Shepry’s Journey
By: MiniEevee
Disclaimer: I do not own Pokémon. All I own is the plot of this story.
Chapter 1: Who to Choose???
Drio, do, do, do, do. Drio, do, do, do, do.
Shepry- W-what time is it! Good just in time.
*She got up and changes her cloths. She is wearing a white T-shirt and a sky blue and light pink coat over it. She an also had on a pink and white bike gloves. She had a light blue pant and a pair of white shoes. Then she put on her light blue bag. After changing she rushes down stair and grab her plate of food and rush out the door saying good-bye to her mother.*
Shepry-Bye Mom, I miss you. (Kiss her mother on the cheek)
Mother-Bye Shepry, Take care.
Shepry-Okay mom! Bye.
Today is the day that I can finally get my first Pokémon from Prof Kasha. In addition, I know exactly what I am going to choose. I give you a hint it a fire type.
Boy-Hey you actually show up.
* Shepry turns around to the sound of the voice*
Shepry-W-What. Oh it only you Ken.
Ken-What do you mean by only me?
Shepry-Nothing, I just thought it was someone important.
Ken-Ha. You are just jealous. I am going to pick first and that mean I will get the better Pokémon.
Shepry-Please Ken do you really think I care what Pokémon you pick.
Ken- You will when you see who I pick.
Please do not let it be...
Women-Hey, you’re finally here.
Ken-Oh Prof. Kasha. Good morning.
Shepry-Yeah good morning Prof. Kasha.
Prof. K-Good morning to both of you. Are you guys ready for your Journeys?
K and S-Yes!
Prof. K-Good. But before I let you pick your first Pokémon, I want you two to meet Mr. Ketchum.
Shepry-Mr.… Mr. Ketchum.? The Mr. Ketchum? The one and only Ash Ketchum?
Man-That would be me. But Mr. Is to formal Prof. I told you to call me Ash.
Ken-I don’t see anything that great about him.
(Shepry got out her mallet and hit Ken in the head) BONG
Shepry-How could you say that to Mr. Ketchum, Ken?
Ken-I could say anything I want to. It a FREE country.
Shepry-But he saves the world for more than half a dozen times.
Ash-Huh? I didn't do it that muc...
Ken-Gray could have done that too, but he no show off.
Ash-Oh so you are a fan of Gray?
Ken-What it is to you?
Ash-Nothing, I just wanted to know. But I let you in on a secret Gray is going to start a Gym very soon, so you might have to battle him and it no easy walk in the park.
Ken-I know it no easy walk in the park if we have to battle Gray. He is the best after all.
K and S-Huh?
Ken-What that suppose to mean?
Ash-That what I want to talk to you new trainer about.
Prof. K-Ash here is to explain to all trainers that the gym battle rule will change.
K and S-Change?
Shepry-What change?
Prof. K-I got to go Ash will fill you in.
Ash-Thank Prof. Kashi.
*Prof. Kashi went into the lab*
Ash-At each gym, you will have to face new rule accounting to the Gym Leader. For example: you guy might have to fight a two on two battle or face a test before battling the Gym Leader. Most of the Gym however kept the old way of batting. .. Oh and here I am babbling when I have no idea who you are.
*Everyone fell down*
Shepry-My name is Shepry Stiller and I'm your number one fans. Of course you probably heard that a lot.
Ash-Well, Hi Shepry and no I haven't heard that before. This is actually the first time I hear that I have a fan.
Shepry-W-What you got to be joking me. You save the world and you still don't have any fans.
Ash-No, but that not important.
Shepry-Y-You don’t care if you have fans or not.
Ash-Well not really. Oh and what your name?
Ken-My names is Ken Hitter.
Ash-You really do act like Gray. Ha ha ha.
Ken-What so funny?
Ash-I said you are a lot like Gray. Oh that remind me, I got to go. Good-Bye you guy and Good Luck.
*Ash turns and run off*
Shepry-This is the best day of my life. I get to meet my hero and I get to get my first Pokémon. (Sigh)
*walk into the lab*
Prof. K-Ah. So he finishes telling you the new rule?
