I hope
you’ll review me. ^-^ Oh yeah last time I didn’t write a disclaimer. So here it is. I don’t own Pokemon I just
use the characters to write a story. Toughts Talking Authors
Ages: Ash
Brock 24
Misty 20
Butch 25
Jessie 24
James 24
I jumped
back, out of arms reach. I wanted to fight but the pain in my body made sure I
couldn’t move. I couldn’t focus my eye’s James pushed me back on the bed and
said, “ Take it easy tw.. I mean Ash. You lost a lot of blood.” “Ya,
Meowth budded in. Just go ta sleep an we will take care of you.” I wanted
to run or fight but my tired body didn’t let me. Twenty seconds later I was
Brock and
Misty are sitting by a lake. I followed them because it is in the middle of the
night. I’m watching them from a bush. Then I hear Brock say “Misty I’ve got
something to tell you about Ash.” Good old Brock he’s probably going to
tell her how much I love her. “Ash hates your guts”. See there it
is he…. WHAT!!!!!!!!!! Brock you bastard, you now I love her so why are lying
al of a sudden? Misty just looks stunned for a few seconds, Brock whispers
something in her ear. She nods, they stand up and walk back to camp. Now we are
at camp there is a fight between Brock and me. Then I fall into a deep pit
screaming. I try frantically to get hold of something but there is nothing. The
ground is coming closer and closer. I’m about to hit the bottom…
End Dream sequence**************************
My eyes
fling open. Thank God, I’m still in the cabin. *Whew* Man, what a
horrible dream, thank heavens it didn’t really happen. “ He guy’s you wanna
hear what crazy dream…. Then it hits me. I’m still in the cabin. So it
wasn’t a dream. Brock and Misty are really gone and I’m in the hands of Team
rocket. Well I think grimly they won’t get my Pokemon without a
fight! Wait! Where are my pokeballs? I look around the room. Not on the
closet, the chair, the table. My pokeballs are gone and my clothes to.
ROCKET! I shout, “Hold
ya mouth shut, people are trying ta sleep here ya know!” Meowth stood up
from his spot on the ground next to James. “Now how can I help ya?” “Meowth
give me back my clothes and pokeballs and tell me were Pickachu is!” “Oke
your clothes were full of blood so we bought you something new. They’re in the
closet. About Pickachu and your pokeballs…James and I don’t have ‘em. Butch
does. Ya know the one who sliced open ya stomach?” “Huh, you mean you
don’t want to kill me?” “Heck no, why would we help ya if we wanted to
kill ya?” “How did you get me here?” “James will tell you all
about that in the morning.” “Ya better get some rest now * yawn * I need
my beauty sleep to ya know. “Sleep tight” So my best friend Brock
betrays me, and Team Rocket wants to help me. How did this happen?
The next
morning I felt a lot better. When James came in with some bread and tea I asked
him “How did you get me here?” “Well, I don’t want to take all the
credit. Weezing helped to.”
We saw how
Butch and Brock fought you. We were tailing Butch since we quit Team Rocket.
Well quit… we were kicked out. Meowth and me. Not Jessie, she was assigned as
Butch’s and Jessica’s new partner. If she quits she’ll get killed. We haven’t
heard from her in months. Then one day we saw Butch robbing a trainer by killing
him! We figured there must be a new boss, ‘cause Giovanni never allowed that.
He always said, “ We are evil, but not that evil.” So we followed
Butch and then one time we saw him stop for a few days, then there was a sharp
whistle. Butch went through the bushes and we followed when he didn’t return
after five minutes.
When we
came to another camping space we saw you on the ground dying in your own blood.
I called out Weezing and we took you to the nearest hospital. When you were
healed enough to be moved we took you to this cabin. We didn’t want to risk
that Butch came and did kill you. About two day’s after we took you here. You
became feverish and started throwing up over your clothes. So we bought you
some new ones and…well that’s about it.
“So you
and Meowth quit Team Rocket? Well I guess then there’s no reason for me to stay
mad at you!” I
shook James’ hand and when he was out of the room I got dressed. The clothes
were nothing fancy, a black t-shirt, black pants and black spiked finger
gloves. Almost as if the wanted me to be unseen in the dark…
Well what
did you think of my first chapter. If you review this chapter the new one will
be up tomorrow.