Me: I’m happy, happy, happy!!!
Misty: Why?
Me: We’ve got 2 weeks and 2 days off school and we get to miss 5
German lessons! Man, I LOVE that little
fluffy Easter bunny that gives you chocolate!!!
Misty: Huh? Don’t mind her, I think she’s been eating too much
Me: Nah, I’m just happy that I’ll be able to carry on with this
story Misty!!
Misty: Fair enough!!! Come on then!!
Disclaimer: Me not own Pokémon, okay? Me own Jo, Bethany and Mark
(You’ll be able to meet Beth and Mark in this chapter!). BIG companies like
Nintendo own Pokémon, not me!!!
Misty’s Journey Part 1- New
Friends All Around (Part 1b) **UPDATED**
By Misty’s Double
Remember, italics=thoughts, bold=flashbacks, brackets=Pokémon
translations when the Pokémon has been talking.
Me: Okay, just to recap, Ash met Ritchie’s twin sister last time,
Jo. Her strong Corsola k-o’d Pikachu, and also giving it a one-way trip to the
Pokémon Center. Let’s get going!
Misty is on the borders of Cerulean City…
Misty: ‘Ok, I don’t really want to see what state the Gym’s in,
but I’ll have to. God, I hope Starmie’s all right. If they’ve done anything to
it, I’ll-’
Daisy, Lily and Violet are on the other side of the road, and notice Misty, so they come running over.
Daisy: Am I just seeing things, or is this our-like- baby sister
in front of us!
Misty: ‘God, no! Now I’m going to be strangled by them’ what’re you lot doing? You should be in the
Gym waiting for challengers!
Lily: Well, I thought you of all people would know that Wednesday
we close the Gym for two hours for shopping!
Violet: Like- totally!
Misty: Well, how am I supposed to know that? Before I left, your
‘Shopping day’ was Thursday! Anyway, I’ve come back, and if ya don’t mind, I’d
like to take on all challengers until next Thursday, if that’s okay for you, of
Daisy: Well, why not! Welcome home, sis! (Hugs Misty)
Violet: Why don’t we go and like-get a cake to celebrate Misty
coming home?
Misty: You don’t have to you know-
Lily: Like- where’s your boyfriend and that handsome one? What’s his
Misty: Well, for one thing, ASH IS NOT MY BOYFRIEND, and you mean
Brock, right?
Lily: Right!
Misty: Well, I’ve told them that I’ve been missing you three, and-
Violet: Would you believe what I just heard? She’s been missing
Misty: SHUT UP AND LISTEN!!! Anyway, I told them I was missing you
and the Gym, so I’ve come back home to train and hang around for a while.
Daisy: I just SO don’t believe you, Mist!
Misty: Well, Ash did! If he found out what I was really doing,
he’d probably die of shock!
Lily: Well, what’re you REALLY doing?
Misty: I’m going to train here for a week or so, say hello to my
old mates, then hit the road again!
Daisy: Why?
Misty: I’m going to enter the Johto League Championships!
Lily: That’s on Cable, right?
Violet: Yeah. They’ve been advertising it for three months time.
Are you sure you’ll be ready?
Misty: Sure I’m sure! Can we go back to the Gym? I am kinda tired.
Daisy: Whatever you say! Come on girls! You heard her!
10 minutes later, they’re all at the Gym. They all come through
the gates, and find a queue of about 20 Pokémon trainers.
Someone: Hey! They’re back!!!
Misty: Hmmm… I don’t think I’d be able to get to sleep with this
lot rambling on. Daisy, Shall I battle all these trainers?
Daisy: I’m not too sure Misty. You do look really tired, even
Violet: Misty, what would we be supposed to do if YOU collapse
during a Gym battle?
Lily: Like- send her to hospital!
Misty: I won’t collapse! I’m not a weed anymore! Just watch me.
Daisy: Well, if you really must, I don’t see why not!
