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The Invite
Part 3

A/N: Hey this is part 3 as you probably already know, but anyways I wrote some of this part at school so hopefully its not that bad. So yea R/R because I wanna know what you people think!! And I figured that its probably gonna take more the 5 parts.

Ash: 15
Misty: 15
Brock: 19
Missy: 16
Whitney: 20
Other notes: Thoughts: Thoughts
Pokmon talk: (in brackets)

Hey Ash, whats wrong why are you screaming? Misty worrying asked
Oh..um.dont worry bout it, just a bad dream sorry, Ash said reassuring her that it was just a bad dream.
Okay then if you dont want to tell me about this just a bad dream then Ill just go back to sleep if you dont mind! Misty nearly screamed not believing that it was just a dream
Fine I wont tell you if your gonna be like that, you just go to sleep see if I care! Ash nearly screaming his head off at Misty
They both go to sleep with angry faces on but inside they feel stupid because they just fought with the one they love.

*********The next morning*********

Brock like every morning was the first to wake up so naturally he went to see if Misty and Ash were awake yet but he knew that they werent so he brought his disposable camera. He walked out of his room and silently tip-toed to the door of Misty and Ashs room, he silently opened the door and looked over to the bed in front of the window. Aw they look so angry at each other. Hey wait why would they be angry at each other they were so happy with each other yesterday?he continued thinking I better not take a picture or they both will kill me. Oh look one of them is waking up I better get out of here fast!!! Brock was right one of them were waking up it was Misty. Hey I thought I herd Brock o well better get up. she sighed looked over to Ash and gave him a quick peck on the check I hope he didnt feel that o well. Misty was wrong he did feel it but he didnt want to wake up just yet and plus he was pondering over the so-called bad dream that he had and wondering if it would come true but he really hoped it didnt and he decided to dodge it when ever the signs came. Misty got out of bed and headed toward the bathroom door but before she did she grabbed her clothes out of her pack, she opened the door and stepped in and locked it and turned the shower on. Ash was awake now he knew that Misty takes a while in the shower so he when to Brocks room because he knew that he would be awake by now and he thought he herd the door open and close minutes before Misty woke up.
I wonder whats for breakfast aye Pikachu? Ash asked knowingly what he would say.
Pika chu pikchu (I want ketchup)

Ash and Pikachu are outside Brocks room. Ash knocks on the door he hears come in from inside. They walk in and see Brock sitting on the couch watching TV.
Hey Brock whats up you hardly watch TV is something up? Ash said worrying bout his long time friend.
Its nothing Ash just thinking about something, so do you want some breakfast? He said quickly changing the subject.
Um yea sure I think Pikachu wants some ketchup. I know when something is bothering Brock I just need to know what it is and I think Ive seen this somewhere
Okay, Ill just get some out of the fridge, replied Brock I know I should tell him I just dont know when maybe I should tell Pikachu first, after all he is a good listener and he could tell Ash instead of me Brock thought while he was walking over to the fridge while Ash was sitting on the couch next to Pikachu.
Hey wheres Misty she always wakes up before you? Asked Brock Ohumshes um. taking a shower. Ash stutters remembering what she done when she woke up to take one.
You will never guess what she done when she got up and took a shower, Ash blurted out.
Um..I dont know what did she do? Very interested in what she did do.
Oum..she..um..kind of.um..kissed me on.thecheck, he finally said. Oh my gosh really! Wow never saw that coming, Brock said sounding kind of disappointed.
Whats wrong Brock you sound disappointed? Ash said kind of knowing what was coming next.
Its just that I kind oflikeMisty as well but I know that you like her way more than me and plus shes way to old for me so that would just be wrong, but there is one thing I cant figure out is why I dont go into girl crazy mode over her like I do to Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy, He said slowly knowing that he would go faster if he said it normally.
Maybe you just like her as a sister not as a girlfriend, cause I know that I love her as a girlfriend not as a sister, Ash spoke truthfully.
Yea, maybe, I know that Im too old to be her boyfriend so yea I guess I do only love her as a sister. Thanks Ash I owe you one.
Its Okay, hey I got a question for you,
Did you come into our room when we were sleeping? Because I herd the door open and close and so did Pikachu, right Pika-pal? Ash asked Brock and Pikachu
Pi kaa pika chu pi ka pikachu(I herd and smelt you Brock) Pikachu answered
Um yea I did actually and I kinda took my camera to to see if you and Misty were getting comfy to send to your Mom and her Sisters because they are getting restless and they know that you like her. He answered
Ash was surprised at this because he didnt know that everyone knew or if Brock told them or they just guessed when they went to see them last.

