~If I Could Change the World~
Chapter Five: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
[Note: No copyright infringement intended. ^^;]
It was ten o’clock in the Pokémon Center. Two nervous-looking women were standing in front of a trenchcoat-adorned mother and an extremely powerful Pikachu.
“So, that’s all we know,” Officer Jenny finished.
“Yeah, that’s all we know,” Joy said nervously.
Mrs. Ketchum was silent for a moment. “How...could...this... HAPPEN?!?!” she screamed. She looked at Joy accusingly.
“Pi, piKA!!” Pikachu yelled. <Yeah, how COULD it!!>
“I, don’t, KNOW!!!” Nurse Joy snapped. “Do you think this has ever happened before?! WELL, IT HASN’T!!!” She seemed to loom overhead as thunder clapped from dark clouds that had materialized out of nowhere. “Do you think I could have done something to PREVENT this?! Well, I am NOT psychic!!” She paused for a moment. “Well, my fourth cousin twice-removed in Saffron City is, but only when she tries really hard...”
Jenny, Pikachu, and Delia sweatdropped.
“But WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO?!” she yelled, as her eyes clouded over. “The Pokémon Center is a peaceful place!!! And the truth is, no one has ever even THOUGHT about kidnapping someone from one!!! Even if they HAD, who would’ve thought they’d kidnap ASH KETCHUM?! The whole--bloody--COUNTRY is probably searching for him!!! Why--would--they--DO this?!?!” Nurse Joy broke down.
“It is NOT Joy’s fault,” Jenny said firmly. “She’s right. No one would even THINK of kidnapping Mr. Ketchum... But someone has.”
Mrs. Ketchum sank to a chair. “It was Giovanni, I know it.”
“Whaaaaa?” Jenny was shocked. “_Giovanni_? The Viridian City Gym leader Giovanni? What--WHY?”
“Don’t you know?” she asked. “He swore he’d tell you...”
“...Tell me _what_?” Jenny asked.
“Ash was looking through the Gym budgets for the year,” Delia said. “All of the Masters were SUPPOSED to do it, but usually they just gave it to their secretaries. And apparently, the Viridian City Gym budget was quite high. So he looked it over. They had things in there you wouldn’t believe. A Pokeball for a thousand dollars, Rare Candies for ten thousand...”
“Pi pika pikachu!!” Pikachu added.
“Chan, chansey chan!” Chansey translated for Joy.
“Hundred-dollar HAIR DYE?!” Joy exclaimed in disbelief.
“Pi, pika pika chu...” <Yeah, and they went through a LOT...> “Pika pikachu.” <You’d think they’d just use the permanent stuff.>
Chansey translated.
“Yeah, the permanent dye would’ve been a much better idea,” Joy said.
“Pi pikachu pika ka chu pika pika ka CHU...” <And they had a bill for rebuilding the Gym you wouldn’t BELIEVE...>
“So Ash rejected their budget,” Mrs. Ketchum said. “And then--”
“Pi cha ka chu pika Pikapi kachu ka pi!!” Pikachu interrupted, eyes blazing. <And then some jerk threw a rock through Ash’s window!!>
“Chan-SEY?” <They DID?>
“Pika pikachu!” <You better believe it!>
“They did what, Chansey?” Joy asked.
“He probably said that someone threw a rock through Ash’s window,” Delia said.
“Sey!” <Yes!>
“WHAT?!” Jenny yelled.
“Pi ka chu, pi!”
“Chansey chan!” <Almost hit him, too!> Chansey translated.
“There was a note tied around the rock,” Mrs. Ketchum said. “Basically it said that Ash would pay for cutting the Gym budget. Giovanni denied being involved, of course.” She snorted. “Ash swore he’d tell you!”
“Well, why didn’t he?!” Jenny yelled. “Maybe we could’ve stopped this!!”
“Pi ka pikachu pika chu pika...” <He said if he did they’d know he was scared...>
Chansey relayed the statement.
“Pi ka chu pika chu pika!!” <But I thought I talked him into it!!>
“Well, we’ll definitely have to question Giovanni,” Jenny said. Then she sighed. “But he must have known he had motive! Even if he knew Ash didn’t tell us, he should’ve known it would come out!” She sighed again. “I doubt he did it, and even if he did, we’ll have a hard time proving it. Giovanni is very respected in this town...”
“I’ll go,” a voice said.
Shocked, everyone turned around to see Misty leaning against the doorway.
“I mean, think about it!” she continued. “If Giovanni DID do it, he’ll never talk to the police. But he may trust a fellow Gym leader.” She grinned. “Then again, he probably won’t, but it’s worth a shot.”
“Pikachu!” <I’ll come with you!>
“I don’t know, Pikachu. You’re pretty recognizable,” Misty said after Togetic translated.
“Pika pi!” <So are you!> Pikachu exclaimed indignantly.
“Toki, tick toki toki!” <Don’t worry, _I_ can handle it!> He winked at Pikachu.
“Pi pi.” <Ha ha.>
“Look, Pikachu, we can’t risk it!” Misty said.
Pikachu narrowed his eyes. “Pi pika kachu pika pikachu ka Pikapi. Pika, kachu pikachu?! KA! Pi--ka--CHU.”
<That Rattata dung kidnapped Ash. Now, you want me to just stay behind?! HA! I--am--GOING.>
Sparks flew out of his cheeks. “Pika, chu.” <Translate, egg.>
“Tokiii!!! Tokiiii!!!” <He called me an egg!!! Waaaaahhhh!!>
“NO, PIKACHU!!” Misty yelled.
“Kaaaa...” <Darn...>
“Tokiiiii!!!” Togetic cried.