Misty: Fine, I will then.
Daisy: Can I have your attention please? (Everybody shuts up)
Today, and for ONE week only, we have a guest Gym leader. Returning from her
travels in Johto with the famous, *nearly* quarter finalist of the Indigo
League, Ash Ketchum, please give a warm welcome to… Misty!!!
Everybody cheers.
Misty: (Blushing) Thanks everybody! I’m Misty, your contender for
today. Could you please make an orderly queue, and I will battle all of you
today. (To Daisy) You really didn’t have to do that, you know!
Daisy: Whatever! Lily, could you see to the contenders please, and
open the front door. Violet, you make sure all the Gym Pokémon are in good
fighting condition. I’ll take Misty around the back, and like- sort her out.
Lily and Violet: Sure!
Daisy and Misty walk around the back of the Gym, and go through
the private door.
Misty: I’ll take my bag upstairs.
Daisy: Okay. I’ll see you in the main Gym in 10 minutes, all
Misty: Okay. Thanks, sis!
Daisy: Well, that’s what we’re for!
Misty walks upstairs to her room, and collapses on the bed.
Misty: It’s good to be back. It’s all how I remembered it from 3
years ago. What’s with my sisters acting all cute with me? Maybe it’s because
they won’t have to battle for a while.
Togepi peeks out of Misty’s bag
Togepi: Togi? (Mummy?)
Misty: This is my room Togepi. Do you like it?
Togepi: Togi togi-pppprrrriiii!!! (It’s brilliant!)
Misty: Thought you would. I’ll take you down to meet my sisters
again in a minute, okay?
* * * * *
Ash, Brock and Jo are at the nearest Pokémon Center.
Jo: Nurse Joy?
Joy: What seems to be the problem?
Ash: Pikachu’s arm isn’t right. Could you check it out?
Joy: Sure, Ash. I’ll need to know what happened too.
Jo: We were having a battle, and I used my Corsola’s Ancient Power
on Pikachu, and Pikachu was knocked out. We’ve already used a Revive on
Joy: Well I’ll do what I can. The Waiting Room is just through
that door, if you wouldn’t mind waiting there.
Ash: Thanks Joy. Tell us when you find out what’s wrong with
Pikachu’s arm.
Joy: Don’t worry, I will!
Nurse Joy gets Chansey to find a bed for Pikachu, while Ash, Brock
and Jo go through to the Waiting Room.
Brock: I hope Pikachu’s all right.
Jo: Yeah. Ash, if there is anything I could do to pay back for
whatever I’ve done to your Pikachu, I’ll do it!
Ash: There’s no need, honestly! Wait- you’re traveling on your
own, right?
Jo: I wasn’t until recently.
Brock: Why? What happened?
Jo: I was traveling with two boys: Matty- he was from Pallet, and
Ben- he was from Viridian. We were traveling around Johto.
*Begin flashback*
Jo, Matty and Ben were on Mt. Mortar
Matty: So Ben, which way? Over, or through?
Jo: I say over. You can’t see a thing in there!
Ben: I agree!
Matty: Well, over it is then!
They all begin to walk up Mt Mortar.
Jo: All right wise guy! Which way now, huh? I’m not climbing up
that cliff face, and I’m certainly not climbing up that part!
Matty: Well, we all knew that someday soon you would chicken
Jo: ME? Chicken out? You must be joking!!!
Ben: Okay you two. You’d better chill out!
Jo and Matty: SHUT UP BEN!!!
Jo: (Panicking) WHAT WAS THAT?
Ben: Probably just an Onix being fought by a trainer. It’ll be all
Matty: I’m not too sure about it being safe to go any further now.
Jo: Not again! I want to get off this now!!! It really isn’t
Ben: Jo, take it easy!
Matty: Come on! You heard her- we’re getting off here NOW!!!
Jo: Yeah Ben, we don’t want to be killed up here, do we?
Ben: I guess not.
