Gamma Legends: The Wrath of Gideon
By Many Legends
Welcome, all thee who think thou art worthy enough to become a Legend. I trust thou hath come within my presence for a good reason? Prove thyself, and thou shalt yet become a champion forevermore!
--The Founder of Legends
Now gather round
For I have a tale,
A tale of defeat
A tale of prevail,
A tale of legends
Destined by fate,
To overcome the evil
The darkness
The hate.
Now each of these legends,
Their fate written out
They had to travel a certain route,
Was it the beaten path or the well-paved road?
Who knows, but on and on they rode.
Each of the legends had a destiny
Was it love?
Or hate?
Or misery?
It was for them to find out
And only them
They had to search inside themselves
For every dream and whim.
One will betray
And one will die,
One will be corrupt
In which evils lie.
And last but not least,
The most important of all,
She who has stood by him many times
Will cause him to fall.
Each of the legends
Seventeen in fact,
Lords of the elements
No power they won't lack,
Will try and try,
And try once more
To rid the world of all evil
Right down to the core.
--Ancient Prophecy
Welcome, weary travellers. Have you come for a story? Then a story it is that I shall give to thee. It is not a story based on romance, nor beating gym leaders around a given country, nor even a story about Ash Ketchum, who has become more and more popular these past several years. The stories that I can tell span entire centuries. Tales of victory and defeat, great riches and devastating losses, but through them all, evil is being defeated. It is likely that we will never defeat evil totally, and if we did, we would lose a part of ourselves that helps us know what to do in given situations.
In every generation, a carefully chosen group of Pokèmon masters are selected to battle evil. These trainers are masters in every sense of the word, and are dedicated to a single element, and are the best in that element anywhere in the world. They are the kinds of men that legends are made of. They ARE legends. They are chosen not only because of their power, but their physical, mental, and emotional prowess, and their kindness and compassion.
For every type of Pokèmon in the world, there is only one Legend, and for each legend, they receive a special guardian to help them battle evil, after my servants, Latios and Latias bring them to me. The legend of Earth receives Groudon, the legend of rock receives Regirock, the legend of steel receives Registeel, the legend of ice receives Regice, the legend of fire receives Entei, the legend of Lightning receives Raikou, the legend of Water receives Suicune, the legend of Psychic energy receives Mew, the legend of Bugs receives Queen Bee Gold (A Golden Beedrill that leads the biggest Beedrill swarm in the world), the Legend of the Dark nights receives the Houndoom of the Darkest Flare (A Houndoom that emits a black aura), the Legend of Sky receives Aerial the Silver Pidgeot who leads the largest flock of its kind, the legend of the mythical dragon kind receives Rayquaza, the legend of Ghosts receives Glimmer, the Hypnotic Expert (a discoloured Misdreavus with better abilities than in hypnosis than any being alive…or deceased), and the Legend of Poison receives Muscos, an Equine whose looks belie its true strength.
These Guardians are not held in Pokèballs, for their powers are far too great. They are summoned by their respective Legends and them alone when they are needed, by repeating their name over and over, when the Legends are in desperate need.
Legends do not only come from such places as Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and the island country of Alto, but also from what most would call the uncivilized countries of Tintia, Nuschantz, Effeuler, and sometimes even Neragosh or Engara. Their nationality does not always reflect their views, nor does their appearance. What matters is their heart, and whether it is pure.
I am Ultimega, the founder of Legends, and I have spoken. Those that are Legends were chosen for a reason, and, given enough time, that reason will be played out. Now, let me share with you the stories of a particular group, of whom I have classified as the Gamma Legends.