*********In the bathroom when Ash walks out of the room*********

Misty turns on the shower, brushes her hair, slips her clothes of and then goes in. After a while she starts thinking if he did actually feel that kiss if he did then that will mean that he would already know and if he already knows that means I have to tell him sooner than I thought and if I do tell him what will he say and if he does think of me in the way that I think about him then we would go out and be girlfriend and boyfriend but I guess that I have to wait until I get out of this shower and get dressed and go to Brocks room and see the way he acts around me now.she quickly finishes her shower, brushes her hair and gets changed into fresh clothes. After getting ready she thought that she would leave her hair out today for a change. I better go to see if Togepi is okayshe walked into the main room and there she was right where she was when Misty had gone for a shower.I wonder if I should go without her because if she wakes up and Ash and Brock are talking about something important then I will have to go in anyway but if I dont I wont have to go in if Togepi isnt with me but yea. I wont bring her its only 8.30am she usually wakes up at 10.00am. Misty walks to the door, opens it and tip-toes to Brocks room door and puts her ear against it she hears Ash saying Did you come into our room when we were sleeping? Because I herd the door open and close and so did Pikachu, right Pika-pal then she herd Brock saying something like yea I did, I took my camera to see if you and Misty were getting comfy to send to your Mom and her Sisters, theyre getting restless and she couldnt quite hear the last part then it went all quiet. So she decided to knock on the door and go in. She herd Brock say come in so thats what she did she opened the door and went in.

Hey Mist, whats up? Ash asked
Nothing much what about you did you have a nice sleep after that dream?
Yip, just talking to Brock,
O yip cool, so when are we going to the gym to get your third badge from Whitney?
Hey wait, what dream? Brock said clueless
O..um..just this dreamits nothing to worry about ok, Ash reassured Brock
NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT, ASH, YOU WOKE UP SCREAMING!! Misty yelled, So it was just a dream aye, Ash? Brock said knowing what it was probably about and knowing that Ash really doesnt want to tell Misty.
Look it was just a dream ok, Brock, I hope he continued We will go to the gym after breakfast k, Mist, Ash replied.
K, but you still have to tell me bout that dream. She reminded him. She continued but before we go to the gym we have to get Togepi out of our room.
Okay. Ash and Brock said at the same time.

Its now 9.50am and Ash, Misty and Brock are in Ash and Mistys room. Ash is strategizing for his battle against Whitney. Brock is reading the latest breeding magazine and Misty well shes thinking about Ash again, and about the dream that he had last night I hope that it was about mebut not too bad because he woke up screaming and that is never a good sign. Just then Togepi woke up.
Time to go, Togepi is awake guys, Misty announced
LETS GO! Ash yelled, jumping up and down and literally pushing Brock and Misty out of the door. Misty quickly picked up Togepi and ran out of the door. Pikachu ran up on to Ashs shoulder and Brock quickly put down the magazine, got up and saw that Ash and Misty were already half way down the hall, so he ran to catch up to them.