Matty and Jo: WELL COME ON-
A massive explosion is heard, and rocks start to fall from above.
Jo, Ben and Matty are buried under the boulders.
*End flashback*
Jo: (Upset) I woke up in Ecruteak General Infirmary. The nurses
said Matty was killed instantly, and Ben died in Surgery a week ago. I asked
why I was in the ICU. They said I’d been brought in with a punctured lung, due
to a broken rib, a broken leg, and I had almost every bone in my right hand
shattered. The nurses said I’d been in a coma for two weeks, and they weren’t
expecting me to wake up. I was terrified that I wasn’t going to survive!
Ash: I’m sorry I brought that up. How long ago was that?
Jo: It was about- hmm- about 3 months ago. Anyway, what were you
going to ask me?
Ash: Well, we had a girl from Cerulean traveling with us until 2
days ago, but she decided to go back home to train her Pokémon, so I was
wondering, seeing as you were on your own, would you like to travel with us?
Jo: Are you sure?
Ash: If it’s okay with you!
Brock: It’s fine with me! Come on Jo, and if you stick around, you
might be able to meet Misty!
Jo: Okay!!! You mean THE Misty? The Misty from Cerulean City
Pokémon Gym?
Ash: Yeah, why?
Jo: God! Now I know where she went when she ran away!
Ash: So you know Misty?
Jo: Hell yeah! Before she ran away, we were like sisters! We were
together all the time, and we both share a love- no an obsession with Water
Ash: Oh no! We’ve got ourselves another Misty here!
Brock: Yeah. I wonder what’s taking Nurse Joy so long… I didn’t
get chance to ask her out on a date.
Ash: That’s a point. Jo, can you pull ears hard?
Jo: (pulls Ash’s ear hard) You mean like that?
Ash: (rubbing ear) Yeah, whenever Brock gets all gooey over any
girl, you do just what you did on me just now! You know, that really hurt…
Jo: Got that! Sorry, Ash!
Nurse Joy comes through the door, sees Ash, and smiles.
Ash: How’s Pikachu then?
Joy: Well, its arm is broken, but nothing worse than that.
Pikachu’s just having a rest right now, as it’s pretty exhausted.
Jo: How badly broken is the arm?
Joy: Well, it’s difficult to explain, so if you come with me, I’ll
show you Pikachu’s x-ray.
Ash: Okay, come on Brock!
Brock: Don’t disturb me! I’m staring at Nurse Joy’s beautiful
Ash: Jo, this is a good time to practice Misty’s old job.
Jo: Okay, Romeo. Let’s get going! (Pulls Brock away by his ear)
Brock: Owwww…
Ash: Ha! I give that 10/10! Well done!
Jo: Thanks!
Ash, Brock and Jo go into the Recovery room behind Nurse Joy. She
goes off to find Pikachu’s x-rays.
Ash: So, how long were you and Misty friends?
Jo: Let’s see… we met each other at one of the Cerulean Gym’s
water shows. Misty’s Mum and Misty’s Aunties were the stars, and we were about
3 years old. She was playing with a Staryu doll by the side of the main pool. I
asked her what her name was, she told me, and asked me if we could be friends.
I said yes, and since then we were inseparable! When we were 9, she got a
Staryu for her birthday. When it was Richie’s birthday, and mine we both got a
Pokémon, because Misty did!
Ash: What did you two get?
Jo: I got a Poliwag, and Richie got a Charmander.
Ash: So you and Misty were mad on Water Pokémon? I guess that’s
what you expect from Cerulean City!
Jo: You could say that! When Richie left to become a Pokémon
Master, Misty and me started to train in the Gym every single day, until one
*Begin flashback*
Jo was at the front door of the Cerulean Gym.
Jo: Is Misty there? My Mum said we could go see all the Water
Pokémon on Valencia Island, and maybe stay over for a week.
Lily: Jo, stop babbling. We like- don’t know where Misty has gone.
