...::: The Only Choice :::...
..:: Chapter One ::..
Red Flame
Disclaimer: I do not own Pokémon it's the property of Nintendo and GameFreak. Okay, now it's the time to stop joking. Ash, Misty and Brock belong to me, I bought them from GameFreak and own them. # cheesy grin # Yeah, right. You can sue me. *__*
Guys, this an AU (alternative universe) story. It takes place in fantasy world. Ash and Brock are humans. Misty is an elf. ^_^ Big hate, love, reunion, magic, sword duels, no Pokémon fights. They are adult here, there is a lot of Elfish language, bit of blood, death, alcohol and violence, so watch out. I also changed the history - for example, Misty doesn't have sisters, only father. As I told - completely different world.
Elfish language is invented by me and although it may seem that it has no sense, I assure you, it has. It's... a little complicated though. If somebody doesn't like it, all I can say is 'sorry, but that's my world.'
Inspired by "LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring" book and a book of best Polish fantasy writer - Andrew Sapkowski (main fight scene, place called Shaerrawedd and tiny parts of the language).
Big thanks to Obsidian Blade who was my beta-reader. Thanx baby, it must have been hel of a work. Go and see her great fanfiction, otherwise I'll bite you!
Misty -
Ash -
Brock -
"blah" ~ speaking
- blah - ~ thinking
The empty street was dark and silent. There was absolutely no one outside, not even any animal or Pokémon. The noise made by horseshoes seemed to be awfully loud.
The evening was pretty cold, so there was a small amount of steam coming out from the beneath lips of the cloaked rider. Small, pretty lips painted with juice of red berries were trembling slightly from the cold. Rapidash's flame mane covered the human with protective fire, warming, but not burning. It was also lighting up the darkness, showing the walls of old houses on the street. The cloak was heavy and long, not showing even a bit of flesh or clothing underneath. But it was obvious that the rider was a woman, as hands holding the reins were hands of the young girl.
She stopped her horse, when reached the destination. "The Storm", an old tavern, didn't change much during all these years since she was last here.
‘Four years ago there was also the same old Growlithe beneath this door.’ She thought, tying the reins to the metal hook near the entry to the inn. The Pokémon looked at her nervously, but she calmed him with one smooth move of her hand. She turned the old door handle and stepped inside.
The first thing that greeted her senses was the great smell of fresh bread and grape wine. She liked that smell; it reminded her of all those happy moments from before... She walked to the counter and gave the owner standing there a look. He was and old man and his face was full of tiredness. Tiredness and pain.
“Welcome.” He looked at her more closely but couldn't see her face.
“Welcome.” She replied quietly. “Do you have a free room?”
“We do, miss. But now it's hard to get a good room. You know…”
“I know.”
There was a moment of silence, then, “Let the servants take care of my Rapidash.”
She pulled back her hood, finally showing her face. She was young, about twenty-two or twenty-three years old. She had a delicate face and quite pale skin. Her big, blue eyes seemed to see through the old man. She also had elfish ears. The owner thought that he had seen her before.
“You were here before, weren't you?”
Untill now her face was like a mask, emotionless, but he realised that the situation had changed after that question. Her eyes were filled with sadness.
“Yes, but it was long time ago and it's not worth talking about.”
‘Elf,’ the old man thought. ‘She may look like twenty years, but in the reality she may be two hundred.’
She reached for her belt, taking out from the sack two small, silver coins and laid them on the counter.
“I suppose that the payment hasn't changed?”
He took the coins from the table and put them into the small hiding-place under the counter.
“It's true, miss.”
The owner took the old oil lamp from the wall and together they moved upstairs, to the second floor. The girl spoke suddenly.
“Is that room in the attic free? The one with the balcony?”
The man looked at her, shocked.
“You’ve definitely have been here before... Yes, yes, this room is free.”
The staircase were dark, illuminated only by a dim light coming out from the lamp. The windows were tightly shut.
Finally, the owner took out few keys and looked for the one made of gold. The rusted keyhole offered resistance but soon the door was opened.
“Could I ask you one thing?”
The man looked at her suspiciously.
“Is that old shop selling magic accessories still open?”
He scratched his hair, thinking hard.
“Yes, I believe it is. But the owner died two years ago and since then his son is leading the business.”
The girl's eyes were bright for a while, as if the memory of the boy made her happier, but it didn't last long.
“I wish you good night.” She said quietly, coming into the room.
“Yes, good night.”
She closed the door as soon as the owner disappeared. She took her cloak off, throwing it on the nearby chair. She was dressed in a silk skirt that reached her knees and velvet blouse with broad sleeves. The whole set was in a dark navy-blue colour, just like the cloak. She slowly reached the window, her black boots giving a loud noise as she crossed the cracking floor. She opened the shutters wide and allowed the fresh air to fill the room and her lungs. The wind lightly blew her red hair when she leant on the window frame and leaned forward. She looked at the nearby houses. The sight was exactly the same as four years ago, when...
She threw away the memories, not wanting to think again what could happen if... She looked closely at the bakery next door, from which she could feel the smell of fresh bread, probably the same as inside the inn. A few years ago the old baker, his wife and his sons were sitting around the table, praying before the meal. The only difference was that his sons were a little bit older. She looked up on the starless sky.
“I'm back,” She whispered to herself, barely hearing her own voice. “Just like you told me.”
She started to take off her clothes and sighed heavily. There would be no sleep for her today.
The tiny bell over the door made a quiet sound as a cloaked person entered the magic accessory shop. The room was dark and the dim light barely lightened up shelves with many bottles, amphorae, test-tubes, ampoules and many, many more magical items. There was also a smell of tobacco and herbs. As always.
There was a young man behind the counter. He could have no more than twenty-six years, his spiky hair and brown skin seemed to be a little brighter than four years ago, but she was fairly certain that was nothing more than an optical illusion.
“I'm sorry but shop is closed right now.” His voice hadn’t changed at all. “Please come back after half an hour. Or stay, if you are beautiful girl.”
He was standing with his back to her, any other way and he would have recognised her right away. He was mixing some substance in a small glass tube. The girl crossed her arms on her chest, shaking her head in disbelief.
“You haven't changed at all, Brock…”
He took his eyes from the tube, still holding it at the height of his eyes. He looked at her, as if trying to see trough the navy-blue hood, but soon after that there was a familiar smile on his face. He laid the tube on the dark oak of the counter and closed the distance between them. He was standing right in the front of her as she took off her hood.
“Hello Brock.”
“Welcome, Misty.”
They were looking at each other, not speaking a word. They were trying to stay calm and cool, looking to each other eyes, but soon they couldn't take it any more and burst out into laughter. She grabbed him around the neck and he spun her around few times, both of them still laughing. Finally he put her on the ground.
“Lots of time, Misty... What happened to you during all those years?”
“Nothing special... Could I have some tea?”
He showed her to the chair standing near the counter and leant over the frame of door, probably leading to the house part.
“Cynthia! Could you please make two cups of tea?”
There was a soft woman voice, confirming his question. Brock came back to the room.
“Cynthia?” Misty's voice was curious, but Brock just smiled in answer.
“You'll see.”
Misty leaned on the chair, crossing one slim leg over the other.
“What takes you back to the Cyragen? It's been... four years.”
“The Tournament, Brock... Tournament. I also wanted to see with you... It's just like you said - four years.”
There was a long moment of silence; the only sound the hissing of a snake closed in the cage in the corner of the shop and the noise of the work in kitchen.
“And him?”
She looked at his friend and for a moment he thought that he saw in her eyes some kind of emotion, but soon there was nothing but ice.
“It's... an old story. Forget about that.”
Before he could ask anything more, a woman entered the room.
Brock rushed to her to help her; he took from her the heavy salver with cups of tea. After that he helped her to sit down at his own chair. Misty couldn't not notice how she looked like.
The woman was pregnant.
In last month of pregnancy, you could say, because her belly was big and round.
She had beautiful smile - her lips covered nice, white teeth. She also had sympathetic face and she was the type of person that you knew you could trust. Brock stood behind her, putting his hands on her shoulders. Misty shook her hand and realized that her palm was warm and nice to touch.
“Misty. I'm Brock's old friend.”
