Journey to the legendary
Part 8
Nicholas Micheal
Ian walked straight for the Pokemon center as a kid ran upto him, "Nice Drowzee, wanna trade for my slowpoke? I'll even give you this special rocki found too." "I won't trade this one; but i do have an extra one that i will", said Ian pondering on the offer. "SURE! Lets go to the trading station inside and trade!", before ian could say anything the boy shot inside, as ian followed close behind.
Matt walked straight to the south gate of Lavender followed closly by alex; just beyond of the south gate are the harbors and docks of Rt. 12. "Why are we going to the harbors?", Alex suddenly piped in. "Well i'm going to catch a pokemon. Now why you're going this way is totally beyond me?", Matt said as he kept walking then suddenly turned around, "Listen! Listen and Listen good okay?! I don't like you; as a matter of fact I think your annoying and find you quite abnoxious!", Matt Blurted out in alex's face as he stood there. Alex's eyes began to well up as he turn and ran. "Oh darn; I made him cry", Matt chuckled continuing to the harbours.
Alex just ran and cryed he couldn't believe anyone could be that rude and crude! Running right past the pokemon center; entering the dark arch of the forest. He ran untill suddenly a girl appeared in front of him. "Your Whisp, Grandson of Pro. Oak's grandson right?", she asked. "Yeah, Why?", Alex said letting out a sharp breath whipping the last tear off his cheek. "GOOD!", the girl clapped as suddenly a net cast over him, as he got pined to the ground as a pokeball fell off his belt, and popped open and chikoita appeared. "Use razor leaf and destroy this net!", commanded Alex. "CHICA!", leafs darted everywhere cutting the bondings off her trainer. "Way to go! Oddish, Oddish, Bellsprout, Exeggcute, Hoppip go!" "How sweet the little trainer is a graa trainer. HAHAHAHAHAH", cackled jin. "Heracross; Spinarak destroy!", Boombed hoss. "Teddiursa; Phanpy devistate!", cooed jin. "Wow so your attacking younger trainers now are you?", the vioce of heather said behind them. "EVERYONE STOP EVERYTHING!", yelled alex, "I'm not any younger than u all! I'm just small for my age!", everyone just staired at him with the sweatdrop faces. "Enough with this insecent rambling! Fury Swipes!", Persain lept from the shadows claws out slashing all of alex's pokemon. "NO!!!!!!!! Everyone return!", yelled alex calling back all his pokemon. "Lets go seadra!", sarah called out, "Water gun!" Persian was soaked and dripping with excess water, "I fail to see the comic irony of this scene!", She said monatoned, looking at you. "Heracross Tackle!", Hoss ordered Heracross. It chrged straight at Seadra but it quickly moved making heracross hit a tree; which disturbed a nest of beedrill. "Oh crap!", said jin, "Lets get outta here!" the rockets ran back into the dark of the forest as HEather and sarah hid in the bushes, so alex was left in the wide open. "KID! get outta the way!", sarah shouted, IT was too late as the beedrillstung with furosity. As it buzzed away Heather and Sarah darted from the shadows of the bushes over to alex who was crumpled against a tree. "Hes unconsious; the poison will take hold here soon we needto get him to the pokemon center in LAvender.", said heather, "Call out ponyta to help carry him!" "Ponyta go! Okay i'll hiost him up.", Said sarah as she and heather helped alex into the city.
wow part 8 was exciting wasnt it............... in part 9 a mater of life and death for alex...... and the most unlikely cantidate steps forward to help. U'll have to read to find out who.