Commencement " Stop right there!"
Part 1 " Proof"
Written by Micre Reilanc
" Oh man, how did Charles know we were leaving?" groans Micre. Perplexed, Sorsheil keeps silent.
" I realize you three wish to leave and seeing as how you’re all old enough to leave this children’s home, there are still requirements for you all to meet." Charles explains.
" What requirements?" inquiries Roctin.
" You have to have a plan. Micre, you have a plan, now you must prove you can succeed!" explains Charles, " Go Persian!"
" Go Lance!" Micre cries out.
" Persian, you know what to do!"
" Lance, faint attack!" Lance pounces, but the Persian evades and scratches the dog as he lands. With a yelp, Lance backs up and charges again. Again, the Persian evades, but Lance, not wanting to feel the sharp claws again veers off to the side. With another quick charge, Micre and Charles watch the two as they circle around, looking for an opening to attack.
" Lance, ember!" Lance shoots out a ball a fire at the Persian. The flame encircles the Persian, and it’s tail catches on fire. Screeching in pain, Persian sits on its tail and puts out the flame. Without missing a beat, Lance pounces on the Persian with another faint attack, and latches on the Persian with his teeth, and using scratch attack claws the Persian.
" Persian, return!" Charles calls out, holding Persian’s pokeball. " You have won. Very good, now you have proven worth. Take these." He says, while handing Micre five pokeballs. He steps over to Roctin, " And you, keep good records of what you see," Charles says, handing Roctin a Pokedex and a pokeball.
" What’s this?" Roctin asks.
" A Pidgeot. Keep me informed, ok?" Charles asks. Roctin nods in agreement. " You guys, good luck on your journey." And with that, Charles turns and walks away.
Ok, I have completed this one. Again I welcome advice and opinions at Micre, Sorsheil, and Roctin are all orphans. Micre was abandoned at birth and was found by Charles. Micre’s family is completely unknown so he gets by with Sorsheil and Roctin. Sorsheil’s parents were killed when she was young. Charles took her in and also cared for her. Roctin mysteriously appeared on Charles’ doorstep when he was young. His age isn’t 100% accurate.