Jorney to the legendary
Nichoals Micheal
part 5
"Its a 4 vs. 4 match.", said Ian. "Agreed anything to make you relize theres no one type, thats the best!", coldly said Matt grabbing his first pokeball. "Mind over matter! Abra!", said Ian. "Scyther lets go!", matt said. "Abra Teleport", IAn ordered. "Double Team scyther!", matt called as his pokemon split into two. Abra reappeared. "Fury cutter; NOW!", scyther struct with persicion and hit abra each time taking more health from Abra. "Teleport", Ian ordered again. "Early Detection!", scyther spun and rushed to an open area, as abra appeared. "Sword Dance!", that was it abra was done. "Abra its okay!", ian called back the lil phsycic. "BRains over bronze! Smoochum go!", the ice phsycic appeared. "Great job scyther; return! Time to heat this up! Cyndaquill!", matt cooley called out his next pokemon. As suddenly a great screech rang out through rang out as a giant birf flew across the sky. "Whats that asked matt as suddenly two ppl came bursting into the camp. "Gran; its to late he got another one!", said a boy about matt and ians age. "Thats 3! I wish we could stop him before he finds the other two.", said the older man about 60 who matt suddenly remebers. "Pro. Oaks? I'm Matt and this is Ian. There is someone desprately looking for you!" "Theres alot of peopleout here, may i ask the name?", asked pro. oaks stepping closer to matt. "Heather Mapple; daughter of the late Pro. Mapple." Pro. OAks had a sudden look of happiness on his face, "I was hopping this day would come!" Matt, Ian, and the other bot looked at the pro. dumb founded. "Oh boys by the way this is my grandson Alex!", Pro. Oaks said putting his hand on alex's sholders. "Actually i go by Whisp the poison/ grass trainer!"
wow another trianer thats joins the team, what will happen i love feed back!