Title: If I Could Turn Back Time


Is that all SUPERIORS is, just an acronym for an undercover agent service? Misty is contemplating this as she joins SUPERIORS at the young age of 14 to prevent harm to Ash & her friends & family. Everyone thinks she's dead, gone. Ten years later, small problems with Team Rocket rekindle into a huge mass of trouble, with Ash caught up in the middle of it. Being a Pokèmon Master & laying low don't mix. Team Rocket is after his hidden power, & they will go to great lengths to catch him. Little does the world know, a woman, who they all thought vanished from the trace of the earth, doesn't go down without a fight for the things she loves most. Things look grim for Misty as she sees her life go down the drain, but is encouraged to fight for the human race because of one living being.

A/N: wow, who knew I could write such dramatic summaries? Anyways. Yep, this is the fic I'm currently writing. I don't know, one night I'm sitting at my laptop thinking, "How come almost nobody writes about Misty being an agent?" And my story comes to life! I'll get back to you on Wishing Waters. I'll juggle my time between both fics so don't worry. Before I go, I want u people to tell me what u think of this idea. So I'm expecting some reviews!! Well, I've babbled enough & I'm dead tired. Till my alarm clock goes off, later!