...::: Things I Whisper To You When You Sleep :::...
..:: Chapter One ::..
The Beggining Of The End
Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon blah, blah, blah, or any of the charakters blah,
blah, they belong to Nintendo, not to me ( and that's a pity ^_^ ).
Anyway, this fic is not the first one, but it's the first I ever send to the web site.
If you like it
( or not ) please let me know about it, OK? I promise, that I'll anwser to
every letter ( I'll try ^_^* ).
Big hugs to my dear sister Tsuki, who was translating this fic for me ( English it's not my
language - I'm Polish ). Thank you very much, and I wish you everything good! ^_^
This story is dedicated to Angel Kitten ( go to see her GREAT fanfiction called " The
Power of Two " ) - my first mail friend. I hope that you will like the hidden meaning
of some words and the
small suprise ( in the next chapter ), and want to thank you for being such good friend to me.
Misty - 17
Ash - 17
Brock - 20
Gary - 17
"blah" ~ speaking
- blah - ~ thinking
" ... and I really don't think that I could stand a single day without the eye contact
or without our fights from time to time... We had that awful fight when he thought I was
rummaging in his backpack but it wasn't like that! I went to his room to borrow his
pokegear because mine got broken - the aerial was torn off and I can't use it for calling.
And I KNOW his pokegear is ALWAYS in the left pocket of his backpack, I know it, I saw
him putting in there so many times when we went asleep on our camps in the forest.
While I was reaching for this damn thing HE entered the room... I wanted to explain
myself but he wouldn't even listen to me! He started that huge fight without any
reason... and now he simply hates me... Maybe he'll soon get over it but maybe he
won't... Everything will be cleared up at tommorrow's breakfast. If he only knew what I..."
Misty stopped. The pen hanged right above the ornamental sheet of paper while she was
listening intently to the silence surrounding her. Then she heard it again. Loud,
persistent knocking. She put down her pen and got up from freshly made bed. A few
pages of her diary flipped over when she stopped holding them back with her hand.
"I'm coming! I'm coming!" she went over to the door looking at her watch. She
opened it with a strong jerk. "I hope it's urgent, otherwise..."
A young 18~year~old man raised his left eyebrow a little bit. His hand shot
into the air holding a blue mug with hot chocolate.
"Sleeping emergency service is ready to act."
"Come in Brock."
The boy entered the room watching her walking up to her bed and taking
her diary. He closed the door and sat by the bed. Misty was bustling round her desk
for a while, putting the diary to one of the drawers and locked it. Then she sat
on the bed as well.
"I've heard your fight so I came to see if everything is alright. It is, right?"
She didn't answer.
"Is everything OK?"
He looked at her without saying anything more. He was just sitting there waiting for
any respond.
"It's not..." she dropped on her back and hid her face behind the pillow.
She was furious, furious and sad at the same time. "It's so unfair" she continued
but her words were hardly recognizable from underneath the cover. "This whole fight
had no sense! It didn't solve anything, it only made everything worse! I know he keeps
his personal things, like letters and stuff, in his backpack but I would never EVER
touch anything without his permission! Doesn't he know me AT ALL?!"
Brock was staring at her. He blinked a few times, grabbed the pillow and took it
from Misty's face.
"He wasn't thinking. You know that he first acts and then thinks what he should do.
Ash behaved like an idiot but it's not like you're completly innocent... You shouldn't
have search through his backpack..."
"I know, I know... maybe I should go and apologize to him?"
"No" his voice was calm and determined. "It was partly your fault but he started
it and he's the one who should apologize. Soon he'll be coming to say 'I'm sorry',
you'll see... and the good old times will be back..."
She straightened up watching him carefully.
"You really think so?"
He nodded and bent over to her. His arm touched her arm.
"We're all friends, right? Quarrels, even those serious, never last long between you two."
She suddenly yawned but it was totally unintentional. She felt embarassed but after
a while both of them were laughing.
"Alright, I'm going. It seems that I'm boring you to death. If you need me, I'll be
at my place."
"OK. Thanks for everything."
Brock got up, took empty mugs and left. Misty lay down on her bed again but this time
she closed her blue - colored eyes and started reminding herself her friend's advice.
She smiled.
- I won't go, he must be the one who'll be sorry - she thought. Many things
came to her mind when she was falling asleep so she forgot to take off her clothes. Ash
had already been for a few hours in his room next door. He may never learn about their night talk.
