Trikachu's journey, Part 2:  The Revelation


Then, things seemed to slow down. I saw a pokeball coming at me 6 feet away.  I knew I couldn't dodge it in time. Five-and-a-half feet away.  Maybe I could struggle out of it?  5 feet away. Wow!  I was regenerating under water!  Four feet away.  I couldn't use thunderbolt, unless I wanted to kill all the Staryu and Goldeen.  It hit the water, and began to open.  I decided:  oh well, let's use blue thunder then, what the hell, maybeitwasspecial?

     The red light started coming out of the pokeball.  ZAP!  The lightning was weird under water.  First of all, it was hard to see blue on blue.  Second, it traveled in a strait line, which is practically impossible under water; considering that it would go everywhere. Almost as if it was a water attack.  Back to the pokeball.  It was thrown out of the water -- from the lightning -- and smashed into the guy who threw it!

     "What the hell?  It's psychic all right."  he said.  "I think it'll live -- if it really is psychic -- and why catch it?  I already have a pikachu."  And he walked away.  The girl next to him said, "But how could a pikachu survive under water?  Maybe it'll teleport, oh well.  What if it was a water-psy-pikachu?"


     When I got out, I saw one of my former friends -- an espeon.

     "Hey, what happened to your ear?" He asked.

     "I evolved."

     "You don't look like a raichu."

     "I know, I evolved into something else.  A new pokemon."

     "What do you call yourself?"

     "Uhhhh.... Trikachu."

     "Hmmm...  how are you different from normal pikachus?  Wait!  Don't tell me!  I'm practicing mind reading -- so you can:  breath under water, use blue thunder, you can create illusions, and you can --  WHAT THE?!"

     "What is it?"

     "Oh, uh, nothing... you really wanna know?"


     "Then get me a potion!"

     Me and him had a game, where if we wanted to know something, we had to get something.  Sort of like a bet, or a game of hide-and-go-seek.

     "ok.  I'll have it tommorrow. Meet me at the ol' meeting place"


     I had been walking around in Rock Tunnel, avoiding trainers for a while now.  So far I had found:  Iron, Escape Rope, Pokeball (which I got rid of immediatly), and Moon Stone.  I saw another trainer, and ducked behind a boulder.  He picked up a pokeball on the ground, and said, "Wow!  A Leaf Stone!" and left.  Then I saw another pokeball on the floor, and picked it up.  An Itemfinder!  I used it everywhere.  Still no potion.

     I went down a ladder, only to find a trainer watching it.  Great!  Just what I needed, with Zubats confusing me all the time, and Machops always trying to karate chop me!

     "Go, Magikarp!" the trainer said.  "Use splash!" It tried to flop around, and hit a boulder, almost knocking itself out. "magikarp, karp." it said in a dull voice.  "oh no!  I think I'll use a Potion!" Luckily, I know thief -- that cool move that steals the other pokemon's item.  I used thief.  Yes!  A potion!  Then I used my escape rope, and got out of that stupid cave.

     I was in Saffron City, and went into a cave to the left of Rock Tunnel.  I turned left, then  right, then left again.  There it was! That special room!  It was protected from non-electric/psychic pokemon.  Once inside, I went to sleep.


     Soon, I noticed that the room was full of abras, telepoting here and there.  It reminded me of what humans say atoms are like.  They "move around randomly, dissappearing, and reappearing crazily".  Then a bunch of kadabras came in, and brought me to an Alakazam.

     "Can you do me a favor?" it asked.


     "I need you to--" it mumbled something like "sahw tee vrold".

     Then everything began to fade!  I heard the Alakazam saying, "Good luck!"


     "Wake up, sleepy-head!" said a voice.  It was Espy -- the espeon.  "Come on, do you have the potion or not?" he asked, getting angry.
     "Yes.." I groaned.
     "You do? Where?"

     "Behind the statue of a Marril..." I said, yawning.

     "I see it, thank you!" he said.

     "What was it you were going to tell me?"

     "Oh, yeah.  It's that you now also have the ability to transform into a human."

     "But that's impossible!"

     "Try it."

     So I did.  I just thought hmm... let's see... I want to transform, but how?  Suddenly, in a flash of light, I turned into a human (with clothes on, duh!  Do you think I would be naked?)!  But how?

     "Espeon? (See?)" said Espy.

     Cool!  So I can also understand pokemon language while in human form!  I jumped for joy.  I noticed that I went much faster than other humans -- probably my pokemon half of me kicking in.

      Then I remembered my dream.  Why did it seem so real?  Maybe it was.  But what did the Alakazam say?  Something like "sale whe torvd,"  and it wished me good luck.  Maybe that was real life, and this was a dream; because everyone knows it's impossible to transform into a human.  Well, maybe dittos can.

      "Espey, espey? (Watcha thinking?)" asked Espy.

      "I had a dream last night"

      "Espeon, es espey -- espeo 'esp espy es'.  Espey, es espeon 'esp espeon'.  Es, pey, on es esp es es espeon. (Yeah?  Don't tell me -- it was about an Alakazam who wanted you to sail the seven seas or something.  No, wait, I think it said 'saw the world in half'.  Oh, never mind, I can't read your mind that well.)"

      "I think this is more like a dream than that...  Look!  Behind you!"

      "Magnemite. (Hello, Espy.)"

      Oh, it was just "magneman" as we called him.  He probably wouldn't recognize me.  Luckily.  I thought he was a jerk.  I wondered if I should capture him in human form, >: ] (evil smile).  Oh, and what if I then turned into a pokemon again? >: ]  But, darn it, I had no idea how.  Besides, I had no pokeballs.

      Hmmm...  you know how trainers always fight people in buildings with the word Gym on it? Hehehe,  maybe I could figure out why, and do it to, but instead of capturing pokemon, I could battle using myself.


      I walked into the library, and pulled out a book on pokemon.  I do know about them, but not from a trainers point of view.

      It was about pokeballs.  It said:

      The pokeball is made from an apricorn.  When you hollow out the insides, and put a special device in it, you can catch pokemon with it.  This special device is called a pokemon catcher, and it works like this:  A strand of ditto DNA (energy from one pokemon goes towards another; ditto covers all pokemon), is put in an object that transforms things into energy (by using the pokemon's energy, and transfering the pokemon into energy by mirroring the energy that comes out of the pokemon), all attached to a spring (to open the pokeball).  If a pokemon's energy is to strong, the pokeball will not catch it.

    So let us review, a strand of ditto DNA, behind a piece of energy reflecting glass,attached to a spring, inside a hollowed out apricorn, makes a pokeball.  Now, the ................

*End of Part 2


      Notes:  Sorry about the font on Part 1, I had done it on Word, and when I put it on AOL, the whole thing got screwed up.  So once again, sorry!  Oh, and if your wondering, Trikachu can evolve from:  Pikachu, Marill, and a human; using a Blue Stone.  Also, I made up how pokeballs work, hehe.  But the part about the Apricorn having a special device in it is even on the GameBoy game (in Azalea town, there's a girl that says so :P).

      Thanx to Flamuh, who spell-checked me on both parts.

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