Journey yo the legenday
Nicholas Micheal
part 4
"Heather? Do you really think we did the right thing; seperating I mean?", sarah asked breaking the silence. "We'll be fine without them! Or are you going to whimp out on me two?", heather couldly muttered whipping around. "Of course not its just....", sarah said as heather suddenly interuptted sarah, "Theres not buts theres no oh well. Its either yes on no!" "I hate to interupt this pow wow ladies but...", jin said walking out of the shadows, "Lets introduce ourselves. Jin!" "And Hoss", he said walking up next to her. "Young rockets blast off near the speed of sound. Run away as we prepare to fight!", both said as persian lept from the shadows, "ENOUGH! Just get rid of them!" "I would like to introduce you to our friends!", said jin giggling, "The Bikers", said hoss as he and jin stepped back into trhe shadows revealing the three bikers as they stepped off there bikes. "Look what we have here!?, said biker # 1, "I think you just need to hand over that rare pokemon; and your packs NOW!" "Never! You want em you can come gettem.", said heahter defensivly, "Igglybuff i hate to do this but, it'll keep you safe! Pokeball go!", she sucked up the baby pokemon and stuck it safely in her pack. "Magmar, Muk go!", said bikers 2 and 3. "You to Arcanine!" said biker 1. "Uh oh; this is gonna be a tough!", said sarah, "Poliwag, horsea go!" "Right but we can handle it! Houndour, Nidorina, Nidorino go!", said heather. "This is gonna be like stealin candy from a baby!", said biker 3, "Muk use sludge bomb!" "Houndour agility and dodge it! Just remeber this baby has a grip of steel!". "Horsea, Poliwag both use hydro pump on Arcanine!", said sarah. Arcanine was to big but wasnt quick enough to doge the spouting gysers of both wather pokemon. "Arcanine Fire Wheel!", yelled his trainer (biker 1). Arcanine fired the wheel of all fire hitting horsea head one. "Quick! Counter it with twister! And Poliwag use hydro pump!", shouted sarah as her battle with biker 1 heated up.
"Magmar use flamethrower!", biker 2 ordered his pokemon; as a chain of fire errupted from his pokemonheading straight for nidorina. "Nidornia use dig and aviod it. Nidorino attack his under belli with fury attack while hes distracted!", heather said as her battle raged on. "Muk pound NOW!", yelled biker 3. Muk pounded the ground making it open up just under houndour as it lept away from the danger. "Houndour while hes down use fire blast.", heather ordered the pup scared the sludge pokemon with its fire, "Now Bite!", comanded heather. The pup lept taking a chunk out of the pokemon, it drove muk over the edge as it fainted. "Muk NO!", shouted biker 3 calling back his pokemon. "Firey inferno!", Magmar attacked nidorino and nidorina with such force it drove them into the ground, "No! You've just got to get up and keep fighting!", heather cryed out to root on her lil pokemon. With much persevierence they began to slowly get up. "Finish em off MAgmar! Flame wheel!", magmar did as his trainer ordered him; blasting a wheel of molten fire right at nidorina. "NO!", screamed heather. "Nido!", grunted nidorino in panic as he rushed striaght in front of her. He stood therre taking the full force of the attack and slowly fell to the ground. "No, Nidorino!", sobbed heather. Nidorina moved to his side and a single tear fell from her eye as she nuzzled him and that tear fell right oto his chest; as they stood there they were caugfht in a single beam of moon light; as they both started glowing. "Whats going on?", yelled biker 3 in amazement. "Their evolving!", shreaked heather in happyness. The light faded and there in there beauty and splender, was Nidoqueen and Nidoqueen. "Now lets finish this!", said heather, "Double kick now!"
both pokemon attacked magmar kicking him square in the gut knocking him unconsence against a tree. "We did it!", heather said joyfully running over and hugging her pokemon.
"ITs almost over! One more shot should do it!", said sarah, "Ponyta go! Horsea, Poliwag Hydropump!" the two samll water pokemon attacked the looming arcanine with all there hearts knocking him to the ground. "Fire Wheel! Now you stupid dog!", yelled biker 1, but all his pokemon could do was let out a small puff of smoke. "Ponyta; lets finish it! Take Down now!", the small horse charged disabling Arcanine and winning the match. "Its not over yet!", screeched the biker in anger, "Growlithe go!", a smaller than normal stagger forward. From its appearence it had been treated very badly. "You can't use that Growlithe, it cant even stand! You've abused it! You dont disserve it!", yelled sarah in disbelief. "Fine its absolutely no use to me! Growlithe get back here!", the biker grunted calling back his pokemon, then throwing the ball at sarah. "Bikers retreat! Arcanine away!", shouted biker 1 calling back his pokemon and drving away. "Geovanni will get you yet!", was all that could be heard over the rumbling engines. "You all battled like champs!", sarah said to her pokemon as they notcied horsea and poliwag glowing; soon in there place was a poliwhirl and a seadra. "THEY EVOLVED!", sarah screeked gleefully as all they pokemon collapsed to the ground. "I think we all need some rest!", said heather, "Pokemon return!"
that was only the end of chapter three and there already in a mess. remeber stay tooned to see what happenin in the conflict between matt and ian!