Hi if your reading this chapter of The poke profhcy of paridime city you must like the story.And if you noticed that the pokemon line up for Ash,Misty and Brocks pokemon where screwed up so hear they are.Also Im doing the best on my spelling so please no more commet's on that matter.
Ash Ketchem
Misty Walflower
Brock Stone
Back to where we left off,in Alex's office.
Alex "Speaking of names I would like to introduce my self.I am Alex Rosewater,But you may call me Alex if you want.Lets get down to bissness.I hade the four of you brought you me because I have a plan that involes the four of you.First off can you tell me who these two kids are?"He hands them the pictures of Ash on Pidgeot and Brock on Aery.
Butch "Yhea we know them the kid on the pidgeot is Ash Ketchem and the other kid on the Aerydactly is Brock Stone."He gives the pictures back to Alex.
Giovanni "Let me see those pictures."Alex hands him the pictures.
Alex "Why do want to see those pitures."
Giovanni " Humm,Yes I know this boy."He hands the pictures back to Alex.
Jessie "Know who sir?"
Giovanni "None of your bissnes Jessie."He said cooly patting persain on the head.
Alex "It appars that these kids have pokemon,Just like us."
Cassidy "They do and there pokemon are stronger than ours too."
Alex "I can see that since you each have two pokbells each and Ash and Brock both have six."Observing ther pokeballs on there belts."By observing this picture it helped me devise A plan to slow them down to the point of capture,but I'll need your help."
James "Ok, but why would you need our help?"
Alex "Becuase the five of you are the only other people who own pokemon in this world other than I."
Butch "We are,Cool lets have some fun with this oppertunity right now lets go scare some people out of there money."
Alex "No,you won't if pokemon where used for that in my city id be run over with qestion's and it would be the end of paridime group."He yelled straight at Butch.
Butch "Well sorry."
Jessie "Speaking of pokemon Alex could you tell us where meowth is Alex?"
Alex " Where testing him in the lab for spceical ablities."
Jessie "Can we have him back."
Alex "How about this Jessie you and me have a pokemon battle if I win I get to keep meowth here till the testing is done but if you win you can have him back right a way.Deal."
Jessie "Deal.How many pokemon do we use."
Alex "This should be a two on two,to make things more interesting."
Jessie "Thats fine with me."He gets up off his chair and walks around his desk and behind Butch,Cassidy and James.They trun around to see who is going to win.Jessie is already at the other end of the room.Giovanni " This will be a batlle for Meowth.This will be a two on two pokemon battle there are no time limits let the batlle begin."
Jessie "Go Wobbuffet."
Alex " Go Raichu."
Jessie "Wait till he makes his first move then you know what to do."
Alex "Waiting won't help you with this attack.Raichu use thunder."Raichu powered up it cheacks.
"Rai a chue" It jumpes up in mid air and used thunder.
Jessie "Quick use counter now before it hits you."Wobbuffets body begins to glow blue when the thunder
was about to hit him.The thunder stopes in mid air and flys back at Raichu and hits him.
Alex "Quick use agilty.".It obeyed and started to run around Wobbuffet.Alex "Ha lets see it counter that."
Jessie "Let's use disable." Wobbuffet obeyed and it started to glow blue and around Raichu and stopped moving.
Jessie " Finish It with psybeam now."Wobbuffets eyes started to glow and a beam of light came out of them and hits Raichu knocking him out.
Alex "Raichu retun. A beam of light came from his pokeball calling him back."This one won't be so easy
Go Kadabra."
Jessie "Wobbuffet be carefull use disable."It obeys and startes at kadabra.
Alex "Now heres the chance I have been for use future site."Ka dab ra'' its eyes glow and it sees the futer.
Jessie "Thats it wobuffet use the dubbleslap."A millon points of light came from out of nowhere and knocked out wobbufet.
Jessie "Wobuffet good try retun.Go Arbock."
''Cahharrr bock.''
Alex "This should be qiute interesting.Kadabra psy up."Kadabra became a poison type and stil is psychic.
Jessie "Arbock now thats its a poison type use poison sting now."
Alex "Kadabra reflect."Kadabra creates a shilde in front of him and blockes the poison sting.
Jessie "Try and block this.Arbock use your wrap attack.It wraped it self around kadabra.
Alex "kadabra use your swift attack."Little stars started to come out of its star and hitting arbock.
Jessie "Hang in there Arbock use your bite now.It bit Kadabra.[Authers note:Bite is a dark type of attack witch is super effective aganst psychic pokemon.]Kadabra fainted.
