Chapter 16:  Finally Found


Misty invited Kenta into her home and served him some refreshments.  When Misty walked into her kitchen Kenta noticed some photos around the living room that featured both Misty and Ash.  There were some when they were younger, and others as they grew older.  There was a special one in particular that stood out from all the rest.  It was specially framed with gold and had a thick glass covering.  It was their wedding picture; they had gotten married in an outdoor environment near a perfect white gazebo.  Just looking at the photos Kenta realized what type of person Ash was, a normal person.  The rumors and exaggeration stories that people tell were all just hype.  From the looks of it there were very little difference between himself and Ash.


Misty walked back into the room offering Kenta some quick finger sandwiches.  She noticed that Kenta had been looking at her wedding photo with Ash; she smiled at asked if he wanted to know more about Ash.


Misty:  I bet you want to know what type a person Ash really is huh?


Kenta:  Yeah.  Could you please tell me?


Misty:  Well, I don’t know where to begin but well . . . Ash is just like any other person but he’s very sweet and caring.  He likes to help people too, practically our entire adventures was devoted to helping people in need.  That’s how Ash became the legend that people see him as.  Everyone that he helped remembered him when he went to become the pokemon grand champion.  Cheering him on Ash won against his rival Gary and became the people’s champion.  Having finished his goal Ash felt a bit empty that he no longer had a goal and being the reigning champion wasn’t for him.  He loved exploring and traveling, and also he wanted to have that feeling that he felt during his rivalry with Gary one last time.


Kenta:  Then why didn’t he challenge Gary again?


Misty:  Because he already beat Gary.  He needs another “Gary” to battle.  He wants someone that can also have a chance in beating him, and then and only then will he feel fulfilled.  This person also has to be outside of Ash’s “world.”


Kenta:  I don’t get it.


Misty:  Maybe one day you will.  To put it simply, Ash wants one more challenge that he had not planned on in his goals.  Once he experiences that, then he will know what to do.


Kenta:  If you say so but all this is just confusing for me.


Misty sighed while she leaned back on the sofa.  She sipped at your drink then looked right into Kenta’s eyes.


Misty:  Well I guess you’re not really like Ash after all.


She winked at Kenta; Kenta chuckled and had a drink of Misty’s special fruit juice mix.  Kenta then heard a cry from the next room over.  Misty got up and headed towards that room.  She walked back to the living room cradling a baby.


Misty:  There, there, its alright.  Mommy’s here.


Kenta:  Oh, you’re a mother?


This caught Kenta by surprise, he didn’t expect Misty to be a mother.


Misty:  Yup.  This is our baby.  Say hello to Red.


Kenta smiled and looked at Misty’s baby.  The baby looked back and Kenta and laughed.  Misty’s baby boy resembled a lot like Ash only with Misty’s red hair.


Kenta:  You have a cute baby.


Misty:  Thanks.  He’ll be a year old soon; I can’t wait till Ash returns to see how much his boy has grown.


Kenta:  Ash . . . is not around?


Misty:  I’m sorry no.  Ash left to finish up some unfinished business.  He’s currently meditating somewhere even I don’t know.


Kenta:  Even so much to leave his child and wife?


Misty sat back down relaxing her baby in her arms.


Misty:  He didn’t want to go but I convinced him.  Before he can truly start a new life with me and his son he has one more challenge ahead of him.


Kenta:  A challenge?


Misty:  Yeah, you.  You’ll have to find him and give him this challenge.  Only you can do this.  To find him, you need to find the only person that knows where he is.  This would be his previous rival Gary.  Find him, you find Ash.


Kenta:  Alright.  I think I understand.  I’ll find Ash and show him what I’m made of.


Misty:  But before you do . . . you must beat me first!  Let me see how the champion from Johto fairs against the champion’s wife.


Misty smiled and felt the rush of several pokemon battles come to life in her again; a battle with the current champion would be an experience.




Ash meditated in his special place, focusing with his mind he felt a premonition that soon he will fill whole again.




A few weeks had passed since Gary had finish remodeling the Viridian City Gym.  He didn’t have any gym workers yet but some will soon arrive for an interview.  Gary walked over to a few boxes to remove the remaining things he needed to sort out and decorate.  One object caught his eye, it was a picture frame of him, Ash, Misty, and the rest of their friends standing at Pallet Town right behind his grand father’s lab.  Those memories is what he treasures the most in life, having to travel around and pursuit to get even better than Ash, but those are all gone.  Now he’s a gym leader in Viridian City, just waiting for challenges for the right to earn the Earth Badge.


The doors made a sound that of a person just entering.  Gary turned towards the entrance ready to shoo away challengers that disobeyed the “currently remodeling” sign found on the door but his mood changed when he saw whom it was.  Kenta smiled at Gary and approached him.


Kenta:  So Gary’s the gym leader of Viridian, the previous pokemon grand champion.


Gary:  Yeah so what’s it to you?


Kenta:  Misty said you know where Ash is.  I’d like to know so I can find him.


Gary:  Is that right huh.  Well, I’m not going to just tell you unless I feel you are worthy to know.  Ash is meditating right now; he doesn’t need to be disturbed.


