Remember the good times
By Mist 2002
The sky was heavy, pewter gray clouds swirling above, with a deep indigo lining on each one. The weather was cool, a chilly breeze blowing through the meadows on the outskirts of Pallet, rustling the red, brown, yellow and orange leaves of the apple trees, blowing a few of the dying leaves off and through the air. They whirled through the wind, right in front of him.
He looked up at the small hill in front of him, where the tree stood. The tree was a lone one, and it looked odd, to see one lone tree on the top of a hill. To him, it didn't matter whether the tree was lone or not. Nothing really mattered today, even if it was one of the biggest holidays in Pallet.
Palletition Day was an important holiday for Pallet Town. It signified the history of when pokémon were first given to trainers, almost 300 years ago. Last year, all hopes of celebration and enjoying Palletition Day had been crushed for him.
He still remembered it like it was 5 minutes ago. The panic, the fear, the trampling. The revenge. It had all happened because of what he had done.
Almost 2 years ago now, he had tried to help his best friend, a girl with bold orange hair and startling sapphire eyes that sparkled like the ocean on a sunny day. Her pokémon had been stolen, not by the two Team Rocket idiots, but by a more powerful breed of thieves. They had mugged her in the dark alleyways of Saffron City, which just wasn't safe anymore. They had taken her most prized possessions, her pokémon and her bracelet, which he had given her for her birthday the month before. He had found her, lying in the lane, unconscious, and while helping her restore her life, had plotted revenge.
He had crept into the base of the thieves, and taken her pokémon back. He had also had to destroy their leader, who had tried to kill him with a few shots of a pistol. He didn't regret murdering the one person who could have easily murdered Misty. It was easy to do, considering he had a more powerful weapon at his side.
His Pikachu.
He started to walk up the hill now, his boots crunching any leaves in his way. He was still thinking about last years Palletition Day and how this had all happened.
During the last Palletition Day, he and Misty had been enjoying themselves on a park bench, watching the parade go by. Togepi at Misty's side, Pikachu by his. As the floats paraded by, a large bird flew through the sky, and swooped down. The rider of the Pidgeot, a shaded figure, had pulled out a gun and shot Pikachu with tranquilizer, and roped and pulled him up onto the Pidgeot. He was horrified, how could somebody steal Pikachu like that.
Misty had warned him to be careful. Warned him that he could be killed. He hadn't listened, his love for the electric rodent was electrifying. Nothing could pull Pikachu away from him, not even some rider on a Pidgeot. He had released his Pidgeot, and with a team of 5 pokémon, chased after the person. He had caught up to the person, leapt off his Pidgeot onto the other one, demanded his little buddy back.
The person had not listened. Just told him to make a bargain. The Pikachu, for all the pokémon in his team. He couldn't give up 5 for one, he couldn't let Pikachu die either. He leapt for Pikachu, trying to snatch his best friend off the person. The person was cruel, and said that the Pikachu had been poisoned and was dying in his sleep. Whichever option he chose, he would loose. Ash dove for the person, and punched him, knocking him off the Pidgeot. HE held Pikachu in his arms, and called for his Pidgeot, and flew back down to the ground.
Cradling Pikachu in his arms, Misty put her arms around his shoulders, looking on, as he slowly let a tear roll down his cheek.
"Pikachu, I love you." Those had been his final words, before Pikachu slipped away.
The memories were so fresh in his mind, as he reached the lone apple tree. It had begun to rain lightly, dampening his sooty hair. He reached out and with his finger, traced the words carved into the trunk of the tree.
In my heart you live forever
That's how long we'll be together
Its you that I'll always remember
Love Ash
Reaching into his pocket, he withdrew a prized possession. A red and white orb with a single golden thunderbolt engraved into its red surface. He rolled it in his hand, as tears welled up in his eyes.
He missed his pokémon friend, his first ever companion. He missed the every now and then thundershock. He missed having Pikachu on his shoulder as he and Misty walked through the different cities. He missed Pikachu so much.
Tears spilled down Ash's cheeks, as he removed his finger from the tree, where it had been resting on the H of his name.
"In my heart you live forever, that's how long we'll be together, its you that I'll always remember," he recited quietly.
A/N - I suppose that was a bit soppy. But, heck, this is the one-year anniversary when my dog died, a companion I had since I was 3. I really miss her so I reflected it in writing. - Mist 26th January, 2002