Title: The Image of Truth
Author: Pika189
Chapter 1: The Strange Town
houndoommaster_1@juno.comDisclaimer: I don’t own pokemon.
A/N: Hey! I’m Pika189. This is my first story. It’s called "The Image of Truth." This is the first chapter. Sentences in Italics are thoughts. Enjoy!
"I’m gonna kill you!!" Misty screamed.
"I’m sorry, Misty! I didn’t mean to do it!" Ash apologized.
"Yes you did! I am going to kill y_" Misty started, but Brock stopped her.
"Stop fighting, you two! We’re never gonna get anywhere if you guys keep fighting like this!" Brock yelled. Ash, Misty, and Brock were in a strange dessert at the time. They had been walking for hours.
"Brock, where the hell are we?" Ash asked, trying to change the subject.
"I have no clue!" Brock replied, relieved that Ash and Misty had stopped fighting.
"Why do I keep fighting with Ash like this? I love him! But I don’t know if he loves me. If I ask, he might say know and I’d be hurt." Misty thought.
"Why do I keep fighting with Misty? I love her! But I don’t know if she loves me. If I ask, she might say no and I’d be devastated!" Ash thought.
"Hey look you guys, a city!" Ash said excitedly.
"It looks beautiful!" Misty said.
"I didn’t know there was a city here. There’s no city like this in the guide book. It’s not even on the map!" Brock stated.
"There’s a sign up ahead. Maybe it will tell us where the heck we are." Misty said.
"It says ‘Welcome to Celion City, the city of emotion’. I wonder what it means by ‘the city of emotion’." Ash said.
They continued to walk in the derection of Celion City. It was truly a site to see! It had gigantic buildings with shiney glass windows! It was filled with tons and tons of people. It was a star in the sky! It was amazing!!
"Who knew there was such a beautiful city in the middle of this bizzarre dessert." Misty proclaimed.
"Your right, Misty. Who knew there was such an awesome city here in the middle of the dessert!!" Ash stated.
As soon as they had reached the city, they started to look around. They saw thousands and thousands of people. The saw a ginormous fountain. They saw a jungle of steel buildings. While looking around, they ran into Gary Oak and a girl they didn’t recognize.
A/N: Yahoo!!!! My first chapter: done. Well, I hope you liked it! Bye!!!!!!!!