Note: I didn't make pokemon or nintendo owned stuff. I did make the pokemon prize the star got, and the team rocket names.
My name is Amy.
One day I was going down to the first floor of my apartment building
to see my friend Daryll.When I got down to the first floor I started knocking
on Daryl's door. This would sound strange, but after about 10 knocks I
noticed a shape in the carpet that looked like the legendary pokemon mewtwo
looking as if it was beckoning me to come toward it, when I did it reached
out and I blacked out. When I woke up I was still there except that standing
right in front of me was mewtwo. It said "come with me" I followed
cautiously to what was the superintendents office but, it was now Professor
Elm's lab. He gave me a pokedex and pokeballs, he said that mewtwo
had eyed your intellegence as a potiential trainer. He let me choose
my own starting pokemon. My choises were chikorita, cyndaquil and
totodile. I chose cyndaquil, my favorite pokemon. I said I needed to go
home so I went home. Everything was the same, nothing had changed.
I told my mom what had happened and I asked my mom if I could start training,
she said yes. Out in the lobby I met 10 year old Brendon, 12 year
old Darryl, and 7 year old Sarah who all had a totodile with them.We admired
each others pokemon and then set outside. Brendon was with Darryll and
I was with Sarah. Each clique went a seperate way. All of a sudden Sarah
and I both had a rattata to face. Sarah asked what to do, so I told
her to weaken rattata and then throw a pokeball at it. Then we went
to work, I ordered cyndaquil to tackle it. Cyndaquil hit right on target
and rattata fell to the ground.
Then I threw a pokeball at it, it rattled for a bit then fell silent.
"YES!, I caught rattata"
I shouted and soon found out Sarah had caught hers too.Then I thought
we should walk and catch and beat pokemon. We made our way across
the field in which I beat two
rattatas and a pidgey ,caught a sentret, a caterpie and a pidgey. Cyndaquil
learned ember meanwhile Sarah had caught a pidgey and a caterpie,
beat two pidgeys and a rattata
and totodile learned bite. We went back to our homes. I was going to
pack some bags and go to violet city to battle Falkner. So I packed
my bags and went to train outside, Within a few minutes I had
beaten a sentret, a caterpie and a rattata, and cyndaquil also learned
smokescreen. I also caught hoot hoot.I slept overnight by the bright light
of a burning fire. In the morning I arrived in Violet city, I caught weedle
and bellspout. After 7 minutes we arrived at the gym and Darryl was standing
outside, tapping his foot, he said "Brendon's inside, and I think he's
winning."With that he showed off an impressive zepher badge. Soon after
I found myself walking right to Falkner, and the battle began. As his first
pokemon,he sent out pidgey, cyndaquil beat it easily, but then he sent
out pidgeotto! Just as things seem darkest there was a bright light on
the battlefield...cyndaquil was evolving! Then I had a good advantage against
Falkner and won my zepher badge.
I had just reached the mouth of Union cave,
when I met Brendon. He told me he had been doing poorly since he had
been deserted by Darryl.I told him that Darryl was getting quite
impatient while he was in the gym battling. He suggested we journey together,
of course I didn't object the company. So we entered union cave together
I caught
an onix and so did Brendon but he had a little trouble so I gave him
a couple pointers. "Don't catch them in the shadows." "It's easier to catch
pokemon if they are asleep or paralyzed but you can't attack something
you can't see." He did better after that.I had just beaten a geodude when
I heard a shout, "Hey! You! Want to have a battle?" I was surprised, but
I excepted.I ended up creaming him with quilava and onix.He gave me 29
poke'dollars for being able to beat him. Before we knew it we were
out! I thought it would be a good idea to rest up at the pokemon center
and have our pokemon healed.Brendon agreed so we headed over.
We were at the pokemon center. Brendon suggested we put the extra pokemon
we collected in storage, so we wouldn't have to try to train to many, which
was a good idea, so we did. A guy by the storage system asked if either
of us had a sentret or a hoppip. I said I had a sentret and Brendon
said he had a hoppip.The guy said that he was a butterfree trainer
and he would trade us one each for the two pokemon he requsted. I, thinking
butterfree cute, agreed readily, but Brendon wasn't that easily convinced.He
asked what level they were at he said "The're both at level 15 and they
both know tackle ,harden ,and confusion.He also said but there only one
difference..."What's that?" we both asked similtaneously. One has sleep
powder, the other has stun spore.I said that I would trade for the one
with sleep powder, so Brendon said he would trade for the one with stun
spore. So the trade was set.
I was lying in bed at the pokemon center ,looking at the pokeball
holding my new butterfree. I loqoked over at Brendon in bed on my right,
in the bed next to mine, fast asleep. I wondered what time it was, so I
glanced at my bedside clock. It was 10:38 P.M. I decided to turn in, so
I rolled over and fell asleep.