Chapter 24- The Final Battle


(Location- Aquamarine’s Hut)


“Hmmm…” Ash lay still in the futon mat, he was fast asleep. Slowly, he begun to stir, and his eyes opened. Ash sat up, he was awake. It took a minute for him to come to his senses. He looked around, and asked out loud, “Where am I?”


“So, you’re finally awake” said Aquamarine, entering the hut


“Aquamarine!” Ash exclaimed, “If you’re here, then that must mean we’re…”


“We’re back in Rainbow Reef” Answered Aquamarine, “So Ash, how are you feeling?”


“Fine, I guess” said Ash, getting up. He was pretty sore, but he could still move. Suddenly, something occurred to him, “Hey, wait a minute!” he exclaimed, “My leg was broken in the battle, so how come it’s fine now?”


“Simple. It healed” Said Aquamarine


“What? That’s impossible! No one heals a broken bone overnight!” said Ash


“Overnight, no. Over three nights, yes” said Aquamarine “That’s how long you were out for. You have the fastest healing rate I ever seen, even among Chosen Ones.”


“WHOA…” Ash said in awe, “Oh well… I guess I gotta have some sort of redeeming factor… but speaking of Chosen Ones… where’s Sky Render?”


“Hmmm… That doesn’t matter right now! Don’t forget, you’re in the middle of training!” Aquamarine barked, immediately changing the subject, “You miss three days, and see how much you’ve weakened! You even went back down to Level I!”


“Uh, hey, didn’t I lose that level because I gave it to you?” asked Ash


“NO TALKING!” shouted Aquamarine, “Keep in mind, I’m not gonna be as gentle this time, now that we know the Cult is gonna act soon! We must prepare for the worst, and I’m gonna work you to the BONE! NOW MOVE IT!”


“Wa…” Ash sweatdropped



(Location- Iron Valley)


“So how long has it been?” whispered Brock, peeking up from the trenches


“Twenty seven hours” said Todd, who was on lookout. He was lying flat on his stomach, observing their movements “That’s how long we’ve survived…”


The group was gathered at the top of a hill, hiding within the trenches they had quickly dug. They were silent. The group had made a critical mistake, venturing into this valley. They had heard rumours of the cult’s activity in this deserted valley, but little did they know it held the Kaiser Temple ‘Korr Rajanta’, Temple of Divine Fury, ruled by Red Kaiser and housing his army.


The group that came to hunt the Kaisers were now fighting for their very lives. They barely survived the attack, but and they were cornered with no escape, as an entire army was awaiting them. Ebi sat in a corner, removing the EbiDex from his wrist and placing it on his lap. It shifted into a mini computer, and Ebi began typing.






Ebi’s log: Sunday, August 10, 7:43 AM. This may very well be our last battle. Even after our victory of The Battle of Greyrock City and return of Gary and Misty, right when it seemed like everything would be all right, the Kaisers have shown that they are not only powerful, but cunning as well, and we are cornered with no escape.


We have stepped right into Kaiser territory. We are now cornered with no escape by an army of cultists, and a hoard of Kaiser Beats, attacking us with full killing intent and fighting like utter maniacs. Though we managed to fight them off, we have been forced to our very limits. We are tired, hungry and hurt.


We managed to contact the Super Fiends and call for help, but will they be enough? Even if they were strong enough to help us, we’re running out of time, and every second we wait brings us closer to death…


This is probably our last battle. We all knew the risks of challenging the Kaiser Cult, but we also know if they go through with their plans to conquer earth, it won’t matter. Should we die in this battle, we won’t go down without a fight. We’ll leave our mark by taking the lot of them with us, as an everlasting reminder of the Dire Hunters…


“THEY’RE COMING!” shouted Todd


“AH!!” everyone exclaimed, immediately stopping whatever they were doing and preparing for battle. Gary, Misty, Richie, Duplica, Brock, Jessie, James, Tracey and AJ grabbed their pokéballs. AmaEbi stood back, while Ebi grabbed the computer and put it on his wrist, changing it back to the EbiDex and grabbed his laser sniper


“Everybody! Get ready!” Shouted Ebi. Everyone got into positions. “Don’t let them reach us, no matter what!” he said, “ATTACK!”










A whole army Cultists were charging up the hills. Armed with a vast range of weapons, some holding advanced plasma rifles while others carried basic spears and axes, they numbered in the hundreds. As the volley of attacks slammed into them, and the people in front fell and were trampled by the other advancing Cultists. They didn’t care whether they lived or died, they just kept advancing




In one hand Ebi was shooting with the sniper rifle, in the other he was attacking with the EbiDex’s Ebi Laser as one after the other kept falling… but it wasn’t enough. “KEEP FIGHTING! IF THEY REACH US, WE’RE DEAD!!!”


“Right!” said Misty, “MAKE AS MANY ICE PILLARS AS POSSIBLE!!” Staryu and Starmie fired the blasts of water, while Politoed froze it. The huge, heavy pillars rolled down the hills at the army, crushing through them and forcing them back.


“IT ISN’T WORKING!” Ebi shouted over the noise. The army kept advancing, and they weren’t slowing down! He saw several sword and axe wielding cultist get into close range… “EBI FLAME!!!” he shouted, as a blast of flames consumed that group. “Quickly, it’s time to call out the big guns! Prepare the UniStrike!”


“Right!” said Gary, “All right! FIRE THE UNISTRIKE!” he shouted. The pokémon of the corresponding four elements fired their attacks. The elements fused together into a single beam, and flew down towards the Kaisers in a sweeping motion…




“ALL RIGHT!!!” they all cheered, the UniStrike worked!


“We won this battle!” Ebi cheered


“Not even the Kaisers can stand up to the UniStrike!” cheered Gary, “A single shot from that beam can lay waste to an entire army!”


