If I Could Change the World
Chapter Four: Madness and Memories
Nurse Joy leaned back in her chair, cup of coffee in her hands, and sighed.
“Long day?”
Officer Jenny stood behind her with another cup of coffee, grinning lopsidedly.
“You don’t know the half of it!” Joy said, returning the half-smile.
Jenny pulled up a chair. “Hey, I’M the one investigating this. I know EXACTLY how it is.”
“Well, YOUR job’s not being interrupted all day by a bunch of rude policemen who think that they own the whole Pokémon Center!”
“Well... I guess you’re right. But it’ll calm down now. There are no more reports ‘till the morning.” Jenny leaned back a little, relaxing.
“Good, now maybe we can rest!!”
The two women leaned back, enjoying the first quiet they’d had since that morning.
Joy and Jenny leaped up.
“WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON HERE AND WHERE, WHERE, _WHERE_ IS MY SON???!?!?!?!” a furious Mrs. Ketchum screamed, skidding into the Pokémon Center, a slightly disturbed Mimey at her back. Her trenchcoat billowed out behind her; with her clenched fist raised, she made an imposing figure.
“Chansey chan chan?” <Where’d she get the trenchcoat?>
“Mime, Mister mime!” <_I_ don’t know!!>
“Oh no.” Jenny was slightly nervous. Why the heck didn’t we tell Mrs. Ketchum before?!
“DID YOU HEAR ME?!?!!! I WANT TO KNOW WHERE MY SON IS, AND I WANT TO KNOW _NOW_!!!!!!!!!” Mrs. Ketchum screeched.
Back in the recovery ward, Pikachu stretched and yawned, finally over his cold. “Pikapi?”
Misty and Brock stood over him. “Hi, Pikachu!”
Pikachu frowned. “Ka? Kachu pikapi?” <Huh? Where’s Ash?>
“Huh? Um, Togetic, go!” Misty said.
“Toki!” <Hi, Pika!>
“Pikachu.” <I TOLD you, never call me Pika you winged egg!>
“Toki, toki toki!!” <Misty-mommy, he called me a winged egg!!>
“Pi, pikachu?” <That’s what you ARE, isn’t it?>
“Toki!” <Oh yeah!>
Pikachu sighed. “Pika pikachu... Pi ka Pikapi?!” <You are SO young... So where’s Ash?!>
“Toki, toki tick!” <He wants to know where Ash-hunk is!!>
“PIKA?!” Pikachu burst out laughing. “Pikapi kachu?! Ka pi PI ka chu!!” <Ash-hunk?! She IS rubbing off on you!!”
“Toki toki...” <That’s what Misty-mommy calls him...>
Pikachu fell on the floor laughing.
“Togetic!!” Misty yelled, picking it up. “I do NOT call him that!!”
“Toki tick...” <You USED to...>
“Ka?” Pikachu stopped laughing.
“Okay, completely lost...” Brock said.
“Nothing!!” Misty said quickly.
“Kachu, pika pikachu!” <Brock, you know you can understand every word we say!>
“I’m STILL lost.”
“Pi ka chu... PI PIKAPI?!” <Back to the point... WHERE’S ASH?!>
“Toki, to-ki tick!” <He wants to know where Ash-hunk is!>
“He wants to know where ASH--” she emphasized the name because of Togetic’s suffix-- “is?”
“Toki?” <Didn’t I just say that?>
“Toki tick!” Togetic said helpfully. <Just tell him!>
“Okay, okay!! Ash... um.... was...... Would YOU take this one, Brock?” Misty sweatdropped.
“Pika, pi ka chu cha, pika?” <What, he wasn’t kidnapped by Team Rocket, was he?> Pikachu laughed.
Brock froze and sweatdropped.
“Toki, toki tick tick tick, toki!” <“What, he wasn’t kidnapped by Team Rocket, was he”!> Togetic laughed. “Toki tick!” <What a riot!>
Misty froze.
“Toki, tick?” <He wasn’t, right?>
“PIKA?? Pi KA, pikachu?!!!?!?!” <WHAT?? He WAS, wasn’t he?!!!?!?!>
“TOKIIII?!?!?!?!” <WHAT?!?!?!?!>
“Um...” Misty sweatdropped. “Actually.... he was.”
“PIIIIIIIIIII!!” Pikachu dropped into a dead faint.
“..........” Brock said. “...Can we wake him up?...”
“Togetic, would you be a dear?” Misty said.
