Part VI
Viola and Ebony walked out of Moonlight Meadow and into the Earth Forest, by the stream. Ebony looked into the crystal clear water as it trickled over the pebbles and rocks in the bottom of the tiny creek. Neither pokémon spoke for about two minutes, which seemed like eternity to Ebony, who was constantly wondering why Viola wanted to take a walk.
Could she be trying to hurt me? Come up with a plan to rid the world of me? Ebony's mind was racing with conclusions, which were all false.
Should I start talking? Or will Ebony snap at me again? I just want to be friends, I don't know why she dislikes Espeon so much, Viola thought sadly, sneaking a look at the Umbreon, who's face was concealed, showing little emotion.
Finally, both pokémon began to talk.
"What did you want to say?" Ebony questioned.
"I just wanted to say…" Viola began, at the exact same time as Ebony. Viola blushed and looked down, suddenly shy.
"Go on," Ebony told Viola.
"Why are we fighting? I mean, what did I ever do to you and what do you hate about me?" Viola asked. "Is it because I'm an Espeon?"
Ebony shook her head. "No, not because of that at all. The reason why I dislike you is…. How do I say this?…" Ebony heaved a sigh and looked at Viola. "You see, I want you to be gone. You've been here and interfering for quite some time now. And you just don't understand. The Umbreon pack is corrupting now! And there's nothing you can do to help so why are you even here?" She changed her tone from a fierce attacking sound to a sad voice. "Its all over, its no use."
Viola responded almost instantly, trying to be encouraging. "You can't give up like that! A battles not over until both pokémon have given their best. You can't just surrender to the Houndoom! That's like saying you don't want to be a pokémon! Its horrible!"
"Why not merge with the Espeon?" a voice suddenly suggested from no where.
"Who said that?" Ebony demanded defensively. Viola backed up and growled. Ebony too, except in the other direction.
In front of both Ebony and Viola leapt another Espeon, this time bigger and with a darker shade of purple. Her eyes were navy blue, and out of reach of her smile, which was mouth only. Meaning that she didn't smile with her eyes. A blood red scar ran down the side of her face, over her left eye, making her look strange.
"Mother?" Viola gasped.
"Violetta," Ebony growled, recognizing this pack leader from council of Eeveeloutions when she went with Nero one time.
"I was thinking," Violetta said to Viola. "You were right after all, we are related, Umbreon and Espeon, and therefore I won't punish you for hanging around and seeing the Umbreon friends you have. And, as for you Ebony, would you mind if I came along to your pack so I could speak to your Grandfather."
"Nero will not and does not speak to traitors," Ebony replied.
"What are you talking about?" Violetta questioned, laughing, desperately trying to hide her nervousness.
"You have been with the Houndoom," Ebony accused.
"Yes I have as a matter of fact, just now," Violetta answered. "Chain wanted to merge with the Espeon tribe to overpower the Umbreon, but of course I refused. And when that happened, he got his two followers to attack me. This scar is from the claws of Kala."
Ebony wasn't sure how to react. Finally she sighed. "Come on then."
"Hey Viola, Ebony," Ray greeted, running around the three pokémon as they entered Moonlight Meadow.
"Hi guys," Midnight added, chasing after Ray.
"Hey guys," Viola replied, as Ebony nodded and responded, "Hi."
Violetta just ignored their playful presence, and made her way through the damp dew covered blades of grass to the center of the Umbreon Pack, where Nero and the older Umbreon lounged around. "Nero, we must merge tribes," Violetta announced.
Looking up Nero sighed. "I do not wish to be bothered with business about merging tonight thank you. I have had enough trouble already with merging."
Violetta knew it was time for the back up plan. "I know, so have the Espeon tribe. We must merge, us Espeon are weakened to Chain's kind, yet Chain picks on us. This scar is evidence that we Espeon can not fight alone and need the help of the Umbreon."
One of the lazing Umbreon, known as Brass, spoke up. "I believe that if we want to defeat the Houndoom we can do it alone. Alas, the Houndoom have the advantage over us in number, and we would get wiped out. Our brothers, the Espeon, are offering to merge. Why not keep our Eeveeloution independence?"
"It seems like you have a good point Brass," Nero spoke. "Yet in this time of crisis, you can trust nobody."
"Have you ever heard the saying 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend'?" Violetta questioned, determined to make Nero change his mind. "Well it basically means that if you are enemies with the Houndoom, and the Espeon are enemies with the Houndoom then we should stick together."
Brass stood up. "As assistant leader of the Umbreon pack I say we go for it. The enemies of the Houndoom are our friends. Whether they be the Stantler we eat, or the Skarmory who pluck off our young Eevee and Umbreon pups, we will fight together to defeat the Houndoom."
Nero sat up and nodded. "Very well. Brass, you will be in charge of the merge. I am feeling rather tired lately."
"Are you going to be okay Nero?" Violetta asked, faking concern. Nero nodded.
"Just lack of sleep," he replied, giving a half hearted smile. Brass and Violetta left, discussing the merge. When they were clear out of ears reach, Nero sighed. "It's getting worse and worse." Nero walked out of the little circle of Umbreon and half way across the field.
Ebony caught site of him. "Come on guys, lets go talk to Gramps," she suggested, running off. Midnight and the other pokémon followed. Suddenly, Nero stopped in his tracks, and collapsed. Ebony stopped in shock. "GRAMPS!" she gasped, and sprinted over to his side.
"Gramps," Ebony sobbed, nosing at her grandfathers collapsed body. Nero opened a golden eye.
"Ebony," Nero whispered, in a horse voice. Midnight, Ray and Viola appeared behind Ebony. Ebony leaned down to Nero. "Ebony," Nero repeated.
"I'm here Gramps," Ebony told him, a tear trickling down her face.
"It is my time to go," Nero said. "Take care of yourself. Do not…Do not let the Umbreon fail. The Umbreon shall stand strong. Uuumm Bree Umb on OnUmbree…" Nero finished with a surprising comment, spoken in the Umbreon language. Not many pokémon learnt their cultures language any more, but Nero had grown up with it. "Tell your mother that Spearow eggs will be fine," Nero spoke.
"Nero, Eboniana is dead," Ray spoke.
"Gramps, please," Ebony begged. "Please, get up. You'll be fine. Please, get up Gramps."
"Ebony, is that you?" Nero asked. "Ummm braowwwwwww…. You will… trust…love in heart… Must… love…" Nero heaved a deep breath and collapsed, silent as a stone.
Ebony sank down on her knees. "Gramps," she whispered. "Get up Gramps. Please get up! Gramps come on, its time to go now. Gramps…" A tear shed from Ebony's eye, and trickled down her soft black fur. Ebony crawled under the leg of Nero and lay next to him, just like she used to when she was a little pup, sobbing into his empty chest.
Viola looked down to the ground, honoring Nero. Midnight shed a tear also, upset that their wise friend had gone to the after life, while Ray hung his head. All honoring Nero.