“AH!!!” Todd exclaimed, and everybody turned to him. He was trembling


“What is it?” Asked Richie. Todd didn’t answer. Quivering, he raised his hand, and pointed. Everyone turned their heads and gasped. There were masses and masses of Kaiser Cultists standing all around them! They were completely surrounded!


“N… no way!” Ebi exclaimed, “How did they reach us?!”


“More importantly, how did they survive the UniStrike?!” exclaimed Gary


“It take more than single, stupid beam to beat my army!” a voice shouted


Everyone turned around “AAAAH!!!” they screamed at who they saw, “RED KAISER!”


“Nihao” Red Kaiser greeted them


“AH…” Everyone was terrified. It was hard to tell what was more dangerous, the huge army murderous Kaiser Cultists, or the sinister warlord Red Kaiser!


“Oh, you no worry about them” Red Kaiser pointed at the army, “They only here make sure you no escape” He cracked his knuckles, “Is my fight! All alone!”


“Ebi Sword…” Ebi spoke, and the plasma blade appeared “Get ready…” everyone reached for a pokéball and whatever weapon they had.


“One… two… three…” Red Kaiser counted them, “Twelve humans… I will enjoy this very much… long before I am finished, you will scream you want to die…” he took a fighting stance “You very lucky… you get honour to be killed by me! HAAAIYAAA!!!!!”



(Location- Rainbow Reef)


“Hmm…” Ash sat cross-legged on a rock, his eyes closed. Though he could use the power of one, he was unable to control it. Whenever he called it, at best he’d be using 60% of his ability, usually less. Ash was trying to learn to control it. The only time he ever managed 100% was back in Marble City, fighting Chaos Reaper.


“Okay it’s time. Let’s see if you made any progress” Aquamarine called up at him


“Right” Ash answered, opening his eyes and jumped down from the rock. Ash concentrated hard, and a glow surrounded his body. The power of one shone brightly, and energy surged through his body.


Aquamarine raised his fist, also calling the power of one. It was very small, surrounding only his hand “Right now, the amount I’m using is approximately the same as Level I’s 70%. I’m going to hit you now. If you learned to control it, then our power will be equal and any pain you feel will be from the difference in our own natural strength, but not the Power of One. Are you ready?”


“Yeah…” Ash nodded, trying to retain the power and bracing himself


“Okay, here I go” said Aquamarine




“GWAAAAH!” Ash screamed as he flew and hit the stone wall, cracking it. “Urgh…” he groaned and lay face flat on the floor.


“That was pathetic!” Aquamarine shouted as the power of one faded from both of them. “What were you doing this whole time!?”


“Wah…” Ash slowly got up, rubbing his head, “Well it’s not my fault you hit so hard!”


“Hit you hard… hit you hard?! I tapped you lightly, and you were sent flying!” yelled Aquamarine as he slapped Ash across the face, causing him to fall over, “You didn’t even reach 50%! If I actually swung my fist, you’d have died!”


“Oh, and you wouldn’t want that, would you?” asked Ash sarcastically




“Don’t insult me” Growled Aquamarine. Ash gasped when Aquamarine kicked him in the stomach. “It’s your own fault you’re so weak. You better learn to control that power, because next time I’m not going to be gentle.”


Ash didn’t argue. Aquamarine was far stronger than him. Ash sighed as he sat on the rock and began focusing again. This didn’t seem to go anywhere. He really didn’t know how to use his power, it’s something that just happens when he’s in battle. Looking at Aquamarine, he sighed, and finally spoke. “Aquamarine?”


“Yeah?” Aquamarine turned around


“How… um… how did you call up that trident?” asked Ash


“Oh this…” Aquamarine held out his hand, and the trident appeared, “I materialized it. But that’s not your question, is it?” he asked. Ash nervously shook his head. Aquamarine laughed “Finally, you’re showing some progress”




“Not being afraid to ask for help is real important, especially in these times, where we all gotta stick together. You need help using the Power of one, right?” he asked, and Ash nodded. “You simply want to control this Power, make it do what you want. That logic won’t get you anywhere. You must change your way of thinking. The Power of One has become a part of you. It’s not weapon or a tool.” He explained, “Your goal is to get strong, but the only way to reach that goal is to aim past it.”


“Okay…” Ash didn’t fully understand, but he just nodded


“As for me materializing this…” Aquamarine held the trident, “It’s not a simple matter. As you know, the Power of One can do many things. It can make you stronger, it can transform you into stronger forms, you can focus your energy through an object, or even create them. You’ve seen all of these before, right?”


“Hmmm…” Ash thought about it, “That’s right! Making ourselves stronger, that’s what I always use it for! Transforming into stronger forms, that’s when we use it on other people (Like Goth to Chaos Reaper)! Focusing it through an object, I did that all the time with the QuickSilver! But creating an object…”


“In order to do that, you have to know the object you want to create. You have to imagine it, feel it. Texture, the weight, everything…” Aquamarine held up his hand, and the trident appeared and disappeared, “You create the object using the power. Once you do it enough, it becomes so easy you don’t have to think about it.”


“Did Sky Render also make his sword that way?” asked Ash


“Yes, but he keeps it sheathed because he prefers to draw it the old fashioned way” said Aquamarine, “Just because you can use an ability it doesn’t mean you have to”


“Hmm…” Ash held his hand out, he tried picturing a weapon, like a sword or a lance, but nothing happened, “It’s hard. I don’t even know what I wanna use!”


“It’ll come eventually” said Aquamarine, “The attributes gained by the Power of One varies from different people, not just their level.” He explained further. “Different Chosen Ones have powers unique only to them… they are the ‘Title’ and ‘Unique Power’. For example, I am Chosen One of Water. My ability is that I can remain under the water without ever having to surface, and move through it with lightening speed, and even exert some control the element itself. My physical strength, like the ocean, is tremendous, more than anyone else. There may be some other abilities, but I have not discovered them all yet…”


“Oh…” said Ash, “So I guess that means you’re… stronger than Sky Render?”