“PIKA!!” <SHUT UP!!!>
“Toki!” <Okay!> Togetic said brightly.
“Pi, pika pi ka chaaaaa...” <Boy, I can’t wait till that egg grows up...>
“Toki tick tick!!” <He says he’s going!>
“PI-- pi, ka pika!” <WHAT--Aw, forget it!> Pikachu sighed in disgust.
“You’d have to go in a Pokéball...” Misty warned.
“Pi.” <Fine.>
“CHAN?!” <WHAT?!> Chansey was stunned.
“Pi pikachu pika, chaaaaa!” <If that’s what I have to do, fine!>
“Chan...” <Wow...>
“Toki!!” <He will!!> Togetic was too young to be stunned.
“Well...” Misty had only said that to try to get Pikachu to stay. But now...
“No, you don’t have to get in a Pokéball...” Misty said. “But LAY LOW!”
“Pika!” <Yes ma’am!!> Pikachu chirped happily.
“So, tomorrow, then,” Misty said.
“All right miss, but I must warn you, there will be no police support...” Jenny warned.
Misty looked at her oddly. “Of course not...What made you think I thought there would be?”
Joy jumped up, spilling her coffee. “Oh my gosh, it’s ten o’clock! You get to bed right now, young lady!!”
“Eep! Okay!” Misty recalled Togetic and ran off.
“Pika...” <Okay...> Pikachu jumped on one of the chairs in the waiting room and dozed off.
“Phew! Finally!” Joy said.
Jenny laughed. “You got rid of THEM well!”
“Yeah! Now, finally, we can have some fun!”
“Yeah, we need it!” Jenny grinned.
“Chansey!” Joy said. “Get the beanbags and the Kool-Aid packets, we’re pulling an all-nighter!!”
“Whoo-hoo!” Jenny and Joy slapped hands.
Ash was dumped onto the floor.
<Hmmm, what do I hate more--Pokéballs, Team Rocket, Giovanni, or my life?...>
<If you’re smart, probably Giovanni,> a voice said.
<Oh, hi, Sandstone.>
The Diglett tunneled to him. <You okay? Pokéballs are generally not fun.>
<Amen to that!> Ash said.
<Um, what you should probably do is to come out of the Pokéball in a way that does NOT involve you staring face-down at the dirt...>
<Um... You know, now that you say it, that might ACTUALLY be a good idea!> Ash said sarcastically.
<Ha ha-->
A deafening bell clang echoed through the room, practically knocking Ash to the ground.
<What in the--!>
<A challenger!!> Sandstone yelled over the noise.
~Wow, maybe the doorbell price was right after all...~ Ash said to himself. To Sandstone he yelled, <What, is Giovanni DEAF or something?!>
<If he’s not, he probably WILL be at this rate!!> he replied. <Actually, we have a bet on when the first person in this building is gonna go deaf... I have twenty bucks on next July...>
Footsteps echoed down the corridor.
<Of course, I don’t actually HAVE twenty bucks, but then again, no one else does, either...>
Giovanni threw open the door. “All right!” he thundered. “Machoke, Dugtrio, return!”
The two Pokémon vanished in a flash of red light.
“And Dratini...”
Ash froze.
“Let’s see what you can do...” Giovanni smiled menacingly. Persian purred in agreement.
<Bye!> Sandstone said.
<Wait, what in the--> Ash was sucked into his Pokéball.
~...heck is going on?~ he finished pointlessly.
“What is TAKING him so long?!” Misty yelled in frustration.
“Pika pika!!”
Misty rang the doorbell again, listening to the seemingly ordinary chimes. “It MUST be working if I can hear it from here...”
The huge doors slowly swung open.
“Pika chu,” Pikachu said in disgust.
“Yeah, it IS too melodramatic, isn’t it...” Misty said distractedly as they walked through the dark corridor.
They came to the stadium, which was shadowy and vaguely intimidating. Misty looked around. “Well, of all the--”
She was cut off by the noise of two large lights clicking on.
“Yes?” a deep voice said. “I suppose you want a Pokémon battle?”
“Well, yeah, sort of,” Misty said, looking around. ~He has GOT to be here SOMEwhere...~
Giovanni stepped into the light, Persian at his side. “Oh yes, you’re one of those Cerulean brats, aren’t you?” he observed lazily. “Well, I suppose this will do as a training exercise...”
Misty bristled. “If we’re going to battle, let’s get to it!! You’ve wasted enough of my time already!!”
“Cocky, aren’t you?...”
“Aah!” Misty struggled to keep her balance as the ground she was standing on began to rise. She grabbed onto the rail that emerged and cursed herself for not being on-guard.
Misty stood on one end of the arena. Giovanni sat on the chair on the other side.
“This match is between the challenger, Misty, and Gym Leader Giovanni!” a nameless junior trainer announced. “This is a three-on-three match, no time limit! Begin!”
“Starmie, I choose you!” Misty yelled, hoping Psyduck wouldn’t manage to somehow teleport from the Pokémon Center and appear instead.
“Machoke, go!” Giovanni yelled.
<Okay, let’s try this again...> Ash raised a fist. <Rock, paper, scissors!> He kept the fist. <Rock, paper, scissors!> He tried scissors. <Rock, paper, scissors!>
He looked at his flat hand, and then at the place where Pikachu’s paw would usually be.
<Er... Okay, forget THAT...> He sighed. <This is soooo boring... I bet I won’t even be called out...>
~Hmmmm... Where have I seen this girl before?...>
Giovanni shrugged. It wasn’t important. “Machoke, Seismic Toss!” he called, and started the battle...