Disclaimer: *eats pizza* Yes I got more. Unfortunately I still don’t own pokemon, so don’t sue me!


A/N: This should be the chapter where things start to take action. I hope you like it. There will be enemies, new friends, new tasks, and more fighting! Or at least I hope that’s what happens So let’s get going!


Chapter 4



The evil





Celest opened her eyes and felt much revived. For the first time since this whole sleeping thing started she was actually comfortable when waking up. I mean, think about it. The two times she woke up in Pokemon World she was propped up against a brick wall and a wooden fence in an alley way. The first time she woke up on Earth, she was cold and wet, and the second time she was in the smallest pajamas in the smallest bed. Right now, though, she was in a big comfy bed of a motel room.


Celest smiled at the sun that crept through the blinds of her room and got up. She still didn’t have any other clothes in this world, so she just straightened her self out, put on her shoes and headed down stairs with the keys to her room and her pokeballs and pokedex. Moo hadn’t been in the bed when she had woken up, so her guess was he was already down stairs eating breakfast.


She realized how right she was when she entered the cafeteria. Not to far from the door Trake and Moo sat at a table and munched hungrily on their breakfast. Celest raised an eyebrow in disgust. Neither had taken in consideration of the people around them and were not acknowledging their manners. For a split second she had the idea of sitting somewhere else, but thought it would only lead to trouble later.


She walked over to the buffet, grabbed a plate and filled it with some chopped up strawberries and bottle of orange juice. With her plate she made her way to the table her two companions sat at. Before sitting down she gave both of them a disgusting look that at least gave them a clue that she would like for them to stop eating like that, and sat down across from Trake.


Moo finished chewing his banana, swallowed it and smiled at Celest. “Good morning how did you ‘sleep’?” he asked, winking when he said sleep.


“Great! My mom took me out to buy some new pj’s and a new mattress. My friend Libby is throwing a sleep over for me, and my grandma called everyone and anyone she knows,” Celest answered.


“Is it really that big a deal?” Trake piped in.


“That’s exactly what I said!” Celest said as she took a bit of her scrambled eggs. They ate some food in peace for a little. Moo and Trake had decided to eat more properly now that Celest was there, and she was glad for that. After a while she decided to break the silence.


“So, where exactly are we going next?” she asked.


“The Viridian Forest,” Trake answered.


“What’s that?”


“A forest.”


“Very funny Trake,” Moo said. He turned to Celest. “It’s a deep and dark forest, the biggest one in Kanto.”


“Kanto… isn’t that the territory we’re in right now?”


“Yes! You’re catching on!” Moo said with a grin.


“So, this forest… are there a lot of, uh, bugs?” Celest asked with a little shiver.


“Why? You’re not scared of bugs are you?” Trake asked with a sly smile.


“N-no!” Celest began to stutter. “I’m not scared of them… I just don’t like them.”


“Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrre.” Trake still had the smile.


“Okay, well if you two are done deciding on if Celest likes bugs or not, can we get on out of here?” Moo asked impatiently. He was getting used to stopping fights before they happened, granted he had done a lot of it the day before.


“Yes, thank you Moo,” Celest said as she stood up. Trake mocked her silently as he made his way over to the door. Celest just frowned and followed him.


“You know I’ll get you back for that,” she said.


“I’ll believe that when I see it,” was Trake’s reply.


The group paid for the rooms they had slept in and turned in their keys. Before they decided to continue into the forest, Celest managed t get the guys to go shopping with her for more supplies. She bought some pajamas, some food, bug spray, and other necessities. She also followed Trake’s lead and bought some weird medicine looking stuff called super potions and antidotes that were for the pokemon.


Finally after a while of shopping, Celest, Moo, and Trake set out for the forest. Sure enough every time they came across a bug Celest would shiver and not make eye contact with it. That is until one particular pokemon showed up.


The group was taking a small rest for lunch when it happened. Celest was happily eating away at a sandwich and everyone was totally oblivious to their surroundings. A small purple ball of fluff with antae and big pink eyes decided to take advantage of the moment.


It popped out in front of Celest and made her cry out from shock. Once she had a control of herself, the girl looked at the pokemon who seemed to be very tired and hungry.


“Awe, it’s kinda cute. Wonder what it is…” Celest grabbed her pokedex and opened it.


“Vennonat. The bug pokemon. Lives in the shadows of tall trees where it eats insects. It is attracted by light at night,” it said.


Celest looked sweetly at the Vennonat. “You’re too cute to be a bug. And you look hungry. Here have some food.”


“Celest! We need that!” Trake cried out trying to stop her.


“Have a heart Trake, it’s just one sandwich. We have plenty,” Celest shot at him. She handed the Vennonat the sandwich. Vennonat took it and nibbled it.


“Vennonat!” It said happily and the walked over to Celest. It rubbed its head against her leg.


“I really likes you,” Moo said through a mouthful of bread crumbs. “Why don’t you catch it?”


“Would you like that?” Celest asked the bug pokemon. Vennonat smiled and nodded.


“Awe, but I don’t want to fight you,” Celest said affectionately.