“Not exactly” said Aquamarine, “While I have a lot of strength, Sky is different. He’s the Chosen One of Wind, and while his strength may not be as tremendous, his skills take him to a whole different level. As for his other abilities, even I have no idea. I’m pretty sure it would have something to do with wind-based powers, but the Tyrant battle was the first time I had even seen him fight at full strength…”


“I guess…” Ash looked down, “So… what about me?”


“Sorry, I dunno…” Aquamarine shrugged, “Usually it’s easy to tell from their fighting styles and techniques, but you only seem to endure everything people throw at you and copy their moves and fighting styles…”


“Ugh…” Ash sighed, “That’s fine, but I’ve got an important question, just what happened to Sky Render? I haven’t seen him since his battle against the Tyrant!”


“Oh… Sky…” Aquamarine paused, and sighed “Well… he’s…”


“AAAAAAGH!!!!” they both snapped to attention when they heard someone scream


“What was that?!” Ash got up


“I don’t know” said Aquamarine, materializing his trident, “It came from there!”


They both ran in the direction they heard the scream. Someone else was in Rainbow Reef. Neither of them knew who it could be, but they certainly weren’t expecting it to be… “GOTH!?” they both exclaimed



(Location- Iron Valley)


“HAAAIYAAA!!!!!” Red Kaiser roared as he shot forward with lightning speed


“WHAT?!” They gasped, how could he move this fast?! Before they could react, he smashed right through them, sending them flying in different directions.


“AGH!” Tracey exclaimed as he hit the ground, and Todd landed on top of him


“Holy…!” Ebi gasped, amazed with Red Kaiser’s speed. “EbiDex Scan!”





Trainer Class

Fighter Class



Red Kaiser

Tai-Chi Sword

Kaiser Beast Tamer


Kaiser Knight

Rank SA


Attack Power- Legendary

Speed- Superhuman

Fighting Skills- Superhuman

Toughness- Legendary

Endurance- Legendary

Mind Power- Very Low

Intelligence- Very Low

Determination- Legendary


“URG…” AJ was the first to make a recovery. He jumped to his feet and raised his whip, also shouting, “SANDSLASH! LET’S GO! WRECKING BALL FORMATION!!!” Sandslash grabbed the end of the whip and curved himself into a ball. AJ gritted his teeth as he swung the pokémon over his head and towards Red Kaiser…


“WEAK!” Red Kaiser shouted as he stood there, not even flinching as the spiny pokémon came crashing into him, and grabbed the whip in his hands, pulling it hard. AJ gasped as he was pulled towards him and grabbed by the neck! Immediately Sandslash uncurled himself and struck at Red Kaiser with his large talons, but the berserker immediately grabbed Sandslash’s neck as well. “HA!” He shouted, slamming their heads together and dropping them to the ground… both were out cold. Red Kaiser dropped them and stepped forward, “This battle is too easy!”


“YOU HAVEN’T WON YET!” Brock shouted as he charged forwards. Geodude grabbed onto his hands, “HAAA!” Brock spun around, swinging Geodude and slamming Red Kaiser on the back of the head


“No hurt at all…” Red Kaiser turned around and smirked




“AAAGH!!!” Brock screamed as he hit the ground “GRR!” he leapt to his feet and punched… “ARGH!” he gasped… Red Kaiser’s punch was nothing like Green Kaiser’s… the strength was incomparable! “No… I’M NOT DONE YET!!!” he shouted…


“Yes you are” said Red Kaiser grabbed him by the hair and slammed his face to the ground hard… Brock gasped as he hit the ground… his teeth clenched from the pain!


“YAAAA!!!” Gary reached down to his pokébelt and charged towards the Kaiser…




“AGH!” Gary exclaimed when Red Kaiser darted forward and tackled him.


“Heh… so easy” said Red Kaiser


“You have no idea…” Gary smirked, “Should’ve been paying more attention to where I was reaching! You know why?”


“Hmm?” Red Kaiser wondered what he was talking about. Then it hit him! Gary was reaching for a pokéball when he got tackled! And that means…




“AH!” Red Kaiser exclaimed when Nidoking attacked from behind! Nidoking grabbed him by the shoulders and threw him high into the air…


“HYPER BEAM!!!” Gary shouted, releasing Nidoqueen and Gyarados! The three fired a triple Hyper Beam, slamming Red Kaiser upwards against the back! “ALAKAZAM! PSYCHIC!” Gary released the psychic pokémon, which blasted him even further. “EVERYONE! ATTACK HIM NOW!” Gary shouted, and everybody acted. Everyone’s attacks flew to the falling Kaiser…




Everyone stood silent. Red Kaiser came down like a meteor, leaving a large crater. “We did it…” said Gary, “WE DID IT!” Everyone cheered. They defeated Red Kaiser!


“Even the might of a Kaiser is no match for friendship and teamwork!” said Ebi.


“Heh-heh-heh… funny you should say that…!” Red Kaiser stepped out of the crater, dusting himself off, showing no reaction to those attacks! “Friendship and teamwork? They no win anything!” Everyone backed off nervously as the Kaiser Knight laughed “But I am impressed… your attacks, I felt them!” A wicked grin crossed his face, “But now, play time is over. I fight seriously… HAIYAAA!!!” he darted forward, and smacked Richie to the side. Tracey and Scyther attacked him, but Red Kaiser immediately spun around and kicked upward! Scyther gasped as he felt the full force of the blow, his talon shattered by the berserker’s kick, which went on to hit his body. The insect pokémon was thrown into the air, spinning like a rag doll before he hit the ground… a large crack could be seen on the shell at his chest area… Tracey attacked him directly, but Red Kaiser was faster, hitting down on him with a Karate-chop and making him fall to the ground, writhing in pain…


“ICE PILLAR!” Misty shouted. A frozen pillar of ice flew towards Red Kaiser…


“HAAA!” Red Kaiser shouted, smashing the pillar to pieces with his fist. He made a gesture with his hands, daring them to come and fight “Who else want to be hero?”