Kenta:  I’m not going to find Ash just to disturb him.


Gary sat down on one of his chairs ready to question Kenta for reasons; if Kenta answered wisely then he could tell him where Ash is.


Gary:  Then for what reason?


Kenta:  I’m going to “wake” him up!


The solid response softened Gary’s heart.  He did know about Ash’s mental condition over the past years.  Maybe he could finally find some peace through Kenta.  Even though it may seem like a good idea, Gary still wasn’t fully convinced.


Gary:  So you feel you can help him.  Did someone tell you about his condition or did you already know?


Kenta:  Misty told me everything.


Misty must’ve saw something special in Kenta to have told him about Ash, herself, and even Gary.


Gary:  Alright.  I’m going to test you.  As the Viridian City Gym Leader and former pokemon grand champion, I shall test you to see if you are worthy to receive the 8th and final badge as well as the secret to Ash’s location.  I know you are the champion right now, I don’t care if you win or lose against me, if I feel you are worthy then I will tell.


Kenta:  Alright, I’ll show you why I’m the champ.


Gary:  And I’ll show you why I’m the former champ.




Misty nursed her young child while sitting down on her favorite chair.  Life has gone by at a nice pace for her.  She could still recall her earlier days when she was a young teen traveling around with Ash, her first kiss with him, and even the first time they made love.  Their adventures were filled with action and laugher, taking them all around the land to places she had never dreamed of going.  Now settling at home, all Misty hopes is for Ash’s return home and be at peace with himself to start their life together with their son Red.


She felt a calm soothing sensation, as Misty knew that it would happen soon, Ash will return home.  Kenta doesn’t have to win against Ash, but just give him this one last moment.  Looking right at a near by small mirror, Misty smiled at herself, her smile looked like Ash’s smile, golden.




Hiro meditated in Dragon’s Den with Jasmine watching over him.  He had his fishing rod out and tried to catch any Dratinis that were around but so far no luck.


Jasmine:  Don’t give up, just be patient, that’s a virtue you should learn more of.


Hiro:  I guess.  Though this is boring.  Once I get a Dratini I can start training it then . . .


Jasmine:  Hiro . . .?


Hiro:  Oh, sorry.  Be more at peace.  Um, what did you pack up in your lunch?


Jasmine:  Much better.  Just relax.


Hiro:  I am.  I’m not as relaxed as Kenta though.  Speaking of him, I wonder what’s he doing right now, it’s been a long while since I heard about him.


Hiro still had some unfinished business with Kenta.  It will be much later in the future where they will face each other again but this time he’ll be fully prepared, having the feeling of being stronger than before.




The battle with Gary was a rough one; Gary used nothing but the finest pokemon.  It was a deciding moment at the end, Kenta nearly failed.  Gary’s Arcanine streamed a continues fire right at Kenta’s Typhlosion, hot enough to really hurt it.  Kenta refused to lose and pushed Typhlosion hard to endure the attack and thrust forward to take down Arcanine.  When Gary had seen the will of Kenta, he saw Ash within him.  With a gesture Gary had signaled to lower the intensity of the fire and let Arcanine be defeated, Kenta seemed more than worthy.


Gary:  Your one tough guy.  Alright, you earned this, the Earth Badge.  Ash will be looking for your arrival.


Kenta:  Huh?


Gary handed Kenta his badge and shook his hand in the process then smiled at him.


Gary:  He knows your coming, don’t disappoint him.


Kenta left the gym a few minutes later with his pokegear updated with the location of Ash’s secret meditation spot only known as Silver Cave.  It would take a month of traveling to get there but Kenta can’t stop now, when he finally gets to meet the legend himself.


The years have passed through quickly with many adventures.  Kenta had build up a reputation for himself even before he had become the champion.  Being told that he had the potential that of the legendary vanishing champion, Ash, Kenta felt that he had walked in the shoes of him.  Not always alone he had traveled with a companion much similar to Ash when he traveled.  The value of companionship was realized the moment he felt that he would lose it.  As Kenta moved on towards Silver Cave, he thought back to Misty back in Cerulean City, she ended up being Ash’s wife.  Whitney had become like a “Misty” to him except Whitney was probably more annoying.  Kenta though of the future to be something much similar to Ash’s, perhaps he’ll one day get married to Whitney and live a life that of a vanishing champion.  Whatever his future holds, it was his to control and all he saw as finding Silver Cave and entering it to confront the person many people think he had become.




In New Bark town, Kenta’s mother prepared lunch humming to herself happily, Whitney walked in cheerful as well.  This day seemed different, more cheerful than any other day, it was just feeling that they both had.


Whitney:  Hi there Mom!


Mom:  Whitney, I’m not your mother yet and I think you’re still very young to get married to my son.


Whitney:  Well I thought I’d get some bridal training today.


Mom:  That’s cute.  So you’re looking more cheerful this afternoon.


Whitney:  Yeah, I’ve noticed that too.  Guess today is a good day for me.


Mom:  Me too.  I wonder if there’s a reason.


