The Phantom Tollbooth
By: Nick Supin
Disclaimer: Norton Juster wrote the Phantom Tollbooth, and Nintendo, Game Freak, and 4 kids
entertainment owns the charicters of Poke'mon
"Welcome to expectations." Misty began.They looked at the "House," It was more like a castle shape instead.
"Information, predictions, and advice cheerfully offered." Brock said.
"Park here and blow horn." Ash finished.
"Eh, do we have a horn?" Brock asked.
"I don't THINK so..." Misty answered.
"I have a novelty horn." Ash pulled out a horn that you see in basketball games, he covered one of his ears and
pressed the button on top.
"WHAT THE!??!?!?!" A small man with a beard came out, yelling.
"Hello." Ash waved to him.
"GIVE ME THAT!!!!!" He took Ash's horn and broke it in half.
Ash started getting tears in his eyes, "Bu-bubut I wanted that!!!!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Misty rubbed her temples and walked up to the man. He looked at her and said:
"WOWWSA! THOSA SOME BIG MELONS!!!!!!" (For those of you who don't know what melons are...
((and that's preeeettty sad...)) they are one of the most interesting parts of female anatomy;)
Misty's vien popped and her eyebrow twitched... she brought out her mallet and started stomping
VERRRRRRRRRRRRRYYYYYY slowly toward the man.
"Uh eheheheheheh... I'm sorry, I can't stay long... BYE!" He ran inside his house and locked the door.
Misty rushed up to the door and busted it down with her mallet, she lifted the door and the man was lying
unconsious on the ground. She beat him a couple of times, and now he was a very dark purple man, he had
so many bruises.
"I'm never gonna say that to Misty." Brock said, "Nor would I want to, her breasts are puny."
Misty was up in Brock's face in a second.
"What? Did I say something?"
me when I go ballistic.)
"WAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wuz gonna use that in Misty's face... WAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!"
Ash cried.
"I didn't say a word." Brock said, and acted like he zipped his lip.
"There is ONE thing that I hate more than insults against me, IT'S LYING!!!!!!!!!" Misty whammed him all the
way to the roof of expectations. Brock stood there with a large bump on his head.
"Misty, what are melons?" Ash asked.
"Maybe you'll have to figure that out for yourself." Misty blushed.
"DON'T COUNT ON IT, LOVER BOY!!!!!!!!" Brock screeched from his perch.
Misty clenched her fists. "Grr... BROCK DIDN'T YOU LEARN YOUR LESSON?! APPARENTLY NOT!!!!!!"
She climbed up the house to Brock. He screamed like a little girl and jumped right off, faking that his legs were
"OWOWOWOW!!!!!!!! MY LEGS ARE BROKEN!" Ash walked up to him calmly.
"Please Brock, a monkey can do better acting than that!"
"Hey Ash, present."
"That should shut him up, now to leave the evil demon so VERY quietly..." He tiptoed across the path. He
felt a hand on his shoulder. A red-headed "demon" with a very large mallet behind her.
screamed, running down the path.
"Fear is the best weapon!" Misty grinned.
"I WANNA OPEN IT!!!! MISTY!!!!!!!!!!" Ash whined.
Misty slapped her forehead, "THERE IS NO PRESENT!!!!!!!!!!"
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