*********1 minute after Ashs and Whitneys battle. *********

Ash, here is your Plain Badge, take it, its yours, you deserve it, Whitney said with a smile on her face and handing the badge to Ash.
Thanks Whitney, Ash said then done his trademark pose. Just then a girl walked into the room. She has the same colour hair as Misty but it goes just past her shoulders, she has aqua green eyes and wears a blue t-shirt with a picture of a Miltank on it, black dress jeans and blue fingerless gloves/arm warmers and is a little bit shorter than Ash.
Oh hi, Whitney, hey whos that, the girl said while pointing at Ash.
Missy this is Ash, he just won my badge,
Hi Ash, say who are these two, Missy said flirting a little bit.
Hey, this is Pikachu, this is Misty, and this is Brock and that is Togepi, Ash replied introducing Togepi and Pikachu as well.Hes hot Missy thought while biting her bottom lip.
Coolies. Hey I gotta go so I guess Ill cya later. Yea. K bye, she turns around and just remembers something O and theres a dance here tomorrow tonight if you guys wanna come?
Yea, sure well be there, what time? Asked Ash Umcant remember right now but Ill cya later anyways. She replied.

Hey, Misty why were you so quiet, I mean youre never that quiet. Ash Asked,
OumI was just thinking, Misty replied
O ok, so when do you want to go shopping?
Can we do it after the dance please, coz I need to be alone for a bit. Ill be at the park if you need me. She said while walking near the park. O ok. Said the very disappointed Ash and watched her walk away respecting her wishes.

*********Mistys P.O.V*********

Oh no Ive ruined it I just stood there and let her flirt with MY Ash. I guess hes actually not my Ashyet. I walked towards the swings and sat on one of them. I knew since there wasnt a beach or river here I would think right so the next best thing was a swing. After a while of chilling out on the swing I thought of something brilliant. It was perfect.

*********Narrators P.O.V*********

Brock and Ash were waiting for Misty to come back from the park. While she was out though Missy came to the Pokcentre, asking Ash to be her date for the dance, and regrettably he said yes. She went after that. After about 20 minutes of waiting.
Finally, Misty what were you doing for all that time? Ash and Brock asked very curious of what she was actually doing.
I told you Ash I was thinking, what were you doing you seem kind of, guilty? Misty asked as well curious of what happened when she was at the park, at this moment Brock walked out of the room knowing how she would probably react.
Wellum.M-M-Mis-Missy c-c-came and kind of askedmetothedance, Ash said saying the last bit fast hoping that Misty What!? She asked you to the dance, she continued Wha-t d-d-did y-you sa-y? She stuttered quietly only so Ash could hear,
I....um..k-k-kinda s-s-said yes, he finally said closing his eyes and expecting a slap or the mullet but definitely not
Oh, she said very disappointed and simply walked of up to her room leaving Ash standing there very surprised. I definitely didnt expect that I mean she usually hits me, yells at me but noooo she just said oh. Anyways time to go shopping for a tux.

*********Meanwhile in Misty and Ashs room*********

Misty is thinking about what she just done, walked away, she knew she done the right thing but she still was sad and angry at Ash because of the idea that he wasnt going with her to the dance, to her it was heart wrenching, heartbreaking, she felt like she couldnt breathe the second that he said yes. Yes, the word that she hated most right now because of her because of, Missy, she cant enjoy the dance she was so looking forward to, she cant tell the guy of her dreams the thing she has wanted to tell him for so long but now she cant that one word destroyed her hope, joy and the reason for living, but she knew that she had to go on with her plan. She just needs the right dress, entrance and timing. And she knew just where to get all of them. She grabbed her wallet, Togepi and quickly ran out of the door with surprisingly, a smile on her face.

*********Goldenrods Department store*********

Ash and Misty were on the same floor but Misty was on one side and Ash was on the other.
ha perfect now for the perfect shoes Misty traveled over to the ladies shoe part of the shop after finding the perfect dress. Ash however had found his shoes but his tux well he was half way there he was looking at the right rack but he hasnt seen it yet. Oh COME ON hurry up I thought this was easy especially for guys but I mean this is unbelievableAh ha found it, right size, right colour, and right coolness. Check out time!! He quickly walked over to the check out, pulled out his wallet and paid. He was out in a flash, but not the store. Meanwhile Misty was still trying to find the perfect shoes. Come on theirs a perfect pair of shoes for every outfit why cant I find them then..O this sucks!!.....Ah ha found them. Misty nearly ran to the check out, she quickly took out her wallet and she was there, at the check out. She put her shoes and dress on the counter and waited for the check out lady to name the price That will be one hundred and fifty dollars please,
Misty knew they were expensive but it didnt matter to her she just gave the girl her money and left with her perfect outfit.