K and S-Yeah.
Prof. K-Well where is he?
Shepry-He left.
Prof. K-What without his Pikachu?
*Prof. Kashi step aside to review a sleeping Pikachu.*
*Smoke fills the room*
Lady-Prepare for trouble
Man-And make it double!
Lady-To protect the world from devastation
Men-To unite all people within our nation
Lady-To denounce the evils of truth and love!
Men-To extend our reach to the stars above!
*Smoke begins to clear*
Jessie-Team Rocket! Blast off at the speed of light!
James-Surrender now or prepare to fight!
Meowth-Meowth! That’s right!
Jessie-Now hand over Pikachu twerp…hey James where the twerp?
James-Huh? He not around?
Meowth-Forget the twerp! Jus grab Pikachu.
Shepry-No way! I’m not letting you have Mr. Ketchum’s Pikachu.
TR-Mr. Ketchum??? Hahahahaha!
Jessie: She called the kid Mr. Ketchum.
Jessie-What did you say? Look here kid, I don’t care if you wouldn’t let us have it or not. We still are going to take it.
Men-Hey have anyone seen my Pikachu?
*everyone in the room turn to see who it is*
Meowth-It the twerp! I told you to grab Pikachu you when we had the chance. Now we’re done for.
Ash-Meowth? What are you doing here? What are you three doing here?
Shepry-They try to kidnapped (Poke napped???) Pikachu.
Ash-Team Rocket don’t you ever learn that your entire plan will backfire. No matter how hard you try.
James-This time you’ll be the loser twerp.
Ash-Pikachu wake up, we have a battle.
Pikachu-Pi..Ka Pikachu.
Ash-Hope you have a nice nap Pikachu. Let pay Team Rocket back for waking you. Pikachu Thundershock.
TR-Ahhhhh………..Team Rocket blasting off again!
Prof. K-So you finally remember your Pikachu.
Ash-Hahahaha. I was in a hurry.
Prof. K-Why don’t you stay and see what Pokémon the new trainer will choose. I bet you’re already late anyway.
Ash-Hashanah. Guess your right. Okay I stay for a while.
Prof. K-Okay Ken you choose first.
Ken-My pleasure. I choose you Squirtle.
Ash-I was going to choose Squirtle as my first choice, but Gary already pick it. Oh well.
Prof. K- So Ken you want Squirtle?
Prof. K-Now is your turn Shepry.
Shepry- I choose you Charmander.
Ash-Charmander, huh? You’re into power?
Shepry-Not really. I want a Charizard so Charmander is the choice.
Ash-Charizard, huh? I remember when Charmander first evolves into Charmeleon. He wouldn’t do a thing I said.
Ken-That because you’re weak.
Shepry-Hey don’t say that just because you’re a fans of Gary. You don’t even know him.
Ash-Shepry, I don’t mind. I’m use to it by now.
Ash-Ken I let it go now. But the next time we meet be prepare. Prof. Kashi, I got to go so see ya. Oh no I’m starting to sound like Gary. Pikachu let go.
Shepry-Bye Mr. Ketchum.
Ash-Bye Shepry. Have a great Journey, you too Ken.
*Ash walk out the lab with Pikachu on his shoulder.*
Prof. K-Well Let me get you your Pokedex and Pokeball.
*Prof. K went over to a table and pick up two book-like machines and twelve balls. Then she came back*
Prof. K-Here you go.
*She handed a Pokédex and six pokéball to each of them.*
Shepry-Wow! Thank Prof. Kashi.
Ken-Yeah Thank a lot Prof. Kashi.
Prof. K-No problem. Well I got to get back to work so Bye.
S and K-Bye
Ken-Hope you haven’t forget our bet Shepry.
Shepry-Oh you don’t have to worry about that I haven’t forgot.
Ken-Good. Well I got to go if I want to beat you. Doubt that I need to do any training your Pokémon is weaker than mine.
Shepry-We’ll see! The next time we meet, Let battle.
Ken-Fine! See ya loser.
*Ken walk out the door.*
Shepry-We’ll see who better.
*Shepry left out the door and into the green forest*