“THAT’LL BE ME!” Brock shouted as Onix charged forwards. “ONIX! BIND HIM!” The giant rock serpent roared and attacked


“GRR!” Red Kaiser grabbed Onix and pulled its head closer. Swinging his fist, he SLAMMED Onix and knocked him out! Brock jumped from behind put him in a headlock but Red Kaiser only laughed. “HAAA!” he shouted




“AGH…” Brock gasped and fell to his knees when Red Kaiser elbowed him on the waist, “AGH…” he stood up, THIS AIN’T OVER!” he punched at Red Kaiser, but it had no effect. “So that didn’t work…! Then I must use my secret weapon…! Prepare yourself! FEEL THE WRATH…” Brock plunged his hand down into his pants (oh god that did not sound right) “OF THE FRYING PAN OF JUSTICE! HAAA!!!”




“AH!” Red Kaiser exclaimed as he stumbled back. Brock slammed him in the face with a frying pan! “Hmm…” he stood up straight, “That did nothing to me.”


“Says you, ugly! I’ll have you know, I ain’t wearing any underpants!” said Brock


Everyone remained silent… that… thing… Brock hit Red Kaiser with… he was keeping it in his pants…  “AIYAAAAA!!!!” Red Kaiser screamed, brushing desperately at his face with his hands… being hit by that unholy object…


“HA-HA-HA!! You never stood a chance! With frying-pan in hand, all evil trembles, FOR I AM BROCK!” he struck a heroic (mostly idiotic) pose, “I BLUDGEON THE BAD! I KICK THEIR BUTTS! I BASH THEIR HEADS, AND SMASH THEIR NUTS… URK!” Red Kaiser’s hand shot up and grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up “eep…”




“GWAAAAAA!!!!” Brock screamed as he was sent flying into the air from by Red Kaiser’s uppercut. He hit the ground and blacked out… he was down for the count…


“RAAA!!!…” Red Kaiser immediately started lashing at the ones standing nearest to him, Tracey and Richie. They stood no chance against his power, and were immediately decimated, but he wasn’t finished yet!! He grabbed his pokéball… “KAISER BEAST CHARRANOSAURUS… I CHOOSE YOU!” Red Kaiser shouted and threw the pokéball. Flames came out of the ball, and took shape. There stood, thirty feet above them, the terrifying monster created by the cult… Charrannosaurus!


“Uh… AH…! E… EBIDEX SCAN!” Ebi shouted
















Dragon Rage

Fire Spin

Fire Blast

Level- 99

HP- 13350

Attack- 2582

Defence- 1402

Speed- 446

Special- 4387

Charrannosaurus is an unnatural evolved form of Charizard. Its rock-solid wings can shield this creature from almost any attacks. Any living being caught by its flaming breath will be completely incinerated.


“This isn’t good…” said Ebi, “Its level is higher than that of Snapdragusaur, as are its stats. The same can be said for the trainer” He looked at Red Kaiser, “Red Kaiser and Charrannosaurus are far superior Green Kaiser and Snapdragusaur, and even then we would’ve lost if we weren’t aided by the fiends”


“HA!” Red Kaiser jumped into the air, and stood on Charrannosaurus’ head. “We show them… we show them all… WE ARE STRONGEST ON EARTH!!! ATTACK!!!”


“CHROAAAAR!!!!” Charrannosaurus roared, firing a huge blast of flames


“HIT THE DIRT!!!” Todd screamed. Everyone scattered and dove to the ground




“AAAAGH!!!!” Many cultists screamed. They couldn’t avoid the attack, and the flames consumed them entirely, leaving some burnt ashes


“AH…” James gasped, “That was too close…!”


“No it wasn’t…” said Gary, “He was expecting us to miss it… so he could show us what the flames could to us when he actually aims it”


“I can’t believe it…” Misty growled and stood up, “YOU’RE SICK! YOU KILLED YOUR OWN MEN FOR NO REASON!”


“Ah, no matter. There plenty more Cultists…” Red Kaiser shrugged, and then pointed down at them “This time, we really aim at them. FIRE!” he shouted


“WATER GUN!” Misty and Gary shouted. The waters flew towards the fire, but evaporated into steam before even making contact! “AH!” Everyone scattered. The blast of flames tore the ground as it flew.


“Everyone okay?!” Called Ebi. They all nodded


“I CHANGE THAT!” Shouted Red Kaiser. Charrannosaurus was flying overhead, and Red Kaiser jumped down, landing in between them. “HAIYA!!!”


“AGH!” Ebi exclaimed, bracing himself when Red Kaiser swing his arm at him!


“EBI!” AmaEbi screamed when her brother was thrown right off the ground…!


“YA!” Red Kaiser turned around and struck her at the back of the neck her. She gasped as her senses faded, and she collapsed… she wasn’t moving


“NO!” Ebi screamed and jumped to his feet, “EBI SWORD!” he swung the blade. Red Kaiser moved his body and grabbed Ebi’s wrist, throwing him over his head. Ebi growled and got to his feet, “HAAAAA!” He charged from the front…


“WHEEZING/ARBOK! ATTACK!” shouted Jessie and James, charging from the left…


“MEOOWR!!” Meowth roared, claws outstretched as he charged from the right…


“UMBREON! PIKACHU!” Gary charged from behind, “SHADOW BALL! THUNDER!”


“Heh…” Red Kaiser smirked…




“(Pant… pant…)” they all panted, they had attacked Red Kaiser with their best. They prepared themselves as the smoke cleared… but there was nothing standing there!


