Lapras Valley High – Hell Blastoise
Chapter Fourteen – Numbing Minds
Life has changed so much. When I first came here I was an angry person, one who wouldn’t even let somebody smile in my direction let alone make any other friends aside from Fury and Ashley. Then when I became friends with Nayia and Martin I began to realize, are there really people out there who care about others? Who give a damn about whether a person is okay or not?
After that things were looking up, nothing bad had really been happening, I had my small group and I was sort of happy. Lady Blastoise then came, arriving in my geography class as a teacher. That woman doesn’t know when to give up, she’s after me for my secret.
I am a were-pokemon. Every full moon I transform into a large female Ninetales. It is a secret that only 2 others aside from the pack of were-pokemon know of. They are Fury and Lady Blastoise. She found out by accident, once I was forced to stay at her mansion while at the orphanage and she saw me changing.
She’s held it against me ever since, and threatens to expose me to the world. She’s pure evil.
Blaron is a guy who’s also been in my life. I don’t know much about crushes and boyfriends and stuff but Kayla and Ashley are convinced he likes me because we’ve danced at both discos. And because he asked to go for a walk. So what?
"I don’t know what all the fuss is about?" I asked Fury, while lying on my bed, tired and half-asleep. "I mean it’s not as if we want to go out and be boyfriend girlfriend is it?" I buried my face into my pillow and exhaled, which didn’t smell too nice.
"You know you really should start looking past your nose," Fury sighed. "He obviously likes you. You can’t deny that."
"What would you know about liking?" I murmured turning my head to look at the fire fox.
"Nothing," Fury replied quickly and defensively. "I’m just saying, it’s obvious. That’s all."
"Mmph," I snorted into my pillow. "I’m going to sleep, night Fury."
"Night," Fury shrugged and settled down.
"Hi Sal, want to go for our walk now?" Blaron asked facing me boldly. I shrugged and nodded, throat sore for some reason. Fury waved and stayed behind as we left for Shellder Bay.
As we reached the bay I tried to apologize for not talking too much. "Ack, ugh, sorry for not talking," I tried to say in a scratchy voice. "Throat very sore."
"It’s okay I understand fully," Blaron smiled, and for a moment I thought I saw an evil glint in his eye. I blinked and figured I was imagining it.
Once we touched the sand, Blaron turned to me. "Let’s go into Shady Thicket instead if you don’t mind." I shrugged and nodded, as we walked into the forest of trees. Halfway in there, Blaron turned around and punched me.
I went back staggering, and held my throbbing cheek in my hand while grabbing balance. "What the **** was that for?" I demanded, throat hoarse.
"For being a were-pokemon you bitch," Blaron glared. "I know all about your secret."
"How?" I gasped.
"Maybe I can answer that one," another voice answered, and out of the shadows walked Lady Blastoise, evil as ever. "Blaron is my worker, he is here to get you and will be paid handsomely."
"Bitch!" I yelled, running with my dagger out. A flash from the left stopped me in my tracks as a Houndour leapt out and snatched the knife from my hands.
"Now we’ve got you," Blaron growled.
I blinked as I looked at the ceiling, thoughts running through my head. Was that how my walk was going to be like? Was that dream telling me something or was it a warning sign? I didn’t know, I was confused yet again.
Just to be on the safe side I made a mental note to tell Blaron that I couldn’t walk with him because my throat was really sore.
"You WHAT?" Kayla shrieked. "I don’t believe you did that! Rejection is the ultimate pain, haven’t you ever felt it before."
I shrugged.
"Sal made what ever choice she felt comfortable with, let’s just accept that," Ashley put in.
I snorted and grabbed a piece of paper and began to write. My throat was so sore that I couldn’t talk.
Kayla grabbed the piece of paper and tried to read it, struggling to read my messy writing and bad spelling. "Dop ta subekt I don’t wunt to tallk a boot it." She looked up, confused. "What the?"
"Drop the subject she doesn’t want to talk about it," Ashley translated.
"Oh, okay, well I’m going to go get Flare. We’ve got battling in about 5 minutes," Kayla said, before leaving the common room.
I grabbed the piece of paper and scribbled this: Get Furry and com hear. Well go 2 batle clas toget – togea – togetna – togata.
I think I spelt together correctly.
"Today during class you will all be battling each other in a competition. The winner may receive a prize of their choice. It may be an item, or a privilege but no money to be asked for. You may sort yourselves into two lines and I will pair you up," Sir barked.
"Fury," I whispered, hurting my voice. "Battle on instinct."
"Vulpix," Fury replied innocently, not really letting everybody know she talked. She only spoke around my friends anyway, hardly around enemies.
"Sal, you are facing Luke Carobilla over at the oval, your referee will be Ms Taylor," Sir told Fury and me. At least we had a fair ref.
"This is a one on one battle between Sal and Luke, send out your pokemon please," Jackie called to Luke and I.
Luke, a rather tall 13 year old from another battling class, grinned and turned his Awaken cap backwards. Guess he was a skater as Awaken was a skate brand that made fantastic trucks and bearings. His powder blue hair was sort of long and hung below his cap while his brown eyes clearly showed determination to win.
"I choose Eternal!" Luke called, tossing out a pokeball covered with Volcanic skate stickers. Out of the pokeball came a pawing Persian, its sleek body way too thin for a regular pokemon, and its skin mattered and a sort of dirty cream color. Its gem was unpolished and it mewed at the event of being released.
"I go?" Fury whispered. I nodded in response and Fury leapt forward, snarling.
