Chance (for love)


Chapter 5:  Against Time


The young couple exited the pokemon center to start their fun filled day.  The previous night was spent more on relaxation, movie, and dinner, so as a change of pace Ash thought of something more active and up beat.  It was still early in the day, two hours from noon, the recreation centers of the city would open soon and Ash planned on being their first customer.


It’s been years since the last time Ash skated around, he almost forgot how.  Misty was still a natural, gliding so carefree letting the wind blow through her hair.  The two rented roller skates for the day at a shop so they could get around the city faster.  While Ash was lagging a bit behind just trying to maintain his balance, Misty skated circles around him trying to urge him on.


Misty:  Come’on slowpoke, you’ll be a slowking if this keeps up.


Ash:  I’m getting the hang of it again . . . wa wa wa waaaaaaaaaaaa!!!


Ash nearly fell forward but Misty managed to catch him.  This was an embarrassing moment but a good one at that.  His head had landed right at Misty’s chest area and Misty has her arms around him.  Falling over could become addictive.


Misty:  Are you done getting comfy down there?  Come’on get up!


Some how Misty knew this tactic to get a feel of a girls “soft pillows.”  Though it was probably one of the cheapest tactics to pull Misty didn’t mind Ash actually trying to, after all it’s him and the fact she actually wouldn’t mind him being there.  He does have a certain warm feel that or she’s blushing.  Ash got up straightening himself and correcting his balance, Misty took his hand and skated around guiding him.


Misty:  So where to Ash?


Ash:  I dunno, you’re the one taking me.


Since it was still early in the day and Ash didn’t have anything planned for the two of them Misty took the opportunity to do some shopping.  She tried to refrain herself from going on her sprees like she normally do, she knows how much Ash hates carrying things around.


From one clothing store to another, to a jewelry store to another, Misty just looked around and tried to find a fashion that she’d like and would be very appealing to Ash.  The skates helped lessen the travel time and fatigue of running about, just glide right into the store and remove.  Normally when Misty takes Ash shopping he’d either fall asleep on a chair or be busy playing with his game boy advance but this time he paid more than the usual attention to her.  He sat on a chair waiting for Misty to come out of the changing room and perform her little modeling show for him.  All sorts of dresses and wear she’d try on made Ash smile.  He commented on everything she wore from the shoes to the amount of skin she was showing, which at times annoyed Misty.  But Misty knew boys will be boys, always wanting more skin and less clothes.


Misty:  How’s this one?


Ash smiled laughingly; there was Misty in some “attorney” wear wearing thick glasses and with her hair down.  She even had the matching high heels with her outfit including purse and above all, attitude.


Misty:  So my dear Ash, how do you like my stunning outfit?


Ash:  You look like a nerd!


Placing her hands on her hips, Misty got a pit peeved and walked over to Ash and looked him right in the eye threateningly, though a bit silly.  Ash smiled nervously till he saw that he had a very good view of her cleavage from the way she was bending down.


Ash:  Uh, would you like to have a cup of tea with me, hee hee hee.


Misty changed her expression to a puzzled one and noticed Ash’s perverted look in his eyes.  She snapped back up and still looked at him threateningly but she dropped her expression and smiled.  Its not like Ash to be this way but in a way his perverted thoughts were better than him just sleeping in the chair drooling all over himself.  She smiled at him and took off the fake glasses.  She reached into his coat pocket and pulled out his glasses and placed them on.


Misty:  I think these are better.


Ash:  Hey!


Before Ash had a chance to snag his glasses back Misty placed them on him and looked down right into his eyes.


Misty:  Now who looks like a nerd?


They both laughed, just simply laughing at a minor tease that just occurred.  When Misty was finally done she ended up buying two types of outfits, a tank top with bellbottom like denim pants and a normal short sleeve shirt with a giant heart design with black denim shorts nearly identical to the type she always wears.


After putting their things into the storage system at the pokemon center they decided to go down to the beach side and see if the surf was up.  Their afternoon there was very fun.  Considering how much Ash was noticing Misty, Misty thought it would be best to wear something a bit more modest than her normal two piece bikini, otherwise Ash may not be able to contain himself.  She didn’t get any comments from Ash about her single piece yellow with red hibiscus flower design but she could tell he was looking at something else other than the design.