A fresh lump of butter was slowly melting on the hot slice of toast. Misty was sitting
in at the kitchen table with all the others, staring thoughtlessly at her tea cup, trying
to get rid of all those black thoughts. The dining room of the guest house was full of
Christmas decorations but they didn't feel like it's Christmas at all. A heavy and fierce
sandstorm raged in the mountains, where most of the trainers got stuck. If the weather
didn't change during the next four days they would have to spend their Christmas right there.
Misty was desperately trying not to think about Ash and when they are going to talk to each
other. Togepi and Pikachu were sitting on the table; Pikachu was very absorbed in the bottle
of ketchup and Togepi was eating pokemon feed that Misty was giving him. Ash was sitting
next to her in complete silence, not even looking at her. He knew very well that he behaved
like an idiot and he was full of remorse, however, he didn't say a word. Brock was also
keeping an absolute silence not to meddle in somebody else's business. The whole dining room
was laughing, shouting, discussing the beautiful decor but they were still quiet. Finally,
Misty seized her slice of toast and started looking around the table.
"Ash, could you pass me this jam" she asked.
He did it without a word.
No answer at all. He didn't dare to speak because he was afraid that his words could
be unsuitable, that he could say something that makes everything worse and then be unable
to take it back. On one hand he wanted to apogogize but on the other hand he was furious
with her.
"Misty, listen..." he hesitated. She lifted her head from above her plate.
"Yes?" she said with a noticeable hope in her vice.
"Geez... you know what? This is really sick. Every single day starts the same way.
First everything is alright, then we fight and then there is this awkward conversation,
again and again... Why can't we have even one day without a row?"
"I don't know. You tell me."
"I feel stupid because of what I've done and I'm sorry. Really. Ever since we got
here either me or you get mad. Can't we just be friends?"
"This is very strange! You should really take a look at yourself! When you saw me
with your backpack you didn't let me say even one word and explain myself!"
The dining room went silent. Every single trainer was staring at them. Christmas tree
lamps were flickering merrily to the sound of carol but at this very moment nothing nothing
could be heard. A quarrel was something unusual here...
"Oh great! So now it's my fault?!"
"You've said that!" she finally put down her toast almost throwing it at her plate. Brock
saw her eyes going wet. There was a cry coming up and he had to try to stop it.
"Ash, listen" he started "maybe..."
But Ash wouldn't listen. He was furious. Never before had he felt such hate. It had
never been so strong... He knew that there was no true reason for such feelings. He should
rather be sad or depressed. And he was - deep in his mind and soul. But now once the dam of
anger had been broken, there was no turning back and nothing could stop him. Everything that
gathered in his heart for all those days now was flooding him inside, attacking his common
sense, hurting.
"It's all your fault! You started it yesterday!" he thought it would be good if he
stopped, before he had said something he didn't want to say. "If you hadn't been rummaging
in my backpack, this whole situation would've never happened!" he asked God to stop this
stream of words "What were you searching for anyway?"
Misty's hands were shaking, when she reached into her pocket. She took something out, suddenly
mered away her chair and got up. She put down her pokegear in the front of him with
a quick move.
"This!" she shouted "I wanted to borrow your pokegear, because my is broken down! I
wanted to have it repaired yesterday, but everything was closed - her voice was faltering
with each word - You always keep your pokegear in the left pocket of your pack, don't you?!"
Brock noticed a small tear in the corner of her eye.
- Now it's going to start for
real... - he thought - ... It's too late...
Ash was sitting without a single move, his eyes fixed upon this unfortunate object
in front of him. Its little lamps weren't flashing, neither was the name of the current owner
and the aerial was broken.
"Well?! Do you?!! Do you keep your pokegear in the left pocket?!"
"Yes..." a silent whisper finally came out of his mouth. The whole anger and sadness
suddenly disappeared. All the negative emotions evaporated as somebody erased them from his
mind. Only a stupid, burning feeling of guilt was left.
"This is so unfair..." now Misty was no longer restraining the flood of tears.
They wlawing without any barriers. "It's all of your stupid pokegear and your stupid pack!
She hid her eyes behind her hands. Her cheeks were wet. Everybody in the dining room
were gaping on them, waiting for what was comming next, expecting either a wonderful happy end,
or a disaster. The show was slowly reaching its climax.
"We're always fighting... almost every single day... I'm fed up with screaming at you...we
stopped doing anything else together..."
He got up to say something, apologize or to protest. He wanted to do something to
comfort her and make her stop crying.
"Misty, if you told me about it earlier... ever... if you knew how I feel..."
She didn't anwser. She ran out of the dining room, without looking back. She seized
her jacket hanging on the hall.