“RIGHT HERE!” Red Kaiser shouted from above


“HUH?!” Everyone gasped as they looked up. Up in the air, standing on top of Charrannosaurus was Red Kaiser


“Now, they all together…” said Red Kaiser, pointing down, “KILL!!!!”


“CHROAAAARRR!” Charrannosaurus roared. The intense flames flew down at them…


“EBI SHIELD!” Ebi screamed, raising his hand into the air. Immediately, a large protective barrier appeared, protecting them all from the flames. They all gasped as the attack ended and shield disappeared… amazed at how close they came to death.


“GRR… Stupid animal!” Red Kaiser shouted and hit Charrannosaurus, “You fail to kill them! Let yourself get stop by stupid barrier is no excuse! Is you who is too weak!” he continued to beat Charrannosaurus. “I order you! Change it now! Level up!”


“GRRROWWWL…” Charrannosaurus moved, not towards the group, but the Cultists! Everyone gasped as the Kaiser Beast lunged down and grabbed a dozen Cultists in its mouth and swallowed them whole!


“IT NOT ENOUGH! EAT MORE!” shouted Red Kaiser. The nearby Cultists tried to run away, but they couldn’t escape. Charrannosaurus devoured even more of them.


“AH!” Everyone gasped, horrified


“We being enemies and him trying to kill us is one thing… but beating his own Kaiser Beast for something not its fault?” said James


“AND ordering it to eat his own men?” said Gary


“THAT IS SICK!” They all exclaimed, “What is he thinking?!”


“Yes… eat… get strong… and level up! heh-heh-heh…” Red Kaiser laughed. “And now! Program Execute! Advance now! KAISER EVOLUTION!”


“WHAT?!” Everybody exclaimed. It was happening… Charrannosaurus was evolving!


“Grrr…” Charrannosaurus began to glow… fire surrounded its body. Its wings were disappearing as it fell on all fours. Its body grew longer and thinner. Suddenly, it sprung into the air. The fire faded away, and there was the new monster. It spiralled through the air, a fiery red, Chinese dragon, “ROOOOAAAAAARRR!!!!!!!!”


“HM!” Red Kaiser kicked off the ground and leapt onto the dragon’s head. “Good… very good… you please me very much…” he spoke quietly, and stood up straight, “Now… we ready… to kill…” he drew his sword, “KILL ALL! BURN EVERYONE! DESTROY EVERYTHING… KAISER BEAST CHARMAGEDDON!”



(Location- Rainbow Reef)


“ARGH! I HATE this place!” Goth shouted. There were lots of Carvanha and one Sharpedo hanging onto him by the teeth. “GET OFF!” He slapped off the Carvanhas and punched the Sharpedo until it let go. Apparently, he made the mistake of standing near the water edge and got pulled in by a big wave. He sighed after he got rid of the last one. As he looked up, he exclaimed, “Aquamarine!” he noticed someone else, “Ash!”


“What are you doing here?” exclaimed Aquamarine


“Taking a swim…” Goth said sarcastically, “No! I came here looking for Sky Render!”


“Oh…” said Aquamarine, “Sky… can’t see anyone right now”


“He’s been injured in the fight against the Kaiser Tyrant” Ash added


“KAISER TY…!” Goth gasped, but calmed down, “What happened?!”


“That’s what I’d like to know” Ash crossed his arms, “You still haven’t told me”


“Right now, Sky is hidden. I made sure to hide him well, so even if his enemies found out he’s vulnerable, they won’t be able to find him” said Aquamarine


“Makes sense.” Said Ash “I forgot the Super Fiends have other enemies than the Kaiser Cult… Still, how come you guys are branded villains?”


“Because we were always villains… well, most of us anyway.” Said Goth “Sky Render was never a criminal. The Cult made him what he is through pure deceit, pinning all their evil acts on him… speaking of which, what happened exactly?”


“Sky’s recovering… physically at least…” he sighed, “Though the Tyrant’s magic injured Sky’s body, but it was tapping into his mind that really damaged him.”


“You mean he…?” Goth gasped


“That’s right…” Aquamarine nodded sadly


“He what?” Ash asked, but no one listened to him


“This is terrible” said Goth, “Absolutely terrible…”


“What’s terrible?”


“Sky lost Era once, and now he’s lost Era for real…” Aquamarine sighed


“Who’s Era?”


“What will become of us, now that we’ve lost our leader for good?” asked Goth


“Hey! I’m talking here!”


“Don’t say that!” said Aquamarine, “Sky’s gotta recover, he’s just got to!”


“HEY GUYS!!!!” Ash shouted through a loudspeaker


“AGH!” Goth and Aquamarine exclaimed


“Sheesh! That was rude you know, ignoring me like that?” Ash crossed his arms, “So tell me this. WHAT is going on, and WHO is Era?!”


“I guess you haven’t known us long enough to know who Era is” said Goth, “But I have no right to speak of Sky Render’s past. I can barely cope with my own”


“Well? Aquamarine?” Ash turned to him, “Can you tell me?”


“The Tyrant made sure to do as much damage to Sky as possible, ravaging his mind, and removing memories that were most precious. For now, he’s out of commission, so I’ve hidden him in one of the caves, and ordered my three pokémon to guard him” Aquamarine answered. “As for Era… I can’t tell you anything.”


“Well that’s just swell!” Ash huffed and crossed his arms. “Figures… leave it to you guys to exclude me from everything just because I’m not a Super Fiend…”


“Ash!” said Aquamarine, “Listen, Sky’s past is no one’s business…”


“No, you listen!” Ash interrupted him, “I got the idea that his past was tragic, and that some real horrible stuff must have happened, and that’s exactly why it’s my business! It may not have occurred to you, but I’m also one of his friends!”


