Chapter 4: Reunion
Misty was near the entrance and exit of the city. She knew that if she exited she might not be able to get back in. She could get a guest pass quick release form at the main office but it may take too long. Misty wanted to talk to Gary but he was nowhere near where she was.
Misty: Oh what the hell, I’ve seen most of the entire city anyway.
Right before Misty could step out she remembered Red. If she stepped out she may not be able to see him again.
Misty: Eeekk I better think this over. Oh what am I going to do?
Suddenly to the side of her something caught her attention. Out of the many people running around in the city, there was one person that stood out from everyone. He appeared to stand tall and determined. He wore black pants and a white shirt with a blue jacket. For the first time since Misty met Red, she didn’t understand why she felt so connected to Red but a strange and wild idea kept echoing through her mind. The idea was so farfetched she dismissed it at first but it kept echoing back and Misty continued on watching Red approach her.
Misty: Red looks like Ash.
Red stopped not too far from Misty and looked right at her. He didn’t smile and didn’t say a word. Then he looked out right in the direction of Gary. Without a moments hesitation he walked through the exit gate and walked outside towards Gary. Misty quickly followed behind as Red continued to confront Gary.
Gary stood up from his sitting position and watched the incoming student of PKMN Society. He looked older than the people he met today and this one looked ready for a battle.
Gary: So, does this mean I challenge you? Hope your ready to lose because no one is better than me.
The other person smiled and then took off his glasses. He placed it in his jacket pocket but then also reached for another thing. It was something red and had some white, it was folded a bit but with a single snap the folded objected became a cap. He placed it on his head and then faced down Gary.
Gary: N . . . no way . . . is it . . really possible. Are you really him. Ash is that YOU!?
Ash: So you do know me. Lets see who you really are!!
Ash reached for his belt and grabbed a pokeball and threw it, out came Golduck.
There was a tap on Misty’s shoulder, it was Lina from the aquarium’s lunch stand.
Lina: Yeah it is.
Misty couldn’t believe it. She met a person that wasn’t Ash but it turned out it was Ash. Another boggling fact was he didn’t know her.
Misty: That can’t be Ash. Ash would have known me.
Lina felt there was a something between Ash and Misty, now it was confirmed.
Lina: I just had a feeling you knew him or he knew you. I just didn’t know what the connection was though. I figure this day would arrive sooner or later. Maybe he’ll remember it all now.
Misty: What are you talking about? Is that really Ash?
Lina: Yes and no. It’ll be hard to explain this but I’m just gonna put it bluntly. That Ash that you see there is Ash. The only thing is he has no memories.
Misty: What!?
Lina: That’s right. He’s suffering from amnesia for a long time
now. He doesn’t remember a thing except
his life here at the PKMN Society.
Misty: Amnesia.
It all made sense, everything fitted together like missing pieces of a puzzle suddenly appearing and just being placed in.
Misty: Ash has amnesia.
Lina: He’ll be regaining his memories soon.
Misty: ??
Lina: I’ll explain it more when Ash is
done. I’ll explain it all. *sigh* Ash . . . I can’t believe it
though. I finally found out everything
Gary kneeled over in his defeat. Ash recalled his last pokemon and walked over to Gary.
Ash: Do you know who I am?
Gary shook his head and didn’t bother looking at Ash.
Gary: I don’t know now. You won that battle but the feeling was different, it’s like your different. Are your really Ash?
Ash: I am. So you do know who I am. We’re going to have to talk then.
Gary was confused what Ash said. Every bit of logic was telling him that the person before him was the real Ash. The same Ash that was missing for the pass three years and the same Ash he promised to rival with. Even with all this clear evidence before him, something told him that the person right in front of him is not really Ash.
Gary: Ash! It’s me Gary. Don’t you remember me?
Ash: No . . . I don’t. Follow me, we’re going to need to talk.
At the head office, the City Master was looking over the student files. Everyone scored very high which is about normal. The time duration for each student is different but only a few were able to finish in a short while. The City Master looked over a few names on the list of students and narrowed down his search to a few gifted individuals. These are the smartest and brightest minds in the city. Not only were they able to finish their assignments way ahead of everyone but their previous battle records shows how capable they really are. The City Master smiled reading out the bio of each of the students, it was a rare find to see such talented pokemon students.
That night most of the entire conflict was explained. It was very hard to grasp but Ash and Lina tried to explain as much as they could to Misty and Gary.