*********At the Pokcentre, in Brocks room*********

Ash is showing Brock the tux to Brock he looked very surprised because it actually looked good and he or Misty didnt help him, and it fit him perfectly and he didnt even try it on in the shop.


Ash, Misty and Brock were in Brocks room talking. Brock could sense the tenseness between Ash and Misty all night, and knew that they werent talking to each other so Brock came up with an idea.
Ok, Ash, Misty you dont have to talk to each other tonight but you will have to sometime tomorrow so Im not going to help you two sort out your problems again. You two sleep in the same room so you have to talk sometime but please for your own sakes sort this out or you might not talk to each other again.ever. So please just sort this out now or at the dance its totally you guys choice but if you, Ash are still not talking then you cant say wow when she enters the room in her new dress. And you Misty you cant barge in and ask Ash to dance when hes supposed to be there with Missy, can you? Misty and Ash just shook their heads and looked at each other. Misty saw sorrow, sadness, and she could swear that she saw a bit of love in his eyes. Ash also saw sorrow, sadness, and a spec of love as well as jealousy, anger, rage and regrettably hatred towards him but mostly Missy. Ash knew that a simple sorry wouldnt fix it so he decided to tell her sooner, like at the dance. Misty couldnt stand it anymore she had to tell him.
Ash, Ash looked up to her, she continued The reason I didnt hit you when you told me you were going to the dance with M-Missy was because it was probably my fault because I was too slow to ask you myself, so I felt defeated, I felt like I couldnt talk to you because whatever I told you, you would of probably told Missy. So I decided in that moment that I should just say something and walk away. But still I kinda knew that she was going to ask you, I could see it in her eyes, and in the way she was talking to you and I knew the moment I herd you say something to her that you were going to say yes as well so thats why I went to the park and why I took so long, she looked down and sat back down waiting for him to answer.
So you knew, and you didnt even try to ask me, you just went to the park and thought about what you were doing, why didnt you even warn me or tell me, I would have done something about it. If you asked I would have said yes or if you didnt ask I would have asked you myself, I honestly would have said no to her if I knew that you wanted to go with me, Ash sternly said while kneeling down in front of Misty, trying to comfort her. She looked up into his eyes she saw deeper sorrow, love and truthfulness and simply said Yea I knew, I did try to ask you but I was scared, I went to the park and I saw what might happen at the dance, I tried to tell you when you asked me why I wasnt talking, I know you would of done something about it but thats the thing I couldnt warn or tell you because it would have been a disaster, messing with the future it would mess everything up. I knew you would have said no if you knew but I couldnt allow it, I needed to think about somebody other than myself and the people I want the best for.
So youre telling me that youre kind of a psychic? Ash asked
Yea, Misty said sounding very clam and collected. When were you going to tell us? Well I wasnt actually planning on telling you guys, because I was afraid about how you would react.
