PKMN Romance

Chapter 8 : How to get back:  A little R and R

 The next day Adult Ash and his wife Misty took their younger selves to visit Professor Oak who told more of what had happened.  It was a boring hour talk of how to travel into time and it bored Adult Ash and Ash right to sleep, Misty and her future self remained awake but not totally paying attention.  When Professor Oak woke up the two Ashs he explained that all that needs to be done to get back to the proper time was to find the Chrono Shift Past.

Oak:  You see, on this computerized memo that I wrote about the Chrono Shift Project that Team Rocket made in the past, the answer to getting Ash and Misty back home is to go to Rocket Resort and use the Chrono Shift Past.

Ash:  Great!  Let’s go then!  I want to get back to our own time!

Oak:  Not so fast young Ash.  You see the Chrono Shift Past needs to be inspected.

Ash:  What?  Why!

Oak:  You see, over time it could have gotten rusty.  And the Chrono Shift Project was never tested to be working operationally.  You two were the first and last people to use it, and it was uncertain it would work.

Ash:  I don’t get it!  We’re here, we got transported fine.

Oak:  That you did but it was an accident that caused you two too travel here.  A sudden shock of electricity struck the Chrono Shift and that caused it to open a Time Rip to let you travel here.

Misty:  Okay, not really too sure but alright.

Ash:  Waaahh Pikachu.  Pikachu shocked everyone in the room and one of the bolts must’ve hit the machine.

Oak:  Exactly.  And your friend Brock later had Officer Jenny go into Rocket Headquarters searching for you two.

Misty:  So that means the end of Team Rocket?

Oak:  No, not exactly.   It wasn’t a raid or anything, they were just searching for you.  And since there was no kidnapping involved, you were just assumed to be lost in their big corporate building.  As far as the Chrono Shift Project, it was scraped because of another accident and became costly to try again.

Ash:  So does this mean we can’t get back home?

Misty:  Ofcourse we do Ash!  Your future self is right there as well as mines.  We must’ve gotten home.

Ash:  So Professor what is the plan on getting us home?

Oak:  Simple, just have the people that made the Chrono Shift inspect the one that’ll get you home, the one in Rocket Resort.

Ash:  And how are you going to get the people that made Chrono Shift.

Oak:  Easy, I’ll just call Team Rocket.

Ash and Misty fell down stupidly, but their future self didn’t.

Ash:  Team Rocket, they’re the people that got us into this mess.  Why do we need their help?

Adult Ash:  Oh forgot to tell you.  Team Rocket are good guys now.

Ash:  What?

Adult Ash:  Yup.  Misty helped Giovanni’s daughter and then on Team Rocket turned good.

Misty:  So that’s why Jessie and James were not the same Team Rocket we knew.

Ash:  Giovanni?  Who’s that?

Adult Ash:  You’ll find out in your adventure.

Misty:  So how did I help this Giovanni?

Adult Misty:  Can’t tell you that either, you’ll know how.  Don’t worry, I knew it so you’ll know it too.

Misty:  Alright, if you say so.

Professor Oak dialed up Team Rocket, the phone was answered by none other than Giovanni, who still had his persian with him and also his echoing voice.

Giovanni:  Yes?

Oak:  Giovanni.  I need to know some help, in regards of the Chrono Shift Project.

Giovanni:  What about?

Oak:  I need scientist to fix the Chrono Shift Past to send these two children home.

Giovanni:  Alright, let me check the records on who can do the job.

Ash was thinking, this Giovanni guy.  He resembles the dark man he saw back at Rocket Headquarters right before he was sent to the future.  Misty’s bag opened and Togepi appeared and started hug Misty.

Togepi:  Prri prri ((Mommy, mommy))

Misty:  Hey Togepi!

Giovanni’s glance shifted for the moment.  He looked at Misty holding Togepi and playing with it.  He smiled and returned to his computer monitor.

Giovanni:  These really are the kids that entered the Chrono Shift.  And that young girl with the Togepi.

Misty:  Huh?

Adult Misty:  Sir, that’s me.

Giovanni:  Ofcourse my dear.  I know what happened.

There was a moment of confusion for the young Misty but the announcing of the people who can fix the Chrono Shift soon pushed it out.

Giovanni:  Okay, I’ll assign five of my scientist to work on the Chrono Shift Past now.  Expect it to be fully operational within a week or less.

Ash:  Looks like we’ll be staying here for a week.

Adult Ash:  Actually why not spend it at the resort.  Hey Giovanni, could you let these two in the resort until the Chrono Shift is fixed?

