Chapter One
“Zack!” Zack snapped up from his nap. It seemed to him that his teacher was
psychic. Or maybe he was an Alakazam in disquise- Not impossible, when
considering the Pokemon’s mind powers. His teacher, a plump man with a
mustache, was a person that many young children tended to mistake for Santa Claus.
“I believe that you have the legend memorized, correct?” Zack sighed. He had
only pondered his teacher’s humanity because he was upset. However, the
school’s faculty seemed bound and determined to make Zack docile… They were
constantly calling him for no reason at all, and once, he was called to the
principal’s office, but was sent back to class the moment he got there. Anyway,
the legend Zack had to know was obvious- The Three Dragons. As the finisher to
a unit on Dragon Pokemon, each student had to have a legend about Dragon
Pokemon memorized. Zack’s was the Three Dragons. Zack stood up, and slowly made
his way to the front. Zack closed his eyes, and recited the tale from memory.
“Once upon a time, there was a girl named Goldilocks- Opps, wrong story.” This
got laughs from the class, and a stern look from the teacher.
“Ok, Ok, here’s the real story…”
“Long ago, when the Earth was young… Before the great war between the earth and
sea… Before humans came to the Pokemon Lands, a great evil reigned. Two dragons,
two great killing machines, rampaged around the land, causing destruction
wherever they went. A few brave Pokemon attempted to stop them, but were never
heard from again. However, when all hope seemed lost, a third dragon
approached. It shone of a golden light, they say… Anyway, this dragon
challenged the dark dragons… A fierce battle erupted. The fierce battle raged
for years, and Pokemon fled when the three appeared. However, all of a sudden…
They vanished. All three dragons. Maybe the dragon of light won, and left.
Maybe they all gave up. Who knows? Perhaps they are still fighting.” Zack
breathed a sigh of relief when he was finished. Then he made the statement
that, in a way, changed his life.
“There, you happy now?”
“Young man… You spoke with a sarcastic air. An attitude that says,” Here, the
teacher used a high pitch in his voice, making a ridiculous mockery of Zack, or
at least Zack thought he did. “An attitude that says, ‘Whoop-de de, I told the
story. Now let me go eat cake and ice cream.’ Well, young man, several people
seriously believe the story to be fact. And, in addition, some think that it is
actually a prophecy of some kind.” Zack raised his eyebrows. He desperately
wanted to shut the teacher up. This was likely to be one of his long-winded
lectures. “There have been a series… Of attacks, of some kind, in cities. No
major cities, all minor. But the attacks leveled the cities completely… There
was only rubble remaining. No survivors were found at all, combined.” Several
students who hadn’t shut up did now. They all thought the teacher was crazy,
but still wanted to hear what he had to say. “Only one clue has been found- The
corner of a piece of paper, clutched tightly in a dead man’s hand. It read,
‘The dragons…’ However, the paper was torn, and it is guessed that he was
trying to write more when the paper was yanked away somehow. Anyway, this has
been going on for about five weeks. Oh, is that the bell? Class dismissed.
Except you, Zack.”
Zack was kept after school, being lectured by his teacher. Zack didn’t really
care. He was too angry. He had missed the bus, and had to walk home. Not a
short walk, by any means. Zack was muttering to himself, talking about how he
would like to shove the nearest anvil down his teacher’s throat. A small strand
of something found its way onto Zack’s brown hair- He hastily yanked it off. It
stuck in his hand… He realized what it was. A strand of silk, from a
caterpillar Pokemon. Zack turned in the direction that it had come from, and
saw the battle in progress…
The brown caterpillar, Weedle, was trying to impale its foe with the large,
white stinger on its head. It was moving with a speed one would not think
possible for such a creature- Weedles look like a group of balls on a string.
The foe, a Caterpie, was dodging with equal speed. Looking more like a common
caterpillar than Weedle, it still moved with remarkable speed. Caterpies have a
red, forked attachment on their heads- The only red object on the green body.
If this crest is struck, the Caterpie will give off a foul odor that can carry
for a large distance- But the Weedle was trying to strike the crest.