Eternal became a bit intimidated, but once Jackie blew the whistle, Luke let loose with orders. "Right go in with a slash!" He was so careless, he couldn’t see the poor state his pokemon was in, it looked as if it would collapse any minute, and it needed washing and feeding urgently.
"You know what to do," I said to Fury, trying to talk. Fury nodded and sat down cockily. I groaned, Fury was going to be a smart aleck for this battle. As Eternal rushed forward, with speed slow for a Persian, it raised its paw, extending the razor sharp needles, and leapt into the air, right for Fury. Having a lot of experience with pokemon three times as powerful as the Persian, Fury just simply ducked and let Eternal go crashing into the ground behind her.
"Get up you dumb a- I mean, get on up Eternal! Try quick attack!" Luke glanced at Jackie, who raised an eyebrow.
Eternal sprang up and began charging towards Fury, who had her back to the Persian. Fury bounced up into the air as if there were invisible springs attached to each paw and landed on Eternal’s back. The Persian bucked and rolled around, trying to get rid of my pesky Vulpix, who clung on with a wide smile.
"Agility!" Luke commanded Eternal, and at once there were flashes of cream at different places on the lush grass. After about a minute of constant running, Fury leapt up off Eternal’s back and flew up into the air for a moment. Opening her mouth, streams of boiling flames rushed out and down at the Persian who had stopped out of surprise. Fury landed with a thud on the grass, yet kept up her constant flame attack, and you could tell that Eternal was weakening, fast.
"Thunderbolt back," Luke snapped, gritting his teeth and clenching his fists so hard his knuckles turned white. Out of the dirty gem on Eternal’s head, uncontrollable bolts of thunder surged and struck the ground near Fury’s paw, startling the fire fox and causing the flame-thrower to go off target.
Another spark hit Fury’s other side, causing her to leap back into her regular position. As the bolts flew, Fury bounced, bounded, leapt, and hopped out of their way like a wild Eevee in a meadow during a warm spring day.
**Background Music ~ DJ Alligator Project – Black Celebration**
Fury suddenly stopped and looked Eternal in the eye, and Eternal stopped and took a step back, shivers running down the Persians spine. Fury stepped forward and Eternal stepped back. Taking another bold step towards the intimidated pokemon, Fury suddenly disappeared from sight. Confused, Eternal looked around, and was hit from behind by Fury’s furious swift attack, as those golden stars just pierced the fur.
"This can’t be happening, why am I loosing?" Luke whispered. Raising his voice he shouted out to Eternal. "You wimpy alleycat! Attack that fire fox! Use Pursuit!" Eternal, panting, scarred, scalded and with patches of black marks from fire attacks, breathed in and disappeared slowly, reappearing behind Fury and swiping at the Vulpix. Fury span around and bit hard on Eternal’s neck, forcing the Persian down onto the ground, where it breathed its last breath before falling to Fury’s power.
"Eternal is no longer able to battle, Fury and Sal win," Jackie announced.
Luke scowled as he returned his still Persian and met Fury and me in the middle of the field. "How did you do it?" he hissed. "Not one attack shout was made, what have you done with your pokemon?"
"Bonded," I replied. My throat was killing me so much, yet I had to talk. "I take care of Fury and she takes care of me. Try it sometime."
"You know, I was wondering, why did you dump Blaron?" Kayla asked as we walked along the beach. Fury stayed with Flare to build a sandcastle while Sugar just bounded and squashed half of their creation. Kayla, Ashley and I walked further along and sat down.
"I just don’t really feel comfortable," I answered. My throat had gotten a bit better so I could talk more.
"Why not?" Kayla questioned, confused. I sat down on the sand and looked down.
"I’ve never really been able to trust people, all my life I was given one blow after another, and nobody seemed to care about the person I really was," I sighed, facing the soft grains of sand. "It’s like, like they’re using you for something. But nobody wanted to get to know me which is why I’ve always been so angry all the time, and only Ashley and Fury have caught a glimpse of what I’m really like."
"I think you’re getting better though," Ashley pointed out. "Lapras Valley High has really changed you. You’re becoming more of a happy person, and you’re making quite a lot of friends."
"Yeah well," I shrugged, glancing over to where Fury, Sugar and Flare were all kicking sand at each other.
"I really need to talk to you Nayia," Martin nervously said, fidgeting with his fingers.
Nayia smiled and sighed with relief. "I really need to talk to you too. You go first."
"Um…" Martin began, then hesitated. He looked down at his feet then looked up at Nayia shyly, scratching the back of his head. "Um… do you know how to do the geography assignment?"
Nayia’s face fell as her heart sank into her shoes. "Sure," she replied brightly, trying to cover the disappointment. Thoughts ran through her head as she walked to the library with Martin. ‘I thought he was going to ask me out,’ she thought. ‘Why didn’t he? He doesn’t like me, no guy likes me.’
‘How could I be so damn stupid! Fucking hell! Fuck-fuck-fuck!’ Martin cursed in his mind.
Next Time on Lapras Valley High
Blaron faces Sal in a way that could easily explode a volcano.
"What is your problem? I saw you on the beach with Ashley and Kayla!" Blaron exclaimed angrily.
"Hey listen here big shot!" I yelled back.
And Kayla creates a close friendship, with the least expected, over something quite weird.
"Hey Craig, what you doing?" Kayla asked innocently, her brown hair in her Nurse Joy pigtails once again. She lent on the chair behind Craig and watched him play ‘Charizard Zone Slaughter’.
"Playing," Craig replied. "Darn it!" He cursed at the screen as he got the words GAME OVER.
"Hey I love this game!" Kayla exclaimed, taking over the computer.
Chapter Fifteen – Soaring