Violet: She stormed out of the Gym yesterday evening, and we
haven’t seen her since!
Jo started crying and Daisy came.
Daisy: Like- come inside Jo. Maybe you’ll be able to find out
where she’s gone to and how long she’s going to be gone.
Jo went upstairs to Misty’s bedroom with Daisy.
Daisy: Right, Jo, tell us what’s missing out of Misty’s stuff.
Jo: Well, her Pokéballs are gone, loads of her clothes are gone.
She’s even taken her Super rod!
Daisy: Well, if she doesn’t turn up by Thursday, we’ll like- tell
Cerulean Police, okay?
Jo: I guess so.
Lily: You’d like- better go home. We’ll tell you if we hear
anything, right?
Jo: Okay, see you.
*The following Friday*
Jo was watching Kanto News 24.
Newsreader: The top story tonight- The Cerulean City Gym Leader-
Misty Waterflower has been reported missing. We are going live to Cerulean,
where we are about to speak to Misty’s sisters and Officer Jenny from Cerulean
Police in a press conference. Michael, over to you.
Michael: Thank you Kate. I am at the Cerulean Gym, with Misty’s
sisters, Daisy, Lily and Violet. Daisy, what do you think made Misty run away?
Daisy: Well, we like- had an argument with her on Monday evening,
and she like- just took off through the Gym doors.
Michael: And do you think it was serious enough for her to run
Daisy: Like- no way, it was only a misunderstanding about a gym
Michael: Well, we have Officer Jenny here to give more information
about Misty, and who to contact if you see her.
Jenny: Yes. Since she ran away only 3 nights ago, the furthest she
could have got is Pewter City, Vermillion, or the Rock Tunnel Pokémon Center.
This is a picture of Misty, taken 2 months ago. On the night she went missing,
she was wearing a blue t-shirt and pale green shorts. If you see her, please
contact your local Police Department. or Pokémon centre.
Michael: Have you started searching for her at all?
Jenny: We have a search party, including the best Growlithe in
Kanto, looking for her right now.
Michael: Thank you Jenny. Back to Kate in the studio.
*2 weeks later*
Kate: We are sorry to interrupt the coverage of the Indigo Pokémon
League with a special news bulletin from Cerulean City. Officer Jenny has a
statement to broadcast live.
Officer Jenny: We have just found a vital piece of evidence in the
inquiry into Misty Waterflower’s disappearence. Just outside Mt Moon, we have
found her torn, bloodstained clothes and her rucksack containing food, and
Pokémon medicine. We therefore believe that Misty Waterflower may have been
abducted, and she may no longer be alive. We have still got to confirm this as
her body is missing. If you find anything, please contact me directly. Thank
*End flashback*
Ash: So that’s why Misty’s sisters were hysterical when we turned
up at the Gym!
Jo: Yeah, probably.
Joy comes into the room
Joy: I’ve got the x rays. If you have a look at this bone, you
will notice it is broken into three.
Ash: Meaning…
Jo: Pikachu’s going to be out of the action for a while.
Joy: 3 months to be exact!
Ash: 3 months?! But the Pokémon League-
Joy: Pikachu will hopefully be fit for the Johto League. Until
then, Pikachu isn’t allowed to battle whatsoever! Pikachu’s arm is really weak,
so even a knock could put him out of the League, right?
Jo and Brock: We’ll make sure that doesn’t happen!
Ash: I’m going to phone Misty, so I’ll be outside, okay?
Jo: Will I be able to talk to her?
Ash: Sure!
Ash and Jo go outside.
Ash: (Dialing) I hope she’s not busy.
* * * * *
Misty was onto her last trainer for that day.
Contender: My name is Jack, and I wish to battle you for a Cascade
Misty: Okay, but I haven’t given out one single badge today, I
don’t think I will now! Go, Staryu!
Jack: Go Bellsprout!