“I know, Brock told me about you. I'm Cynthia; We’ve been married for two years.”
They kept talking for a while and after a few minutes she went back to the house. Brock helped her to get up, it was obvious that she had problems with walking.
“I'm going to lay down, Brock.”
“Okay, I'll bring you your medicine right away.”
Misty escorted her to the doorway and then she looked back at Brock with a cheesy grin on her face.
“I see that you changed after all. I hope that she wasn't a nurse?”
“Oh, shut up.”
They burst into laughter again. Brock started to look for something in one of the drawers and finally took out small bottle with some greyish-blue mixture.
“You mind? I have to give this to Cynthia.”
“No, no problem at all. Can I look at the shelves? I have to replenish my stocks…”
“Yes, sure. I'll give it to you for free.”
“Are you out of your mind?”
Before he could protest, she stood up and started to look for something on the shelves. She could hear Brock's steps behind her, fading slowly in the other part of house, probably to the second floor; the heart of whole house.
Soon there was absolute silence in the shop.
Misty looked closely at all of the bottles. All of the mixtures could seem deadly for normal people who didn't have an idea about magic and wizardry, but not for her. The Elves have magic power since they were born and the most difficult part was to lead this talent, to form it in a proper way...
She had chosen two small bottles with juice made of an old, magical plant, with an etiquette made in language of Old Tribe - Aen Seidhe. The dark green substance foamed and boiled when she shook it lightly. She laid them on the counter and moved to other shelf. There she looked for one small, glass box that contained light yellow powder that shone brightly when you looked at it in the light. Suddenly she heard the sound of the bell in the door and she turned to face the person that entered the shop.
“I'm sorry but it is closed now, please come back…”
She stopped abruptly, before even finishing her sentence. The glass box slipped out of her hand and shattered loudly on the stone floor of the shop. Her eyes were filled with shock and right after that they filled with tears. Her face was a mix of many emotions. Happiness, fear, anxiety... and terror. Exactly the same emotions could be seen on face of young man that was standing in the door. Covered by a black cloak, he was standing there, apparently too surprised to say anything. His entirely black hair was falling slightly on his dark eyes and wide shoulders. Next to him stood a large Pokémon. It was Pikachu.
“Hello... Misty…”
“A... Ash…”
Brock took the blue mug from hands of his wife when he heard the noise of broken glass.
“What was that?”
Cynthia had shifted slightly on the pillows that were put behind her by the caring hands of the man. She took off her silver ring, because her fingers were starting to swell.
“I'll go and check that.”
He kissed her forehead and she answered him with soft laugh.
Brock quickly went down; the noise of his shoes loud on the oak stairs. He passed the wide corridor leading to the kitchen and entered the shop. What he saw made him stop immediately and think about what to do next.
They were standing without any movement, just staring at each other. There was a broken glass box on the floor that previously contained the dust from Myoun Mountain. Now the powder was almost burning in the bright light under girl's feet and seemed to live with its own life, taking different, fantastic forms. It shined like gold, sometimes turning into green and red colours. Brock remembered that he had to use special charm to clean all remaining dust. He couldn't allow this poison to enter Cynthia's blood.
Misty was standing straight, clenching her fists so hard that the skin on her hands was almost white. The man standing in front of her didn't look better at all. His black eyes were falling on his eyes, but Brock still could see his glance, cold as never before and staring knives at the Elfish girl. He could see the large Pikachu standing below him.
Misty made a small movement with her arm; it looked like crossing two of her fingers along with circle made by her hand. Glass from the floor moved up into the air and joined in one again, filling with yellow dust, ‘till the last mote was safely back inside. The box landed slowly on the counter. Misty cast one last look on the young man standing in the door and turned back to face Brock.
“I'm taking two bottles of Bloodnec and Myoun powder.” She stated finally, taking her money bag from her belt. The bag was filled with gold; it could be concluded from its shape and the sound of money coming from inside of it.
“How much do I have to pay, Brock?”
He looked at her first and then at him.
“Nothing, Misty. I told you already that you don't have to pay me. You both don't have to.”
He looked at Ash again and then moved to face him. They were looking for a while into each other eyes, as if they were waiting for each other reaction. After a while they hugged like a brothers. They still didn't say a word. Pikachu jumped on his arm with loud "Pi" that probably was meant in greeting. Brock smiled at him.
“It was long time since we last have seen each other. All of us…”
He looked at Misty, still standing with her back to them but she marked the tone of his voice. She turned her head slightly, to hear the last words. Ash noticed that.
“... All three of us.” He finished. She turned her head again, in the previous direction.
“Yes.” He confirmed. “A long time. Too long.”
Brock headed back to the counter, marking in the book all sales. Misty laid on the counter four golden coins.
“I told you…” He protested.
Before he could say anything more, she cut in.
“I don't like to have any debts, you know about that.”
He didn't want to argue with her.
She took her new belongings to one of the pockets in her cloak, tying her money bag to her belt. After that she put her hood on and reached the door.
“Bye, Brock. Hug Cynthia for me.”
A short and cold 'goodbye' was the only thing she said to other man before leaving. For a while they watched after her, not saying a thing. Ash remained silent for a while and after that he spoke quietly.
Brock rolled his eyes.
“It's a long story. You want some tea?”
Misty wiped out her eyes with her sleeve, closing them for a while to prevent bright red swelling. She drew up her legs closer to her, to stop her skirt from slipping off and showing more than necessary. She was sitting on the pavement in one of the small streets near the main square. All she could see was a grey wall made of stone bricks in front of her. Ducks and hens were walking near her, looking for some food that could be laying on the ground, leaving small brown and white feathers wherever they went. One of the yellow chicklings, with small dots of black on its wings tried to peck the shoelace of her right boot. She just smiled, not interrupting him in such an interesting task. She was too busy with her own thoughts.
She used to be so calm, cool and reasonable when she had to face her past. And she was like that even now. But as soon as she went out of the shop and crossed three streets, all the emotions burst out and the solid wall she built around her heart shattered into pieces like glass... It collapsed, leaving only debris and dust that blocked her nose and lungs that got into eyes and made them fill with tears... Just as the real ones, that were now rolling down her face.
Misty used the Levitation charm and made the chickling hover away from the ground to drop into her palm. The little bird made a startled noise, and his hen reacted right away. Misty calmed her with Gahar Sighn.
When the creature landed safely on her palm, she closed it lightly to prevent it from getting away and felt the beating of its small heart beneath her fingers. She used the Regeneration spell to heal the scratch on the animals' leg that she noticed only a while ago. The small wound disappeared in few seconds. After that, Misty put the chickling gently on the ground, allowing him to run away in fear, but soon it returned to continue pecking her laces.
A few local beggars asked her for money and she gave them some small coins, in hope that they would leave her alone. They didn't. When they felt some of her money, they became more brave and asked for more. When she said no, they started to curse her in the name of the goddess Melitele - the guardian of all poor people, talking about the thunder that goddess should cast on her head as a punishment for not helping the needy. Misty replied them in not very censure way what they could to with their thunders. Before they could say anything more, she stood up and went away from them, gently pushing away the stubborn chickling with the tip of her shoe.
The little creature first looked at the departing Misty, on his mother and at the girl once again.
Misty walked in the north-east direction, passing small streets filled with stands, shops and booths with many different and completely useless articles. The owners tried to persuade her into buying something but the only one worth her attention was a small stand with flying Pokémon. A huge man dressed in a very old and very dirty cloak tried to sell her some Pokémon, but she wanted only the young Delibird, closed in the cage that was for sure too small for him. He looked awfully neglected and Misty wanted to free him from such a terrible owner. She started to haggle, lowering its absurd price and soon the keeper agreed to her offer - seven silver coins. Misty gave him money and took the cage with startled Delibird, using one of her free Pokéballs and closing the Pokémon in it. She was absolutely sure that soon little monster will be friendly enough with her to start fighting without problems. She fixed the ball to her belt, along with other her Pokémon and after that she started walking again.
After few minutes she finally reached a large field of wheat that waved under a light wind. It remained her of her beloved sea. She could almost swim in it, just like in the real one. The large seeds had a very good, slightly floured taste - she chewed few of them and stated with satisfaction that the bakery opposite her tavern would have the best bread that year.