Giovanni:  As you wish.  I’m going to send over my personal certificates allowing it.  Now will that be all?

Oak:  That’s it.

The screen blanked out and two golden wrapped envelops appeared from the PC Storage system.

Adult Ash:  You’ll two will have a great time at the resort, I know I had.

Ash:  Aren’t you two coming?

Adult Misty:  Nah, wish we could but we would have to take the kids along and pack and also Ashy has a lot of responsibilities in being a Pokemon Master, and I have a duty to make sure he doesn’t go too hard on whom ever he challenges.

Misty:  Oh okay.  Well Ash, looks like it’s just you and me.

Ash:  Yeah, let’s go.

Oak:  Just one more thing.  When I looked into the Chrono Shift Project a while back, I found out that when you travel back from the future you’ll end up in the same place where you first traveled.

Ash:  That means Rocket Headquarters.

Oak:  Right.  And when you do travel back, the machine will scan for the first appropriate opening for you to emerge from the fabric of time.

Misty:  Wah?

Oak:  The machine in your time has to be on.  When it comes on that’ll be the time you enter in.  So if the machine is on the time you left and has never been turned on, you’ll return to that time when it was on.  If it’s on again, then you’ll return to that time.  It pinpoints the nearest and closest opening available for your return.

Ash:  Um.  I don’t get it.

Oak start to get frustrated.

Oak:  Look Ash, when the proper time coordinates is set the machine will scan for the opening, then it’ll select the closest opening to the desired time coordinates, get it?

Ash:  Um, what ever you say Professor.

Oak:  Okay nevermind, I forgot you were a bit of a dummy back then.

Ash:  HEY!

Oak:  Just go along with it, you’ll be fine.

Ash:  Um, okay whatever you say.  Come’on Misty, let’s go.

Adult Ash:  Great, we’ll give you a ride there.


At present time Brock notified Officer Jenny as soon as he fresh’n himself up.  (BTW, it’s still the same day for him)

Brock:  Jenny, my friends were captured by Team Rocket!

Jenny:  Hold your horses now.  You say Team Rocket kidnapped your friends.

Brock:  Well not kidnapped but well we’re following Team Rocket and . . .

Jenny:  Following, as in like stalking?

Brock:  No no, we were suspicious on what they were up to.

Jenny:  And what did they do that made you very suspicious?

Brock:  Well, um, they treated us for ice cream.

Jenny:  Yeah and . . .

Brock:  That’s it.

Jenny:  Look I don’t have any time for your jokes or games.  If you wanna ask me out again why not just say so, would save you time on the rejection.

Brock:  Oh you like down the point men.  Hey so how about going out tomorrow for a movie.

Jenny:  I could arrest you for saying that.  That’s like threatening an officer, just kidding Brock.  My answer remains the same.

Brock:  YES!

Jenny:  No.

Brock:  But hey maybe you don’t like movies maybe you rather just go out for dinner . . .

Well Brock will eventually get back to the subject to Ash and Misty.


In the future once again Future Ash and Misty dropped off their young selves by the port where they will take a ferry ride to Rocket Resort, a hidden resort that was very exclusive, only for Team Rocket.  Ash and Misty waved good bye to their future selves and boarded the ferry.

Ash:  Wow a whole week at a resort, this certificate says all expense paid.  That would be fun huh Pikachu!

Misty:  It would be nice to lay on the beach and relax and not worry about traveling around.

Togepe:  Prriiii prriii  ((Mommy’s happy))

Misty: Ofcourse I am.  I never felt more happier in my life.

Misty looks at Ash and gives him a wink.  Ash smiles and blushes red, Pikachu giggling at his side.

Ash:  What’s so funny Pikachu?

Pikachu:  Pika pikachu pika.  ((You’re so in love))

A few minutes passed and the resort could be seen.  A large hotel, reaching very high into the sky with two giant Rs on it.  The surroundings were full of tropical trees and plant life.  The beach area was huge and the water a clear blue color.  A mountain on one side of the island for those who want to mountain climb and also explore for a better view of the island.  A waterfall not far from the hotel that looked so natural and majestic.  Right away Misty knew she was going to enjoy staying here for a week, and she only wished she could maybe stay longer.

Misty:  Wow Ash, look, what a wonderful waterfall.  And that beach, I wish there were beaches like that where we went.  And that hotel, you could get a great view up there.  And look, it’s a Lapras no two, a heard of Lapras swimming by the side of the island!  Oh this place is great.