But thats so cool I mean you can tell the future and probably even telepath as well I mean that is so cool. But wait a minute you said you were afraid about how we would react I mean cant you tell what other peoples reactions would be like? Puzzled Ash Thats exactly right I can only tell the future not tell what other peoples reactions will be and yes I can telepath, but only with people who know how to. She said asking what Ash was going to ask next. He thought it was kinda freaky.
Ok now, we have this sorted out can we go back to as normal as possible, please I hate it when you two fight. Brock wined, Misty and Ash looked at each other and nodded.
Yea/Sure. Ash and Misty replied.
It was now 11.50pm Ash and Misty said goodnight to Brock and left the room to theirs. They all knew that tomorrow was going to be a very interesting day and night.
A/N: Hey everybody sorry that it took so long to write its been very hectic for me in the last few weeks so yea Ill definitely update soon coz Im enjoying writing this story because its turning in a very different direction that I wanted it to so anyways you know what to do Read and Review even though I havent got one yet but I still write!! Mystergurl4eva NT}# % O    : B H L M O P 5JKO"PTjnopsZJfgy̼輸h^7hMlhNPhReh hsGh9>h+OhhhhrHh hShbh5hGhjYdhBZ_h7FH(Kcw  H M R  P gd+Ogd5gdGgdrHgd7Fgd0XV Dop/Zgg*gdMlgdNPgdRegdSgd9>gdhhgd+O%%&e&&&'c''5((V)))+V+,,,|-gd!gdD@gdQ7gd+gd gd!igd^7&kl\ ! !!!4#5#m$%%%%&&`&d&&&&&&&&z'{'|'''h(i(((((Q)V) *****++W+\+_+`+l+,,,,,,,,- - -- hBZ_hBZ_h!hGhhD@h4h<hQ7h h!ih+hs*h`DhMlhbh^7hBZ_H------.%...9.M.m......S/W//////+0,0_0`000000000000111111122J2N2s2t2u2222223"3=3>3B3C3D3c3g3h3i3444мļииииhh4(hSh] lh,jh.hp^h)wIh%gh<h;hd hbh@hg$h_h>h!h G|-.)/X//^0001O11112O22>3C3D3h3i34445$56gdP5gd4(gdp^gd)wIgdbgd!44445#5.56668485878;8@8A8G8H8}8~8888l999::J:M:c===y>z>|>n@@@%AB?B@BCCCCCFHHIKKNOO'PTPUP~RRRTļļhY4h.\yh!:hLh}hcxh.huhfhChhhhJshBZ_hShv7hGx hChP5hh4(h)wI@6677~88: :E:J:=====Q>@BBBBC CCCCCgdfgdgdgdGx gdv7gdCgdP5CDDHKO!PUPwPPQRSSSTTUVVgd hgdgd.\ygd}gdfTTUUUUUUU VVVh hh%.hY4h ,1h/ =!"#$% D@D NormalCJ_HaJmH nHsH tHDAD Default Paragraph FontRiR  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No ListNp(KcwHMRP D o p  /Zgg*ec5 V!!!#V#$$$|%&)'X''^((()O))))*O**>+C+D+h+i+,,,-$-..//~002 2E2J255555Q6@::::; ;;;;;<<@CG!HUHwHHIJKKSLLMNN0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000(KcwHRP D o p  gg*..//~0J255555Q6@::::; ;;;;<@CG!HUHwHHIJKKSLNI0I0I0K0I0K0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0I0K0I0I0I0I0I0I0K0I0I0 I0I0I0I0LI0I0I0 I0 I0 I0 I0 I0 I0 I0K0K0d I0I0A0C0C0/08 A0/A0/A0/A0/A04A04C04A04A04A04A09A09C09A09A09C0?@ @   | ~ TVacacXZ/ 1 !!!!4#9#v%x%#'%'''( (^(g())))8+:+++,,....x0z0001255K6M688:9<9::<<<<?$?@@CC@DJDJJ~KKKKMLOLN33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333wHLMR/A*E)N)))::MNNNBAGx  bfrH,jd g$4(A*Y45P5Q7^7v7!:D@`D)wI+ONPSp^BZ_jYdRe%g h] lJs.\yC!+9><_S0X4}!iG%.s*7FMl>cxuCL.;@sGhh G@N@@UnknownGz Times New Roman5Symbol3& z Arial;SimSun[SO"qhfF lB' lB'$24dMM 2 HX)?7F2<HTML>  Oh+'0h  $ 0 <HPX`  Normal.dot 12Microsoft Office Word@u#@ċ!!@8 lB՜.+,0 hp|   'M  Title  !"#$%&'()*+,-./012345678:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNPQRSTUVXYZ[\]^aRoot Entry FP Eۦ8c1Table9**WordDocument.pSummaryInformation(ODocumentSummaryInformation8WCompObjq  FMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q