“Toki?” <A deer?>
“Please just wake him up!!!!!”
“Toki.” <Oh, okay.>
Pikachu woke up and immediately ran out of the room, screaming like a maniac. “PIKAPI!!!” <ASH!!!>
“Um--!” Jenny looked around wildly. “You take the Pokémon, I’ll take the psycho!!”
“Dratini, return!”
Ash felt himself being sucked back into the Pokéball.
Great... Ash sighed, as much as a Dratini could sigh while it was in a Pokéball.
Well, look at the bright side, he told himself.
What bright side?
Um... It could almost be pretty in here if there were stars!
Oh, get real, Ash-- He cut himself off as he saw suddenly that there were stars.
What in the...
Maybe whatever you imagine in this place is what you end up seeing.
He pondered that for a minute. Hey, it’s worth a shot!
Ash had always had a good imagination, so it wasn’t too hard to put it to use now. And as he did, grass appeared below him, and ground below that. A forest appeared a few yards behind him, its trees almost comforting to one who’d so often been among them at night. A serene lake he’d once camped alongside of appeared in front, and Ash once again looked human, dressed in his normal clothes, with a blanket on his lap.
He opened his eyes and blinked. Whoa. Cool.
Hey, this looks like that place in Johto where we camped--
He looked up at his starry sky, remembering...
“Wow, guys!” Misty said. “Look at this!”
Ash, Brock, and Pikachu walked in the direction that Misty had been scouting for a place to camp.
“Wow...” they said in unison.
Just beyond the forest, Misty had found a vast lake, glowing gold in the light of the setting sun.
“I think we should camp here!”
“Yep, this looks pretty good!” Ash said.
“Pretty good?” Misty mocked. “Ash, this is one of the prettiest places I’ve ever seen! And traveling with you, I’ve seen a lot of places!”
Ash put his hand behind his head. “Well, we DO travel a lot...”
“And it’s so romantic!” Misty clasped her hands, eyes glittering.
Brock studied the map. “Hey... This must be Lake Serena! YAY!! We aren’t lost anymore!!”
“Whoohoo!” everyone cheered.
“Okay Ash, you go get the firewood while Misty and I set up the campsite,” Brock directed.
“Man, why do _I_ always have to get the firewood?!” Ash complained.
“Ash, I got the firewood last night,” Brock said.
“No you didn’t! You promised you would in the morning, then you got that cough right when we set up camp, so I got it, and after that you felt better so you promised me you’d get it tomorrow!” Ash protested.
Brock sweatdropped. “Er...”
“Aw, it doesn’t matter anyway. I’ll get the stupid firewood.” Ash walked off.
“That was kind of mean, Brock,” Misty said, annoyed. Ash listened, picking up firewood while keeping within hearing range of camp.
“Well, yeah...”
“I think you should apologize. Right when he gets back.” Misty’s voice was firm, with a hint of danger.
“Yeah, I will.”
“And you should get the firewood next time.” Misty still sounded dangerous.
“No buts!” she yelled. “You have been duping Ash for a long, long time, and you are going to apologize!! TONIGHT!!”
“But it was just--”
“I am not just going to just stand by and watch you cheat Ash!! I don’t CARE if it’s just firewood, I don’t care if he even minds, you are going to apologize, Brock!!”
“ ‘Well’ NOTHING!!” she screamed. “Just DO it!!!”
“Okay, okay!!”
“And you had better not do it again, mister, because...” she trailed off. “Because I’m very sensitive about fooling people.” She sniffed. “So DON’T DO IT AGAIN!!!”
“I won’t, I swear!!!” Brock said quickly.
“Whoa,” Ash whispered to Pikachu.
“Pika...” he agreed.
He waited a few minutes before returning to camp.
“Hi!” he said cheerily.
“Ash, I’m sorry.” Brock sounded penitent. “I’ve been making a fool of you for a long time and I’m so ashamed!!” He fell down at Ash’s feet. “Please forgive me!!” he said, sobbing.
Ash resisted the urge to giggle. “Um... Okay Brock, I forgive you.”
“THANK YOU!!” Brock yelled, still sobbing. He wrapped his arms around Ash’s neck.
“Um, okay, man! Um... Would you please get off me, Brock? You’re scaring me.”
“Oh, okay.” Brock quickly let go and started to cook.
Over on the other side of the campfire, Misty started to giggle. Ash found he couldn’t hold it in any longer and started laughing with her. Soon, the whole group was laughing....
It was later that night.
