Chance (for love)
Chapter 6: Dream
Ash: I wish there was a better place to do this.
Misty looked towards Ash.
Ash: But actually I want to take this chance right now.
Feeling confused what Ash was talking about; Misty drew closer to him trying to hear him out. He reached for his pocket slowly and pulled out something but she couldn’t see what it was. Was it for her or maybe just something he was gonna show her.
Ash: We’ve been traveling together for so long. And well um . . .
Misty: Yeah?
Ash: . . . remember that one “night” we had. The night where we had to analyze our feelings for each other.
Misty: What about that night?
This was getting serious; Ash never mentioned that night again since it happened.
Ash: Well, the truth is, I lied.
Misty felt nervous; Ash lied to her about what? Was it about enjoying that night or the way their friendship is?
Ash: Truth is, I actually do have feelings for you.
Misty felt a sharp thing pierce her mind, her eyes started to water, was this all true?
Ash: I . . . I wanted to give you this some time ago but I never got the chance to. Its not that expensive or glamorous but . . .well here take a look at it.
He presented the small case to Misty. She took the case and opened it. There inside was golden heart locket. She picked it up and just looked at it, she could feel the tears coming down her cheek, would Ash notice, would being soaked from the rain show it.
Ash: I wanted to give you this as a symbolism of how I felt. I really do love you Misty. I just couldn’t bring myself to tell you. I’m to shy at that sorta thing. I’m sorry but I’ll do my best to try and express myself better if you let me. If you love me back. I’ll show you how much I love you.
Words probably couldn’t describe what Misty wanted to say at that moment. She felt a bursting over joyous feeling of happiness, she cried her heart and eyes out, she wish she could say something but she just couldn’t. All she could do is move towards Ash and feel his warm body against hers in an embrace then press her eager lips against his and lovingly kiss him her feelings for him.
There was a light around them, a feeling as well. Ash could feel himself waking up. He has finally used his chance and told Misty how he felt.
There was that beeping sound again. It was at an annoying rhythm, whatever machine that was making it. Ash opened his eyes slowly, his vision terribly blurred. He must’ve slept in too much. He reached around for his glasses on the table next to the bed but his arm felt restrained. There was something like a wire on his arm but he couldn’t quiet see yet. Slowly his vision returned to him. It was all still blurry but he noticed his surroundings, this wasn’t the pokemon center room he was staying at, it was something else. There was a TV attached at the ceiling, a few drawers to his right, the bed has like support metal handles on each side, and there was a machine to his left. It looks like he was at the hospital. But why, the last thing he remembered was kissing Misty after giving her the locket. Ash felt his body ache all over, he was very stiff, like he hasn’t moved for a week. He tried to sit up but he lacked strength. His vision finally was restored to him and he looked around fully. He was defiantly at a hospital room. Maybe something happened to him after the kiss. And what’s this? Not too far off was Misty; Misty must’ve been terribly worried if he ended up in the hospital for something. She slept sitting in a chair with her head resting upon some table thing near Ash’s bed. He reached out with his hand, noticing the IV attached to it, and slowly went to rub his fingers through her hair. As he did so she started to stir, the locket that he gave her slipped out and dangled from her neck. He smiled seeing that she was wearing it. Misty slowly woke up from feeling something touching her hair. She titled her head and looked in the direction of Ash. Her vision focused and there he was, awake.
Misty’s eyes widened suddenly, she was surprised to see Ash awake.
Misty: Ash? You’re awake. You’re awake!!
Ash: Yeah, I’m awake.
Misty: Oh gosh, you’re finally awake!
She rubbed her face against his hand, she wanted to hug him but in his condition she couldn’t, but she just wanted to feel him, feel just a bit of him for now.
Misty: Ash . . . you had me so worried.
Ash: You shouldn’t worry, its not that bad I think.
Misty: Yes it is. I can’t believe you woke up from a coma in seven days.
A coma? Seven days? Something didn’t add up here. What would cause Ash to go into a coma for seven days?
Misty started to cry, she could hardly speak what she wanted to say.
Misty: The doctors said you were in a coma and there was a chance you’d never wake up. It was just up to you if you were going to wake up.
Ash: Coma . . .
Misty: I knew I shouldn’t have left you. I’m probably the reason why you went into a coma in the first place.
Ash: But . . .
Misty: Its true. Ash they found you in your room asleep and couldn’t wake you up. If it weren’t for your Pikachu getting help no one probably would’ve thought that you had slipped into a coma while in bed.
Ash: Bed as in the room we stayed at?
Misty: Yeah. When I reached my checkpoint station I felt something was wrong and I quickly returned. I found out that you went into a coma and I just knew it was because of me leaving. I’m sorry Ash. I’m really sorry.
Ash comforted Misty by running his fingers through her hair, just gliding his hand over her head, as she weep at the side of his bed.
Ash: Its okay, don’t cry. I’m awake now. See. Feel my touch. Don’t worry anymore.
Misty stopped crying for a moment and looked up at Ash, he was smiling at her with warmth in his eyes and a joyful expression all over. She could help herself any longer; she moved to hug him and tried not to but cried some more on the side of his shoulder. He patted her back as he started to cry to, he could sense how worried she was and how troubled she must’ve been. The seven days that he was in a coma must’ve been like hell for Misty. He probably stayed the entire seven days never leaving his side and just waiting for him to wake up.
A doctor came up surprised at what he saw. He walked in and knocked on the side of the wall.
Doctor: Oh um am I interrupting something? Maybe I should come back later.
The two noticed the doctor; Misty immediately got off Ash and stood on the side. The doctor looked over the machines and a folder in his hands.