Giovanni "Kadabra has fainted Arbok is the winner."Alex and Jessie call back there pokemon.
Jessie "Alright we have got meowth back."They both go back to where they where before the battle.Alex get's on the phone and says "Hi Mrs.lovejoy I would like that meowth back the one we are currently testing for certain abiltyes please bring him up."He hangs up the phone."He should be here in a few minutes."
Alex "All right any one else care to batlle me."
Giovanni "Maybe later when your pokemon are in better shape."
Alex "All right then.Any way Team Rocket I want you to keep attcking Ash and Brock till there pokemon are weekend to the point where they would need a pokemon center witch the city of paridime dosent have."
A knock at the door.
Alex ''Come in."Mrs.Lovejoy enters the office holding a pokeball in her right hand.
Patrica "Sir I have brought the meowth you have requeted.And I have been asked to report to you that all testing was compleated and the results should be here in about week.She hands him the pokeball.He calles out meowth,she leaves.
Meowth "where am,I who are you?"
Alex "I am Alex Rosewater you can call me Alex go join your freinds."He hopes off the desk and on to James lap and sites on it.
Alex "So any qestions?"
Meowth "What plan?"Alex explains the plan to meowth.
Jessie "When do we get started Alex?"
Alex "Right away."
James "How are we soupost heal our pokemon?''
Alex ''My scientisit have developed a mega potion that can be used to heal pokemon at any time."
Cassidy "Well thet works with us but where are we suppost to stay while performing these missions Alex?"A sweat drop formes on the back of his head.He pick up the phone"Hi Mrs Lovejoy I would like you to show my guest where they'll be staying."
A minute latter she comes in the office.
Patrica "You reqested me sir."
Alex " I want you to show my new found freinds to there rooms I'll show Giovannis his myself."
Patrica "Will the four of you please follow me."They all leave.Leaving Alex and Giovanni alone.
[Authers note:I think of almost anything posibal,don't I.]
Giovanni "So father whats the real reason you want me stay here?"
Alex " I want to show you somthing that I have had for a long time now.I have had it for about fourty years now.Follow me son."They leave his office and go down the elevator to floor sixtyth. on the floor they walk down a large hallway till they get to a runway outside but next to it was a rather lage room with glass lineing the hallway for about 600 ft and all the way in was pitch black they got to the end and Alex turnes on a light. the light goes on all the way down the 600 ft hall way to reveal a huge dragon megaduce its boby was pure black and slimed as you went down the figure or it.Its wings where almost as long and tuced in with the dezin as its body and they with black with purple tips.It had two arms that where only about 50 ft in length with purple claws.And it also had purple eyes and its head was a avrage dragon head except for the fact that it had a purple spike extending 40ft,And the taild went with the body slimer with two mediam sized balld oneach side of the feet witch also had purple claws coming out of it.
Giovanni "Thats one hell of a megaduce."
Alex "I know it is its called the Ebon dragon.Want to take it for a little flight and have a little fight."
Giovanni "Sure why not."
Alex "All right maybe we could have some fun with this.He walks up to a door and opens it they walk up to the head of it and find the door leding to the inside they find the cokpit.In side there are two seats one at the top and the other at a angle lower than the first there where two computer skreens at both seats and there where two hanndle bars used to control the dragon.Giovanni calles back persain and takes a seat at the lower one just as Alex took a seat at the upper one.
Alex "Lets have some fun.Theres a Megaduce called the BigO that I want to get out of my way today.So lets do this Ebon dragon."As he said that the computers turmed on and read Cast in the name darkness we shall not fail.
Giovanni "What dose that mean?"
Alex "I don't really know son."He pushes a button opeing the dubble doors leading to the runway and the take off tward Rogers house.
Where finally back to Rogers house.
Ash "Misty please stop crying It will be alright.As soon as we find a way home will track down Team Rocket and attack there headquartes and if we have to well attack them all at there HQ if we have to.I swer it Misty we will get togipi back."
Misty "You really mean it this time dont't you Ash"She said softly.
Ash "Of coaurse I mean it Misty have I ever lied to you befor?"
Misty "No,but you still owe me a bike."
Roger "Now that this has been settled any qestions?"
Ash "Yes,I have one what was that robot you where fighting in earler."
Roger "If I tell you But you can't tell any one about it.''