When the field ended, she shook down the powder that was left by the great golden ears and started to go under a small hill. She knew perfectly, that just after the hill she would be finally at her destination.
It was a small hut built from stone and its roof was covered with straw. Near the house, which was leaning to one side like a very old man, she could see a huge garden.
Misty was always amazed by this place, although she knew it perfectly. She slowly pushed the entrance made from bright boards and after bending a little, to prevent her head from hitting the low branches of the old willow, she entered the magical garden.
Near the wooden fence were rows of Sunflora, showing their round yellow faces to sun and giving some shadow to the Sunkerns below them. Near the natural spring she noticed two big Lickitungs, drinking water with their big tongues. Two Pidgeys were building their nest on the roof and there were two small, spotted eggs in it. On the right of big flower-bed with hyacinths stood two Bellsprouts and in the grass Misty could see dancing and running Vileplumes and Oddishes. She also noticed with terror that in the corner of the garden stood huge Victreebell that was probably catching some vermin. Apparently, it was also catching Pokémon, because none of the pocket monsters were going anywhere near it.
She heard soft scratching to the fence entrance. When she turned around, she saw the same small chickling that was pecking her shoes. When he saw her, he immediately started doing it again. With a sigh of resignation, Misty slowly took out a small dagger from her shoe; the handle was made from gold and had a shape of a serpent on it, with a small ruby as the eye. She slowly bent and cut the ending of her shoelace. The creature first looked at this gift with disbelief and then quickly took it, running away as fast as it could. She just laughed, shaking her head. She turned around again, but stopped suddenly, seeing large Vileplume under her feet. Misty slowly squat down, gently stroking its petals.
"Hey, little one." She smiled, feeling the sweet scent spreading around. "Where is your mistress?"
Vileplume swung his paws and ran into the depths of garden, singing happily. Misty slowly moved after him.
Behind the little house could be found the biggest garden that Misty ever saw in her life. It was huge and the stunning smell of many flowers and trees made her head a little bit dizzy. The rose shrubs, almost as big as a whole house were creating a real labyrinth. Between the bushes of gooseberries and lilac Misty could see a young girl, standing with her back to her. She was cutting down single flowers of blue and white lilac, putting them into small basket laying near her feet. Vileplume jumped to her, pulling her skirt and announcing to her that they had a guest. The woman turned around; her black hair waved and glittering as she moved. The red band on her head was an ideal contrast to the blackness of her hair and paleness of her face.
Her eyes caught sight of the girl covered with navy-blue cloak. She dropped the cutting knife to the ground and ran in her direction; both of them laughing, spinning around like mad. Finally the black-haired girl released her from the grip and looked at Misty carefully, from feet to the top of her head.
"And?" Misty smiled slightly "What's the result?"
"You haven't changed at all, girl."
"You too, Erica."
They hugged again, happy that they met after a long time. Vileplume was jumping around them, waving happily with his petals. Erica took Misty's hand and lead her inside her house.
Everything looked just the same as four years ago, when she was here last time, sitting beside little table and drinking rose tea. The only difference was a vine climbing up to some hooks, specially drove in the wood of walls. Four years ago Erica had put the flower-pot in the corner of the hut and now the vine was covering almost all the walls and whole roof. Beside it, nothing had changed in Erica's hut. In one of the corners stood huge bed with green canopy above it, and at the parapets Misty could see flower-pots with different flowers and herbs; Many of them Misty haven't seen in her life before. Se was almost sure, that part of them Commission counted into the index of Forbidden Plants. Erica never had listened to the Commission though and Misty knew that perfectly. Some of this flowers had their genes complicated with genes of Pokémon. She even crossed some of meat-eating plants with such Pokémon as Victreebell. That creature was held in the large cage in one of the free corners of the hut; It looked terrible and Misty turned her head with disgust, not wanting to look at such horrible sight any more.
Erica was preparing something in the kitchen, looking for some ingredients in many shelves and drawers. After a while she returned with two cups of rose tea. Misty took a long breath, feeling a sweet smell coming out from her tea; It was the same as usual and hadn't changed a bit since her last visit. She took a small sip, hissing aloud when hot liquid touched her lips.
"Great, as always."
Erica sat down opposite to her at the small table, also taking her cup in her hands. She looked closely at her friend, putting one slim leg across another.
"What brings you to my modest house?"
"Modest?" Misty almost choked with her tea. "Maybe there is not much gold surrounding you, but if you sold some of your mixtures, you could live in the castle!"
"Talking about mixtures…" Erica suddenly stood up, bending and started to roll up the carpet laying ion the floor. Misty looked at her with shock on her face, but it quickly disappeared. There was a hidden entrance to the basement. "I've been waiting for long time to show you this."
The girl moved downstairs, taking the lamp that was previously on the wall. For a quite long time she didn't reappear and red-headed girl started to wonder if she would ever show up again. She even started to worry, if Erica was eaten by some strange creature that she created and hid in the basement. Just as she decided to go down to look for her, Erica's head reappeared in the basement entrance. She closed it neatly, putting carpet on it's previous place and sat down in the front of surprised girl, just as nothing unusual happened. She put a small bottle in front of her; It was filled with some strange looking, violet substance.
"What is it?" Misty asked slowly, taking the bottle in her hand and examining it closely, looking for any tag that could explain what the mixture was.
"This?" Erica smiled widely. "This is my newest triumph. Go on, smell it."
Misty opened the cap, filling her lungs with a strange, but sweet smell.
"Lilac?" She asked after a while. "Is this your new perfume?"
Erica nodded her head.
"Yes, but they are not so common. Taking different enzymes from herbs and Pokémon I managed to create that. It's not the normal lilac - everyone that will use that perfume will be surrounded with the opposite gender. I don't have the name yet and I would like you to help me with that."
Misty raised one of her brows, putting the bottle on the table again.
"And the Commission... Do they know about it?" She asked gently.
"Commission, Commission…" She crossed her arms at her chest. "you still think about that Commission? They don't look at every experiment. If they did, I would probably be sitting in the prison right now!"
"You know what they think about having different opinion. We don't have choice - we have to obey them…"
"We HAD choice." She protested. "We had it. We could say 'no'…"
Misty shook her head; on this subject she and Erica never agreed.
"Erica, you know how it looked... The Leaders were the first ones that had to make a decision - we're with them, or not. *That* was our choice. We split into two groups, and that leaded to anarchy."
Misty remembered what were the times when the anarchy came. "Murderers, assassins, burning cities and a fight for a crown... Finally the Commission with King and Leaders lead the country. The King was just a puppet in Commissions' hands. They had the real power. They hated the rebellions."
"I stood at the opposite site. I've made a choice and I am free now."
"You really believe in that?"
There was a long moment of silence, before Erica spoke again.
"We remained alone." She whispered silently, blinking few times to get rid of the tears forming in her eyes. "Did you know that they killed Falkner?" She asked suddenly. Misty loudly gulped her tea. She didn't expect such a news. Never. But... maybe she was just fooling herself.
"Who?" She asked with dead voice, that shivered slightly.
"Some bandits. Well, that was what the Commission said... But we know the truth, right?"
Misty fell silent again, fixing her eyes at her hands. Falkner was one of the rebellions...
"Lance and Clair got together." Erica was the one to start talking again. "They created the Resistance and want to destroy the Commission. Those that are at their side will be removed from power and magic. They don't want to kill them. I think it's good."
"Good." Misty nodded.
The red-headed girl knew perfectly that Lance and Clair didn't belong to the type that can be ordered around; She was almost sure for one hundred percent that they won't listen to the Commission. But Falkner... she would never thought that they would eliminate him, he wasn't the strongest one. Erica... she had the power. She didn't agreed with Commission but they couldn't kill her, even if they wanted to. She was the one that was making all the elixirs, that they needed to perform most complicated spells. That was the reason why Erica didn't have any students - she knew perfectly that her abilities were unique and that was very reasonable move. They were also afraid of her - every day she could give them a deadly poisons instead of elixirs...
Lance and Clair - two best dragon trainers; They were too independent and the Commission made a big mistake giving the Leaders a right to choose their fate. In that way, the lost many of good men, because even the Leaders that were on the site of Commission could join the rebellions. For now the power of both sites was equal, but for how long?
