The journey to the legendary
Nicholas Micheal
Part 3
"So your a elemental trainer?", asked sarah as she and matt walked down the long halls towards the arena. "I live in johto but i've begun my gym journey and hope to take the Kanto league challenge.", matt said as they were stoped by a gaurd. "Can i please your other Kanto league badges", demaned the towering gaurd. "I think this would be a wonderful time to leave!", said sarah backing away. "I may have mad a small mistake. Bye now!", said matt as they turned on there heals and began to run back the way they came, suddenly they ran right into heather and ian. "What is it with people running into me today?", mubbled ian to himself as he picked himslef and his tonto up off the floor. Heather proceeded to get up as an egg rolled out of her pack and down the hall; with igglybuff folowing closely behind."
Heather set up and looked around hearing Igglybuff's chirps in the distance. "Igglybuff! Where are you?", heather called out as she picked up her bag noticing the purple egg was missing. "Comeon! We've got to go find Igglybuff and one of the eggs!", Heather said to the others as they stood up. Heather shot down one hall, "Well i think we've been inlisted to help.", Matt groaned as all the trainers split off in different directions.
"Igglybuff!", Heather called out as she ran up and down hall after hall after hall, when finnaly she saw her. Igglybuff was being coralled by four phsycic trainers., "Leave her alone!", Heather shouted out, "Even try and lay a fingure on her and you'll answer to me!" "Like thats much of a threat! I suppose you want this as well.", said the head trianer holding out the egg. "If thats what you want then fine!", heather said angerly, "Nidorino, Nidorina, Houndour go!" The pokemon all appeared in front of her. "As if any of those pokemon area a match for me!", said the trainer trumphantly, "Hypno, Haunter, KAdabra, Slowbro go!" "I dont think this is very fare!", said a voice from behind heather, "Lets even the odds. Smoochum go!" Next to heathers pokemon the baby phsycic appeared. "Will you look at that; the phsycic regect is back and brought the nursery with him!", Chuckled the brazen trainer. "Rmeber somthing Lorian!", commented ian, "Big things commin small packages! Smoochum use Enemy Song!" the baby pokemon began to sing an enchanting little meldoy that put all but the enemy haunter to sleep. "Houndour use flame wheel!", heather said as her pup pokemon blasted a firery wheel of flames at the unexpecting ghost. "While there siatracted lets get the heck outta here!", said ian, "Smoochum return!" "Right. pokemon return!", heather siad as she grabbed igglybuff and the egg from the now asleep trainers and ran out with ian.
"Ponyta go!", sarah said "Vulpix go!" "Why did you just do that?", asked matt "To use for protection if the situation arrises!", teased sarah. "We need to leave, NOW!", shouted heather as she and ian ran past the other two. "Come back here!", a voice came shooting down one hall. "Cyndaquill go!", said matt, "Use fireblast to create a barrier!" "Ponyta, vulpix you too!", said sarah they finished as they all ran out.
As they all regrouped ouside; heather began to talk, "Okay i request all of you to come with me on my journey to Pallet town; to find Pro. Oaks." "Well you know i'm in.", giggled sarah "Well; i'm normally a loner but being Pro. Mapple's daughter I may be able to learn something.", shrugged matt as he set cyndaquill on his sholder. The hole group turned to look at ian, "I honestly dont have much chioce do I?", he asked as he glanced at them, "I'll come." "Now that we have that established; its almost dusk and we better get moving!" said heather as they walked into the heart of saphron. "We need to exit through the eastern gate; were going to go through lavender town next.", said heather to the rest of the group. As they approached the eastern gate a small gurl shouted at them from her stand, "Hey! Hey you! I know you want to buy one of my Poke dolls!" "Can we Please stop! I adore pokedolls!", said sarah. "Fine, just make it quickits almost dark!", heather coldly agreed. Sarah skipped over and gazed at the many poke doll assortment. "I'll have that one!", she said pointing to a nine tails. "That'll be 5 gold. and with your purchase today you get a free clafable doll.", said the gurl handing sarah both dolls as sarah handed her 5 gold. Sarah walked back to the group as the girl took outa small cell phone saying, "Sir geovanni the plan worked. The doll is in place and the tracker has been activated.", she hung up and molded back into the dark shadows of the surronding forest. "Here heather! Its a moon charm!", sarah said handing her friend the clefable doll. "Thanx but we need to KEEP GOING", heather said as the group kept on trecking.
The group was soon about 5 miles outside of the city when ian said, "We better make camp for the night. Things are much more dangerous at night!" "We've just got to keep going!", pleeded heather. "ian's right! Your not experienced enough to continue alone!", matt said sitting down, "OTher trainers and bandits out at this time of night will do anything to defeat or steal your pokemon!" "I'm tough enough to deal with anything i meet out here!", said heather, "I'm gonna keep going! You all can stay here if you want but i'm gonna keep going! Sarah you with me?", heather asked turning away. "You bet!", sarah said as she stood by her friend, "Boys are supposed to be brave,best luck for the future." Sarah and heather jogged off into the dark of the shadows of the forest. "Do you think we should follow behind them incase they get into any trouble?", i an asked Matt "We'll let them find out that shes not all that and a bag of rice balls!", said matt turning away from his now partner, "We'll need a fire! Evee go!", matt said releasing his lil evolution pokemon. "Use cut attack!" "Evee! Evee!" soon there was a small pile of fire wood next to matt and cyndaquill. "Cyndaquill Ember attack!" "quill!", the lilfire pokemon spouted out fire and soon the two had a nice lil blaze going. "Elemental trainers are pretty useful after all.", commented ian takinga seat next to the fire. "Its a shame i cant say the same for Phsycic trainers!, commented matt still with his back to the fire. "REally? Well i think a battle will tell the truth on this one!", screeched ian with much anger. "Are you challenging me? Evee, Cyndaquill return!", matt said standing, "Challenge accepted!
Well Part three is done; nice cliff hanger eh? Email me and tell me what you think. = ^.^ =