Misty: (laughing) Your Bellsprout reminds me of someone. Anyway,
Staryu, Psychic Attack!
Jack: Hmmph! Bellsprout return! Go Beedrill!
Misty: Did he say-
Beedrill: Beee!
Misty: Staryu, get that *thing* away from me NOW!!!
Jack: What’s up? Doesn’t Misty like ickle Bugs? Twin needle attack
Misty: Just get it away from me! Staryu, Rapid Spin!
Jack: Beedrill return. Go Pikachu!
Misty: Pikachu?
Jack: What’s the problem Misty?
Misty: Nothing! Staryu, try your Swift attack!
Jack: Agility, then Thunder Wave!
Misty: Oh, not Staryu! Return! You did well.
Jack: (Impatiently) Come on Misty!
Misty: You asked for it! Go Poliwhirl! Use your Belly Drum!
Jack: Pikachu, use Lock on…
Misty: Quick! Use Hypnosis!
Jack’s Pikachu falls asleep.
Misty: Now, use Body Slam!
Jack: Pikachu, return!
Misty: Pikachu is really strong! How long have you been with it?
Jack: About 1 month.
Misty: You know Ash Ketchum?
Jack: Yeah! He’s my idol!!!
Misty: I traveled with him! What Pokémon have you got?
Jack: I’ve got Krabby, Pikachu, Pidgeotto, Charmander, Bellsprout
and Beedrill!
Misty: That’s close to Ash’s team! Have you been with them long?
Jack: No, not really. Anyway, I’d better get going! I need to
train my team!
Misty: Well done on your battle, don’t give up!
Misty’s Pokégear starts to ring. Misty gets it from her pocket,
and answers it.
Misty: (Angrily) Whaddya want?
Ash: Well, Can’t you be at least *pleased* that I rang?
Misty: Ash, I turned up at the Gym to find 20 trainers waiting for
my sisters to battle them! I’m a *little* bit tired, and *want* sleep!
Ash: Oh. Sorry! I just phoned to say I battled a girl today, and
Pikachu’s been injured.
Misty: How? Where are you calling from?
Ash: Blackthorn Pokémon Center. The trainer’s Corsola used Ancient
Power, and Pikachu was knocked unconscious. Nurse Joy said that he’s got a
broken arm, and he isn’t allowed to battle for 3 months!
Misty: Will he be better for the Johto League?
Ash: Yeah, as long as he doesn’t battle, or fall on his arm! (Jo
comes up to Ash)
Jo: Can I speak yet? I really want to speak to her!
Ash: Quit whining!
Misty: Who’s that you’re talking to?
Ash: Well, she’s from Cerulean, she’s the same age as you, and she
was your best friend!
Misty: Give the phone to her-
Ash: Just a mo-
Misty: NOW!!!
Ash: Okay, okay! (To Jo) Here ya go. See ya Mist!
Misty: See ya Ash!
Jo: Misty, do you remember me?
Misty: JO!!! How are ya?
Jo: I’m fine! How are you? Everyone in Cerulean thought you were
Misty: Well, they can’t kill me off that easily! How come you’re
with my Ash?
Jo: *Your* Ash? Whaddya mean?
Misty: Err… nothing.
Jo: Whatever. Actually I think Brock’s cute! (A/N I don’t think
Brock’s cute in real life, it’s just to make sure there isn’t two of them after
Ash. ^_^*)
Misty: Well, you can wish!!! How come you’re with them then?
Jo: I wanted a battle, and I found a trainer. When Pikachu got
hurt, I decided to follow, and Ash invited me to come along with them, and I
Misty: Fine with me! Are you by any chance entering the Johto
Jo: Yeah, why?
Misty: Well, I’m entering too.
Jo: Where are you?
Misty: Cerulean.
Jo: How many badges you got?
Misty: Keep it down! None.
Jo: You know you’ve got 3 months before you have to be fully
registered for the league?
