Gamma Legends: The Wrath of Gideon
By Many Legends
Chapter One: The Gathering
Two words could describe the situation: panic, and confusion.
What would you do if Latios and Latias saved you from a bullet and told you that you discovered a new type, the steel type?
Kyle, the boy who was going through this phenomenon could answer this question; the answer, panic and confusion. Latios and Latias picked him up along with his growlithe and scyther and, in a rush and whirl of colors, was brought to a different dimension. With his pokemon by his side, Kyle could do almost nothing. His feelings went numb, his senses went dull. Yet, he felt the best he had in his entire life.
He was being teleported, as he would soon later discover. Latios and Latias laughed along with the small boy, with his greasy brown hair, his multi-colored eyes, tattered cloth pants, and his shirt, the one with a silver insignia that he himself painted.
The tube seemed to go in forever, the lights and colors more vibrant
with every passing second. The sight was beautiful to behold. Hues of
all kinds blended along the walls, creating a color that did not
exist, and yet there it was, glowing with an amazing aura. The tube
had a small light at the end. But the light did not get bigger as it
was approached; rather, it stayed the same. Was this tunnel never
"Hold on tight," shouted Latios and he and his sister swerved, taking Kyle along with them. Both of them cut through the rainbow wall and came inside of a huge sphere, it looked as if the sphere was made of water. Something was outside of it, but the water distorted it. Kyle's heart leapt as he looked around. At any second, the water could have fallen, killing him instantly. But it stayed there, almost as if it were a bubble that could not pop.
There seemed to be other rivets opening in the sphere. And with every rivet came a new person. They looked as in as much ecstasy as Kyle was, laughing, and looking around. Finally, what seemed to be at least eight came flying into the watery globe. Everyone came closer and closer until, they neared a small spec of light, a maroon one, and finally touched it.
A golden flash of, well not light, but something, and the group were transported to a huge room, in the air.
BOOM! Everyone collapsed in a crumpled heap and found themselves rubbing their appendages, faces, legs, and their posteriors.
Some got up rather quickly, others stayed on the floor, taking deep breaths and trying to find lost items. Kyle squirmed up into a corner rather quickly, he was never sociable.
A smell of cold stone greeted his nostrils. It made his nose burn and he clenched it. Everyone was standing in what appeared to be a huge temple; with stone pillars all around, with weird engravings on them. Kyle looked up and gasped. The ceiling, like the sphere, was made purely of water. What it was, Kyle did not know. But it cast a beautiful shadow on the floor, of flowing blue light, one that could not be noticed, until the ceiling was noticed.
+Well don't stand there! Come, come my children! Sit before me, I wish to see you, for you are the one's we have been waiting for,+ came a majestic voice from the front of the temple. Standing, maybe sitting, in a throne was a white figure. It couldn't be deciphered. To Kyle it looked as if it were kneeling, but it could have been naturally short. Again it spoke, this time; most of everyone there came forward, and sat before the creature. Some stared, looking at it as if were some demon from the underworld. Kyle figured if he got this far and lived, he could take more. He too joined the crowd of onlookers, and took a seat before the white being. Still some stood, but in the end, they stood behind the crowd of sitting people.
+Latios, Latias, which types responded to The Call?+ asked the figure. Latios and Latias, who were staring at the legends, smiling, both perked up and looked at the creature.
"OH! Um, well, the types of fire, water, flying, thunder, grass, ice, psychic and poison have awoken to The Call," responded Latios, smiling dumbly at the end.
"But even better news! The types of steel and dark have been awoken! It appears your prediction was right," added Latias.
+It appears you are right! Welcome! Kyle, Gideon. You are both quite an honor, as you have seen the first pokemon of the two new types!+
"New…types?" asked Kyle as he stared at Ultimega, squinting.
+Yes! Long have they slept, waiting for the rightful trainer to make them come fourth. But your Growlithe, and Gideon's Charizard both are the first of their kind.+
"Oh," responded Kyle, not so enthusiastic with the answer.
+Ah, yes, but on to more pressing matters. You have all been selected
as Legends. Don't worry Ruby, these questions will be answered in
A girl with black hair and a piercing gaze just stared at the omniscient creature. She looked violated, as though someone breaking into her mind was personal. She looked away for a second and looked back. Ultimega took a deep "breath" and continued.