“Maybe, but…” Aquamarine tried to speak, but Ash wasn’t done yet


“Whenever something happens to a friend, I don’t hide them somewhere and make the others guess what’s going on!” said Ash, “I never leave my friends, especially when they’re going through something as major as this! Not once!”


“What about the group you used to hang out with?” asked Goth, surprising Ash.


“But… no… agh…” Ash sighed. It was true, he did leave his friends, no… he abandoned them, just so he could fight.


“Listen Ash…” Aquamarine spoke, “This is a very tough time for us all. Sky is the leader of the group, not because he’s the strongest. He inspires hope and courage, and shows us that we each have a purpose other than to fight. We respect Sky, and his secrets, his past being one of them.”


“I guess so…” said Ash, “Sorry for trying to pry in. I’ll be going now…”


“So…” Aquamarine turned to Goth, “What exactly did you come here to talk about?”


“We received a call from our friends, the ‘Dire Hunters’, they are under attack.” Said Goth, “The Kaisers have them outnumbered and pinned”


“I see” said Aquamarine, “And who exactly are these ‘Dire Hunters’?”


“They’re the group Ketchum used to hang out with.” Said Goth


“HUH?!” Ash immediately turned around after hearing what Goth said. He ran to the Super Fiend “What did you say?!”


“I said they’re being attacked by the Kaisers…” Said Goth


“Where are they?!” Ash shouted


Iron Valley, it’s pretty near” said Goth


Iron Valley…” Ash turned around, “I have to go!”


“HOLD IT!” Aquamarine’s hand shot forward and caught Ash by the shirt, “Don’t go rushing into a fight just like that! You don’t even know what you may be facing!”


“So?!” Ash shouted, “I have to go help them! They’re in danger!”


“The other Fiends will handle them!” said Aquamarine, “I however, must remain here to guard Sky, and you are still in training!”


“Oh, so all of the sudden YOUR rules are more important than the lives of my friends? Let go of me!” Ash pushed Aquamarine back


“Stop right there!” Aquamarine stopped him, “I know it’s painful, but I can’t let you go now! You’re far too weak, and will be putting yourself in danger as well! Your friends will be fine. You have to train and get stronger, to prepare for the Kaisers!”


“WHAT DO YOU MEAN PREPARE!?” Ash shouted, “There’s nothing to prepare for, because my friends are in danger right NOW!” They both growled. Aquamarine didn’t look like he was gonna let Ash go. Ash got an idea. “AH LOOK! IT’S MISTY!”


“HUH!?” Aquamarine exclaimed, turning his head, but there was nothing… “What?” Aquamarine turning back, but Ash was gone! “AW DAMMIT!”


“Let him go. He does have a good reason after all…” said Goth, “Remember? That girl IS in that group that’s under attack, so SHE’S in danger too”


“AH…” Aquamarine gasped, “MY GOD YOU’RE RIGHT! I’VE GOTTA HELP HER!” he immediately started running, “HANG ON MISTY! I’M A COMIN’ FOR YA!!!!!”


“Wait!” Goth shouted, but Aquamarine didn’t hear. Goth sighed as Aquamarine ran off… in the opposite direction he was supposed to. “I guess Ash is their only hope, now that Aquamarine’s taken his patented ‘detour’, he’ll be lost for weeks… but the opponent Ash will be facing is far stronger than him! I must also help…!”




“AAARGH!” Goth screamed when a large wave crashed down on him, pulling him back into the water with the Carvanhas and Sharpedos “AAAAAAAAAGHHH!!!!!!”



(Location- Iron Valley)


“EBIDEX SCAN!” Shouted Ebi
















Dragon Rage

Fire Spin

Fire Blast

Level- 100

HP- 16260

Attack- 3521

Defence- 1557

Speed- 679

Special- 5387

Charmageddon is a fully evolved Kaiser Beast, and one of the deadliest of all. Its snakelike body allows for quick movements as it soars through the air, and its claws and teeth can easily tear through steel. Its fiery breath has the power to reduce entire mountains to seas of molten lava.


“ROOAAAR!!!” Charmageddon roared as it snaked through the air, firing an intense blast of flames everywhere.


“HAHAHAHAHA!!!!” Red Kaiser laughed hysterically as he ran below with his sword, “YES! BURN EVERYTHING! KILL EVERYONE! DESTROY ALL! DESTROY!!!!!”


“HE’S GONE EVEN MORE INSANE!” James screamed. Everyone was running, trying to escape Red Kaiser and his monster. This was just too much for them to handle!


Even though that army was there to prevent escape, those Cultists were the least of their worries. As a matter of fact, many of them had either been burned down by Charmageddon’s flames or simply killed out of the way by Red Kaiser as he ran. It was a well known fact among Cultists to keep their distance from their leader in battle if they wanted to live, because Red Kaiser kills everyone, friend or foe. “THERE IS NO ESCAPE!” Red Kaiser shouted as the group stopped running.


“Urgh… he’s right!” Ebi turned around. It was true, they couldn’t run any further. There was a large cluster of mountains blocking their way. Even if they could run, Red Kaiser and Charmageddon were tireless and would catch them. “There’s no other option! We have to fight!”


“Right!” said all of the others that were still conscious: Misty, Gary, Jessie, James, Duplica and Todd. The ones that were injured and unconscious were Brock, Tracey, Richie, AJ and Amaebi. This was gonna be a tough battle, maybe their last…


“This may be our last battle, so we’ll have to make it our best one yet!” said James


“It’s been an honour to fight alongside you guys!” said Jessie


“If we’re going down, then we’ll go with a bang!” shouted Meowth


“All right guys, this is it!!” Everyone gathered in a circle, and put their hands together, “DIRE HUNTERS FOREVER!!!!”


“This should be quick.” said Red Kaiser, running forwards “HAIYAAAA!!!!”