All he wanted at the moment was to run after her and talk to her, but Brock grabbed
hold of his arm to stop him.
"Leave her alone for a while..."
Ash took a look around the place. People were talking, trying not to look at him,
pretending they hadn't seen anything. The show was over. He could bet he knew what they
were talking about...
"That wasn't fair and and you know it."
Brock wasn't even looking at him. He was making himself a cheese sandwich.
"I know, I acted like a real bastard, but when I started... I couldn't stop,
although I wanted..."
"Yes... a beautiful Christmas gift, isn't it? Have you thought about it?"
Brock took a huge bite of his sandwich.
"I have to find her, Brock. I have to... and say that I'm sorry..." Ash reacted a
total depression. Brock's sandwich disappeared.
"You're right, you have to apologize. But you should give her some time. She's
probably at her place, crying her eyes out. There's no point in talking about it right now...
Give her about ten minutes."
Ash sighed. He looked at his watch. It was 9:40 a.m.
- It's going to be the longest ten minutes in my whole life - he thought.
Misty was running down the corridor. Her eyes were full of painful tears. Blurred
shapes of furnitures and people she passed were so clim and were stealing so quickly,
that she couldn't recognize them. She headed towards the main hall.
- This is the end - she thought - after today's morning there's nothing left for
us... There's no trust, there's no friendship, or... - and then she suddenly bummped
into something.
"Ouch!" she shouted, when she fell on the floor, hitting her back hard. When the
first shock was over, she lifted herself, rubbing her elbow hurting with a dull ache. She
looked up to see the person she crushed to.
"I'm very sorry... I just..."
And before she even finished, she saw brown shoulder - lenght hair, equally brown eyes
and a iritating smile she knew so well.
"Well, well..." he spoke "what do we have here? Isn't thar our scraggy redhead, who
is always dragging herself behaind that loser?"
She swore at him in her mind and got up. He was the last person she wanted to see...
From the all hotels and guest~hotels in the Johto, he chose this one.
She took her jacket from the floor.
"What are doing here Gary?"
He was surrounded by the group of cheerleaders, who stared at her with hatred.
"What do you think? I'm here for the same reason as any other trainer. I'm waiting
for that stupid weather to get better. Where's that idiot? Oh, I mean - Where's your
friend Ash?" he asked with a malicious smile.
"I don't know and I really don't care. Now would you excuse me, I have to go."
She threw on her jacket and went around him. All the cheerleaers' eyes escorted her
to doorway. Brown~haired boy observed her running out to the wind and snow outside.
The weather was so nasty, that each person intending to go out, had to notify the
reception about it. But this time a woman behind the desk didn't notice the girl
rushing through the corridor. She was ocupied with a group of old ladies, very eager
to hear the latest weather forcast. They were relatives of a group of tourists that
went to the mountains a week ago and didn't
come back. Nobody knew what happened with them...
Two elderly men were standing in the corner, telling each other they have never seen
such a bad weather, although they both have lived here for all their lives.
Gary was watching the door for another minute and made for dinning room, acompanied
by his group of female fans, wondering if he would see this red-haired girl again.
"10 minutes. I'm going."
Ash got up, Pikachu came to him. Brock got up as well. Ash grabbed Togepi, who was
sitting on the table. He intended to give him back to his owner but where she was
now? What was going on with her? She was looking so worried and sad...
He had this weird feeling, that something bad was approaching and that he wouldn't
find her now. He wished this was just his imagination playing tricks on him...
..::: TO BE CONTINUED :::..
BWHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Finally!!!! It took me a long time to put this story here, but I think
that now another chapters will be OK. I mean, I have this story almost finished; the
worst work is to translate it to English. ( I've put that part at my poor sisters' head; I know,
I'm just mean ^_^* )
Sorry to all of the Pikachu fans - he's not one of the most important heros in this story.
I focused on the three main characters - and that's another reason of Gary, being identified
just as a " guy with a stupid smile ". ^___^
Pikachu will be more important in next part, I
I'll try to put the next chapter as soon as I can, but I don't promise anything. I'm
currently busy with my exams in school, and the other fanfic. It's the AAMRM, but also
AU (alternative universe), because it's taking place in the fantasy world with elfes, magic
and sword duels! I think I was kind of inspireted by the " Lord of the Rings " movie
( wich was AWSOME, by the way ) and the book of the best Polish fantasy
writter - Andrzej Sapkowski.
Ok, I think that this will be all. Any propositions, suggestions, comments,
questions etc. ? (No flames please, I won't survive this >_<)
Here's my e - mail.