Ash:  Wow!  There must be a lot of games and food and a lot of fun.  I can’t wait to get there.

Pikachu:  Pikachu ((Me too))

When the ferry finally docked Ash and Misty silkily jumped out of the ferry, forget the bridge they just jumped the whole gap and towards the hotel to check in.

Ash:  Hi can we get the best room for two?

H. Clerk:  Ah and how might you be paying this kid.

The clerk looked at Ash strangely, a kid wanting a room for him and his girlfriend, the two no older than 16 and the two not in Team Rocket uniforms.

Ash:  Oh here, we got these.

Ash handed the certificates to the clerk and the clerk quickly changed his expression.

H. Clerk:  I’m sorry sir.  I didn’t know you had The Boss’s treat.  Bellboy, show these two to the hundredth floor to room 10001.  Here you go sir and madam, just carry these badges around and everything on this island is free of charge.

Ash:  Really?  Wow.  10001 floor, sounds high, hope you’re not afraid of heights Misty.

Misty:  Me, no way!  Maybe you are but not me.

BellB.  Right this way sir and madam.

The bellboy lead them to a special elevator located at the center of the hotel.  It was designed with glass walls to see the great view high up.  The elevator was an express elevator, only going to lobby to 100th floor and higher.  They started going higher and higher, just past the fiftieth floor.

Ash:  Gee this is taking a while.  Must be a problem getting back down.

Misty:  Hey Ash took a look over there.  Look how small those people are.

Ash:  Wah!!  I never knew we were this high up!

Misty:  What’s a matter Ash?  Scared.

Ash:  Um.

Misty:  You know, we’re only half way there, this elevator’s cables could snap anytime and we both be stuck here, and then we start falling down to further and further down to our doom, to be nothing more than pancakes on impact.

Ash:  Waaahhhh!!

Ash jumped and right into Misty’s arms, covering his face on her shoulders.  Misty then broke the joke and got serious.

Misty:  Ash, you really are scared of heights.

Ash:  No, not exactly.

Misty:  Huh?

Ash:  I just wanted a hug.

Misty gave him a wicked smile and then dropped him.

Misty:  Oh grow up Ashy washy.


Back in the present time, though it had been the next day with Ash and Misty, it was still that same day in the present and Brock was talking to Officer Jenny.

Brock:  Okay, so you’re busy this whole month.  Would you be busy next month?

Jenny:  Brock, you’re a bit silly.  Sorry I just don’t have time to go out and have Pizza with you.

Brock:  Or anything, we could just walk in the park holding hands.

Jenny:  Sorry no.

Brock:  How about I follow you in your patrol, so we could spend some time with each other?

Jenny:  Sorry, no civilians accompanying officers around for social purposes while on duty.

Brock:  When are you not on duty?

Jenny:  I’m a cop, I’m always on duty.

Brock:  Bummer.

Jenny:  Maybe next time Brock.  So where are your friends, I usually hear you travel with two other people.

Brock:  Oh yeah, Ash and Misty.

Suddenly he let out a loud yell and a giant sweatdrop.

Brock:  ASH AND MISTY!!  OH NO!!  I’ve been so intrigued by your grace and beauty that I totally forgot about them.  Jenny, ya hafta get a whole army of officers, call your whole family, Ash and Misty are in Team Rocket Headquarters!!

Jenny:  No joke?  If I say take me there we won’t end up going to a movie?

Brock:  Honest!  They really are in Rocket Headquarters.

Jenny:  Well if you say so, just show me the way and if we need to I’ll radio for back up.

Brock:  Will that mean your sisters will be here too?

Jenny:  Probably.

Brock:  OH LUCKY DAY!!


At the Rocket Headquarters, Jessie and James plan a scheme to get Ash and Misty back.

Jessie:  Can’t you loafers work any faster!

James:  Easy Jessie they’re doing their best.

Jessie:  I want that machine working as soon as possible.  I read the report!  If that ain’t on then those intruders won’t get back, get to work!

James:  Jessie calm down, you’re slave driving them.

Jessie sat down and contained her wrath, James sat next to her hoping to easy Jessie back down to normal angry level.

James:  Jessie I know you wanna get them back soon.

Jessie:  I do, just those stupid scientist aren’t doing as good as a job as they can.  I want those two pest back here now!

James:  Me too.

Jessie:  I just hope.  They’re alright.  No one deserves being tests subjects to something like this.

James:  I know.  Just keep calm and hope for the best.