Ash "Ok"
Roger "The so called robot is called a megaduce I call mine the BigO.They come in there diffrent types known to us land being very commen,subberine second most commen and The hardest to get is a flying type because they where probly to hard to biuld even before the event.Witch your probly going to ask me what that is next so here it is.Fourty years ago a event happend that put the city in runes that noe could remeber,and thats where the domes come in due to the fact that the old city was destroyed most people live inside the domes"
Brock"If most people live in domes,than why dont you?"
Roger "Im a nogotiator living out side the dome makes my job easer."
Just then A huge black dragon swoped at the side of Rogers balcony almost hitting it.
Ash "Whats going on?"
Roger "Stay here.'' He runs out on to the blancony strat out to the edge."BigO." 10 seconds later the BigO comes out of the ground.about ten feet from the building.He points his watch at the BigO.
Ash "whats he doing." A wire shot from his watch and in to the kocpit he swings in.
Brock "Thats cool."Roger gets into the cokpit and the door shutes.Inside the cokpit the computer read Cast in the name of good ye not guilty.Roger "BigO its showtime." The controls drop in frount of him and he grabes the controles.The dragon swoopes in frount of him and its tales attached to him and extended as it flew then started to shock the BigO.Roger what kind of megaduce is this.The tales stop there attack and go back with the dragon to normal leagth.Roger fires his laser eye's at the dragon It hits and fires back with it's laser eye's.Roger blocks it by crossing the BigO's armes.He fires about half of his missles at the dragon.It opend it hand and fired four small nissles at the BigO's missles to counter them and work on the all except two of the BigO's nissles that hit.Roger "wow it has good defece but it can't block this."He throes a punch at the dragon the dragon fires its lasers at the BigO making a little dent in the cheast.Roger responde with a punch but the dragon grabes it's arm and rases it's right tale and shock the BigO agian then using the other tale dose a flamethrower on the BigO witch really dosent have a effect.By this time the milteary police have shown up and sarted to fire there missles at the dragon.
Alex "Stupid miltary police."
Giovanni "Who?"
Alex "They keep control of the city there really anoying when it comes down to fighting with megaduces."He pushes a button and flys up doing a final attack on the BigO.The tales lift up and turn blue.
Roger "What is it doing?"He prepares to block the strange attack.The dragon fires a ice beam at the BigO.Roger manages to block it but is frozen in that place.Roger "Im so screwed,If I can't get out of here."
The dragon flys into the cloudes and gets away.Roger manages to retreat under ground and get out.
He begins to walk tward his Building when stopped by mager Dausten.
Dausten "Roger what where you doing fighting that thing?You should have let us handle it."
Roger " It attacked my place it's my bisness to attck them,to show them Im not mister nice guy.Plus the fact that I like my house to be protected."
Dausten " Well Roger could you try to let us handlle some of these situations thats our job you know."
Roger "Ok,But if Im around i'll try and handle it."
Dausten "like this time you got frozen solid by that thing,and who knows what would have happend if we did't show up."
Roger "I don't really know but in that particuler situation it was my first time fighting a megaduce like that,and now that I have some experiance. I won't scerw up next time."
Dausten "For your sake I hope your right."He starts to walk away.
Roger "Oh dausten,Do you happen to know any thing about a pokemon world?''He stopes.
Dausten "Thats a qustion I never thaught I would have to answer to you."
Roger "You know somthing about it."He said in a surprising tone.
Dausten "Yes I have knom'n for a long time now."
Roger "Would you please come in and tell me and a few of my geust what you know."
Dausten "Ok as long as your geast have nothing to do with paridime group."
Roger "They don't there not even from this world."
Dausten "They arn't then I must tell them about the dangers before its too late."
Roger " You can tell us all about it at my place."They both walk twards Roger place.
Mean while Team Rokcet watched them both walk away.
Jessie "I wonder waht those megaduces where fighting about?"
James "Well Jessie looks like they where fighting to see who is stronger and whoe hade the better attacks.Thats what it looked like."
Cassidy "Lets just forget it and perpar to attack the twerps we have a job to do."They begin to perpar for there first attack on Ash and Brock not knowing Misty was with them.
In the pokemon world.
Mew Mew memew "I found Suicunes den."
Mewtwo" Good let's get her to join us. They all walk in.The place had crysal all over even the floor and in the center Sucine was sleeping.
To to gi "She's butilful with her purple hair blue body and beutiful white tails around her body I would love to be her."
Mewtwo "I will wake her up." He dose a skreech attack.
Sui sicine "Who woke me up?"It growled.
Mewtwo "I did we need your help to save the chosen one befor its to late."