'On the other hand,' Misty thought, 'I knew that Lance and Clair will finally get together.'
"Erica," She spoke again, "You know that you're not alone. I'm on your side, just as Brock, Bruno…"
"And Ash." The other woman interrupted her. "He also is on our side, right?"
Misty fell silent again, lowering her head.
"Yes." She confirmed. "He... also. And many of the others…"
Erica didn't say anything for a while, but she had to ask her a question, that was in her head for some time.
"You saw him?"
"A couple of hours ago."
"You know how it looks... First thing you feel is shock. After that, there is a short 'welcome', short look at each other, short 'goodbye'…"
Erica nodded her head, understanding whole thing completely. She took a sip of her tea.
"But you still... you know…" She felt strange when she spoke those words. She also noticed a small tear in Misty's eye.
"Old times…" Misty sighed, trying to avoid sniffing her nose. "After all, you know that I joined the Commission... just for him. He had some ideals and I respected that... But now it's not important." She made a pause and continued shortly after that. "If another war starts... Lance and Clair have us on their side. Then nobody's past will be important."
"They won't forgive the traitors. The war is near, and its smell is stronger with every day, I can feel it. If the Resistance fails, we will be killed faster than we would be able to say 'mistake'."
They were sitting in total silence, drinking tea that was now cold.
Misty knew that Commission is able to eliminate them so efficiently that they wouldn't even leave any sign of their existence. Erica knew it as well - they had the power. 'They' - four Pillars - every one of them had different part of country under their authority. Sabrina was the Northern Pillar - she ruled the cities of North. Lt. Surge was Eastern Pillar, Koga - Southern and Blaine manipulated the countries that laid on the West. At their side they also had at least seven Leaders and thousands, millions of small trainers and magicians who were under their control, ready to give their live if they had proper reason. And the Commission was able to create every reason.
Misty thought bitterly that it was the perfect reason to join forces with Ash. But for now, she didn't want even to think about it.
Ash slowly closed the door to the shop with magic accessory, starting to walk in the direction of bazaar. He had hoped that he might find something worth his attention.
He walked quietly between the stands, not taking to much time to look at different prices. He felt uneasy and suddenly knew that someone was walking after him. He felt it since he departed from Brock's house. Ash looked over his shoulder, but didn't see anything suspicious in the crowd behind him. Pikachu sitting on his arm also felt it.
He quickly turned into one of small streets, wanting to release himself from his 'tail'.
A tall, cloaked man did the same, but the street to his surprise, was empty.
That was the moment that Ash used.
Before the man could react, there was a black shape falling from above him. He was pushed with a huge force into the wall behind him and immediately felt the edge of knife pressing against the sensitive skin of his throat. He didn't move and didn't remove his hood, still hiding his face.
"Who the hell are you?" Ash whispered, giving the stranger a furious glare. Pikachu started to emanate the electricity. "And why are you tracing me?"
The man raised his hands in really slow motion, as he didn't want to act in a violent way and cause Ash to attack him. He removed his hood.
"Careful as always, Ash. Just as I remember you."
Ash hissed quietly, taking back his knife. He couldn't ignore the authority of this man. Lance calmly pulled his hood on again, but this time it let is face open to the air.
"I shouldn't be walking in public, not here. Come with me."
They started to walk down the street, avoiding the most crowded places.
"What brings master back to this city?" Ash struggled to stay calm, but he knew that this wasn't just friendly chat. They turned in the direction of little square.
"Other masters." Lance spoke softly, keeping a small smile on his face. He then suddenly stopped, turning to face his interlocutor. "Listen Ash, because it is very important. I can't stay in public, just as Clair…" He was speaking quickly, occasionally throwing a nervous look around, like he was afraid of something or someone that could be watching them. "Ash, on the Tournament... The two of four Pillars will participate in it - Sabrina and Koga. You know that there wasn't an opponent that could defeat them... Because they didn't fight with you... With both of you."
He knew that 'you' meant him and Misty. He was absolutely sure about it.
"I'll meet you at night and then you will find out the details. I can just say, that if you defeat them, the rebellions will have a big chance to win against the Commission. You understand that by 'defeating' I mean killing, right?" He made a small pause. "I have to ask you about one, very important thing... Are you with us, or against us?"
Some woman opened the window in the house near them, so they moved in the other way. Ash cast him a quick glare.
"I'm with you. I always was. You know that I moved to the Commission because…"
'Because what? Because I was stupid enough to think that I can change something?'
"Because you had a dream about making the Commission regret their previous choices. And I believe that it was a good idea. But the better one was leaving them."
"I'm glad that you understand that." Ash smiled weakly. "I'm with the Resistance. With you."
Lance laughed quietly.
"It's good to have such a loyal students." He fell silent for a very short while, and then continued speaking. "What about Brock? Is he in?"
"I don't know." Ash shook his head. "I think that he's in, but I can't be sure. After all, he was always the one that didn't like to take orders from others, so you really can't tell."
Lance ran his hand in his brown hair, afraid to ask the final question.
"What about Misty?"
Ash's eyes had gone cold so suddenly, that even the older man was surprised about it. The black-headed trainer started to walk down the street, leaving his master, but he ran after him and stopped, by putting hand on his arm.
"Listen, Ash! She's with us, or not?"
"I don't know."
"Then you have to find out. She's strong and useful for us. I advise you to talk to your better half as soon as it is possible, because soon you may need each other more than you could imagine."
Ash didn't give him an anwser and refused to look into his eyes.
"I know it's hard." The dragon master pulled his hood down, covering face. "I know it's not so easy to make up after everything that happened a few years ago... But if you have any respect to your old teacher, please talk to her and pass her my words. I'll met you in her room at the 'Storm' tavern, about midnight. Can you do it for me?"
"Can you?" He asked again, his voice still calm and cool.
Thank you. I have to go now; Remember - 'The Storm' at midnight. If I'll not appear, wait for me. I'll not be killed, you can be sure of that."
Those were his last words, before he moved quickly down the street and turned into corner, leaving from his sight. Ash looked after the dark figure for a while and then crossed his arms on his chest, sighing heavily. Pikachu jumped on his arm.
"So what do we do now, little friend?" He scratched the rodent behind the ears. "I think that we have to dust off some old cases."
Pikachu confirmed his words with loud "Pi", even if his trainer didn't like this option. Ash started to walk to the main square again, where he could find 'The Storm' tavern.
Misty was walking in the field of wheat again, avoiding the large bushes of thistle. She headed back to the town and her tavern. All she wanted to do was to change her sweaty clothes and have a long bath, resting before the Tournament.
A small Delibird was walking next to her, quickly waving his short paws. He looked really happy that he could finally get out of his small cage and Pokéball at last, stretching in the fresh air. A while ago Misty gave him a choice, he could stay with her or leave; She would bring him to some ice area, so he could live in natural habitat. The Pokémon made his choice - first it looked around really carefully and then looked closely at the girl, concentrating on her eyes. He stayed.
She felt that her feet are starting to get tired - after all, she had come quite a long distance to reach Erica's hut. That was another good reason to take a bath. Misty decided to take a little break from walking. She called Delibird back and took another Pokéball in her hand. It was Togetic - an evolved form of her beloved Togepi.
When, a few years ago, the Pokémon had evolved, Misty had been afraid that Togetic would forget how she was taking care of it, but such a thing didn't take place. The only difference in its character was that it had a will to fight, not like before. Misty kneeled in front of it, hugging her Pokémon and it reacted with loud and happy "Toge".
"Hi, baby." She smiled to him. "How do you feel?"
He whimpered again, filled with happiness that his mistress let him out of his Pokéball after a long time.
"Would you like to help me a little bit? What I mean is 'fly'."
He confirmed and girl sighed with relief. If he said 'no', she would have understood that. She always gave her Pokémon a choice.
Togetic swayed his wings, that, although small, were really strong, almost like steel. He flew a little in the air and grabbed her by arms. Flying with her weight never was never too hard - with quick flapping of his short wings he didn't even feel it.
After a few minutes they flew over the sea of yellow wheat that still reminded her of a real ocean. In a short amount of time they were back in the city, landing on the roof of the tavern. The wood of the roof made a small sound of protest when she placed her feet on it, stretching the tensed muscles.