“ARBOK! BITE!” shouted Jessie


“HMMM!” Red Kaiser spun his body, narrowly missing the sludge. “URGH!” Arbok bit into his arm. Red grabbed Arbok and threw it to the side.


“THUNDERBOLT!” Richie shouted. Both Pikachu and Sparky attacked at once


“GRR!” Red Kaiser stepped back as the two lightning bolts struck him, but that wasn’t all! “AH!!” He exclaimed when Sandslash struck into his back with its claws.


“ICE BULLETS!” Misty shouted. Her pokémon fired the attack, and each rock-hard projectile slammed into the Kaiser.


“ATTACK!” Gary shouted. Alakazam, Arcanine, Nidoking, Nidoqueen, Gyarados and Umbreon all fired their strongest attacks at Red Kaiser.


“ARGH!” Red Kaiser slid back. Growling, he stood up straight. “Hmm… they know they will die, and they fight even harder. But no matter what they do, it is no enough to defeat me!” Looking up, he saw his Kaiser Beast. “WE FINISH THIS BATTLE NOW!! GET READY… FOR PURIFICATION FIRE BLAST!!!!” Charmageddon growled. The fire on its tail grew, and burned all over its body as it prepared its ultimate attack…


“THIS IS IT! FIRE THE UNISTRIKE!” Shouted Gary. Every fire, water, grass and electric attack flew together, and fused into the ultimate attack, the UniStrike!


“CHROAAAR!!!!!” Charmageddon roared, and fired its most powerful fire attack




The UniStrike and Fire Blast collided head-on. The fire attack shrunk as UniStrike grew, totally swallowing it as it flew through the air, towards the Charmageddon… “RRR!” Charmageddon swerved out of the way of beam!


“WHAT?!” Everyone exclaimed


“Heh… after we lose so many Kaiser Beasts to beam attack, you no think I prepare my own Kaiser Beast to avoid it?!” said Red Kaiser, who was standing between them! “HA!!!” Red Kaiser swung his sword, striking Todd. As Todd fell, Red Kaiser grabbed Duplica by the neck, turning around and slamming her into Jessie. Before anyone else could react, he stabbed James as well.


“JESSIE! JAMES! NO!” exclaimed Meowth, as Red Kaiser then turned to him… “ROWR!!!” He dodged the blade…! He growled and tried to fight back, but there was simply no competition between him and Red Kaiser… “ugh…” he fainted


Red Kaiser then turned around “You are next” he said to Ebi


“Grr…!” Ebi took a fighting stance with the Ebi Sword. “Stay back or I’ll…!”




“AAAAGH!!!!” Ebi screamed when Charmageddon’s tail swung down and slammed him from behind. Ebi hit the ground, his glasses cracked, and he blacked out.


“Only two more…” said Red Kaiser, approaching Gary and Misty


“Stand back Misty… this is gonna be rough” Gary, reached for a pokéball “Ash’d be real mad at me if I let anything happen to you.”


“What?” said Misty, but the battle had already started


“HAA!” Red Kaiser leapt forward, and Gary ran to the side, pulling out his pokéball.


“ARCANINE! I CHOOSE YOU!” shouted Gary, grabbing the pokémon by the fur and leaping onto its back. “DRAGON RAGE!” Arcanine turned around and howled


“KAISER SWORD!!!” Red Kaiser shouted, swinging his sword, breaking the energy apart. “HAAAAI…!!!” he screamed, leaping towards them


“ROAR!!!!” Gary shouted, and Arcanine unleashed a terrifying roar. The strength of the roar threw Red Kaiser back, and left him open. “ATTACK!” Gay shouted. From the side, Nidoqueen swung her fist, and Nidoking attacked with its horn. Red Kaiser was caught by surprise by those two attacks, but immediately started lashing out, forcing the two pokémon back! “I’M NOT LETTING YOU WIN! DOUBLE KICK!!”


“GRRR!” Red Kaiser prepared himself as Nidoking and Nidoqueen attacked. “HM! HA!” he dodged left and right, avoiding their powerful kicks. His hand shot up and grabbed each of them by the ankles. Spinning around, he threw the two through the air, towards Gary and Arcanine!


“JUMP!” shouted Gary, and Arcanine leapt high into the air. “RETURN!” Gary called Nidoking and Nidoqueen back into their pokéballs…


“ATTACK!!!” Red Kaiser shouted…




“AH!” Gary gasped. Charmageddon whipped them out of the air! Arcanine was injured, and they were falling! Quickly he grabbed two pokéballs “ARCANINE RETURN! ALAKAZAM GO!” he shouted as he fell from the air


“ALAKAZAM!” Alakazam raised its two spoons, slowing down Gary’s fall…


“HAIYA!!!” Red Kaiser grabbed Alakazam by the head and slammed it to the ground!


“AAAHH!!!” Gary screamed as he started falling again, hitting the ground hard.


“I KILL!!!” Shouted Red Kaiser, whirling his sword and charging at the fallen Gary


“NO YOU DON’T!” Misty jumped forward and hit Red Kaiser with her mallet


“GRR!” Red Kaiser turned around. He struck Misty and sent her flying


“AH!” Misty exclaimed. As she flew, her bag fell off her shoulders. The pokéballs scattered all over the place, and Togepi as well. “NO!” she exclaimed, scrambling to her feet and trying to grab them…


“I KILL!” Red Kaiser charged towards Misty


“WHAT?!” Misty saw him charging at her, “AAAAAHHHH!!!!!”


“NO MISTY!!!” Gary shouted…


“HAIYAAAAA!!!!” Red Kaiser howled as he stabbed with his sword…




“AH…!” Misty gasped, she was trembling


“What?!” Red Kaiser exclaimed, gripping his sword tight


“Heh…” Gary laughed weakly. He had protected Misty from the stab, he stepped in front of her! The pendant he wore was cracked, as it had stopped most of the stab, but the tip of the sword still went through, piercing into his chest. “Heh-heh… urgh… agh…” Gary coughed. His chest was bleeding, and he collapsed to the ground.