Among other things, Zack enjoyed watching wild Pokemon battles. Among other
things, they proved that man had not invented the competitions. Weedle was
using about as much strategy as Caterpie- Hit it without getting hit. After
about twenty minutes, Weedle seemed to realize that this wasn’t working- Every
time it attacked, Caterpie would skillfully dodge. Neither was making progress,
and that went on for about half an hour. Zack was about to leave, but the
Weedle suddenly changed tactics… It suddenly launched a number of sticky white
threads. These quickly entangled the poor Caterpie. Triumphantly, the Weedle
crawled over to the green caterpillar and thrust its horn into the red crest…
“Oh, God!” The stench was horrible. A Caterpie’s odor will spread for miles
around, and in a matter of minutes. Zack looked around for someplace to hide
from the awful stench… And saw a white path, unfamiliar to him. A sweet aroma
wafted from the path… Either the Caterpie odor hadn’t gotten here yet, which
Zack doubted, or it was somehow protected, which was even less likely. Zack
didn’t care- He abandoned all caution, and went down the path.
It was an average sized path, nothing unusual about it… Until you inspected it
closely, which Zack, out of sheer curiosity, did. Small, white pebbles… The
purest white, not a trace of any other color whatsoever… These filled the path.
They didn’t lie with the randomness of pebbles just poured… The pebbles were in
neat little rows. Not a single one was out of alignment with its neighbors…
Also, the path was lined with flowers. The flowers were as white as the
pebbles, and about as large. Two flowers sat on each end of the path, followed
by another set, slightly larger than the first. Zack had a lot of time to take
this in- The path was longer than he thought. He had no choice- Every time he
turned around, the odor was right there. Zack didn’t want to have to endure it,
so he went on.
It was about an hour before Zack realized the change- The flowers were no
longer flowers, but bushes. Small, round, with little stumps… These were
perfectly trimmed, perfectly white, and followed the same manner that the
flowers did, with each being slightly larger than the one before it… After a
short while, Zack could not see beyond the path. And only a while after that,
the bushes were replaced by trees. That same white shade… And Zack noticed the
grass was white as well. He was getting fed up with white. He wanted to rip out
some grass, just to get some color in there. However, he didn’t… He suspected
that the dirt would be white, as well…
Zack decided to turn back. Surely, the odor was gone now? He had been on the
godforsaken path for about three hours… Zack turned around, and jumped five
Something had been following him…
The creature stood on four powerful legs. Sleek, shiny white fur, as white as
all the plants and things on the path, covered the lower part of the creature’s
body. The upper half was covered by a fur barely gray. Powerful muscles could
be easily seen in the legs. The vicious, blue eyes watched Zack with something
just a tad below hatred or anger. It also seemed to be startled… Zack swore
that he saw it jump a little when he turned around. However, the creature soon
got over its surprise, and bared its teeth. The teeth were a shade of white a
dentist would heartily approve of. However, they were so sharp… That Zack had
no doubt that they could easily be stained a different color… The Mightyena
gave a low, vicious growl. Zack got the message- Move forward.
After its presence had been revealed, the Mightyena was none too stealthy in
following Zack… Although “escorting” would probably be a better word. It would
trot along, seeming to step on every twig, stick, and dead leaf on the way,
regardless of weather any existed or not. Every time he stopped, or paused a
bit too long, the Mightyena would take measures to make Zack move. At first, it
was only gentle nudges, to signal Zack to move. After about the tenth time Zack
stopped, the Mightyena got more hostile. It would growl, ram, and sometimes,
even nip Zack to get him to move. Zack realized he was in a forest… Or he
thought he was. He couldn’t stop and see, for the Mightyena wouldn’t let him.
At least, until he got to the clearing…
It was about the size of a small room, and circular, lined by trees. A soft,
golden glow seemed to come from somewhere… And Zack could’ve sworn he heard a
chorus of some sort. Zack glanced behind him, wondering where the Mightyena
was. He didn’t see it. However, that was because he was looking in the wrong
place. Zack glanced to the side, why, he didn’t know, but he noticed the
Mightyena. The white creature seemed to gesture forward. Zack looked, and was
stunned by what he saw.
It was a Pokeball.
The object was sitting, seeming to bask in radiance. Around the middle of the
sphere was a band of gold. Above this, the top half of the sphere was red… Pure
red, redder than even the reddest red… Like blood… In this, a cross shape sat,
like an island in a red sea… Gold, like the band. The bottom half of the sphere
was white, like the vegetation… Yet even more pure. Zack felt compelled to
touch it…
The ball burst open, and a burst of bright light escaped. It light up the small
clearing in a way that no light could rival… Shadows could not possibly exist.
The light took form somewhere behind Zack… And, for the strangest reason, he
felt as if Christ Himself would walk out of the light. But it was not Jesus the
Poke Ball held…
It was a dragon.