Trios' Trilogy

Book One: Trios' Time


By Mittens



Part Two

Ash, Misty, and Brock


Ash- 11

Misty- 12

Brock- 15



Chapter One


            Misty crept out of her sleeping bag and sat next to the dying fire. The orange flames seemed to laugh at her, shifting into the scene of her fishing Ash and Pikachu out of the lake.She sighed.That time right ther was, after all, when she met everything she wanted, the boy of her dreams.

            I really am a chicken, she thought miserably. It's been a whole year. I can't even look at him when I think of...that feeling. She raised her head and her eyes met with the stars.

            Misty smiled. She loved Ash, and she would never, as long as she lived, tell him. Their relationship would be a secret, a shadow. Or would it? Was there any hope? No, she thought. Of course not.

            Suddenly, Misty's intuition took over. She turned to look at Ash and...gasp! He was gone.

            She felt a soft tap on her shoulder and she spun around.

            Ash was there.

            "I...I...umm...Ash, I need to tell you something."


Chapter Two


            "Brock," Nurse Joy whispered. "Brock, open your eyes." (A/N:Can he, Nurse? Can he?)

            "*Grog*," Brock 'opened'his eyes. Infront of him was one of the many Nurse Joys. She was wearing a bueatiful baby-blue gown and holding a matching fan.

            Brock looked around. Onix was behind him, looking around proundly. They were on a beach, and the sun was setting before their eyes.

            Suddenly, Onix dived foward, scooping the Nurse and his master on to his back.

            "Oooooooonix!(Do it Master!)"

            Brock gulped, having understood his Pokemon.

            "Joy will you marry me?"

            "Of course, Brock, of course."

            They leaned foward, ready to kiss pationetly-

            Brock woke to find trees all around him. I'm camping in a forest clearing. Great, he thought. Brock sighed, but stopped short. He heard voices.

            "Ash, I...I love you. I always have."

            "The same with me, Misty."

            Brock peeked over at the fire. Ash and Misty were embracing eachother. They let go, blushing, and Misty gave Ash a kiss on his cheek.

            Brock was shocked. Ash and Misty fought about everything, and here they were, kissing!

            He smiled, and faked a grunt. After rolling over, he started to grin stupidly. He felt like screaming, "Ash and Misty, together at last!"

            "Oops." Misty let go of Ash. "I.. I'm sorry. I don't want Brock knowing, not until morning."

            "Me too," Ash said.

            The two young lovers moved their sleeping bags closer and fell asleep.


Chapter Three


            Ash woke, unabling himself to forget the dream he had just had....


            ... Ash woke up, deciding to tell Misty just how much he loved her. He walked up to her beautiful form, robed in the finest of silk. He started to talk, he knew he had to.

            "Misty, I love you. You see, I want to date you, and someday marry you, and," he gulped, "Have kids with you."

            "ASH KETCHEM!" She yelled, taken by surprise at his speech. "How dare you try to push me into sex so fast?"

            "I...I was..I wasn't saying th-that Misty..." Misty started to cry.

            "I can't believe I ever loved you..." She grabbed her bag and little Togepi (who was also crying) and ran into the woods.

            Brock came up to Ash and grabbed his shoulder.

            "Why did you make her leave? You are so heartless. I'm going with her you evil little..." He grabed his bag and followed Misty.


            Ash shuddered, and looked across the fire. Misty sighed, running a hand through her hair.

            Ash knew all about Misty, except that her dream last night was exactly like his own. 






            Yes, folks, Brock tried to open his eyes. Wait, how does he see unless he can see through his eyelids and he CAN't...can he?...Then if he is sleeping he would technically be sleeping with his eyes open... I better drop it.

            Okay, I'll try to finish part three so I can type it up.

            Oh yeah andin Misty's dream, Ash wasn't wearing a silk dress ^.^


            Enjoy the Readers' Choice Awards! This is the first I've been around for, so I'm going to looking around for good fics. Maybe I'll nominate one!


            P.S. I'm sorry about being gone so long. I've been having summer activities and sleepovers.