Ash was wakened by a muffled sob. Sitting up awkwardly in his sleeping bag, he saw, by the moonlight, a huddled figure sitting by the lake. It was Misty, in her sleeping bag.
Ash scuttled over. “Misty? What’s wrong?”
She jerked her head up and blinked. “Huh? Nothing’s wrong, why do you ask?”
“Ha ha. Nice try.” He looked into her eyes. “Now seriously, what is it?”
“Well... fine, if you want to know, I guess I’ll tell you,” she said haughtily. If you must know... I was thinking about my parents.” She looked up at the moon. “Dad told my mom that their whole marriage had been a mistake.” She laughed bitterly. “After triplets and another daughter!
“So, he left one night and never came back. Mom tried to live without him, but--” Her voice cracked.
Ash’s eyes widened. “She didn’t--”
Misty laughed hollowly. “Kill herself? No. Not quite. She just tried.” She looked into Ash’s wide eyes. “So, she went to the asylum, and we managed the gym,” she said matter-of-factly.
“Whoa...” Ash said softly.
“So.” Misty said abruptly. “I haven’t seen your dad anywhere. And tonight seems like “National Tell-All-Your-Secrets night, so...”
“Well, fine,” Ash said, “I guess after you told me about your parents you deserve to hear my story. Actually, it starts a little like yours.”
“He left?”
“Yeah, but there’s more to it. You see, I’m not an only child.”
Misty gasped.
“It was a shock to me, too. Mom only told me last time we were at Pallet.” Ash sighed. “Apparently, I had--have--a sister named Serena. She was--is--about three years older than me. One night, Dad left and took her with him. And seven months later, there I was.”
“Oh my gosh...” Misty breathed.
“And a few months later, my grandfather called and said that Dad had left a kid with him. So Mom rushed over there. But it wasn’t Serena. It was another kid. My grandfather was so removed from our family that he didn’t even know that Serena was three years old, or a girl. This was a baby boy, about my age.”
“Oh my gosh, Gary?!” Misty said in shock.
“Huh? Oh my gosh, it MUST be!! Mom told me we never moved again, and--it all makes perfect sense now!!” Ash said, awed in this sudden revelation.
“You hadn’t realized it before?” Misty said skeptically.
“Hey, you yourself said that I’m pretty thick...”
They both broke down crying in each other’s arms.
“Ash...” Misty said a few minutes later. “I don’t think you’re thick. I don’t hate you, either.”
“Well, that’s nice,” Ash said, smiling weakly, “Because I don’t hate you either.”
It was one of those moments of romantic possibility that only come along so often. Their faces slowly came closer together, and closer...
And then they fell asleep.
Brock and Pikachu collapsed with laughter.
Ash slowly opened his eyes...and saw Misty’s slowly opening eyes.
Still in sleeping bags, they yanked their arms from around each other and leapt apart.
“I swear it wasn’t what it looked like!!” Ash said, blushing furiously.
“Yeah! What he said!” Misty said, even redder.
It only made Brock and Pikachu laugh harder.
Ash and Misty looked at each other, getting more annoyed by the minute.
Misty and Ash had leapt out of their sleeping bags and attacked the laughing pair, with mallet and club respectively.
“Ow! Ow! STOP THAT!!”
“You never mention any of this again, is that clear?” Misty yelled, emphasizing her remark with a swing of her mallet.
“Yeah!” said Ash, following suit.
“Ow!! All right already!”
“Pika!” <Fine!!>
“Good,” Misty said, and put her mallet away like nothing had happened.
“Brock?” said Ash. “I seem to remember a promise about a certain someone gathering firewood for once...”
“Oh yeah,” Brock said, laughing nervously. He and Pikachu went out to do just that.
Ash and Misty looked at each other, grinning, eyes sparkling.
“AAH!! I’VE BEEN BITTEN BY A RATTATA!!!” Brock screamed.
“Pika pikachu pika!” <For crying out loud, it’s only a branch!>
“Oh, it was only a branch. Never mind!” Brock called.
Ash and Misty looked at each other and dissolved into helpless laughter.
Ash sighed. Misty...
Misty, I swear I will escape and find you again. I will escape...
But what if she doesn’t like what comes back to her?...
Ash shivered.
Dangit, Ash, don’t worry. Worry about that when you’re not stuck in a Pokéball. Just enjoy this!
Who knows when you’ll get the chance to enjoy something again?...
Oh, shut up.
Ash fell asleep...