In the future Ash and Misty got to their room and started to unpack and enjoy their surroundings.

Misty:  I feel like a rich superstar staying here.

Ash:  Yeah, this room must cost big bucks.

Misty:  I want to go to the beach and catch up on some rays and some surf.

Ash:  Couldn’t we just stay here and rest for a while.

Misty:  Aw come’on Ash.  Let’s go!

Ash:  But . . .

Misty fluttered her eyes and got the right expression.  Her eyes looked like shinning stars at night and her smile, very tempting.  She came closer to Ash, held both of his hands, and placed her head on his shoulders, and then placed his hands around her making him hug her.  She felt him starting to turn into mush and when she looked at him, he turned red.

Misty:  Let’s go to the beach Ash.  I want us to have fun in the sun.  You know.  The two of us on the beach, playing in the sun, surfing on the waves, splashing around, fun stuff.

Ash:  Oh alright Misty, let’s go.  And Misty . . .

Misty:  Yes Ashy boy.

Ash:  Whatever happen to just conking me over the head and dragging me.

Misty:  Well if you want to do it that way . . .

Ash:  No no, let’s just go.

When they got to the beach Ash quickly set up their spot.  He went over to the loan desk and rented two beach chairs, a giant umbrella, and a few towels.  Pikachu was seen walking down to inspect the beach area, with a few girls tagging a long behind him giggling on how cute he looked with his tiny aloha t shirt, shades, and tiny surfboard.  Ash and Misty watched and laughed as Pikachu suddenly became the ladies Pika of the beach.

Ash:  Looks like Pikachu has become a definite girl magnet here.

Misty:  Well, he does look real cute in that outfit.

Ash:  Funny thing too, I don’t remember buying that for him.

Misty:  Me too.  Hey Ash . . .

Ash:  Yeah?

Misty turned her back towards him, but her head turned looking at him.

Misty:  Rub some sun tanning lotion on me.

Ash:  Okay.

Ash grabbed the bottle and squirted a generous amount into his hand.  He rubbed his hands together and then started to rub the lotion on Misty’s back and neck.  Misty felt his gentle hand starting to massage at her back and made sure not to miss a spot.  It felt very nice and relaxing to have Ash put lotion on her, even though it was just sun tanning lotion.  He rubbed his hands behind Misty’s neck and around her shoulders and down her arms.  She turned around when it was done and Ash started to laugh.

Misty:  What’s so funny?

Ash:  Oh nothing, you just look so red and without even getting into the sun.

Misty:  Oh.  Hey it’s your turn!

Ash:  But I just put lotion on.

Misty:  I said it’s your turn!

Misty argued her way in, got some of the lotion and started to rub it on Ash though had already.  She got to the hard to reach areas of his back that he missed, and then rubbed around his shoulders.

Ash:  Are you done yet?

Misty:  Don’t you like being rubbed with lotion.

Ash:  I dunno.  I just feel ticklish.

A sudden devilish idea popped into Misty’s mind, and Ash regretted even mention that he was ticklish.   The rubbing went lower on his back, started getting closer, and then Misty started to tickle Ash by his side making good use of those long finger nails.  Ash was hysterical and Misty just kept tickling him until he started to plead for her to stop.

Ash:  No more no more, I can’t take it aaahhahahahhhhahahahahaha!!!

Misty:  Oh come’on you’re such wimp.  Tickle tickle tickle.

Ash:  Aaahhahahaaahaaa oh please stop.  No more no more haahahahhahhahha!!!

Misty started to slow her tickling, now Ash was sitting on her lap and her arms were around him.  The tickling stop and Misty laid her head on Ash’s shoulder.

Ash:  Don’t ever do that again.

Misty:  I’ll do what I want to do.

Ash relaxed his head back and leaned a bit on Misty, it was another one of those cute romantic moments.

Ash:  Hey, you’re supposed to be the one on my lap.

Misty:  No I don’t, I want you to be on my lap too once an a while.

Ash:  Okay.  But I want to hug you later too.

Misty:  Ofcourse.  Maybe right after . . .

Ash:  Right after what?

Misty:  More tickling.

Ash:  Ack!  Aahahhahahahhahahahahahaha!!!

