The Start of the Superiors
Part 6
Other Trainer
"Now entering the stadium battle field Simon and E.J. of Greenville. They each will be using 3 pokemon each. Let the battle begin." the annoucer yelled as Simon and E.J.took out their pokeballs. "Go Parasect." Simon yelled. "Let's go Arcanine." E.J yelled. "O.K. Parasect use Slash." Simon said as Parasect began to Slash at Arcanine. "Arcanine dodge use Flamethrower." E.J. said as it backed away from Parasect and shot a Flamethrower at it. "Parasect Mega Drain and Foul Odor." Simon said as it absorbed the Flamethrower and shot a pinkish smoke at Arcanine poisoning and confusing it. "Parascet Solar Beam." Simon yelled as Parasect gathered energy from the sun and fired a beam at Arcanine Koing it. "Arcanine return. Go Tauros. Ramming Tackle." E.J. yelled as Tauros ran tackling Parasect at a high speed Koing it. "Parasect return. Get' em Raichu." Simon said recalling Parasect and sending out Raichu. "Tauros use Horn Attack." E.J said as Tauros ran with its horns pointed at Raichu. "Raichu use your Tail Blade." Simon said. Raichu nodded and waited for the Tauros as it came closer it jumped out of the way and whipped its tail at Tauros shocking and making it faint. "Tauros come back. Go Electrode." E.j said as he recalled Tauros and released his Electrode. "Two pokemon with the same types! This is going to intesting folks." the annocer said as the crowd roared with excitement. "O.K. Raichu use Thunder Punch." Simon said as Raichu charged with a Thunder Punch making contact with the Electrode. "Electrode use that energy to our advantage. Power Shock." E.J yelled as Electrode smiled at Raichu and charged the energy from the Thunder Punch and some from itself and sent a powerful shock towards Raichu Koing it. "Raichu Return." Simon said as he thought then pulling out a dark blue pokeball. "Go Blastiose. Earthquake Now." Simon yelled as Blastiose sent a tremor through the ground causing Electrode to faint. "OH MY GOODNESS! WHAT A BATTLE! SIMON'S BLASTOSE WINS BY USING AN EARTHQUAKE ATTACK ON ELECTRODE! YOU CAN'T ASK FOR MORE BETTER BATTLE THEN THAT UNTIL THE FINAL ROUNDS!" the annoucer yelled as the crowd cherred and yelled. "Good fight E." Simon said as he patted E.J on the back. "Thanks Simon. I almost thought I had you." E.J said as they walked over to the rest of the guys and waited for Curtis's battle. "Don't worry guy's I'll make it quick." Curt said as he got up out his seat. "May I ask how are you going to that?" Tim asked with an eyebrow raised. "With him." Curt said holding up a dark purple pokeball. "You can't use him. Are you crazy." Shawn complained. "Why not? He's mine ain't he." Curt said. "Yes but you know he's to powerful for her pokemon. She won't stand a chance." Tim said. "What's he got that's so powerful?" Seth asked appearing fro nowhere. "He's got a Mewtwo." Sharief said looking at Seth. "WHAT!" Seth said in surprise. "Don't be surprised. We all got special pokemon."Simon said. "You do." Seth said confused. "Yeah. I got a Mew. Tim has a Zapdos, Sharief has a Articuno, Simon has a Moltres and Shawn has an Aerodactyl." E.J said. "Oh man." Seth said in amazement. "By the way Tim the boss wants to speak with you and Sharief. It has to be important because he won't tell me." Seth saidstill trying to get over the amazement of the new news he has heard. "We'll be there in a minute. We want to watch Curt's battle." Sharief said as Seth went back to the boss to deliver the message.
"Now entering the Stadium Curtis of Greenville and Isabella of Goldsboro. You each know the rules. Now let's rumble!" the annoucer yelled stirring up the crowd. "Before we start, do you wish to forfit?" Curt asked Isabella. "Hell no. Now let's Battle Go Gloom." She said releasing her Gloom. "Have it your way. Go Mewtwo." Curt yelled releasing Mewtwo. "My G.God." Isabella said speechless. "Gloom. Gloom." the plant pokemon said in fright. "Don't worry Gloom. We can beat him. Use Solar Beam." Isabella getting over the shock of seeing the mystical Mewtwo. Gloom then fired a Solar Beam at Mewtwo hitting him. "Mewtwo Recover and Super Psy." Curt said as Mewtwo nodded and regained its strength and formed a red aura around him forming a ball of red psychic power at Gloom koing it. "Gloom return. Go Kadabra." Isabella said releasing her pokemon. "Kadabra use Psychic." She yelled as it fired a blue wave of psychic energy at Mewtwo who just shook it of. "Mewtwo Psyshock." Curt said calmly as Mewtwo put out a finger forming a circle of colors around it, then formed into a beam which Koed Kadabra. "Kadabra return. Fine I choose....Metapod." Isabella said as Curt, Mewtwo, Tim and the rest of the people all face faulted. "A Metapod." Sharief said. "Is she crazy!" Shawn said. "No she isn't." Tim said smiling. "What do you mean." Simon asked. "You call yourselves pokemon trainers. Bug types are strong agianst Psychic types and Curt only taught Mewtwo Psychic type of attacks. Idiots." Tim said as he began watching the battle agian. "Mewtwo...return." Curt said. "Not so tough when you can't use your strongest pokemon are ya." Isabella said as she started to laugh. Curt just looked up and began to smirk. "I might have recalled my pokemon but he isn't my strongest." he said holding a Dark Gray pokeball. "Go Rydon." Curt said as he released the massive Rydon. "Rydon Horn Drill." Curt said as his Rydon charged at the Metapod Koing on impact. "It was over before it even began." Curt said leaving a crying trainer and a cheering crowd. "WHAT A BATTLE. WE HAVE SEEN THE MYSTICAL MEWTWO IN ACTION AND SHOWING THE POWER OF IT. IT'S TRAINER. Tomorrow, the Semi-Finals. Simon advances to the finals automaticly while Tim and Curt duke it out to go to the finals using 4 pokemon each.