"So…" She spoke. "You want to get back to the ball or do you want to fly over the town?"
Togetic almost screamed, letting her know that he preferred the second option. She laughed softly, taking a small red ribbon from her pocket and tying it around the Pokémon's neck. It was a sign that the creature already had an owner. She kissed it on its round face and patted on his head.
"Okay then, go. But be back in the morning, okay?"
He confirmed that, nodding forcefully, and finally took off from the floor.
Misty looked around the city. She could see the signs of smoke coming out from the chimneys, along with some pigeons and trained Hoothoots that were travelling from point to point, carrying letters. Near her tavern was a small garden on one of the roofs, where beautiful red and white roses were gleaming forcefully.
When she stopped watching the faint signs of life on the rooftops of the city and walked to the edge of the tavern. Right below her was the window of her room, opened widely, just as she left it. Misty gave herself a small plus, for being so distracted.
She jumped. In the blink of the eye she turned around, grabbing the edge of the roof. Using the natural sway of her body, Misty landed gently on the parapet of the window. The old wood protested against such treating.
Misty entered her room, filled with total darkness. She almost couldn't see her arm stretched in front of her while she reached for the oil lamp, to bring a little amount of light into the black place.
And then, something hit her. She could feel that she wasn't alone in her room. She was still standing in the darkness, listening to her own breath and the breath of the second person. After a while she knew who it was. She put both hands on her hips and sighted loudly.
"Could you ask Pikachu to use 'Flash'? I want to find that lamp already."
Misty could hear a silent whisper, a sound of gathered electricity and after that the blackness disappeared, so she could see the lamp standing on the table. She didn't have to turn back to see the face of the intruder. She knew it too well. The lamp had been lit finally.
"Ok, you can stop now."
The Pokémon stopped emitting the light, as the lamp was working rather well. In the corner of the room, surrounded by the remaining dark stood a tall man. She couldn't see his face covered behind the shadow around him, but she didn't need that.
"Why did you come here?" She asked simply, not taking care of the greetings. The man came out of the darkness, showing his black hair and brown eyes that she knew perfectly. He slowly sat on one of the chairs around the table and Pikachu sat under his chair.
"Nice to see you to."
She didn't move, didn't react a tiny bit.
"Did you want something? Because I don't see any other reason for your visit."
"Yes, I do."
'I should have known that.' She thought bitterly but she didn't want to have such thoughts again for the rest of that night. She still didn't move. She just wanted him to stop looking at her like that...
"So?" She finally asked but her voice was tired and without any positive emotions.
"I've met Lance."
She opened her eyes in surprise, at the sound of that name and the information that he was in town. She knew well that if they caught him, he won't be able to defend himself easily. Along with his execution, the Resistance would lose every single chance for victory. Clair doesn't have enough power to lead the rebellions. After all, it was Lance who was the Resistance...
"He wants to meet us. Here. Tonight."
"Why here? From all places…"
He just moved his arms, showing her that he didn't had an idea. Misty crossed her arms and with a sigh of resignation she sat on the other side of the table, fixing her gaze out the window. She didn't want to look in his eyes. Not at all.
"You came to the town for same special reason, or…" He asked silently.
Misty didn't like at all that Lance had put her in such a situation. Suddenly she realised why the meeting place was in her house. So they could have a nice talk.
"I came for the Tournament."
Ash turned up one brow, surprised by her words.
"The Tournament?" He asked with disbelief, that touched her hard.
"Yes, the Tournament. You don't like that?"
He laughed and that only made her angrier.
"No, Misty, it's not that. It's just…"
"'Just' what?"
"I just can't imagine killing you on the ring."
His words seemed to work like a big bucket of cold water.
"Kill? You're participating in the Tournament too?"
Ash looked at her in that special way, that made a shivers went down her back. He leaned a little bit more at his chair, balancing on two of its legs, watching for the Pokémon under him.
"And you think what was the reason I came to this town? For fun?"
It sounded like an insult or an attack at her person, but she didn't intend to give up.
"Yes, I thought it was for fun. It's your city after all. You were raised here. I thought you wanted to see old places."
"Bullshit." He simply answered. "Why should I come back to THIS town? You perfectly know that I have nothing to seek here. Just like you."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
He said nothing.
There was a moment of long silence that made both of them uncomfortable. They were looking in each other's eyes, waiting for the next bout of reactions and words.
"You want me to disappear, right?"
He nodded slowly with his head.
"I don't want to kill you, after all."
'After all.' She repeated in her mind, 'Idiot.'
"Maybe you won't have to kill me. Maybe you won't be able to. No, there's no chance I'm not going to leave. No."
"Your choice." He stated calmly, with his gaze still locked firmly on her face. "Even if one of us would win, there's no way that we could be heroes here. You know that…"
"That this people would prefer us to kill each other. Is that what you wanted to say?"
"Yes. You know the reasons."
She lowered her head, so he couldn't see tears in her eyes.
"I think about it every day." She finally stated what was hurting her the most. Nothing was more painful in last five years, since the day of the battle. "Every night I am back on that hill. Every night I feel the smell of blood and burning houses…"
He leaned harder on the chair. He knew that when they would finally meet, they wouldn't be able to avoid that subject any more. Maybe that way it all would be easier, they HAD to talk about it. Sooner or later. He would prefer later, but he had no choice now.
"The things from the past are not always so important." He said softly. "But in this case neither you nor I can disregard the past."
"I know." She whispered. "I know perfectly what you mean. This... that day is after me from five years ago and will be till the rest of my life."
"You think that you're the only one?" He growled with anger. "Every time I come here, I see the poisonous looks cast from people I don't even know. When I entered the main square last year I had to run away after an hour to avoid the people that were throwing rocks at me. I didn't want to kill... 'innocent' people. I don't need the reputation of the murderer. It's enough to be a traitor."
She frowned at his words and tapping his fingers at the table.
"You know what? You don't even see the second sight of this situation. You see the rocks thrown at you, but you don't see the other side of the medal. Ash, I don't want you to pity me, that's not what I mean. But do you know what the feeling…" She want silent for a while, trying to stop her voice from trembling. He noticed that. "... what the feeling is, when you are banned from all your race? Not one town, but the whole race? My face was known by all elfish clans, if somebody gave me a shelter, they were banned as well. That is the reason to stay silent, not showing yourself…" They were tears in her eyes.
"Misty…" He whispered calmly "We don't have to talk about it right now, maybe it's not the proper time…"
"No, Ash... It's the best time to talk about it. Why not? If we leave it now, we won't come back to that subject ever again."
She slowly stood up, walking to the small closet in the corner of the room. She didn't want to look in his eyes; she didn't want him to see something in her own, something that she wanted to hide so desperately. Sadness. Disappointment. Sorrow.
"You want a drink?" She asked with no cheer in her voice and she knew the answer.
"Is it good alcohol?"
"No." She shook her head. "It's real crap."
She took two cups from the closet, filling them with some suspicious looking white liquid. She gave him his glass and sat down in her place again. Ash took it and after slightly smelling the drink, he took a long gulp. His face had a strange expression when he felt the taste.
"You were right. It is crap."
They were sitting in silence, drinking, till the bottle was almost empty. Misty felt a little chill on her skin when a slight wind moved to the room; She made a gentle movement with her hand, whispering the secret formula. The window-sills shut suddenly with loud noise and she didn't even move from her seat. Ash firstly looked at the window, then at the read-headed girl.
"The wind formula?"
She nodded silently.
"Useful thing." He admitted.
"You have an idea where Lance could be? He should be here by now…"
"I don't know. He said 'about midnight', but could as well be late."
He took the bottle in his hand, noticing with surprise that it was empty.
"I hope he's alright." She avowed with care in her voice. "Without him the Resistance is nothing…"
"And all of this started on that hill…"
Misty felt a delicate stab of pain, when he moved to that subject again, but hoped that Ash didn't notice that.
"No, Ash. It all started from us. From me."
He looked at her, surprised by her words. No, not with the words but with the fact that she was able to speak them at loud after five years.
"It happened because of my stupid ambition, with stupid feeling, that I can really change something, anything…" Ash could see tears sparkling in her eyes and her voice was slightly shaking.