Ash: I lived here for three years with nothing more than my instincts guiding me. What you see around you is what I had to earn by myself. After three years of living like this I’ve gotten use to it. I don’t know how I use to live back then, I really don’t remember anything at all. The only things I remember are the past three years, some fuzzy memories, and general information.
Gary: Haven’t you remembered anything though?
Ash: A little but its too little to count for anything. All I hold in my head are puzzle pieces, I can’t make it complete or know what the picture is unless I have the other missing parts.
Ash sat down and sipped at his coffee that Lina prepared.
Ash: Recently I’ve been getting memory flashes in my dreams. I don’t know what’s causing it but I guess it’s a sign I may be returning to my past. I just have strange memory flashes that haunt me till I know what it is.
Lina looked away and sighed. Misty placed down her cup and looked right at Ash.
Misty: Everyone goes through memory flashes. Its all part of the complex functions of the brain. But what does it matter now, I finally found you. After how many years your right in front of me.
Ash: Yeah. I am.
Lina sighed again, she collected the empty cups and washed them in the sink. Gary touched his charm and looked away.
Gary: Its still like having you missing. I wanted to find you so I could fulfill a promise and yet you don’t remember any of it. The value of my search has dropped below zero, I really don’t know what do now.
Ash: But why? You did so well challenging the other students here and didn’t you say you wanted to be the best?
Gary: Yeah and the only way to become the best is for us to keep going and keep that promise, don’t you remember!
Ash: I don’t!
Ash having amnesia annoyed both Misty and Gary. Ash felt strange but almost happy to have two people that knew who he was back when he had memories and also they could be a serious help in restoring his forgotten memories.
Ash: Please help me though, I want to remember.
It was getting late and Lina had to get home. Gary and Misty snuck into the PKMN Society grounds (even though Misty had original been on it), and pretended to be part of the students in the city. Lina provided Gary with a place to stay while Misty stayed with Ash. At first Lina offered to have Misty stay at her place but Misty pleaded that she wanted to be with Ash, Lina allowed it and took Gary instead. When Lina and Gary left, Misty sat quietly on the coach looking at the window.
Misty: You really have a nice place here Ash.
Ash: I try.
Misty: Do you remember anything about me at all?
Ash: I don’t know. Sorry.
Ash stored away some of the silverware in the kitchen when Misty stood behind him and wrapped her arms around him.
Misty: Ash . . . please try to remember.
Ash closed his eyes and held Misty’s hand, as hard as he tried he still didn’t recall any memories.
Ash: I’m sorry Misty . . . I can’t . . .
Ash felt something strange, he wasn’t sure if he felt it before but it was a feeling that no one could explain or be use to feeling. There was a powerful loving sensation on his lips that he questioned to what it was. Physically it’d be called a kiss. When Misty finished kissing Ash she hugged him and whispered into his ear.
Misty: I don’t care if you remember me or not right now. Just having you with me, knowing that you’re safe and your right here in my arms. I want to feel that this isn’t just another dream, that this is real. Ash . . . even though you have no memories of this . . . still . . .
Ash closed his eyes and felt Misty care for him. Once again he questioned if he ever felt this before and the answer he could come up with was yes. Deep down inside of him he knew he felt this before and it was towards Misty. It wasn’t a doubting feeling but only a buried feeling that was locked away. Ash still couldn’t remember anything but he just knew that he and Misty were together before and now they are again. Ash looked down as garments of clothes cluttered up his kitchen, he some how had a déjà vu feeling that this wasn’t the first time.
Misty: . . . come’on . . . I’ll heal you from all your suffering. Just being able to be together is all we need right now.
Misty smiled at Ash, that was the only thing she had on as she walked towards the bedroom. Ash in a trance like state followed Misty inside. That night was a night where two bodies became one.
In the next chapter: Ash has a fun but difficult time trying to adjust having Misty around and especially finding out what they usually do together in the past. Things are less lonely for Ash and Misty is just over joy being able to be by his side again.
Author’s Note: So how do you like how things are going? Just write down your reviews and I’ll pretty much get the idea. Has everyone looked at the title pic for Dreamer? Just let me know if your having problems. The nbci and xoom usually have some security for pics so the best thing to do is to actually just copy paste the link onto the URL bar then the pic will load. Anyway I also have one other thing to mention, if there are any WILLING artist to help me draw some fanart for this fic, I’d be glad to hear from you. Thanks for reading ~ MCX