, the rest of the novel will be written in third person. It makes the rest of the novel’s mood right, rather than in first person. Besides, I like writing in third person anyways. ) Ash set off the way Misty, went off too. It didn’t take, but five minutes, to find her. Ash was up on a slightly higher hill than Misty, standing behind a tree, just watching her. Misty was just humming a little melody to herself, while swaying her feet in the calm part of the river. It was a starry night, with a full moon out, shining about us. It looked so big tonight…so hypnotizing…it could almost make you do crazy things. Just the beauty of the light, makes you want to fly up there, and touch it, and never leave. It makes you want to hold the person you love, and just be with them forever…and ever…It makes me want to be with Misty. Ash thought to himself * My gosh…she looks so beautiful…and the moon makes here even more alluring. * Ash pulled up his courage and walked towards Misty. He went to here and sat down by her. “Hey Misty.” Ash, said. “Hey Ash.” Misty said. “Wonderful night, isn’t it?” Ash asked, as he looked into her eyes. “Yeah, it is wonderful. It’s perfect. My feet in the river, a nice breeze, a beautiful moon. I wouldn’t trade this feeling, for the world.” Misty said, as she looked into his eyes. “We don’t experience many of these nights. That’s what makes it even more wonderful.” Ash said, still locked in her eyes. “Yeah…” Misty said, relaxed. Misty looked into the river water, and said, “And, it’s even better, when you get to share it with that special someone.” She looked back into Ash’s eyes. “Don’t you think?” “Yeah…that would make it a million times better.” He said, not looking away. “You never know…who that special someone is…he could be a hundred, or even a million miles away from you…or even two feet from you…” Misty said softly. “People who are meant for each other, don’t just find each other like everyday people…they, come to you in a special way. And, I’m not talking like falling from the sky…you just get that feeling that you’ve met that person, in a special way…and that’s how you know if you’re meant for each other…that feeling is also a sign of love…a feeling that will put you through life’s experiences with that person…you just feel it. All, of those things…are like you and me.” Misty said, as both of them were locked into each other’s eyes, and then they started getting closer, locked into trance again. “And, that special person will always stick by your side, through thick and thin…help you through your troubles, major or small…if you have that kind of person, you know she’s…that special some one…like…you and me…forever…” Ash, said as they got closer…and closer…until their lips met in a long kiss. That night, from that point on and forever, they had become boyfriend and girlfriend. They stuck together, through harsh battles, hard moments, when each other was distraught. But, most importantly they were in love with each other. And from that day on, they would remember that night. The night where they made True Confessions on the Moonlight Riverside. How did you like it? There is only one way to tell me, and that is to review. Thanks for reading.