Pokemon: Following in the Footsteps This is the story of Kyle Ketchum and his best friend Mike Mitchell, who both dream of becoming the world's greatest Pokemon Masters. Kyle is the grandson of Native Legend Ash Ketchum, and ever since Kyle learned about Ash, he has wanted to become a Pokemon Master just like his grandpa. Kyle and Mike have studied Pokemon for a long time and finally they were about to start their Pokemon Journey. But a lot has changed since the time of Ash, instead of having to obtain 8 badges, Kyle and Mike would have to get 18 badges and travel to vast, new places. But, unfortunately the grandson of James, and the grand-daughter of Jesse are part of Team Rocket and are going to try to obtain new Pokemon. So, let's begin the story, the night before the big adventure starts..... "Lights out in 5 minutes." Kyle's mom said. "You need to be up on time to get a Pokemon from Professor Oak. (Professor Oak is now Gary's son, Cole)" "All right mom." Kyle replied. "I can't wait till tomorrow. I'm going to get a squirtle or maybe a bulbasaur." Mike said. "What do you want to get,Kyle?" "I kinda want to get a pikachu like my grandfather, or maybe a charmander." Kyle answered."Well, I guess we should go to sleep now, we shouldn't wake up late like Ash did." "I guess so." Mike said. "Kyle,Kyle,wake up. It's 9:30, we're late. Kyle. Get up." Mike said in a loud voice. "What?" Kyle said. "We're late." Mike said. "Oh, crap we better get going." Kyle stated. 10 minutes later they arrived at Professor Oak's. He gave them each a pokedex and 5 pokeballs. "You're just in time, all I have left is a pikachu. You should have gotten here earlier." Cole said."Well, which one of you get's the pikachu?" "Kyle,you can have it since you wanted a pikachu." Mike said. "All right, but what about you?" Kyle replied. "Well, I suppose you can have this. I found it just yesterday. It's in good health." Cole said, handing Mike a sandshrew. "What is it?" Mike said, pointing his pokedex at it. "Oh, let me look up my pikachu." Kyle said. "Now, in order to leave Pallet Town, you must defeat the gym leader here, his name is Roger and he has a bulbasaur." Cole said. Just then, Cole's son Nick walked through the door. Kyle hated Nick and they have become rivals. "Hey Kyle, look what I got" He said. Kyle pointed his pokedex at it. "Well, I've got to get going to catch more pokemon, allready I have a pidgey and a rattata. Smell Y'a Later" Nick said. "Well, I guess it's on to the Pallet Town gym." Kyle said. 5 minutes later, our adventurers find themselves at Pallet Town Gym, to face the gym leader Roger. "So who is going to fight him first?" Mike asked. "I guess I will." Kyle replied. "Bulbasaur,go" Roger said. Kyle pointed his pokedex at it. "Pikachu,do it" Kyle said. "Bulbasaur, tackle it" Roger said. Bulbasaur charged at pikachu,but pikachu dodged it. "Pikachu, growl" Kyle commanded. Pikachu let out a growl that dazed bulbasaur. "Pikachu, finish it, thundershock" Kyle said. Just then, a large flash lit the arena and bulbasaur collapsed on the ground. "Bulbasaur, return." Roger said. "Good job pikachu,return." Kyle said. "Congradulations, you have earned your official trainers card, now you can leave Pallet Town. Your friend here can have one too, I need to get bulbasaur to the pokecenter." Roger said. Well, our adventurers our set to head out on their journey, as they head for Veridian City and their first adventure. See you then. Coming up Part 2: Our heroes head out for adventure and start to head for Pewter City and their first badge.