The Legend of the sea By Nightmare Part 2: slowly Ash remembered where he was or at least where he though he was "What was that light!?" confused Misty and Brock turned around and noticed that Rokesha Ashekor and Devenee were gone. "what is going on?" confused Glaha and Naha looked at eachother and without the others noticing they spoke mind to mind in azerak "was that light what i think it was" "i hope for all our sakes it wasn't." Then they all turned aroudn to notice a giant wall holding many sayings in many languages. "look this is the prophecy from the orange islands!" misty had said. "and heres the prophecy from the Sinnoh Region!" "and this prophecy came from Devenee when we were on the Southern islands!" slowly they noticed that this wall had several prophecys written on it. "what does this say?" Misty asked pointing at a prophecy that stood in the wall etched in a golden block. "it says The three representatives of man the slayer of man, the savoir of man and the teacher of man shall face a tyrant. Though separated by goals united by consequences the three strike the titans and the blood that blessed one and cursed another will be spilled. Father and son reunited life and death meet as equals past is forgotten future is shared. The river turns to ash the ink spills the paper burns as a tyrant of true power is released. The God, the ancestor, the titans, and the beasts all gather to slow down the tyrant as the blood of man is scattered. Three islands each hold a key is resealing the beast. The key is found and the evil is locked away by the true chosen one.” "Oh no this is it Glaha!" Naha said in thought to him. "i know lets just try to get the kids away from here" Ash was still looking at the prophecies secretlylistening in to them with his azark. "All these prophecys have something to do with me but why?" " ok guys i suggest we get out of here" "good idea something about this place is freaking me out." "Im not leaving!" ash said at last "why!?" glaha and naha both exclaimed "this prophecy in gold had something to do with me, i will stay and figure it out!" "pika!" exclaimed pikachu who had finally woken up from the teleport. "I am afraid it is too late for any of you to escape!!" "huh?!" they all yelled. "it is time for the prophecy to come true, it is time to release the savior!" rokesha said "but he a tyrant!" "only to the pathetic azarks!" yelled ashekor "you are azarks!" "yes but we are immune to his power" said devenee "Now it is time for the ritual to commence and for the great one to be released!"