GARY!!!” Misty screamed and ran over to him, “GARY! SPEAK TO ME!”


“Heh-heh-heh…” Gary smiled, “Don’t worry about me… I’m fine… I’m wearing ‘Ebi Armour’ too you know…”


“BUT WHY?! WHY DID YOU SAVE ME?!” shouted Misty


“Like I said…” muttered Gary, “I have a promise… till Ash returns, I’m saving his place… to protect his friends… his pokémon… and you… ungh…” he passed out…


Gary…” Misty spoke weakly


“It over for him” said Red Kaiser, approaching Misty and Gary, “It your turn now…”


“Back off!” Misty stood up and grabbed her sledgehammer, “I’m warning you!” Red Kaiser charged at her. “YA!” Misty swung her sledgehammer, and Red Kaiser swung his fist, hitting the head of the hammer and shattering it! Quickly Misty jumped back and grabbed the nearest pokéball and threw it, “POKÉBALL GO!” Staryu appeared. “DOUBLE EDGE!!” shouted Misty as she grabbed three pokéball and threw them, releasing Starmie, Politoed and Corsola. “ICE PILLAR!”


“HMM!” Red Kaiser raised his hands and caught Staryu between his palms. He held Staryu in one hand and smashed the ice pillar with his other. Spinning around, he threw Staryu like a shuriken, smashing into Starmie, Politoed and Corsola! As he looked up, Misty managed to grab another pokéball and “POKÉBALL GO!!!”


“PSYDUCK!” Psyduck stood there, clueless as ever.


“Egh…?” Red Kaiser stared at the pokémon. “What is… that supposed to be?”


“This pokémon…” said Misty, gripping her hammer, “Is the pokémon… THAT’LL DEFEAT YOU!” Misty swung her mallet at Psyduck’s head! “PSYCHIC!” Psyduck fainted. Misty hit him too hard. “eep…” Misty sweatdropped.


“Ugh… enough of this!” Red Kaiser grabbed his sword. “HAIYAAA!!!” he charged


“AH!” Misty gasped. Red Kaiser was running, and at the ground in front of him was Togepi! He was gonna crush it if he ran! “NO! TOGEPI!” Misty screamed and dove forwards, grabbing Togepi and pulling him close…


“KAISER SWORD!!!!” Red Kaiser howled… his sword came down…




“HUH?!” Red Kaiser stopped and turned his head…




“AIYAAAA!!!!” Red Kaiser screamed as he was slammed with the psychic power.


“DUCK…” Psyduck stood there. A terrifying aura surrounded his body. He was the one that blasted Red Kaiser!


“All right!” Misty cheered, “AGAIN PSYDUCK!! USE PSYCHIC!!!”


“DRAGON RAGE!” Red Kaiser shouted first. Charmageddon spiralled through the air, releasing a powerful swirling blast of energy and firing at Misty and Psyduck!




“AAAIYE!!!” Psyduck was thrown off its feet and hit the ground! His attack was totally overpowered by the Kaiser Beast’s!


“NO!” Misty screamed


“PURIFICATION FIRE BLAST!!!” Red Kaiser shouted


“CRHOAAAR!!!!” Charmageddon roared and fired the blast of flames…


“Togi-togi-togi-PRIIII!!!” Togepi raised its arms into the air…




“WHAT?!” Red Kaiser exclaimed


“Togepi…?” Misty gasped, holding up the cheerful baby pokémon


“GRRR… the egg pokémon… Togepi has tremendous hidden power… but no matter!” he grabbed his sword, “They only can use power once per battle! YOU LOSE!!!!”


“AH…!” Misty gasped. All her friends were down, her pokémon were out, and she couldn’t fight this berserker! “No…” she collapsed to her knees… it was over…






“AAAH!” Red Kaiser flew back and hit the ground, his sword flew out of his hands.


“ah…” Misty trembled and clutched Togepi “What happened…? AH!”


“Sorry I’m late, but I wouldn’t be much of a hero if I didn’t show up at the last second, right?” He turned around, looking at her and smiled, “Right Misty?”


“A… ASH…!” Misty gasped


“Hi Misty, I missed you” Ash smiled brightly, Misty looked to the ground and blushed. The contents of Misty’s bag were spilled everywhere, and something caught Ash’s eye, “It’s my cap…” said, picking it up and examining it, “You’ve kept it safe…”


“It… it’s you…” Red Kaiser gasped, looking at Ash


“The one and only!” Ash smirked. “Hmm…” he looked around at his fallen friends. “They fought with all their strength. And Gary… he took that sword to save Misty…”


“GRRR…” Red Kaiser growled, and Charmageddon circled above him, “Ash Ketchum… my enemy… I challenge you to final fight! This fight to death!”


“(Sigh)” Ash kneeled down. Looking into Misty’s eyes, he spoke “Misty? I’m gonna go fight now. I know you don’t like it, but I have to. It’s not my choice… I just have to. For my friends, for my pokémon! For everyone!”


“Ash…” Misty spoke in a hushed voice. She then smiled, “Good luck!”


“ALL RIGHT!!!” Ash cheered, standing up and putting on his cap on. Red Kaiser and Charmageddon charged towards him. Ash took a fighting stance… this was the final battle… For his friends! For his loved ones! And most of all… FOR MISTY!!!


This is the moment of truth. As Ash Ketchum and Red Kaiser charge towards one another, this battle is a turning point, for the defeat of either of them may determine the outcome of this war. Will the Chosen One Ash be able to match the fiercest of the Kaiser Knights, Red Kaiser? Find out next time, in the conclusion of the ultimate decisive battle, and the final chapter of Pokémon: Shadow of the Deceiver!