
                                         Part one  
                                     The creature
        This is a tale about a young boy who is fighting in the war agianistthe "Sinister" TEAMROCKETwho are toutring and killing innocent POKéMONclaiming they own all POKéMON.So a small army of men are fighting to putan end to they evil ROCKET'SRAINOF HORROR.
As a young boy behind a large barakadeof sand bags in front of the rocket base on Janui Island the third of theseafoam islands grabs out a small blue book from his torn taraway pantsand begain to write
March 1812:30pm: Dear journal this war is going on and on, when will it end?? Myfather says the rockets can't hold out any longer I follow what he saysthough I still think they have something still up there sleve .
"Clifford!" Yelled a figuire inabout 10 feet away from the boy. "Yeah?" He replied back to the figuire.Come here! The figure yelled back. Coming John as the boy known as Cliffordpicked up his bag containing a small amount of ammo for a small hand gunCliff carried, a pack of signal flares, his journal which was given tohim by his mother who was now dead
a small medic kit containg someband-aids water, cut spray, some allow leaves and an a small guide in treatingto they injuered, also a large pack of gum a a King Sized mars bar(wheredo you get your energy from??from the commercial)and a couple cherry bombs. He He. "Whaz up John." "Cliff your father'sspy's just returned and the Rockets have a big finalle planed for us thespys said at eight o'clock." Said John. "Eight aye." Mumbled Cliff to himself.Then he ran of to find his father who turned up to brewing a plan withhis troop comando's. O.K. men, I want all the artilliary in the rear behind the men. I want you Gordon to take your men and split them in twoone group on the left one on the right infront of the artillariy with theremissile launchers. Yes Sir. As the man ran of too gather his troops. Janustake the grendiers to the center front. Yes Sir. As he also ran off, togather his troops toghether for the upcoming fight. Shelia take your troopsto center rear. Yes Sir! As she also ran off. Kerri take the remaing troopsto behind the hill side. Yes. Also must time . As his father looked upto the sunset. Dad. Yeah Cliff. What's this big "finally". A pokémonthat has been mixed with many other spieces to make the utilmite fightingmachine to wipe us out. Whoa. Cliff said. It's almost time I must takemy post. Go I've asked John to watch you. Go now. Cliff walked off to goto John cousin off Bill. Hey John. Oh hi. Cliff before we begin this warhere's alittle some thing my relative Bill made for me. John but his handin his bag and pulled out a leather book and said, "Here you can have thisCliff p it was in a small waterproof case so he slipped the case and openedthe leather book inside was a diagrams types info on all the known pokémon. Thanks John as Cliff flipped to the back there was curesfor sicknesses how to make the pokémon food for each pokémonand at the very back was a dairy who bill came across all the pokémon.Cliff decided to slip his own dairy in there too. "Beep Beep Beep."As bills watch went off. It's time as Cliff slipped the gift into his bag.Then all of a sudden a large door opened and a creature about the sizeof a human came out in sleek armour. Then it flew up in the air. Then therockets leader came out on a balcony, "Hello rebels welcome to my nightmare""I have created what I call a mewtwo." "Now since I'm genrouis you mayfire first." All Men, my dad said, FIRE!!!! All the men startedfiring rounds and rounds of bullets, rockets and gernaides. But to themens shoock. The creature just made a barrier absorbing all the weopens.Then the creature started to glow. Then a blue energy started to collectin it's hand and made a gaint energy ball and whiped it at the army. Whatthe----- as many men were caught in an explosin. Then to the remainingmen were horror struck as the creature raised it's head laughed a sinisterlaugh that made the mens blood run cold. Then the creature started firingseveral small balls of energy at the men some howlled in pain as thierbodys were burnt at melted. John watch out I yelled as ball came towardsus and smashed into the ground in front of us causing us to fly back. Johnyou alright as I looked down but John wasen't there he was nowere. As Clifflooked up no troops were left  the he looked up to see what made hisheart stop the creature had his father by the hand dangling him above anddropped him Cliff yelled NOO!!! As he grabed out his hand gun and fireda shot which the creature just caught in it hand and flung back at him.Auh. As the bullet hit him in the arm he limbed over in pain. Then thecreature made a ball which he threw at Cliff it hit him and threw him wayout into the ocean. Then it blew up. Causing an explosin in the sky thecreature laughed horibly. The flew up in the air and started to collectenergy in his palms and made to very large energy bombs and therew themat they island causing it to exploded in red hot flames. Then the creaturelaughed and flew off into. The sky.
       Is this they end of Cliff? Who will stop the creature find out in
                                  part two of Poké
This is a story my friend and Ihave been planing for a while Deoping wrote the backround(you can tellby the coulors and fonts) while I, the matrix wrote the first part. Pleasesend comments and etc.