Doctor: So you woke up. Thought we lost you there. How do you feel Ash?
Ash: I feel like . . .
There were no words to describe this feeling.
Ash: like I woke up to having a wish granted.
Doctor: That good huh. Well I mean physically, no pains or anything?
Ash: Just mild, a bit stiff. And . . . hungry.
Doctor: Well, I guess you’re perfectly fine then. I’ll have the nurse bring over some food in a moment so you can get back to eating food. Well I’ll be back in a bit; I just have to update the records.
The doctor left, he left cause he knew his girlfriend probably had more important matters to deal with Ash.
Ash: Food. Man I’m really hungry.
Misty: Ash . . .
Misty laid her head on Ash’s side. She just couldn’t believe he was awake again. She wanted to feel how real he was and how good he felt. Ash noticed the locket around her neck, did she find it or did he actually give it to her?
Ash: Misty, that’s the locket I . . .
Misty: Oh, they said they found you holding onto this. I took a look at it and opened it to see a picture of you and me. Ash, did you plan on giving this to me?
Ash: Yeah but I just never had the chance. I’d keep putting it off cause I was scared.
Misty: This is a wonderful present Ash. I love it.
Ash: The locket is symbolic. It symbolizes . . .
Ash felt like he couldn’t say it but he must, he did in his dream so now it was time for real.
Misty: what?
Ash: It symbolizes my love for you.
Misty looked at the locket again and smiled. She moved towards Ash’s face and looked deep into his eyes.
Misty: I knew that. And Ash . . .
Ash: What?
Misty gave him a nice lovely kiss on the lips. Though they had kissed before this was the most loving kiss she had given him. They just wanted to make this moment last forever. Holding each other’s hand while kissing on, they knew their feelings for each other and didn’t need to say it, and they knew their love for one another.
The next day Ash was finally released from the hospital. The pokemon center was worried at one of their valued trainers that they covered Ash’s medical bill and stay, which didn’t turn out to be too much. Hand in hand Ash and Misty walked. Seven days asleep but only a few days lived in a dream; it was something that lead to the initial declaration of their feelings for one another. Misty called her parents saying that she couldn’t return because she was fulfilling her own life. Her parents respected her wishes, she’s an adult and needed to find her way through life, and one part of it was being with the man she loves.
They were in their room just organizing their things and made sure everything was packed up and ready to go. Ash looked down at the bed he was sleeping at, he almost wouldn’t believe it. The depressing day where Misty was gone was a day where he slipped into a dream world where he was given that chance to be with her. But if it was all just a dream, why was he given only seven days, in fact less since time jumped quickly. Part of the answer was probably the last thought he had about thinking he needed a week, why time sped up was still unclear, probably because he didn’t need the full seven days. And exactly what would happen if the seven days passed and he didn’t achieve what he planned? Would Misty leave him and he’d but stuck repeating the cycle? It was scary; if he did repeat the cycle then he may never wake up. Probably why he was in a coma in the first place. Perhaps he’d be given as much chances as possible until he got it right and he’d finally wake up from his dream world and back to reality. There was another factor to think about. Misty was there when he woke up. She came back to him knowing she just couldn’t leave him and she wanted to spend her life with him. So if he never woke up he would have never truly be with her, just reliving pass memories of her in dreams. If it was fate or just luck or actually just cause of love, he was happy that Misty was there when he did wake up. This wish did come true.
Misty: Ash? Hey, are you there?
Ash: Oh sorry, I was just thinking.
Misty: Thinking about what happened huh.
Ash: Yup.
Misty: Here, I wanted to give you this but I couldn’t cause I was scared.
Ash smiled and accepted the wrapped box that Misty offered him; it was small like the locket case he gave her. Ash wondered what was inside, only one way to find out.
The two packed up their things and headed to the train station. They were heading to the next town over to see what lies over there. Pikachu rode on Ash’s head keeping a good lookout for anything. After purchasing their tickets Ash and Misty sat down at a bench and waited for their train. Ash remembered this train station; it was the same one that the old man he met gave him that weird stone, supposedly another “chance.” Curious, Ash reached into his pocket and there it was, that same stone he got from the old man. Wondering if it worked or not Ash may never know. From a distance he saw a depressed young man in his early teens. He stood up and walked towards him.
Ash: Here.
The teenager looked up at Ash. Ash tossed the stone towards him and smiled.
Ash: This is “another chance.” Use it.
Ash then walked back to Misty when just then his train arrived. They both got their things and got on. The teenager looked at Ash just as he was boarding then back at the stone he just got from him. In the reflection of the stone he saw someone, the certain someone he missed his chance with but maybe now it’s possible. Ash smiled taking one last glance the person he gave the stone to, maybe he would prove to see if it worked or not but it didn’t matter now. On his hand was the ring the Misty gave him and on his other hand was the ticket stub on his next destination. Traveling again with Misty they were heading towards a city called, Marry Peaks; a city famous for its weddings.
Author’s Note: For this fic I wanted to concentrate more on a drama rather than other themes. If you are familiar with my other fics like Chrono Shift and Dreamer then you probably guessed I tried to combine a little of the two together for this one. Dreamers memories flashbacks, Chrono Shift’s Time Traveling, and a touch of the blues and drama. This is another universe by me, hope you enjoyed it.
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Additional Comments: Epilogue
Well this maybe a cheap trick to get more hits but I’ll use it. The epilogue for this story can be found on the website above. Just click on it and under the news section there’ll be a link that’ll take you there. Be sure to check out the features of the site if you want and have a good time there.