Ash lay down on a towel under the comforts of a very big umbrella.  He closed his eyes and just relaxed his himself, trying to forget everything other than the relaxing thought of spending the afternoon with Misty at the beach.  As he quietly snoozed a bit he felt warmness around him.  The shade must’ve shifted while he was dozing off but he didn’t mind getting some sun after all he was at the beach.  Opening his eyes a bit he saw a shinning bright light piercing his eyes, the shade must’ve shifted.  Unable to look Ash then felt a hand touches his own in a comforting way.  It rubbed the surface of his hand then just held it.  Looking to his side he couldn’t see anything yet, his vision was still slightly impaired.  He sat up to expect Misty being right next to him but when he fully got his vision back he saw no one and he was still under the shade.


Ash:  Hm?  Maybe I was dreaming.


Ash heard Misty call out to him from the water.  She gestured for him to join her.


Misty:  Come’on Ash, lets play in the water, its nice and cool.


Ash smiled then got up to join Misty.  An afternoon at the beach, what else could he ask for.




Ash opened his eyes slowly.  He must’ve dozed off reading one of Misty’s books, “The Beached Mermaid.”  Funny, he didn’t remember falling asleep in his chair he just felt like he woke up.  Looking around him he was at the pokemon center lobby area.  He saw the Joy that worked there tending to some papers and to the side of him the television showing a sitcom.  Wasn’t he just at the beach a moment ago?  Guessed Ash dreamed the entire thing up too.  So now why was he at the pokemon center?  The answer was found when Misty walked downstairs wearing one of her new outfits.  She seemed ready to do something for the night, probably a night out on the town.


Misty:  Ready to go club’n Ash?


Ash:  Um, sure.


In further inspection of Ash’s own clothes it looks like he was properly dressed long ago.  Checking his watch he saw the date and time.  A sudden chill swept over him, something was wrong.  It turns out that he only has three days left but he remembered that he had at least six more days to go.  Was there something wrong with his watch?  No that can’t be it, this watch wouldn’t give wrong times because it’s a highly electronic watch that he got as a gift from Todd two years ago during Christmas.  It would always show the proper time.


Misty:  What’s wrong Ash?  You look pale.


Ash:  Oh I think something must’ve caught up with me in my stomach, um excuse me for a moment.


Misty:  Ash if your not feeling well we can always go another time.


Ash:  No really, just sit right here and wait for me, I’ll be back quickly.


Misty:  If you say so.


Going back to his room Ash wanted to just sort things out a bit.  He paced around his bed thinking what exactly just happened.  First of all he remembered being at the beach ready to join Misty in the water now he’s at the pokemon center with only three days remaining.  Could the stone be affecting any of this?  Probably since it was it that brought him back a week after Misty left.  With only three days left Ash had to worker even quicker.  Maybe tonight he should try, after the dancing and partying he would find his chance.


He felt like he was stuck in some time of time vortex that just does random things.  He has to be aware if this happens again, next time he may even have less time.  This felt very strange, time changing and bending like this.  Well whatever it was he had to get back to what’s happening now, and that’s going club’n with Misty.  For now he has to forget about this problem and enjoy himself, this way he’d feel a whole lot more comfortable when he gives Misty the locket and say he loves her.




Ash got over his problem real quickly when he was on the dance floor with Misty.  Confidence sparked with the sound of inspiring music with a beat made him think that he didn’t need every single one of those seven days but maybe just a few days.  Lights flashed, the music boomed echoing everywhere and everyone just danced and grooved.  Once the song had ended the next song was ready, Ash and Misty had only a few seconds to rest.  They both were sweating from all the intense movements and of course having fun.  The speakers started up again, techno filled the dance floor.  This remix, it sounded familiar.  Then he heard the first part of the lyrics.  Both Ash and Misty stopped and looked around them, everyone else was dancing but they were stunned the song that was playing.  It was a remix of “Eyes On Me” by Fay Wong.  Ash had always loved that song since the day he heard it.  It was from one of his favorite games, a really great RPG.  Ash smiled at Misty and Misty smiled back, she knew the song and knew that it was one of Ash’s favorites and also has become one of her own top favorite songs as well.  They were going to dance their feelings to this song.