Misty: I know, and I will!!!
Jo: NEVER!!!
Misty: Just watch me!
Ash: Jo, come on! Pikachu’s woken up!
Jo: Okay. I’d better go. See ya soon Misty!
Misty: Bye Jo!
CLICK! The phone goes off. Daisy walks through the Gym doors.
Daisy: That’s all the contenders for today! Do you like- want
something to eat?
Misty: Nah, I’m off up to bed. The Gym’s shut until Tuesday,
Daisy: Yeah. See ya Misty!
Misty: Mmm hmm.
Misty goes to her bedroom, and goes to sleep straight away.
(A/N I’ll cut this short, so all Misty did while the Gym was shut
was go shopping, and buy some new trainers, new jeans, and a blue tank top with
‘No. 1 Gym Leader’ on the front in old school sports kit writing, you know, the
‘breaking up’ writing. She also bought a Game Boy Advance with Advance Wars to
keep her occupied.)
*Tuesday Morning*
Misty woke up at 7:45, and went to the Kitchen to get some
Daisy: Like- Misty, I thought you’d be in bed for at least another
Misty: This is late for me. We’re usually up and dressed by 6:30.
Daisy: Want some Fruit Loops?
Misty: Yeah, just give me the box.
Misty gets a bowl of Fruit Loops, and walks into the living room,
and turns on the TV. The news is on.
Newsreader: We are sorry to interrupt ‘The Top 10 Johto Trainers’
to bring you this special news program. In the last hour, the Magnet Train
traveling from Goldenrod to Saffron has been derailed, killing everyone on
Misty: Big deal. Just put the normal program back on. (Changes
channel, and eats breakfast)
Daisy: Misty, the Gym opens in like- 30 minutes. Aren’t you
getting dressed?
Misty: Don’t rush me! It doesn’t take me long to get dressed you
know! Oh, put a decent show on tv for god’s sake! I don’t want to watch the
Daisy: Well, go get dressed then.
Misty: Fine.
Misty gets up, and gets dressed. 2 hours later, a trainer still
hasn’t turned up.
She goes outside with her Staryu and Poliwhirl looking for
Misty: So, where’s the competition today?
Daisy: How are we supposed to know?
Misty: Oh yeah, where’s my Horsea and Starmie I left with you 2
years ago?
Daisy: Ummm…
Misty: If you’ve done anything with them, I’ll skin you alive!
Lily: Like- they’re in the main pool swimming Misty!
Misty: Okay. I’m off to swim with them. Tell me if any contenders
turn up, okay?
Daisy: Mmm hmm. See ya later.
Misty gets changed into her bikini, and goes into the main pool.
Misty: Starmie! Horsea! Where are ya?
Starmie surfaces, and it looks stronger than ever.
Misty: Starmie, how are you?
Starmie: Hyaa! (Great!)
Misty: Good. Are you ready to battle in Johto?
Starmie: Hyaa! (Where?)
Misty: Doesn’t matter! Do you know where Horsea is?
Starmie sort of nods its head, and Misty follows Starmie into the
water. They find a Kingdra, but no Horsea. They come back up.
Misty: My Horsea isn’t there! What’ve they done with it?
Violet walks in with 2 trainers following her, 1 boy, and 1 girl.
Misty: What’ve you done with Horsea?
Violet: Haven’t you seen it?
Misty: No, there’s a Kingdra, and that’s it.
Violet: That’s Horsea! Your Horsea evolved after you did that show
a couple of years back, and then when Prof. Elm found new evolutions, The
Pokémon League allowed us to like- evolve Horsea. By the way, you’ve got a
Misty: Okay. Which one?
The girl walks up.
Beth: Me, Misty. I’m Bethany from Seafoam Islands, and I wish to
battle you.
Violet: I’ll like- watch you from the stand. Lily and Daisy are up
Misty: Okay. Would you mind waiting a minute- I’ve got to get the
Pokémon into the aquarium, and then we’ll battle.