The couple had their fun in the sun, laying back to relax, running around on the beach tossing a Frisbee, having splash fights in the water, seeing who could surf better, naturally Misty had the advantage with Starmie but Ash had his own style with his Squirtle.  They did whatever can be done at the beach for recreation.  With a beach towel laid out, Ash and Misty sat on it, close to the surf as they let Pikachu finish up his snorkeling.  Pikachu’s head emerged from the water and he removed his goggles and started walking back on the beach.  Ash helped him out of his fins and flippers wondering where in the world did Pikachu get this things, but he wasn’t gonna ask, he might just regret it.  The sun hid behind some clothes and the wind started to pick up, both Ash and Misty were still wet and things started to get kinda cold.

Misty:  Hey Ash, let’s go get a towel to dry off.  It’s starting to get kinda chilly.

Ash:  Okay, I got a big towel in that bag.

Misty ran over to grab it, the towel was big for sure, big enough to be a beach blanket to sit on.  She wrapped it around herself and went to reach for another towel, but she got a better idea.

Misty:  Hey Ash!

Ash turned around and there was Misty holding the towel, she wrapped it around him and around her, so now they where hugging with the towel around them.

Misty:  There, now I don’t feel so cold anymore.

Ash:  Yeah me too.

Pikachu:  Pika pika ((Oh how cute)).

Drying up and exchange some short quick kisses with each other the two headed back to the room, mainly to take a shower (no not with each other), and to change clothes (not infront of each other).  Once changed Misty walk in while Pikachu was playing pass the apple with Togepi.  It was a cute scene and she didn’t want to disturb, she only wish she had a camera, or maybe if Todd was around to take the picture, unfortunately being trapped in the future you wouldn’t be able to see anyone you knew around you.  Ash was slouching on the couch with a bowl of chips at his side and with a totally silly expression.

Ash:  Sheesh, I hate sour chips.

Misty joined Ash on the couch, she laid down and placed her head on Ash’s lap and her legs dangling on the arm rest.  She looked up at Ash who a bit looked back at her and back to the TV and to the chips.  He bit into a chip that crumbled and landed right in Misty’s mouth.

Misty:  You’re right, it is sour.  So what do you wanna do now Ashy washy.

Ash:  Just relax, and get some rest for tonight.

Misty:  Why what are we doing tonight.  (Don’t go there you hentai, it’s not that)

Ash:  There’s a pokemon battle arena tonight at the sports arena.  There’s a mystery grand prize along with a rare pokemon Porygon.

Misty:  Wow a Porygon.  That is rare.  So when is the arena gonna start?

Ash:  Around eight.

Misty:  It’s only four.

Ash:  Well, today’s beach day was fun, tiring too.  I’m gonna take a nap, care to join me?

Misty:  Sure thing Ashy.

Ash:  Oh and Pikachu, wake us up around seven thirty.

Pikachu:  Pika ((sure)).

Ash leaned down a bit more, the couch was a fancy brand, had a reclining feature just to put your leg up and lean back for a nice peaceful nap.  Misty yawned and fell asleep on Ash’s lap as Ash pulled down his cap over his eyes and slept.  Pikachu looked at them and smiled.  And he thought he was the cutest, but no, he knew that nothing was cuter than young love like Ash and Misty.

They woke up from Pikachu’s Pika-ing sounds.  The whole time Pikachu was watching TV and munching down to the chips dipped in his own favorite dip, ketchup.

Ash:  *yawn* Hey Pikachu, isn’t that a weird combination?

Pikachu:  Pikachu Pika ((Nope, just fine))

Ash:  Sure, hey Misty, had a nice nap?

Misty opened her eyes and saw Ash looking directly down into her eyes.  She blushed and reached up to cup the side of his cheek.

Misty:  Ofcourse I did, your lap is the best pillow.

Ash laughed as Misty got up from his lap and stretched.  It was seven thirty, right on time.  The couple did a few stretching exercises, Ash a few jumping jacks to get the blood going and his mind set on winning Pokemon battles at the arena.

Ash:  Okay, now I feel like winning me whatever prize and maybe that Porygon.

Misty:  Hey Ash I bet you can’t do this!

Misty extended her legs out and did the splits effortlessly, it was natural for her and she even did Ash’s pose.

Ash:  Oh that’s easy, like this.  Waahhh!!!

It was much more difficult for Ash to do it and he didn’t plan to go all the way down, but he did managed to get close, or as close to any normal guy would.  Misty helped Ash up and back to his feet, she handed him his pokeball belt and she got her own as well.  Pikachu munched on the last of his chips and hopped on Ash’s cap where he normally hung around.  Misty picked up Togepi and placed it in her bag.

Togepi:  Togi Togi Togi ((Gonna go for a ride))

And out they went and to the Pokemon arena of Rocket Resort.