Sui si "I'll help.Let get Celebi I know where she lives lets go."She runnes out of the cave mew and mewtwo flew mewtwo carring togipi they where lead to the top of Mt.Silever where they found Celebi flying around smelling flowers.
Celebi "Finaly you made it I have to show you somthing."
Mewtwo "Show us what a profecy I found in this garden follow me."They follow here to a place that was stone.The stone ground was a circle with the sun on the outside and the moon carved on the in side.And in the middle there was a smaller circle with circles surronding it and on the inside the was a profcey written in japenies it read.
The city of hope shall fall to despair of the Ebon dragon thuse leaveing no light.
Thoe the Mystic Phoenix and Crystal moon will fight there power will be over comed leaving A chosen one from both world's to be left.Once ther power has conbined the key to all world's shall arise letting the chosen pokemon to force the evil to fight.But if the key is lost there is no hope leading both worlds to despair and darkness forever.
Mew mew mew"Well I know who it's talking about......the anchint megaduces.
To Togi to gi pi "Me Im the key to it all without me the our world and the other world will be dark forever."
Mewtwo "Yes."
Sui Sui cine "Wow we have to quikly get every one eles."
Back to Rogers house.Roger and Dausten have just stepped off the elevator.The guy next to Roger was whereing a brown jacket brown shoes with a cap that read Milltary police on it.He had black hair and black eyes.
Ash "Who's that?"
Dausten "Who me Im magor Dausten."
Roger "These are my freinds I was telling you about Ash is the one who just asked the qestion And theres Brock and Misty."Dausten takes a seat across Roger and next to Brock.
Roger "You where saying you knew somthing about pokemon Dauten."
Dausten "Yes, I know that paridime group is after two of you.Your considered a thereght to the city in ther eye's they also have hired a Team that landed hear from your world called Team Rocket.I dont know what there plan is but it's somthing big.by the way do you all have pokemon?"
All "Yes."
Dausten "Well so do I."
Dausten pokemon line up
Ash "How did you get them?''
Dausten "I came from the pokemon world it was a nice happy day and I was thirty at the time.I was walking still on my pokemon jurney taking my sweet time traing.When I ran into a togipi I had left the pokemon center and was just taking a little walk when I ran into a togipi i decied to captuer it and called out furret.I started things off with a rollout and was just about to capture it when I was telported here I Got a job working for the miltary police and worked my way up to the top."
Roger "How come I never knew about you and pokemon?''
Dausten "If I Had ever revealed tis to you I risked my freedom because this is a threaght to the city in Paridime groupes eyes and would detained I would have probly have been killed.And keeping the fact that I did't come from this world was hard enofh to keep a secret."
Misty "Wow it has to be hard to keep secret."
Dausten "Tell me about it."
A loud explosion is heard on the balconey they all run out to see what it is.
"Prepar for trouble''A female voice said.
"And Make it dubble."A male voice said.
"To protect the world from devistation."
"To infect the world with devistation."A diffrent female voice said
"To unite all people with in our nation."
"To blight all people with in our nation."A diffrent Male voice said.
"To denounce the evils of truth and love."
"To anounce the evils of truth and love."
"To extend our reach to the stars above."
"To extend our reach to mars and above.''
"Butch"They all step out from the smoke.
Jessie "Team rocket blast off at the speed of light."
Cassidy"Team Rocket circling the earth all day and night."
James "Surrender now or prepar to fight."
Butch "Surrender to us now or you will surly lose the fight."
"Meowth thats right."
Roger "What the hell are the four of you talking about."
Ash "Thats just there stupid motto we hear it every day."
Dausten "A talking meowth,thats weird."
Meowth"Who ya callen weird pops."
Jessie "Arbock, wobbufet go."
James "Victerybell ,weezing go."victrybell goes on top of James head insed of fighting.
Cassidy "hypno,raticate go"
Butch "Primate electabuzz go"
Ash "Pikachu,qulava,Bayleaf espeon go."
Brock "Onix,Crobat go attack."
Misty "Misty calles polytoad,dewgon go."
Brock "Crobat supersonic on all of TR's pokemon."He obey s and sends out waves that confused all TR pokemon.They all start to attack each other.
Ash "Picachu thunder now.
TR "Looks like team rocket's blasting off agin.The blast off agin.''
Ash "They are getting easer and easer to beat."
Misty "I know we did't even have to use all our pokemon."They all call back there pokemon.And head back inside.
[Authers note:Hi I have removed this chapter due to the fact that I read my original back and relised the it was turing into A bad fanfic,So I changed the plot line back to it's original plot line.please forgive me.]