Aftermath-Chapter 2

I spent several years training with Master Lucky. As I learned more, things got harder and the tasks became harder. I eventually became Master Lucky's right hand, aide for Miya. Miya and myself also became close friends, sharing much in common. Now that its been a few years since the incident with Mina, and yet it seems they gave up on searching for me. Yet, during this time the Original Federation, Northfleet Federation, had been overturned by the Renada United, re-naming the new Federation as FederationONE.

What had happend was that the Northfleet Federation's council had started the Geneva Directive, allowing Northfleet to ignore their own directives to obtain Geneva Cells. It had come to their attention that these cells are a great source for power. Some of the crews became aware of the Geneva Directive and broke away from the Federation, forming the Renada United. This part in history is when things became fuzzy. According to Northfleet, the Renada attacked Northfleet for no apparent reason. What really happened was that Northfleet found out that earth had Geneva Cells. There was a Renada ship in that area, so Northfleet told one of their own ships that the Renada vessel had caused war-like actions against Northfleet. In reality, the plan was to attack the Renada ship, then crashland on earth. They succeeded, and partnered with the CIA on Earth's USA. All-in-all, Northfleet got corrupted and it ended up with me in my current situation. Renada United formed to protect the original directive of Northfleet.

Even after my years of being away from the action. The Northstar, my old ship, joined the Renada United and successfully overthrew the Northfleet Council. Once more, the Federation can be one under the name FederationONE. They reclaimed the ways of the Federation, overuling the Geneva Directive. It was shortly after this that the Northstar returned to earth. They successfully built a new station, the Bel-East, from another bit of earth's land, and they new they needed a commander for the station.

It was a surprise for me to wake up to my old computer beeping. I put it on and activated the com.

"Drako, this is the FederationONE ship Northstar, Diane speaking." came over the com.

"Diane??" I replied.

"Yes, sir?"

"It's good to hear from you."

"Likewise. Sir, we have an opportunity for you. May we come down."

"Anytime Diane."

"We will be down soon."

I found master Lucky and told her I had some old friends coming by. She insisted to meet them as well. She wanted to know why they were coming here, to see me at least. It was about a half hour before we met up with the commanding crew in the lobby of the hotel.

"Diane." I nodded as I greeted her.

"Drako." She replied.

"So, what's up?" Lucky cut in.

"I am Diane with FederationONE, we have a proposal for Drako."

"What proposal, and what happened to Northfeleet?" I asked.

"Northfleet broke their own rules, we had to overthrow the Council. They are the reason you are like that."


"Renada United didn't start the war, the council did."

"I see."

"About the proposal, we have a new station, the Bel-East, and she needs a new commander. You would be perfect."


"You may Drako," Lucky answred. "You are ready to move on, and you may return whenever I need you most."

I nod and smile. "So, where's the new station?"

"Right over us." Diane replied.

I waved goodbye to my home, and all my friends, promising I would return. Right afterwords we are transported directly to the new station, FOS BelEast. It was nice to see a few familar faces, along with pleanty of new ones. Stephan, the stations cheif of security and Stephanie, his mate and and now second in Command meet me in the transporter room. I was decorated with the usual of a commander of such a station. Then they escorted me to the command post.

On the way to the lift to com post, I noticed a new face within the security detail, a black anthro wolf. He followed us to the com, and I was willing to bet he was eyeing me the entire time.

After I have spent the better part of an hour on the com, the station's doctor notions me to the medical bay. When I get there, he had the most interesting news.

"Commander," he started. "We found out how they held you in that form."

"How??" I asked.

"It's a simple fusion controller. I can return you to a mostly tabby form."

"Mostly tabby?"

"Yes, sir. You see, you are a tabby mewtwo hybrid, therefore some parts of your two side will always be visible, like your horns, artery tube, and that bulb in your tail."

"I see."

"On the other hand, we can use the fusion for short term basis to bring your full Mewtwo side. But we can't do it for long."

"Why not?"

"Because that form is killing you slowly. It's too much of an energy drain. The initial revert could leave you asleep for a few hours."

"But it will be worth it, to be mostly normal again. You may proceed."

I knew full well the medical sensors in the transporter beam caught that and they knew how to correct it. I lied on the operating bed as the doctor began his procedure, putting me into life support rather quickly. Before too long, I felt myself become really dizzy and in a flash, I collapsed on the bed. In a deep sleep.

After being asleep for 4 hours, I regained myself and slowly sat up. They placed a mirror near my resting bed so I could see myself as a black tabby once more. To be honest, the additions seemed to add character to who I was, so I was quite pleased. The same wolf escorted me to the com and we had an interesting discussion in the lift.

"Commander." he started.

"Yes?" I responded.

"How are you feeling?"

"Much better. By the way, may I ask your name?"

"I am Steeltael sir."

"At ease, this isn't the military." I chuckled.

"Yes, I know....cutie"

I blushed, it's been a while since I even thought a relationship with anyone was possible. Not to mention that I was being hit on by a guy. Hey, wasn't too new to me anyways. I slept with Stephen for heavens sake.

"Do you have anything planned tonight?" Steel broke the silence.

"No, I don't" I answered.

"How about we have a night on the station? Some dinner, a movie in the holodeck."

"Sure, sounds good."

I knew this was a date. I didn't know how much fun this wolf was going to be. I thought it was a good idea to find somone, and I just didn't really plan on dating, but I had no idea that Steel had a thing for me that soon.