Some of the people watching the two thought of their dance to be very poetic, some even thought of it to be sexy, or even cute.  But they had gotten some attention at the dance floor as they just moved to the beat of the song they know and love now a remix made for clubs.  The finale of this song and their dance was marked of the best enders.  It was a classic traditional end pose but with the amount of energy the two put into it, it was clearly the best.  A dipped down Misty with her hair nearly touching the floor, a leg up in the air, and Ash holding on to her cradling the back of her head and waist area.  The song was over; they both were tired burning most of their energy for that song.  They walked off to the side to rest and get a drink, Ash overheard some of the people that saw them dance and snickered at their whispering comments.


Viewer:  See that guy and his chick?  It was like they were making love out there.


Viewer2:  Hey, making love ain’t all about sex ya know.


Ash and Misty sat down at to rest, one of the workers handed them a towel to wipe themselves with, and another got them some drinks.


Ash:  I never felt so hyped up in such a long time.


Misty:  Glad you like, we should go club’n more often.


Ash:  Yeah.  That song really touches home really gets ya right here.


Ash taps his heart and nods.  Misty agreed as well, the song has a definite impact on her.  When they got their drinks it was their cool down period.  They both shared a bottle of Arbor Mist, Strawberry flavored.  Misty has always loved Arbor Mist, that and she likes the name of it.  The two chatted about various things as they cooled down and rested.  At first they were talking about getting the attention of some people, by just the way they move and performed.  Misty blushed at some of the moves she performed, it was some what embarrassing at the time but when the music goes her body just feels like doing it.  When their bottle was all drank up Ash checked the time, it was time to go back and to bed.  Was there a chance to confess to Misty tonight?




Not long after Ash and Misty stepped out of the club rain started to come down.  At first they ignored it and Ash offering Misty some protection from the rain with his coat but it gotten really bad that they had to run for shelter.  The closest area was the entrance to the hospital.  It was a safe area but seemed odd to just find shelter from the rain at a hospital.  This wasn’t exactly the perfect romantic location that Ash had hoped for but anything to get out of the rain.


Misty:  I wonder where that rain came from?


Ash wished he knew it’d rain that evening but previously he would be asleep at this time.  He impatiently waited for the rain to stop sitting at the steps of the hospital entrance.  Misty wanted to go in but Ash convinced her it was only a passing shower.  She sat next to him looking up at the sky, couldn’t see anything but darkness and some flashes of lighting, they could be here for awhile.


Misty:  Guess it’ll be awhile.  Well if you don’t wanna head in then I’ll just stay out here with you.


Ash:  Sorry I just don’t like being in hospitals unless I really need to be.


There was silence for a few minutes, was it tension or just cause they were wet.  Ash looked at Misty, she was soaked.  She looked cute though, in a wet type of way.  Her clothes were sticking to her skin, become just a little transparent.  His coat made a good cover for her but Ash still noticed her wet clothes.  Three more days, tomorrow will be two more days.  But what if time speed up again and he’d lose some more time.  What if the next day he wakes up and there was the note that he gotten when she left.  Maybe it was time to use this chance and opportunity to express himself.


In the next chapter:  Ash takes his chance.


Author’s Note:  Its finally going to happen.  Well this story is pretty much being wrapped up, wasn’t too long like my usual but I used less dialogue and more descriptive text.


Anyway I have an announcement for my site, the Ask Corner is now currently working.  What exactly is the Ask Corner?  Do you remember Brock-o-rama?  Think of it as my version of the Ask Brock section.  Anyway currently I have “Misty” there asking all the questions directed to her.  All questions from her relationship to the clothes she wears.  Please visit and check it out.  You can find this at this site:


Look under the Ask Corner or just check out the entire site.  If ya have a site of your own please join the PKMN Society webring if you want, anyway see ya in the next chapter.