“You don’t have to.” Moo swallowed his sandwich and then continued, “If it wants to come willingly you can just throw the pokeball.”


“Awesome,” Celest said, and reached for a pokeball from her bag. She tossed it at Vennonat. When the pokeball collided it opened and a red light engulfed the purple bug. The ball lay on the ground, wiggled for a bit, and the stopped almost immediately.


“I caught a pokemon!” Celest said picking up the ball. “Ha ha! Come out Vennonat!” Vennonat came out of its ball and sat down next to Celest and ate more sandwiches. Trake grumbled.


No sooner had the group started to settle again, then a bush started to move and a girl came out. She has long purple hair pulled back into a bun with the bangs on the side of her face hanging down over her shoulders. She wore a plain orange t-shirt and a red long sleeve shirt underneath it. She had denim pants and a small blue pokemon with no arms and purple antae like things coming out its head.


“Excuse me, but have you seen a-“ The girl stopped talking when she saw Vennonat at Celest’s side. “Um, sorry for being so rude, but is that Vennonat yours?”


“Yes…” said Celest looking at the girl.


“Oh… I knew it was too good to be true…” said the girl sadly.


Woopa…” sighed the blue pokemon at her feet.


“Uh, who are you?” Trake asked.


“Oh sorry, I’m Jesim Hartley, and I just turned ten and I’m a pokemon trainer!” said the girl.


“Well, I’m Celest McFerend, and he’s Trake. We’re also pokemon trainers,” Celest said introducing Trake and herself. “So what are you doing on this side of the forest?”


“Well, I was trying to catch that Vennonat, but you obviously beat me too it,” Jesim said with a sigh.


“Why would you want a Vennonat so badly as to follow it around the forest?” Moo asked making Jesim jump and looked wide eyed at him.


“I-it talked!” Jesim said in shock.


“Yes, I talked, now answer my question,” Moo said flatly.


“Uh, well… I’m in a contest my family is having. You see I live in Viridian city and our family has this little tradition that once one of us starts a pokemon journey, our whole family comes down and we have this contest. And who ever can catch the best bug pokemon wins. If the new trainer doesn’t win, then no one will really have any faith in them to be the best pokemon trainer. And since my mom’s judging I need to catch a Vennonat because that’s her favorite bug type,” Jesim explained.


Trake smirked. “You know you could trade Celest.”


Everyone looked at him. Jesim seemed shocked, Moo was also shocked, and Celest had that confused look on her face that she had gotten so used to doing. “Trade?” she asked.


“Yeah. That’s where you switch pokemon. Celest can give Jesim her Vennonat for one of Jesim’s pokemon,” Trake explained.


“But all I have is this Whooper,” Jesim said looking at the blue thing at her feet. Celest decided to look it up in her pokedex. If she was going to be trading for this thing, she wanted to know what it was first.


“Whooper. The water fish pokemon. When it walks around on the ground, it coats its body with a slimy, poisonous film.” It said. Celest then closed the pokedex and put it away looking at Jesim and Whooper.


Jesim looked down at her whooper, thinking. “Well I just got this whooper, and I don’t really know it. And I have to admit, it won’t really listen to me anyway,” she said.


Celest then looked at her Vennonat. She, too, had just got this Vennonat and didn’t really know anything about it. And if it was going to help Jesim… “I’ll trade,” Celest said finally looking at Jesim.


Jesim’s eyes lit up. “You will? Oh thank you! You have to be the nicest person I know!”


Celest blushed and said, “You say that but you don’t mean it!”


“Oh yes I do!” Jesim cried and then was right in Celest’s face. “Celest! You’re my idol!”


Celest was a little shocked at this. She had only just met the girl and already she was an idol. “Uh…”


“Can I travel with you when the contest is over?!” This caught everyone by surprise. Trake was on the very verge of yelling no, but Celest replied first.


“Of course you can! The more the merrier I say! Now about trading, how do we do this?” Celest asked, looking at Trake.


“You put your pokeballs in this thing and press the big green button,” Trake said grumpily, throwing a device at Celest. She caught it and looked at the strange device. It looked like two gameboys from her time, connected by two thick gray wires, except the screens of the gameboy’s were punched out into a compartment instead. Where all the buttons would go on a normal gameboy, were two big ones instead. A green one and red one.


Celest gave Jesim one of the gameboys and both returned their pokemon. Celest placed Vennonat’s pokeball in one compartment and Jesim placed Whooper’s in the other. Then, one count of three they both pushed the green button and the pokeballs were sucked up into the tubes and transported to the gameboy of the opposite trainer. Once the pokeballs were with their new trainers, they glowed and made the deep beeping sound as if they had just been caught.


Celest took Whooper’s pokeball out of the device and set it down. She then called out whooper and looked at the little blue pokemon. Jesim, meanwhile, was hugging her new Vennonat.


“Glad that’s taken care of,” Moo said as Trake picked up his trading device. Then suddenly out of the blue a small net flew out of a tree and wrapped up Moo in the process!


