The Phantom Tollbooth
By: Nick Supin
A parody off the famous novel by: Norton Juster
I will be using the entire world from the Phantom Tollbooth in this book, all credit for the map is to
Norton Juster and Jules Feifer. One other thing I don't own is Poke'mon.
Here is an interesting preveiw...
Near the Valley of Sound...
"We live in a random house in the valley of sound!" A little old lady said.
"Ok... MISTY! We're in the Valley of Sound."
"Where might that be?" She asked.
"I dunno. I just know we're in the Valley of Sound and I'm gonna enjoy it!"
"The Hills are Alive with the Sound of Music" plays in the background while Ash plays around in the
Misty hits her head on a telephone pole multiple times...
Okay, now on with the story...
Ash, Misty, and Brock continue thier journey, suprisingly not lost!
"See Ash, it's much quicker if we take the main road instead of your shortcuts." Misty grinned.
Ash growled.
"Pika Pi."
"You guys are always putting me down!" He yelled and hit his head on a large package of Red and White
while walking.
"Ouch..." He fell on top of Pikachu.
"Pika... Pika! PIKACHUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Ash got shocked and he quickly got up
and hit his head while falling AGAIN, and fell to the ground.
"Double Ouch..."
"Hmmm... Why would a large package in the middle of nowhere that is addressed to US be in the
middle of nowhere?"
"Middle of Nowhere, Brock?" Misty asked.
"Yeah, I've had us lost since that sign that said all those word in german."
Misty slaps her head and yells: "YOUR JUST AS BAD AS ASH!!!!!!!!"
"Maybe more so. I at least TELL everyone we're lost." Ash said.
Misty gives him a blank look. "Idiots. I'm surrounded." She sighed, "Enough about that though... What
is this package?"
"I dunno but I wanna open it!" Ash yelled enthusiasticly.
"Maybe it's for us, but it isn't from anyone we know..."
"I wanna open it!"
"What does this say?" Misty grabbed a small note,
"I wanna open it!"
"It says: For Ash, Misty, and Brock, who have plenty of time..."
"I wanna open it!"
"One genuine Turnpike Tollbooth..." Misty continued...
Ash muttered: "Easily assembled at home, So open it right now!"
"And for use to those who have never traveled..."Misty said,
"I wanna open it!"
"In lands beyond." Brock finsihed.
"Grr... No attention, no attention at all... I WANNA OPEN IT!" Ash yelled at the top of his lungs...
"This package contains the following items..."
"I wanna open it..."
"1 genuine turnpike tollbooth to be erected according to the directions..." Misty said.
"I wanna open it!"
"3 precautionary signs to be used in precautionary fashion." Brock said.
"I wanna open it!"
"Assorted coins for use in tolls..." Misty said.
"I wanna open... 1, 3, 0..."
"1... map... up to date... wait, skip the map, the mapmakers were tired and decided to go on revolt."
"1, 3, 0, 1..."
"And 1 book of rules and traffic regulations, which may not be bent or broken." Misty finished. "Phew..."
"1, 3, 0 1, 1! There's gotta be a connection! Ash Ketchum, master detective, will figure another mystery using
his super sleuth style!"
"Ash, It's a present to us!" Misty said, enthusiasticly.
"I wanna open it!"
"Okay, let's get this over with!" Brock started pulling on the box, hoping to rip it apart... it didn't bulge.
"Hey Brock, it says pull this cord." Misty pointed to a peice of rope that hung out of seemingly nowhere."
"Okay..." He pulled it and the box ripped apart, revealing a small, purple tollbooth. A man popped out and said:
"Slow down approaching tollbooth."
"Eh... We're on foot, we don't have a car." Ash said.
He rubbed his temples.
"IDIOTS! Nowadays kids don't have toy cars or ANYTHING!"
"Well we'd like to travel on foot... If we HAVE TO..." Ash suggested.
"I guess it'd be best, you're pretty much screwed without a toy car." He also said: "Please have your fare ready!"
Misty pulled out a small silver coin and handed it to him.
"NOT A SILVER! A GOLD A GOLD! CAN'T YOU READ THE SIGN?!!! Ugh, kids nowadays..."
"Oh... I don't think I have a gold, only silver."
"Oi... The idiots can't even set up a GOOD package... okay... 10 silver should do it." He rubbed his temples.
"Okay..." She pulled out nine.
"10, please."
"I alread-"
"I know, but it seemingly disapeared." He grinned.
"Fine..." She handed him her last coin.
"Please have your destination in mind."
"Eh... Where should we go Brock?"
"Cerulean City."
He looked at him strangely.
"Cerulean City."
"Ugh... don't tell me, they didn't include the map!"
"Okay, we won't tell you, it'll be our little secret!" Ash said.
A gust of wind flew by.
"Okay, how about you guys go ANYWHERE!" He threw them inside some kind of sprially spinning thingy and they all
screamed until they popped up at a House with a sign that said: Welcome to expectations!