"We were both in it, Misty... Both of us."
"Please Ash, stop trying to make me feel better!" She slammed her hand to the table. "You know perfectly well that that massacre was caused only by Elves! And you know that we wanted to take more than we could handle! It was selfish from our side! It's true!"
She sat straight up, turning her back at him but he knew by her voice that she was crying.
"We were stupid... We wanted more and more without giving anything back... Better rights, calling for tolerance... Our race…" She was speaking more quietly with every word, till her voice turned into painful whisper. "... is almost extinct... and that's just because we lead the young to battle…"
He perfectly know what she was talking about. In elfish clans only the young had ability to bring children to this world. Five years ago they were leaded for a war. And they didn't came back...
"You couldn't foresee that it will end like this." He was speaking slowly, trying to calm her a little bit. "You couldn't know that all non-people would be haunted, not only Elves."
"I know…" She whispered, hiding her face from him. "Elves were laying killed under every entrance to the towns... bleeding... torn into pieces... There was no peace for us even in the holidays, like in Maza'hur…"
Maza'hur... Ash knew that the festivity of peace was a saint time for all non-people, Elves, Dwarfs, Silver Dragons... The time when all of them are united in one festival. Ash participated in such parties many times. The evening was filled with elfish magic, drian's songs and dancing of water nymphs... They used to sit under the huge tree, but now he couldn't remember what species it was. Not many humans could take part in that festival. The only rule was, that this human had to be in deep love with their other half. Ash still remembered how beautiful Misty looked in her slightly transparent dress, with her hair falling loosely on her arms... He remembered the warmth of her body when they were cuddling together since the air got chilly, he remembered soft kisses when they exchanged the words of tenderness... He still had the memory of their love, still knew what was the feeling of having her near... It still was painful to know, that it was all past and will never come back, no matter how much he wanted to...
"We didn't have peace... The leaders of the battle are still hunted like dogs... I had luck, not much people know my face... but you…"
They was silence again and he suddenly felt uncomfortable. Finally he crossed his arms on his chest.
"Misty, we were fighting against each other. Truth. We crossed our weapons once and it almost ended in a tragic way. That's also the truth."
She smiled weakly, but it was full of pain and sadness.
"Yes... you know yourself how it looked like." She sniffed quietly. "Lots of ours died that day. I saw the death of Saie'den... There was a smell of blood everywhere and you could trip over the corpses of friends... We were hiding when the first battalion attacked and that was the last time I saw Ainer... Before I could even think about it, something blew up…"
Ash remembered that explosion. One of the Elves had cast the Fire Circle on the walls of city, not knowing that there was a protecting charm based on water. In the result, they got a powerful explosion.
"...something blown up into the sky fell on everything that remained of the first attack. I don't even remember how I reacted, when Ainer's burned body felt near me…"
Ainer was from the noble clan, just like Misty. They both were Aen Sidhe and they cast their vows together. Since that time, they acted like sisters and Ash could be even a little bit jealous when they spent so much time with each other.
'Till the day of the battle.
"The situation on the city didn't look much better."
"I know."
The roofs houses were burning and you could suffocate from the grey smoke. Many of the citizens died in their own houses, when they tried to save their property.
He remembered all too well the furious fire, the incredible heat surrounding him and the red, bloody glow above the city. The fire was climbing at wooden buildings and was roaring with rage while consuming the straw rooftops. He remembered too well the burns he got when he helped the people to run away from the city.
Ash felt a large piece of wood that fell onto his shoulder. He was lucky - it hadn't fallen on the collarbone, but instead tore the skin and slid over the bone. He screamed in pain.
For a while he was just sitting on the floor, fighting with the darkness that was growing ominously behind his eyes. He shook his head, getting rid of the black circles dancing in front of him and quickly got up. He still could hear the calling of the wounded man that he had to help. Passing the burning furniture and parts of rooftop, he finally managed to find an old man laying on the wooden floor. Wondering why the man hadn't evacuated with the rest of citizens, Ash helped him to get up. Both of them were coughing, but were able to get out of the burning building.
The city was filled with panic. People were running in every direction; Mothers were holding their babies, older kids were running behind her, grabbing their Pokčmon, everywhere men with their weapons could be seen. The older man that Ash was helping ran in his own direction, leaving boy behind and Ash couldn't believe that he still had so much energy in his weak body.
"Right." Ash frowned. "You don't have to thank me."
He scratched his head, wondering where he should go next. But he didn't had to wonder for long.
He looked at the house in front of him, realising that someone was kneeling near the door. He immediately recognised the figure of young boy, probably at the same age as him.
"Mike!" Ash rushed to him, grabbing his arms and lifting him off the ground. The other boy was pressing his hand against the wound on his stomach, but the puddle of blood under him was getting bigger with every moment. He coughed violently and Ash could also see a small amount of blood in his mouth. Now he knew, that the wound was deadly.
"Ash... they managed to force themselves into the main square...
"Don't talk! You'll only get it worse!"
"You can't help it…" He closed his eyelids slowly and smiled, but it didn't look good because of the redness on his lips. "The Elves are trying to get to City Hall... She…" He felt silent as he had to find his breath. "She is with them and she fights... the main battle takes place there... Go... Go and save her... too many soldiers... They're not going to survive this…" Mike didn't have any more strength to talk and Ahs knew that.
"Grab your sword... and save her…"
The black-haired boy had gently put his friend on the ground again and took his sword in his hand.
"Last year, when there was this incident with your dagger... it wasn't Ron's fault... I hid it... You know, just for fun…"
"I knew it... I knew it all along…"
Mike was fixing his sight on the black sky above him. His violet eyes, always so bright and filled with happiness, were now sad and dead, without any spark of life. There was a faint hint of smile on his lips.
Ash cursed silently, suddenly filled with anger; He had lost a second friend this day. He knelt on the ground and closed the other boy's eyelids, so he wouldn't have to stare at the sky, covered in bloody glow of the fire.
"Take care, Mike... Wherever you are."
He started to run in the direction of the main square.
His arm was pulsing with fire and sharp pain, but he still had to go on. When he entered the square, his blood almost stopped in his veins.
The ground was covered with corpses and the air was filled with screams - Elfish language was mixed with human's calling. Almost immediately he had spotted the group of qualified soldiers. He frowned. People didn't use to call them special forces. They were just murderers. Elves didn't stand a chance against them. Not at all.
He pushed himself into battle, fighting against some smaller groups of soldiers, cutting his way in one direction. HER direction. He saw her just a second ago, a flash of her red hair. He could recognise it everywhere.
Ash had defeated another man, and it was the same that she was fighting with. Her sword pushed with fury almost cut his head of, but he managed to parry it with his own weapon. She looked in his eyes and for one short moment he thought that he could see love and hate at the same time. Not waiting for her reaction, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her into one of the smaller streets that crossed the main square and that was some kind of safe. They were standing in the shadow, faintly lit by the raging fire. Misty brushed sweat and blood from her forehead and looked at the boy.
"You're wounded." She noticed with care in her voice.
"It's nothing." He looked at his shoulder. It was burning with pain. "Nothing."
"Wait." She said something in the language he couldn't understand, covering the cut with her hands. Slim fingers started to give off a soft, blue and white light and after few seconds Ash's wounds were healed.
Misty wanted to say something, but she was interrupted by the awfully loud scream of warriors, coming from the square. The door of the City Hall flung open and the Mayor surrounded by group of soldiers came out of it. All elves moved into that direction, with the scream of rage on their lips. Misty also moved.
"Stop!" He grabbed her arm, pulling her back to the valley. He HAD to get her out from the main fight. Ash pulled her close to him and pressed her back against the cool bricks of wall. She frowned and tried to get back, but he didn't allow her to. They heard another scream, and they both understood what it meant.
"Don't go." He begged her, his whisper tickling her cheek. After that Ash embraced her with his arms. "Let's go from here together, just as nothing happened…"
She seemed to melt when his words were filling her heart.
"There will be real hell here now... Let's get over with it, leave this town and take care of each other…"
He removed some silk strands of red hair from her face, putting it behind the pointed ear.
"But... but *we* had started this fight... we have to end it... take responsibility for what we have done…"
Ash silenced her by putting his finger on her lips and stroking her soft hair. She could do anything he wanted now, she could go everywhere he would lead her... But there was just one moment of distraction.