+A Legend cannot be described in any way other than calling them masters. Masters of their types. Kings of their pokemon kin. They could even be considered brother-like to their pokemon. Yes, the search for you was not easy. Latios and Latias searched night and day, listening in for the most sensitive of changes in the spirit world for some sign. Some sign that you would be awoken. Rai was the first of the legends, Kyle the last. Yes Legends, we have searched long and hard for you and now we have found you.+
+Your job, is to combat the evils of this world. They are many, and great. Vicious and vile. Scummy, and backstabbing cut-throats. But regardless you are worthy. After the ceremony, however, you will be more worthy…+
+I am about to present unto you, your guardians. They are sacred beasts, appraised by your kind. You may know them, you may not. All I can say is that you appreciate them, and love them as your own. They will help you, and you may need them more than you will ever know. In order to call them forth from my realm, chant their name many times, and they will come to you. And now for the first, Rai? Please come forth…+
Ultimega made a small movement with his majestic head, and something large stirred in the darkness behind him.With three strong steps a cat-like creature stepped out of the shadows, its yellow fur rippling with the movement of powerful muscles. It came to a stop beside Ultimega, sharp white claws digging into the rock as its amber eyes landed on a young man standing to the left of the group of staring trainers.
This particular human was fairly tall and wore bagging dark
brown trousers covering the tops of his thick hide boots. A sword
was sheathed across his back, its leather strap crushing his tan coloured shirt and brown jacket
to his chest. He did his best to return the beast's gaze but on
inside he was a mix of swirling emotions.
One, obviously, was confusion. What was this place, why was he here? Why was it that creature was standing up there and why was it him that it decided to stare at? And then there was the curiosity, begging him to do some proper exploration, along with the caution and respect that held him to the spot. And that's still missing the apprehension - Latias and Latios had caught him at a bad time and he'd missed catching a lively young Minum - and sheer awe at seeing these amazing creatures. The only thing he'd expected to feel that wasn't there was fear, but Rai the electric trainer was fairly sure this… this Ultimega figure had stopped that with his invisible smiles and seemingly peaceful nature.
As if on cue, Ultimega bestowed the feeling of smiling on the group, his gaze scanning faces until it rested on the same visage the Pokèmon beside him seemed so interested on.
+This is Raikou, the Guardian of electricity.+ he told them, +Rai, come forth.+
Brushing a stray lock of sandy brown hair from his face, Rai advanced through the group and came to a stop before Ultimega. His eyes never left those of what was about to be his `guardian'. Here he was, the son of Mauville city's blacksmith, standing in front of the mighty Raikou. To say the least, it was an awe-inspiring experience.
+Raikou shall be your guardian.+ Ultimega intoned, +Like all guardians, simply chant its name quickly, getting louder as you speak, to gain its aid.+
Raikou gave a low rumble in agreement, its eyes sparkling with intelligence. Rai nodded at it, what other way to gain somebody's help than simple respect? before Latias told him to return to the rest of the group.
`Simply chant its name quickly, getting louder as you speak, to gain its aid.' he engraved those words into his memory. Raikou, the greatest of electric Pokèmon, was his to call upon.
+Now, the next to receive their Guardian will be…+
"Why do we even need Guardians?" the dark haired girl - Ruby, Rai recalled - suddenly interjected, "I don't know about the rest of these," she gestured to the rest of the group with an almost lazy swipe of her hand, "But I am more than capable of looking after myself."
The feeling Ultimega gave off turned grave, +That matter shall be addressed, but not before this. Once every legend has received their Guardians, you shall be enlightened.+
Ruby gave a simple grunt and backed off, chewing her lip in impatience. Rai could tell from her demeanour that she wanted to get going, but he couldn't know where.
+Now, the next Guardian…+
Gerahid looked around from a corner, his arms crossed, as Rai stepped forward and received Raikou. It had taken him all of an instant to assess both Rai and Raikou's approximate strength levels, and he regarded them with the mental yellow tag that he gave everyone who could probably best him in a fight, though it would be best not to. He wasn't happy for being here. He had been pulled away from his post- battle inspection by the Lati siblings. His glaze flicked over to them. They had ended up taking only him, because his companions had put up too much of a fight.
And yet…and yet…this…Ultimega, who was either obviously far too powerful for him, or a very good liar, spoke directly to him, in the manner of Lapras. That would mean that this…Ultimega was a Psychic. This alone demanded great respect. The sole translators between Pokemon and humans, they were capable of enormous power. Shutting one's brain completely off at a thought was within their power, to attack in a non-physical way, that was an attack to be feared and respected. He had learned that much when, in his first battle that he had commanded in his career, the Engarans destroyed half of Graniteville, the old outpost town near the Dank Forest. He had barely survived enough to repel the Engarans, and the losses he took there set back Tintia for an entire year. And that was when he was only fourteen.