Beth: Right.
*5 minutes later*
Misty: I’m ready. I’ll let you pick the rules.
Beth: Thanks! How about a tag team battle- your Pokémon have to
work together to get one from the other team down.
Misty: That’s fine with me! Let’s see- who’ll work together best?
I know! Staryu; Poliwhirl- GO!!!
Beth: Starmie; Azumarril- I choose you!
Misty: This is going to be difficult. Staryu, Poliwhirl- listen.
You two are going to work together to win this, right? Just let each of them
hit you a few times, then go for whichever you will find easiest to defeat.
Staryu, listen. If Starmie knows Thunderbolt or any Electric attack, just use
Rapid Spin to deflect the attack off Poliwhirl. It’ll power up your Thunder
attack, right? Okay, GO!!
Beth: Okay, Starmie- take on Poliwhirl; Azumarril, you go against
Staryu! Both start off with Surf!
Misty: Take what they throw at you! Now, Poliwhirl, Doubleslap,
Staryu, use Rapid Spin!
Beth: Starmie, use Confuse Ray, then Thunder, Azumarril, you’re weak, so use Rain Dance to max out Thunder!!!
Misty: Oh no! Poliwhirl, close your eyes, and Staryu, get ready to
be hit by one of the strongest attacks you’ll ever be hit by!
Starmie’s Confuse Ray doesn’t work, and Azumarril uses Rain Dance.
Beth: NOW!!! THUNDER!!!
Staryu jumps in front of Poliwhirl, and take the attack full on!
Misty: Staryu, if it’s too much, say, right?
Beth: Starmie, use all the energy you’ve got, and knock out Staryu
and Poliwhirl!
Starmie gives all it’s energy through Thunder, and Misty’s Staryu
looks like it’s about to collapse, but Starmie does before!!
Beth: Starmie, what’re you playing at? GET UP!!!
Misty: Your Starmie ran out of energy, and because it’s a Water
type, it shocked itself.
Beth: You win then.
Misty’s Staryu collapses.
Misty: Well done Staryu. Huh? Staryu, wake up! Hey, Daisy, get
Nurse Joy! Staryu is in bad shape!!!
Daisy: Okay.
Daisy and Lily run to the Pokémon Center for Nurse Joy.
Misty: Poliwhirl, you’re all right aren’t you? Use Water Gun to
try and wake up Staryu.
Beth: I’m really sorry about what happened to your Staryu.
Misty: It’s all right. We have to wait until Nurse Joy arrives. So,
are you entering the Indigo League?
Mark walks up.
Beth: No. I’m entering the Johto League. I came here just to
battle you.
Misty: You were nearly out of luck! I’m leaving again tomorrow.
Beth: For where?
Misty: New Bark Town. That’s a point; I’ll have to see if it’s
okay to see Prof. Elm tomorrow.
Mark: We’re off to see him tomorrow aren’t we Beth?
Beth: Yeah. He’s got a new batch of Pokémon, and I’m receiving
Misty: Really? Please don’t think I’m cheeky or anything, but
would you mind if I travel round Johto with you two?
Beth: What do you think Mark?
Mark: I don’t mind.
Beth: Okay Misty.
Misty: All right!!! We’ll leave as soon as Staryu’s sorted out,
Beth and Mark: Right!
Narrator: As we see Ash and Brock recruit another member of their
group, we see Misty make new friends too. What will happen to Ash, Brock and Jo
while Misty’s away, and what adventures await Misty, Mark and Beth? Find out,
next time!!
I’m really sorry if this was dragged out too much! It’s just that
I had the opposite to Writer’s Block! ^_^;
Please R&R, as always, and no flames, as always!!!
Oh yeah, when you review, could you please tell me if you prefer
the cartoon style, or story style writing. Expect the next part up fairly soon,
For now, bye!
~*Misty’s double*~