"Sheila's a very energetic girl, and I really love her. So, on her birthday I gave her my first-made emo-bot, which is short for emotional robot, and she named it Squirt. I've been working on emo-bots for the past 10 years, and now I've finally made a breakthrough. Not only do they have real, human-like feelings, they each have their own personality, just like Pokemon. I never know what the personality is when I create the bot, but something seems to go on while I'm working on it, rather than just what I'm doing. Anyways, Sheila and Squirt have been great friends ever since the day they met, and I've bonded with Squirt a bit, too. So far I've made 34 emo-bots, but none of them are the same. Some are more mature, some are faster, some are very wise when making decisions, and some are just plain bratty. But the most amazing thing about these robots is that they can learn. Not just plain, hard, data. They can adapt, mature, and bond with others. It's incredible! I don't really know how I did it, but I did! Anyways, thanks for bringing Sheila back here. I owe you many thanks." He smiled and shook their hands warmly. "Now, let's go see how Sheila is doing, shall we?"
Outside, Sheila was playing with the Pokemon Mr. Wakison used for his experiments. Right now, she was playing with an old Houndour. The dog was chasing Squirt around and around, while Sheila laughed at the comical scene before her. When she noticed the three adults standing there, she went over to them. "Hi guys, this Houndour's name is Ben, and he's been with Dad since he was a kid my age and that was when he was 10 and now Ben's about 60 in Houndour years and now I hope Ben will live very long like until I'm Dad's age." Mr. Wakison smiled and shook his head.
Many miles away, Ho-oh rose up into the sky. Something was calling. He looked over the horizon, apparently thinking very deeply. By now all the Pokemon on his island had gathered and were awaiting his announcement. He faced them and said, I can feel something in me, something stirring deep within me, but I know it is not here. He paused, feeling pressure from all of the wild Pokemon surrounding him. This would not be easy. He took a breath and continued. I am considering leaving this island until I find what is calling out to me. Do not worry about me, for I will keep away from the human machines and hide in the clouds when I arrive. I am sorry to leave you, though. This is my last farewell. He could now hear the Pokemons' distress, coming from all around the island. He sighed. Goodbye, my dear home, perhaps for many years. Then he disappeared in a flash of light.
Back at the Wakisons' home, the two travelers were preparing to leave while Sheila pestered them with questions, such as: "Where do you live? What Pokemon do you have there? Have you beaten any gym leaders, like Wallace? How many badges do you have?" On and on. Needless to say, Laria was glad for these questions, because she really needed to share all of her thoughts with someone besides Aaron all the time. I mean, talking to just one person about your feelings can get really tiring. So, Laria answered most of Sheila's questions enthusiastically, but when she asked, "Is there someone you like?" Laria, naturally, kept quiet. Meanwhile, Aaron was asking Mr. Wakison some questions of his own.
"So, what other goals do you try to achieve?"
"Well, I have been trying something extremely difficult. So far it hasn't worked yet, but I've been trying to synchronize a human's brain with a Pokemon's."
"Wow! Really?"
"So, any success yet?"
"Not yet, but all experiments show positive. I'm just a tiny step farther away from reaching the goal. Mostly the experiments are on my emo-bots, and one actually managed to reach a Pokemon's brain, and synchronize their thoughts. The only problem was that after the test, it seemed really confused and acted like it didn't notice us for hours."
"Well, did it manage to learn anything from the Pokemon? I mean, did it learn anything about the Pokemon, like where it grew up, what its mother named it?"
" So far, it hasn't told anyone yet. But I'm sure it will soon. All of the results show that their minds became one for a few seconds, and I'm almost sure that they talked telepathically."
"Anyway, it'll be a scientific breakthrough if you have evidence of them linking together. And I'm hoping for the best for you and Sheila."
"Thanks. I'll try to reach you if I have any news."
"Good luck with your research."
Within a few minutes, Laria and Aaron were back at the camp, relating to each other what they thought of the Wakisons. They both agreed that Sheila was a very nice companion, and that Jeremy Wakison was interesting also. Then, their conversation took a different turn.
"Hey, have you ever thought of taking Sheila with us on our trip? I mean, she is pretty self-dependent, and she definitely can be helpful in a bad situation," Laria explained.
"Yeah. She would be a big help. And it would be more interesting with her on the trip. Still. . ." Aaron gave her a worrying glance.
"Well, I guess you're right. It isn't exactly a basket of roses to be on this trip, and we did have to battle that awful storm last week."
The two of them contemplated this thought. Should they bring her, or should they not? That was definitely the question. It would be as good for Sheila as it was for them if she went along, but how could they be sure of how hardy Sheila really was? The two of them fell asleep, thinking of Sheila's decision she had to make tomorrow.