His thoughts flicked back to that day, while he kept his attention focused on Ultimega and the others. By rights he shouldn't have been there at all. But Tintia was in need of fighting men, and he was a man, whether he liked it or not. He hadn't expected to win the battle at all, never mind command it. He had started with a small contingent of Pokemon, then, as his strike force grew, he gradually repelled the entire army. He drew the attention of the higher-ups, and he received a huge promotion, and a small command of his won. He had known THEN that he hadn't been ready. His childhood had been stolen from him. Well, there was no child-hood in Tintia. You grew up with the threat of war looming over your head, and if you lived in a coastal town, you ran the risk of getting killed by cannon fire or worse every day. There had been a foreign girl from Alto there…Devon. He shuddered. She had taken a liking to him and as far as he knew, she hadn't stopped. She liked him. He didn't like her that way. He had told her so. She didn't care. She claimed that she would get him, one way or another.
+Gerahid+ he heard, no…thought his name in his head. It was strange. It was as if he were thinking, yet he had a different…tone to his thinking than usual. He had grown used to it, with all the Psychics he had met in his war record. +Step forward+ This was some sort of general telepathy that Ultimega was using, he mused as he slowly pushed off the wall and walked deliberately towards the creature. His eyes had already spotted a shadow behind the strange Pokemon that seemed to be a guardian of some sort. Small, dog-shaped. Some kind of banner thing that rippled forward, but with no wind. Most likely it was stationary for the most part, he guessed, and it had a strange symbol stretched from the back of its head, from which fur billowed like a cloak. It sauntered forward, and was revealed in the light.
It was a warrior, and a proud one at that. Gerahid could see that immediately. It was a turquoise color, for the most part, but its flowing fur was purple, and the banner-like parts of what he could now see to be its two tails were an almost-green white. It was a fast creature-that much could be told by a single glance. It looked at him with a haughty gaze that told him that he was lucky to even see it. It was also ferocious. He racked his brain for its name. The first part sounded like "sea" something. What was its name? He realized that the room had grown quiet while the two had stared each other down. Then, at the same time, they both bowed to each other. Gerahid eyed the creature as he straightened, and it eyed him back.
Then he spoke. "Seaqueen I presume?" He couldn't exactly remember its name, but he knew it sounded something like that.
Gerahid heard a gurgling sound, and for a moment he thought the creature was choking, then realized it was laughing. Not quite. came Lapras' lilting, feminine presence in his mind, This is Suicuine, Master of the sea. He appears to only the best trainers in the world. That Ultimega is giving him to you shows that he has great trust in you.
+Your Lapras is correct,+ came the voice once more. It was a rumbly bass that seemed to supersede itself above all else, +This is Suicuine, The Water Elemental Guardian. Treat him well, and he will serve you well. To call him forth from his maritime palace, chant his name+
"Yeah, I think I got that part already." Gerahid said, "But I want this to be clear to everyone here," he looked around the room, "I am Tintian." There were a few gasps, and a few people moved away from him surreptitiously, and he pretended not to notice, "I don't know why I was called here. There must be better trainers from the civilized countries," he said, sarcastically, "I know that we have a reputation for being robbers, murderers, and savage warriors, but if you give me half a chance, I'll prove that I am not. So, as of this moment, Suicuine is free to go wherever he likes."
Gerahid heard some gasps from some of the trainers at his releasing so powerful a creature, but his upbringing was as stubborn as any four-legged beast that walked the planet, "If he wants to go with me, then that's fine. I won't have any objections, and will welcome the help. If he wants to leave and go visit his relatives or something, if he even has any," Again came Suicuine's gurgling laugh, "Then he's welcome to. No oath or bond will be placed on him on my account."
I have thrown in my lot with Ultimega, everyone heard the smooth, genteel voice of the watery beast in their heads, courtesy of the Lapras Telepathy service, and I am loath to recant my lot, after it is thrown. After this mess is over, then we shall see where I will go, but for now, my fate is tied irrevocably to yours. He glanced over to his left, and there she was, hovering a few inches off the ground, Huay and Asgiliath flanking her.
"Then as a warrior and as a Legend, I welcome your assistance, and any benefits that you will bring to the team besides your obvious power and splendor." A slow grin spread across the beast's face, and the two shared a moment where Gerahid believed that they were very much alike. Both warriors, both proud, yet Suicuine preferred to stay in the spotlight, while he preferred his own company.
The moment was brought to a sudden and wrenching end when Ultimega rumbled, +Devon Harding, step forward+
"This has to be a coincidence, this just HAS to be a coincidence," Gerahid muttered, wincing at the name of someone who had tormented him so very much.