Whitney:  Well, I always say, never question happiness or you may lose it.


Mom:  Guess your right.  But I can’t help but think that something nice will happen to Kenta today, I just feel it.


Whitney:  I feel it too.  Yeah something nice will probably happen.


Deep within her being she knew something was going to happen to Kenta, whatever it was, it has to be something good.




Three Team Rocket executives, two humans and a meowth, opened up their back up branch office on another land ready to start over, this time they know they can accomplish more.  A feeling swept over them, something very nostalgic.  They couldn’t explain it but it had some connection with someone they knew, very important to them.  All at the same time they looked towards a map of the land and looked at the Pallet Town and though of their long time adversary Ash.  Smiling over this feeling they continued with their new work ready to create mischief through out the land again.




Hiro stood still on a balancing platform practicing some martial arts, meditating on his abilities and power.  His eyes opened and he jumped down, he felt something was happening.  Jasmine walked in holding some beverages then noticing Hiro looking towards a direction, nothing but woods.


Jasmine:  Hey Hiro, what are you looking at?


Hiro:  I felt something.  Kenta’s burning determination is at its peek.  I guess he’ll finally find what he’s been looking for.




Misty sat watching some TV when she also felt a feeling of happiness.  Little Red hasn’t cried all day too, maybe something special was going to happen on this particular day.  She knew what it was, Kenta had found his way to Ash and now Ash will finally be able to come back and live the rest of his life with her and their son.


She had waited for this day to arrive, for Ash to finally be at peace.  Whatever lies in their future together was still uncertain but it would be together like it has been for those wonderful  years.




Deep within the depths of Silver Cave Ash sat still and meditated.  For a moment his mediation broke as he opened his eyes seeing nothing but the beauty of the heart of Silver Cave.  This area glittered with natural minerals and stones, some of it even being silver.  There was a small waterfall that flowed with clean fresh water, pure as it could be.  Ash took out his canteen to refill the water by the nearby waterfall and as he did so he felt a slight change in the atmosphere.  A slight reflection from the water showed a visitor behind him.




Ash:  Who’s there!


Kenta:  My name is Kenta, I’m the current champion and I am here to battle you, Ash Ketchum!


Ash let out a breath and calmed down, it was just someone, in fact it was that the current champion.  He filled up his canteen then faced towards Kenta smiling without a care.


Ash:  So you’re Kenta, I remember reading about you in the paper and watching you battle.  Your quiet the champion.


Kenta:  Ash?


Ash:  That’s my name Kenta.  The one and only.  So what brings you hear?


Kenta:  This is like a dream to be here, to have finally found you after all these years.


Ash:  Yeah, well not many can make it here.  So, you’re here with a purpose, to battle me right?


Kenta:  Yup.


Ash:  I see.


Ash took a drink from the canteen then sat down where he stood.  He calmly laid back as if he wasn’t issued the challenge.


Ash:  You know Kenta, I’ve always dreamed of a challenge where I actually feel like I’m going to lose.


Kenta:  Huh?


Ash:  I guess you still don’t understand, well maybe you do but . . . well . . . lesse how do I explain this?  Well how does one improve if they do not given a challenge?  Simple, they don’t.  Now I don’t think I’m all that perfect but I’d like to know how good I really am and the only way to do so is to battle someone who is suppose to be stronger than me.  Right?


Kenta:  Um sure, right.  Makes sense.


Ash:  And you’re the current champion and your issuing a challenge towards me.  I should be the one issuing you a challenge.  Having to battle someone that is as good as you would really help me find out where I really stand.


Kenta:  But you’ve battled against Gary in the past, didn’t you know how good you were then?


Ash:  Have you battled Gary?  Oh wait, ofcourse you did, how else would you end up here.  I bet he was no pushover.  But anyway, Gary is a strong opponent and all but he was my rival.  My fierce rivalry within pushed me to win and my pokemon went the distance for me.  But now as I think of it, perhaps it was my rivalry that made me win.  Having you hear challenging me is a great blessing.  Now I can see how good I really am on a battle that I have nothing to lose but all to gain.  Understand?


Kenta:  Yeah, I suppose.


Ash:  Even if you don’t, you will one day.  Anyway.


Ash flipped up and stood tall over Kenta.


Ash:  Lets not delay any further.  This cave was a secret battling ground for pokemon trainers in ancient days.  Many regarded it as holy ground where trainer and pokemon become purified and have their inner spirit cleansed.  That is why I’ve been here.  Now that I’ve told you what this place is, it is now proper that we do only one thing.


Kenta:  I understand.


Within an instant Ash let out his battling spirit once again and threw out his pokeball.  Kenta summoned all his skill and might for this one battle; his pokemon would feel his emotions.  Now the two carefully stared at each other, smiling from pure satisfaction, this battle had begun.  Within Ash, he felt the golden smile from having this wonderful moment; it was such a feeling he felt like shedding silver tears.  Kenta had his own golden smile and after this, he could return home and see his mom and Whitney and have his own moment of silver tears.  Thus the two champions went to battle, not to win or lose but to find a part of themselves they’ve been searching for years, and now they have found it.


The End