And all of common sense disappeared.
That short moment had put a shadow on their whole life.
When she had looked for the last time at the battle field, she saw something she shouldn't see.
Elves that formed the first wave of attack on the City Hall didn't stand a chance against the defence. There was one tall man in that crowd, with short, black hair now scattered with wind. He had short bread in the same colour as his hair and his eyes were able to see trough people's souls. He was dressed in the robe of the leader.
His fate was prejudged - in the same second Misty had spotted him, he couldn't avoid the swing of his enemy's sword.
The Elfish scrolls that were written hundred years after that battle called this day "go lekya na'ah", which means "the day when the highest had vanished". They meant a death of half of Mountain Tribe.
"Father!" Misty screamed with pain when she had saw the man's body falling on the ground, pierced with sword that belong to one of the soldiers. She managed to violently pull out from Ash's embrace; Tripping over small rocks she ran as fast as she could to the side of wounded man. Avoiding some deadly blows from enemy's weapons, she fell on her knees and put her hands on his chest.
Ash knelt beside them and checked the man's pulse. It was fading.
Misty was looking at the face of her father that slowly started to turn numb and her eyes were filled with huge tears. The black-haired man's eyes were almost dead but although he was weaker with every second, he was able to lift one hand and touch Misty's forehead with his index finger, leaving the red mark of blood there. His lips were moving slowly giving away a silent whisper. Ash couldn't understand the words spoken in the ancient language, but it filled girl's soul with grater pain. She nodded with her head, watching with tears leaking down her face as she was also speaking, and Ash understood only two words. "I promise."
She held that dead hand for a few moments more, closed tightly in her own, and after that she grabbed his sword.
He had to admit, that she scared him to death then. Covered with faint light of crimson fire and face in the shadow, behind her red bangs that felt on her forehead. Trembling ever so slightly and with hands painted with blood. He could notice small droplets of tears falling on the ground. When she had raised her head a little, he could see that her eyes were completely blank, any emotion erased, fixed on the group of soldiers fighting in front of the City Hall. Slowly, like she wasn't realising what exactly she is doing, Misty moved few steps forward, in that direction. Hand gripping her sword clasped even tighter.
Ash stepped on her way in the same second he had realised what are her intentions. He couldn't allow her to die. He just couldn't.
"Move away." She whispered, with unusual calm in her voice. "Just move, please…"
"It's not worth it, Misty. It's just not worth the risk."
"Move away!" She hissed in such deadly tone, like he never heard before. "Move away, Ish'sato!
He didn't do anything, although he heard his name in Elfish language.
"You can't go there. I won't allow you to."
"Why? For God's sake, why?"
"You're asking me why? Because that's a suicide! What's why!" Ash screamed with force.
Misty lowered her head, trying to get rid of the laughter that was starting to form on her lips. After a few seconds, she was laughing a top of her lungs, but at the same time Ash could notice tears on her face.
"Ash, I promised him... I don't care what you want to do now, do you understand that? Get out of my way!"
She moved forwards, but stopped after a second. He had a sword in his hands, pulled out in a blink of an eye - he was ready for a fight.
"I won't allow you to kill yourself."
Ash just COULDN'T allow her to go to the City Hall; In that way, she would be killed right away.
He couldn't allow her to die - not the only person he had been in love with.
"If you want to go there, you have to go past me first."
She moved her head in disbelief, but she didn't resign. In a few seconds she managed to put the Fire Formula and attacked him. Ash managed to parry it with a Sign by putting his fingers in specific way, but the his reaction was too slow and the attack had slid by the edge of the protecting barrier, hitting his arm. The same arm that Misty had cured. He hissed in pain but didn't move a single bit.
"Ash.. Please go... Don't make everything even more difficult…"
"I can't."
She just smiled weakly in response.
"Is this really a good choice?" Ash frowned and looked in her eyes intensely.
"This is the only choice, Ash... There is no good or evil. There is no law or crime. There are only our own choices... They form our reality. We are who we are and we can not change anything. Now... which reality will you choose?"
He didn't move. And she didn't wait any longer.
Misty was skilled with the sword; She had a good eye and her movements were smooth and fast. Ash perfectly knew about it, although they had never fought for real before. They had some small battles, but they always ended with laughter and soft kisses.
The true force of her attack was clear to him, when he was forced to belt away a few of her blows. He also knew that her stamina was fading quickly and that she was getting tired fast. So he allowed her to attack constantly and focused only on deflecting them. Misty put more force into her actions, at the same time performing a half turn and casting a Fire Formula again. He didn't have time to put his fingers into Sign and just ran from her attack. For the second time he felt a painful heat on his skin - now on his back.
Sparks came out of the crossed weapons.
Ash had parried another strong blow and attacked himself now. Even though he didn't reached her, she was taken by surprise by that and had to dodge it. Misty swayed on her feet and lowered her guard. For a second she was paralysed, waiting for a deadly blow that should fall on her. But it didn't. Ash stood three feet away from her; His sword was taken down as he was waiting for her move.
Misty had caught her second breath now and attacked again. She was hitting him with real fury, realising that she had chance to win this fight only if she ended in quickly. Ash had trouble with avoiding her blows, although he was always ready for them - Misty's sword met his, never touching flesh of the body. When she jumped quickly into his direction again, he was ready for it and made his move - one short strike in her arm, cutting it slightly.
She swore loudly, just as only Elves can.
"You…" Her voice felt dead in her throat as she had a small idea.
Ash couldn't admit that she was lacking of fantasy as he didn't know this tactic. With one sharp move she had cut off her cloak from her shoulders and winded it around her left arm. Misty moved again, with soft, swaying steps. Her sword was shining slightly in her right hand that was stretched and the left one was pulling the cloak over the ground. Ash moved back by two steps. She jumped, swaying her left hand; The cloak covered her for a second and after the material disappeared, he could see her weapon striking into him. Ash jumped back, her cloak not even touching him and Misty's blade had slid on the edge of his own sword. He made his counterattack by the middle of his own weapon and joined their swords in short circling movements, wanting to knock out her weapon from her hand.
That was a mistake.
She beat away his blow and immediately, from a crouching position she swayed hips and struck, slicing into his face. He barely parried the attack and jumped back from falling material of the cloak. He rotated suddenly, avoiding the blade flashing like lightning and then jumped back again. Misty rushed to him, throwing the cloak right into his eyes and then attacked, turning around at the same time. He ran away from it, swirling next to her. But she knew that trick. She turned with him, so close that he could feel her warm breath on his cheek, and then she moved her blade over his chest, leaving large and deep cut. The pain crossed his body, but he didn't dare loose his rhythm. Ash turned around, in the opposite direction, dodging the sword falling on his temple, at the same time swirling around and attacking again. Misty jumped, making ready to strike from the air; But he just crouched, turning for the last time and made his cut.
Misty's sword was dripping with blood. Her own blood. It was slowly leaking over her shoulder, arm and hand, after that on the handle of the sword, the blade and finally, on the ground. Her hand opened slowly and the weapon fell to the ground with a loud thud. Her body collapsed heavily, like a bale of cotton. Her blood was quickly filling the space between the bricks of ground.
Ash hid his sword and kneeled beside her.
She was looking at him with completely empty eyes, feeling her life draining out of her with every second. Her lips moved slowly, forming silent whisper.
"Va vort a me, Dh'oine. N'aen te a dice'n." (" I curse you, Human. Leave me alone and let me die. ")
"Que svecc's... Cairbre." (" If you want that... Now sleep. ")
She didn't even know when he was able to put the sleeping charm on her. She just felt a sudden wave of tiredness. Closing eyes finally stopped to look at the man that didn't allow her to fulfil a promise made to her father. She also didn't know when he started to put the healing charm on her.
He left at the next day. Not saying goodbye to anybody, not leaving any message. He left the almost burned city without single word.
When she woke up in the morning in her castle in Shaerrawedd, she noticed with a surprise that there wasn't any mark of the wound she got last night. She was sure that it was one of the Elves that had rescued her - the only hair of the Mountain Tribe. But she was wrong.