"And why should I?" that annoying voice rang out, as clear in his memory as it was in the cavern. Gerahid winced. "Maybe this is all some kind of trap! How do I know you're not gonna try to kill me or have some kind of trap there?" No doubt about it. It was her. That meant that he was going to be looking over his shoulder until this ended, if or whenever it did.
He glanced over at the girl, and moaned silently. Of all the six billion on the planet, SHE had been picked. It was certainly her. She may have lost a few pounds, or gained some, he wasn't good at telling, but it was certainly her. Her brief stint in the Tintian Army had been the low point in his career. She had developed a crush on him that had never worn off, and he had been the laughingstock of his men as he tried to stay away from her as much as possible, while she tried to get as close to him as she could. An old, raggedy dress that must have been quite beautiful once, in fact, was it—he looked harder. His outfit had thrown her a going away party, and he had gotten her a dress, little realizing how much trouble he had just caused himself. She took the gift as a token that he liked her, and she hung around the army base until she left for Kanto. She claimed in her many love ltters to him that she had seen Colleon and Ho-oh, and he wasn't sure if she was telling the truth or not. She had defeated every trainer in Johto, she said in her latest letter, and was going back to Alto and would write him longer letters when she had more time. Considering that that letter was ten pages long, he was happy that she had forgotten about it.
A slight growl of warning to Devon told her that Entrophen was trying to get her to keep her temper, which sometimes erupted for no reason at all. A majestic felinoid, the big cat looked like a tiger with three tails and two saber teeth. Entrophen usually had one tail at birth, then four more tails when they were fully mature. On each of the tails were very sharp stingers, ready to dispense their extremely dangerous contents at the slightest hint of contact with any hostile source. He had been Devon's protector for almost five years now. She had chosen the Entrophen when she was deemed old enough to choose, and was criticized for choosing such a common Altan creature.
Among her other companions—the ones she had with her—she had a Blounter; a short, stout creature with two horns that curved back over themselves and merged into one horn as the curved forward again and a Menill; a strange Psychic and Poison dual type that had two opposable digits on each hand, a light brown fur coat, and a species reputation for being protectors. Gerahid frowned, where was her Slote, Venasuar, and Gengar? He couldn't see them anywhere. "So how do I know that this super poison type won't poison me with Allnian knows what kind of toxin and that you'll kill me THAT way?" Devon demanded, showing her stubborn streak, as usual, and her usual pessimism.
The others seemed to be bored, and impatient with Devon, so Gerahid called out, "Just give somebody else a chance to be in the spotlight, Devon, just take it!"
"Fine! But If I die, then I'm gonna haunt you forever!" Devon said, glaring at him.
"You've said you'd haunt me so many times already I lost count," Gerahid muttered, and the cave amplified his voice so that Devon could hear.
The return mutter from Devon was too low for him to make out, but he
knew an insult when he heard one. Ultimega cleared his throat,
metaphorically, and continued, +This is Muscos,+ a large, equine
creature stepped out of the shadows and into view, +She will be your
guardian, treat her well and+
"Yeah, yeah, I know I know, and she'll treat me well blah blah we're living in a freakin' CIRCUS here! Do you REALLY expect that THING to fight?" Gerahid winced. Devon never was one to mince words. But still, he couldn't help but agree with her.
Muscos was a pitifully thin horse with an amethyst-studded horn, and a long, flowing gray tail on either end of its body. A braided purple mane flowed down over black skin so tight every rib could be seen clearly, and white eyes combined to form one of the strangest horses Gerahid had ever seen. You're one to talk, the horse responded indignantly, with the slight hint of Menill that always hung around when he translated, You look worthless in a fight. You wouldn't even know what to do with a sword if you had one. Instead, you insist on using a whip. The most VILE of all weapons.
"At least I get fed well! Look at you! You're so ugly it rains when you walk outside because its in so much pain the sky cries when it sees you!" Devon shot back.
"Ladies and Gentlemen," Gerahid said softly as the two continued their argument for a few more seconds until Ultimega untervened, "We have a winner."
"There's something I almost forgot," came Devon's voice from behind him as he turned to check on his companions, "GERAHIDIOUS!!!!" he heard her say her nickname for him, "COME HERE!!!!"
Gerahid, the staunch defender of Tintia, most likely its bravest soldier, felt a stab of panic in the pit of his stomach, and his eyes went wide as he started to run, more scared of a single girl than of an entire country facing him in battle.
"DON'T PLAY HARD TO GET!!!" Devon screamed at him as she dashed past Suicuine, who looked amused, "YOU KNOW YOU WANT ME!!!"
Gerahid shuddered at the thought of what she was suggesting. He wanted to remain single his entire life. He thought that he had left Devon behind years ago. It just went to show that some things never changed.