****Hour Later****
"It's about time." Tim said to himself as they entered the gates of Celadon city.
"Tim you comin to watch me battle the gym leader?" Ash asked.
"No not this time. I've got to go call my boss. I'll meet you at the gym." Tim said as he waved to them bye as he entered the Pokemon Center.
"May I help you?" Norse Joy asked.
"Could you show me to the phones please?" Tim asked politly.
"Right that way." Nurse Joy said pointing towards the phone booth's were. Tim thaked her and walked in one and began dialing.
"Hello you have reached the Superiors Headquarters. How may I help you?" a voice asked.
"I need to talk to the boss. Tell him it's Tim." Tim said as the receptionist tried to reach the boss.
"Tim. How's it going?" a male voice said.
"Good. Listen I'm in a city called Celadon. I need some information about any Rocket activity here?" Tim asked.
"Let me check. Hold on." the boss said as Tim waited.
"Here we are. There is said to be that a small band of rockets near the city gym. Check it out. Talk to me when you reach the next city. Bye." the boss said as Tim hung up and went up to the front desk.
"Nurse Joy, were is the gym?" Tim asked her.
"Go past the lower shop and take a left and you should be there in about 5 minutes." she said as Tim thanked her and headed towards the gym.
Tim walked up behind a bush behind the gym. "Boss was right" was all he said as he saw five rockets standing around the corner near the exit of the gym. "Maybe I should introduce myself to them." Tim said smirking as he walked around the bush and appoarched the rockets. As he began walking towards them one of the Rockets noticed him.
"Hey who are you! Go away or face punishment." the rocket said holding up his pokeball.
"Ohh I'm just shaking in my boots." Tim said taking out a dark brown pokeball.
"Fine. Everyone release your pokemon." the rocket said as he and the rest of them released their pokemon. There standing infront of Tim was a Sandslash, 2 Raticate, a Zubat, 2 Spearow and a Muk.
"Is that all you got. Get 'em Fortune!" Tim said releasing his Alakazam. "Fortune Super Psy!" Tim said as Fortune began to glow with red energy. All the rockets commanded their pokemon to attack, but all thier pokmon could do was cowar.
"What's wrong with you pathitic pokemon. Attack!" one of the rockets said.
"You should learn from your pokemon. Be afraid. Be very afraid." Tim said as Fortune shot red balls of psychic energy at the rockets pokemon making all of them faint. "Now for you five." Tim said looking towards the rockets.
"Who. Who are you?" one of the rockets asked.
"A Superior." Tim said smirking. "Fortune Hypnosis." Tim said as Fortune sent out psychic waves making all the rockets faint.
Tim looked down at all the sleeping rockets. "That was easy." Tim said looking at Fortune.
"Kazam. Ala." the psychic pokemon said nodding in agreement with his master.
"Let's go in and find the gang." Tim said as they walked to the front of the gym. As they reached the front they heard yelling.
"Come back here with Pickachu." Ash said yelling at three figures.
"No way twerp. Pickachu is ours now." Jessie said as here Meowth and James ran behind her.
"Yah and we did it with out our back-up." James said smiling.
"Yah, but I wondered what happaned to 'em." Meowth said.
"Come back here." Ash said running from behind them followed by Misty and Brock.
"How who's going to stop us you." Jessie said laughing.
"No I will." Tim said as Jessie, James and Meowth skidded to a halt.
"Will see about that. Go Wheezing." James said releasing his Wheezing.
"Fine by me. Go Fortune." Tim said as Fortune walked infront of Tim in a fighting position.
"Wheezing Sludge attack!" James said as Wheezing shot a sluge attack at Fortune who teleaported out of the way.
"Fortune use Nite Spirit." Tim said as Fortune shot a blackish-purple beam at Wheezing Koing it.
"Oh no Wheezing." James said as his Wheezing hit the ground.
"Do I have do everything myself. Go Arbok!" She said releasing her Arbok. "Poison Sting!" Jessie said as Arbok fired needle-like projectiles at Fortune, who again teleported out of the way.
"Fortune Psybeam!" Tim said as Fortune shot a multi-colored psybeam at Arbok making it faint. "Now Fortune get pickachu." Tim ordered.
"It has to get past me foist." Meowth said extending its claws.
"Fortune use Disable on all three of them." Tim said in a calm voice as Fortune's eyes began to turn blue freezing Team Rocket their places as Tim walked to the cage which held pickachu and released it.
"Pickachu." it said as it ran up to Ash and hugged him.
"Thanks Tim for releasing pickachu." Ash said thanking Tim.
"Hey no problem, Ash." Tim said as him and Fortune walked up to the rest of the gang. "Now what do we do about them." Tim said pointing towards the frozen Team Rocket Members.
"I got an idea. Pickachu Thunderbolt." Ash said as Pickachu shocked Team Rocket releasing them from their frozen state.
"Fortune Mega Punch!" Tim said as Fortune mega punched Meowth into Jessie and James sending them flying with thier pokemon.
"Looks like Team Rocket is blasting off again." the said as they flew off.
"So did you get your badge?" Tim asked Ash recalling Fortune.
Ash just smiled and held up a rainbow-colored badge. "Does this say anything." Ash said smiling.
"Well we should head toward the Center and get some sleep." Tim said as they all began to walk.
"Ya just don't wake us up with a water gun in the morning." Misty said as they headed towards the Center to get some sleep.