“Moo! What’s going on?!” Celest cried out as she ran to her pokemon. But she was stopped suddenly by a lasso that lashed around her and threw her backwards onto her behind. Two other ropes lashed around Trake and Jesim throwing the three pokemon trainer back to back on the ground. They all struggled to get free and Whooper and Vennonat ran to their new trainer trying to undo the ropes that held them.


“Yes! I got the talking rattata!” cried a triumphant voice from the tree where the net that held Moo had come from.


“Whose there?” Celest yelled.


“What do you mean? You don’t remember me, Celest McFerend?” said the voice.


This kind of freaked Celest out, considering very few people knew her name on this planet. “Who are you? Show yourself!”


The leaves rustled and a man jumped down from the tree. He was short and had very messy black hair and big glasses…


“It’s that Theodore guy from Professor Oak’s laboratory!” Celest cried out.


“You know that guy?” Trake asked shocked.


“He’s weird looking,” Jesim said.


“Ah, be quiet!” Theodore exclaimed. “And don’t call me Theodore either! My new name is Dr. Evil!” He tried giving an evil laugh just then but it was really wimpy and he ended up coughing half way through. “Ahem, I’m still kind of working on that,” he said.


“Give back Moo, and I won’t have to hurt you,” Trake said lazily.


“I don’t think so! You’re all tied up! And besides I have what I want so I’ll be leaving now! I hope you all remember this day as the day Terminator Theodore got away!”


“I thought you said your name was Dr. Evil,” Celest said.


“Eh, I’m still kinda working on names too. Okay well goodbye!” Theodore then swept up Moo in his arm and ran away, leaving the three pokemon trainers tugging at the ropes holding them.


“It’s no use! They’re too strong!” Celest cried out after five minutes of wiggling around.


“I have an idea!” Trake said. “I need Vennonat to get Scyther’s ball from my belt!”


“Vennonat, go do as Trake says!” Jesim ordered her pokemon. Vennonat nodded and walked over to Trake. Trake turned around with his feet and Vennonat grabbed Scyther’s ball putting it into Trake’s Bounded hands.


He was still able to move his wrists and threw the pokeball saying, “Scyther, come on out, we need your help!”


“Scyther!” cried the green bug pokemon as it stretched out it’s blade.


“Scyther! Cut the ropes holding us, and try not to cut us,” Trake said. Scyther did as he was told and soon all three trainers were free, returning their pokemon, and running into the forest.


“Moo! Moo! Where are you?!” Celest yelled.


“Moo!” Jesim yelled after her.


“I just got another idea. I’ll send out my Scyther to go look for Moo and Theodore in the air,” Trake said sending out his Scyther. It took off in the air after it had it’s instruction.


Celest pulled out Pidgey’s pokeball and sent it out. Pidgey perched on her arm. “I’ll help too. Pidgey, search the air and tell me if you see a weird, black haired man with Moo.” Pidgey nodded and flew off into the air. The group waited and after only a while Pidgey came flying back and landed on Celest’s arm again. “Did you find Moo?” Celest asked the bird pokemon eagerly.


Pidgey nodded and took off. Celest, Trake, and Jesim all ran after it. They ran through the forest for a while and soon came to a clearing. There was tree across the clearing and back against the tree was Theodore. Scyther was pinning his down against the tree, and Moo was in the small net in Theodore’s hands.


“It’s about time you showed up!” Moo said as Celest took him away from Theodore. “I was worried the freak was actually going to get away.


Celest and Trake returned their pokemon and Moo sat in Celest’s arms. They all stared at Theodore.


“Please don’t hurt me…” said the scientist cowering low by the tree.


“Okay, just don’t do it again…” and with that they left Theodore there.




Upon exiting the forest, the group was met by a bunch of people all cheering Jesim’s name. Jesim smiled and allowed the people to lead her to a house. Confused, Celest and Trake followed.


They were allowed inside the house, considering they had been with Jesim and they were obviously friends. Once inside they watched as a woman who was obviously Jesim’s mom judged the pokemon, and sure enough like Jesim had said, her mom liked vennonats because she won.


So after the judging the group had a snack and Jesim explained everything about Theodore, but told it like Celest was a hero of all sorts. She did exaggerate a lot and Trake would just roll his eyes while Celest blushed, but neither said anything because it was Jesim’s story and she could tell it anyway she wanted to her family. She also told how she was going to be traveling with Celest from now on and was very excited. The family members all patted Celest on the back and occasionally said, “Take care of her, you super hero,” and then laugh.


After what seemed like an hour they all left and set out on the rode again. This time they were headed to Pewter City where Jesim would compete for her first badge.


So with a new friend and what might be a new enemy, they left, now ready to take on anything that came at them.


To be continued…



Author Note: OMG! I am so sorry I took so long! After I sent in the last chapter I started to write this one but totally zoned out and completely forgot about it! Then the other day I was looking at my pictures and saw one of Celest and remembered about it and I’ve been working on it all day. Okay well now that’s it’s finished, I hope you’re all not mad at me… Uh well I hope you liked this one. There are lots of surprises coming up, so be prepared. *Eats pizza* Whew this stuff is old *throws it away and takes a drink of Dr. Pepper* See you soon.
