Loving Christmas

By omnimech50


Description: a short, sweet pokemon Christmas.


Legal stuff: All the characters in this story belong to Nintendo, Game Freak, 4Kids and any other companies that have the legal rights. I don't own them so you guys don't have a reason to sue me.


Ash, Brock and Misty were all excited about the coming Christmas. Ash liked it because of the 5-round Christmas tournament. Brock liked it because he could see so many pretty girls. Misty liked it because she would be spending her first Christmas away from home with Ash Ketchum. Ash was glad that this Christmas would be spent with Misty, even if he didn’t get to compete in the Christmas tournament.


Ash had gotten Brock a Bellsprout. He needed one because he had several rock pokemon and a fire pokemon, all of those being weak to water. Water was weak to plant-types, so the pokemon HIS pokemon were weak to would be weak to Bellsprout. Misty had gotten Brock a gift of a date with a Nurse Joy. She was sure Brock would like her gift. Ash had gotten Misty a necklace from the nearby jewelers shop. It was beautiful, with a picture of Ash and Misty together on the inside. The latch on it, though, was a puzzle for Misty to figure out. Misty had gotten Ash a book on pokemon catching and training. She had written in the back cover a message for Ash…

Hey, Ash, hope this helps you out

Love, Misty




"Chikorita, SOLAR BEAM!!"

Chikorita charged up a beam of pure white light and unleashed it on the opponent, a Steelix. The Steelix fainted under the intense energy as Ash won the third battle for the Christmas Cup.

"YAY!! We did it!"

"And Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town wins his third match in the Christmas tournament!"




On Christmas morning, Ash got up and woke up everyone else with his shouting.

"IT’S CHRISTMAS!!! Come on guys, get up!" Ash shouted as he shook Brock awake.

Misty was already half-awake when Ash started yelling. She was irritated at the springing around like a pogo stick, but she was glad for even the temporary contact Ash offered from shaking her awake. Ash liked the feel of his hands on her shoulders when he shook her awake to come open presents. When Ash opened her present to him, he immediately flipped through the book to see if it had a few pictures in addition to the advice. When he got to the back cover, he paused for just a second to read the message there. Ash looked up at Misty and smiled, tears in his eyes. When Misty opened his present, she was able to figure out the lock very quickly. She saw the picture of them both together, and smiled back at Ash. Brock was already gone by this time, off to use his certificate for one date with the Goldenrod Nurse Joy.

"So, did you really mean the love part?" Ash asked.

"Yes." Misty said.

"I love you too."

And as they kissed, Pikachu sat watching them with a soda in one paw and a bag of popcorn in the other.

The End