After her father's funeral, when she had put the fire under the pile of wood that was used to burn the body, she had to leave the Tribe. She was given the clothes, weapon and horse - and she was ordered to go to hell.
She listened to it immediately. When she was leaving the Shaerrawedd, she noticed a small figure of a horseman behind her.
Misty stopped suddenly when she heard that name. Her name in Elfish language, which meant "the white rose" and was given to her by her parents. Misty turned back.
She saw a large Ponyta speeding to her, with young Elf on it. He looked like a eighteen years old boy and his dark blonde hair was pulled back.
"Ceneir!" She called to him with happiness, glad to see her friend, but she immediately lowered her voice, afraid to put him in any trouble or alarm the guards.
The boy reached her after a minute of a ride and ,jumping from the horse, he fell to his knees, bending to the ground.
"Hael, Dana Me'adbh. Albda'em valag, Que glosse." (" Be Greated, your Highness. Allow me to come along in your journey. ")
Misty came down from her Rapidash's back and raised him from his knees.
"Esar pea lbay'd Ane. Daoine Sidhe n'neivap." (" Stand up, my friend. Elves can not humiliate themselves like that. ")
Caneir straightened slowly, cleaning his robes from the dust.
"Que'ss aen re dicette, Eind? Vorsake'llan?" (" Will you allow me to go with you, my Lady? To protect you? ")
"Thae'sse." (" No. ")
Young Elf shook his head in disbelief.
"Aen vaine, Eind?" (" Why, my Lady? ")
Misty finished to dust of the robe on his shoulders and smiled weakly, looking into his eyes.
"Syehs louden ardeu, Ane. Voe'rle, venad'ain quess aen. Nell'ea?" (" Give it a rest, my Friend. You can't go with me. You will die. Can you understand that? ")
There was a long moment of silence, during it the young Elf was reconsidering all options and fighting with his own thoughts. Misty knew, that he won't go away until she will order him to.
"Venad'ain. Vedrai!" (" Go away. Now! ")
"Aen…" (" But... ")
"Enn'lle!" (" That's an order! ")
Hearing that, he bowed in front of her again, and got back on his Ponyta.
"Dana Me'adbh! Essoly eholis dooullo... Dh'oine. Nall'ekarss, seque nell'eve. Arse, Daoine Sidhe... An Ish'sato…"(" Your Highness! After the battle the one that saved you was... that human. You were wounded, but Elf's turned their backs at you... We failed... Only Ish'sato... ")
"Thaesse. Le'ah anad ne'l. Na venad'ain." (" No. That's the payment for a banishment. Now go away. ")
She wanted to leave already, saying goodbye to her Shaerraweed, leaving the past behind her, never coming back, to leave HIM behind.
They both lost something that day.
He left, because he helped the wounded enemy.
She left, because she had lead the race to war. And she lost.
She didn't want to come back here any more. She just wanted to erase every painful memories from her mind. But she knew that it was impossible. That she will always remember.
"But that's ok…" She whispered to herself while riding away from her home. "I can always try."
When Ash had finally recovered from his memories, he shook his head violently, to get over with the rest of pain on his eyelids. He looked around the room, looking for the girl, at the same time he ran a hand in his hair the fell blindingly into his eyes.
She was standing in the window, staring at the bakery next door. The only proof of her life was slowly raising chest.
He felt a faint smell of lilac. Misty didn't know that the bottle that she got from Erica wasn't closed tightly enough. A smell of lilac was coming right from it, fooling both of them.
He stood up, slowly walking to the window.
The baker's family was praying before the dinner.
"They're doing that ever since I remember. So many years... the only difference are their youngest sons. They grew older and stronger…"
"Everything changes and we can't do nothing about it."
At the sound of his voice she turned around quickly, almost colliding with him.
"Yes, you're right. Many things change, but some of them never. You have to admit that."
He put his hands on the parapet, pinning her between his arms.
"Yes." He confirmed and leaned a centimetre closer, looking deeply into her eyes. She was slowly starting to understand why they were acting this way: perfumes and alcohol.
"Why did you leave? Five years ago you saved my life and disappeared. Why?"
"Because you asked me to."
Another centimetre. Maybe it wasn't the alcohol after all... Maybe it was just the chemistry between them.
"I couldn't forget."
"Forget what?"
Closer. She cast a glance at the dresser, where the bottle of Erica's perfumes were.
"You... I couldn't erase you from my memory…"
There was only inch parting their lips.
"I couldn't forget about Maza'hur. About Shaerrawedd... About your hair that's always remain me of fire and about your skin smelling like lilac…"
She shook her head, releasing herself from his grip and walking quickly to the dresser. She grabbed the perfumes and threw them violently out of the window. They both heard the sound of breaking glass and someone's loud curse.
"I'm sorry!" She shouted, after leaning out of the window. For a while she was watching man on the street, as he gathered himself from the ground.
"Of course I had to hit the only man that was walking below my window in the middle of the night…" She smiled softly, watching after the departing man.
Misty suddenly felt warm breath on her neck and stopped moving when small shiver went down her back. She was a little surprised; She threw out the perfumes so they should be released from it now... He spoke in her arm, very softly and his breath slightly tickled her skin.
"Voy evo'len." (" I love you. ")
Ash slowly kissed her skin, in the special place where her arm was meeting her neck. She assumed that the smell of the perfumes was just a pretext for his words.
"Voy dev'ol syaw'la en." (" I had always loved you. ")
"Ish'sato…" She whispered slowly and he frowned when he heard his name in the language of old elfish clans, Aen Sidhe. "Don't make me say things I'm not ready for... Don't make me say things I don't belive right now…"
"I won't."
She opened her mouth as she wanted to say something more, maybe protest, but when she turned around he didn't allow her to.
He kissed her.
Misty pushed him away hard, but not as hard as she intended to.
"It's not fair, Ash! Do you really think that one evening will change five years?!"
"No." He protested weakly. "But I would like to try."
There was a moment of long silence, during no one of them made any decision.
"You will leave the Tournament?" She asked slowly.
"That's good, because I don't intend to, either. I think that Lance would kill us if we even tried to."
He confirmed her words with a wide small, that she knew, oh to well...
"There wasn't a day when I haven't been thinking about you. I had met Elves every day and I looked for you in every one of them. I hope that you understand why I did what I did five years ago."
"You saved my life. Twice. Thank you."
He was grateful for these words. For five years he was wondering if she will ever forgive him.
Misty walked to the centre of the room.
"But don't think that this five years will suddenly disappear." She looked at him over her arm. "Aen agrippe voye evo'len. T'en pavienn, Dh'oine. Call'em." (" I still can't say that I love you. Don't require it, human. Not yet. ")
"A t'en pavienn." (" I don't require it. ")
She removed the empty bottle and two goblets from the table, putting them back into the closet. For a short while he was just watching her and then he cast a look at his Pokémon. He was sleeping peacefully under one of the chairs.
Misty took off her navy-blue cloak and started to take off her boots as well.
"Would you mind turning off the lamp?"
Ash watched at her more for few seconds and after that he slowly obeyed her demand. The room was covered in total darkness once again.
A small amount of steam was coming out from Lance's lips with every breath he made. He was standing near the city's bakery, warming his hands a little.
And waiting.
He was constantly looking around, trying to see if somebody was tailing him. Just for safety he pulled the hood harder on his eyes. Finally the faint light in Misty's window disappeared, until there was nothing but darkness any more. He waited for a while, to see if they will lit up again.
They didn't.
Lance slowly made his way down the street. With a satisfaction in his eyes and slight smirk on his face he decided, that they should shift their meeting to next day.
Well? What do you think about it? Is it good, kinda' good or awful? You liked the idea of fantasy world and Misty as an Elf? I can tell you, the fight scene was a HELL of a work. This fic was finished in one week, about year ago, but I started to translate it three months before this day. -_-* Anyway, you guys probably noticed that Pokémon are not the most important aspects of this story, I focused on Ash and Misty. Also, next chapter (and the last one) will be also rated as PG-13 for some bed scenes (but no describing), so I warn you.
Pleeeeese send me a review. Please, please, please oh precious masters of mine! (Oops! I think I said too much! ^_^* )
Luv ya all and thanx for reading this fic! (And now go a page back and hit that little funny review button.)