Disclaimer: Treeko: Treeterkoko! (Marauder does not own pokèmon!)
|Wingull. A Seagull pokèmon |
|ht: 2' 0" wt: 21 lbs |
|Wingull has the habit of carrying prey and valuables in it's beak |
|and hiding them in all sorts of locations. This Pokèmon rides the |
|winds and flies as if it were skating across the sky. |

As Alex, Joe, James, Mathew and Harriet walked to the beach and the shallow waters, Alex wondered what they would do if they were seperated. What if something happened and he got to Slateport, but the others ended up elsewhere? He didn't have much money, and he certainly didn't have enough to get a hotel room. Where would he sleep? On the ground? That can't be very comfortable.
"Hey, Alex! Wake up! We're at ze beach now!" said Joe.
"Eh? What? Oh, I was lost in thought."
They took out their rods, hoping to catch some decent Pokèmon, not stinking Magicarp.
"I've got something!" exclaimed Harriet. She yanked it out and the weird fish flew out of the water and landed on Harriet's face.
"YAAHHHHH!!!" she yelled, and took out a pokèball to catch it.
"FEEFEEBOO!" the pokèmon yelled, looking strangely like a yellow rotting Magicarp. With a flash, it disappeared into a pokèball.
"Feeeww!" said Harriet, "What was that thing?!" Suddenly, the pokèdex flipped open, and spoke.
"Feebas. A fish Pokèmon. This pokèmon is very rare,and looks like a yellow Magikarp. It acts very much like a Magikarp, knowing only splash and tackle.."
"HAHAHAHAHAHA! You caught the equivalent of a Magicarp!" sang the boys, dancing around in circles.
"But the Pokèdex said they were rare..." mumbled Harriet. "So it probably evolves into something powerful, like Magikarp does!"
"So what? It's weak now, isn't it? Not like Sharpedo!" said Joe, still dancing. Meanwhile Alex had sat down and picked up his rod, and now looked like he was water skiing.
"Hey Alex! What are you doing that for?" asked James.
"TTTTTRRRRYYYIINNNGGG TTTTOOOO CCCCCAAAATTTTCCCCHHHH A POOOKKKKèMMMMMOOOOONNNN CALLLLEEEEDDDD SSHHHAAAARRRRPEEEEDDDOOOO!" He yanked on the rod, and the Sharpedo flew out of the water. It landed on the beach and Alex sent out Treeko to help catch it.
"Trrrrreko!" it yelled. (Hi, Sharpedo!)
"Tackle attack, now!" Alex told Treeko. Treeko (which is a boy) lept forward, bashing into Sharpedo, which winced at the attack, but lept forward, retaliating with bite.
"TRRREEEEEKKOO!" (THAT HURT, YOU MEANIE!) He tackled it again, this time doing more damage.
"shharrrpppedoo," it said, nearly defeated. Alex threw his Pokèball, catching the Sharpedo
"Yes!" said Alex. "Now, Sharpedo, go!" Sharpedo appeared, looking a bit battered. Alex walked forward and petted it. It was clearly badly injured so Alex took it up the beach tothe Pokèmon centre.
"I'll see you later!" he called.

An hour later, the five young trainers met up at the Pokèmon centre.
"I caught a Wailmer!" said Joe happily, holding up a Pokèball.
"Tentacool for me!" said Matthew.
"I'm not saying," grumbled James.
"Oh, yes! James got a Magicarp!" said Joe. "He'll have to stay here and train it so he can teach it surf!"
James continued his grumbling. "I'll meet up with you at Fortree when I can. I'll call you on the Pokègear when I can meet you."
"Okay!" said Joe. "Now to teach my Wailmer surf. Anyone got the HM?"
An old man stepped forward, holding the HM up. "Borrow mine. My name's Mr. Briney, and this is Peeko. I have my boat, so I don't need that. Though I should tell you. You can't use surf outside of a battle without the Balance, badge." he said.
"Oh, darn! I forgot about that!" said Alex. "Wait... You say you have a boat... can you take us to Slateport?"
"Of course! But I warn you. It's a very dangerous trip, due to the currents. You have to be prepared!" he replied, "Just tell me when you want to go!"
"Great! Errr... You said we have to be prepared, so don't we need to get stuff?" asked Joe.
"Naaahhh! I'm really good at sailing! I won't hit a rock!" Mr. Briney said overconfidently.
"Knock on wood! Knock on wood!" Alex said, looking frantically around for some wood.
"What?" said the others.
Alex sighed and shook his head.
"Ah well! Off we go! We're setting sail, Peeko my dear!" said Mr. Briney cheerfully.
"Peeerrrreekkoo!" said Peeko.